
  1. Acute gastritis what is it
  2. Rating of the most used drugs for 2025

Rating of the best medicines for gastritis for 2025

Rating of the best medicines for gastritis for 2025

Disgusting eructations, aching pains in the stomach, nausea, and the like. Gastritis is an acute inflammatory reaction of the intestinal mucosa, while its functions are impaired.

The disease is common and affects not only old people, but also young people and even children. The disease makes some adjustments to our life, making it not of high quality, painful. The disease can become chronic if left untreated.

Statistics confirm that about half of people from all over the world suffer from gastritis! For example, in 2018, about 90 million patients were detected! Of course, the disease progresses with age, but it's all individual.

Acute gastritis what is it

It is worth noting that gastritis is individual in nature and manifests itself in each person in different ways. The disease can occur with low or high acidity. This means that rational treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. If you drink medicines on your own, then this can lead to negative consequences.

The disease is characterized by sudden and aggressive irritation of the intestinal mucosa. Naturally, this is influenced by foreign factors. If the doctor uses endoscopy, then he can see a lot of reddened cells. Also, the specialist may observe small surface tears, small areas of bleeding and significant atrophy of the epithelial cells. First of all, the functions of the stomach are disturbed, most often secretory.

Chronic gastritis

A long illness that is not so pronounced. The mucous surface of the intestine becomes thinner every day, because normal cells are destroyed. One of the main cell types is lymphocytes, which are responsible for the functioning of the immune system. In this form, the disease can even lead to stomach cancer.

The disease requires adequate treatment. You can use tablets, extracts, injections prescribed by a doctor. Inflammation resistance, mucosal protection and acid elimination are the main goals to be achieved.

Rating of the most used drugs for 2025

Antisecretory agents to reduce acidity and reduce the secretory activity of the stomach

Since gastritis is a problem of an individual nature, depending on the severity, doctors can immediately prescribe several medications.


Great for reducing acidity and reducing acid production. Most importantly, it prevents the development of Helicobacter pylori. The main component - pantoprazole well cures not only gastritis, but also intestinal ulcers. The medicine has antibacterial properties. It can be safely used in combination with antibiotics.
Produced in the form of tablets, they can be taken 1-2 times a day. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for children. Because of this, it has not very good reviews.

  • effective antibacterial fight against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • acts quickly.
  • not detected.


The substance perfectly blocks H2 histamine receptors, has been used for a long time. Known for its low price and good performance. It perfectly treats stomach ulcers, lowers acidity, activates the protective functions of the body. Also used in the treatment of reflux esophagitis and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

  • fast therapeutic effect, which is noticeable after 20 minutes;
  • pleased with the low price and instant efficiency;
  • a good remedy against H2 histamine receptors.
  • not found.


A very inexpensive drug that is used against hyperacidity. This is a great analogue of Omez. One dose per day is enough to neutralize the painful symptoms. The course of application is 2-8 weeks.The component cannot completely get rid of the disease, but it will definitely improve the symptoms.

  • customer reviews are positive.
  • the price matches the quality.
  • a lot of poor quality effects, but they do not always appear.


Perfectly and quickly copes with high acidity. Its clinical effectiveness has been proven long ago through research. Its active ingredient, omeprazole, dissolves well within a few hours. The agent protects the mucous membrane and forms a protective layer on the surface.

Tablets are used to treat gastritis, ulcers and their prevention. They are recommended to be taken with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • well studied and recommended for use;
  • effective remedy.
  • not found.


A unique, newest drug that is used to treat acid-dependent pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The active ingredient - esomeprazole qualitatively fights the acidity of gastric juice. By taking the medicine, it is possible to quickly and effectively get rid of an ulcer or gastritis. The medicine has almost no negative consequences. The medication makes it possible to forget about the disease for a long time. For adults, there are tablets of 20 and 40 mg. For the younger generation, it is made in the form of granules, from which a suspension can be prepared.

  • it is not cheap, but those who tried it were satisfied;
  • patient reviews are only positive;
  • suitable for children and almost has no analogues.
  • not identified.

Antacids to eliminate excess acid


Used to treat heartburn and acid indigestion.Available in the form of tablets for chewing and suspension. It neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the stomach and raises the pH level. Magnesium hydroxide and hydrated alumina are the active ingredients. May be used alone and with other acid-reducing medications. It stands out for its enveloping and adsorbing action. The remedy is recommended for ulcers and gastritis, has a pleasant taste and rarely causes side effects.

Before taking it, it is useful to consult a doctor, as he also has contraindications: kidney failure and urolithiasis. Be sure to check if it will cause you side effects. Given the cost of the course and the need to take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, such an oversight may not be the most pleasant waste of the budget.

  • ease of use: tablets for chewing and suspension;
  • high efficiency;
  • no need to get a prescription.
  • not found.


Almagel is a suspension that can quickly cope with the manifestations of heartburn. It is generally used to prevent or treat ulcers and to relieve the symptoms of heartburn and indigestion. Its effects can be felt within minutes. There are several versions of the tool. In the classic green version, it contains algeldrate and magnesium hydroxide. The yellow package (with the name Almagel A) includes benzocaine, with an anesthetic and pain-relieving effect. Almagel NEO helps with bloating and the release of gases thanks to the carminative agent - simethicone. Suitable for any type of gastritis.

There comes a quick and pronounced effect, however, it will be difficult to take it outside the home, on the road.There is an opinion among scientists that the regular use of Almagel is addictive: and the effectiveness decreases.

  • three options with different directions of action.
  • addictive, and effectiveness is reduced.


Rennie is a healthy and tasty tablet that acts in the stomach to neutralize excess stomach acid, helping to relieve the discomfort associated with heartburn and indigestion. They themselves have different tastes: in the variant with sugar, there is calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxycarbonate.

Stimulates the production of mucus, whose function is to protect the walls of the stomach and promote their recovery. Acts within 3-5 minutes after taking: one of the fastest acting products on the market.

The main feature and great advantage of these pills is that they are allowed to be taken during pregnancy, during which women often have to deal with heartburn. Regarding the duration of the effect of the remedy, you can hear different opinions: the reason is that Rennie affects each organism individually.

  • speed: will work in 3 minutes;
  • best generic for heartburn during pregnancy.
  • affects each organism individually.


Gastal - tablets used to relieve symptoms and treat acid diseases of the digestive tract by neutralizing hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. Available in the form of lozenges for resorption: this allows you to carry it always at hand. Does not require drinking water. Tablets are usually taken as part of complex therapy for gastritis and ulcers.

The duration of taking Gastal will be selected for you by a doctor: you can take it both as a course and for a one-time relief from the symptoms of heartburn. Daily dose: not more than 8 tablets. Side effects are very rare: in exceptional cases, allergic reactions are possible.

  • quickly and effectively relieves irritation of the walls of the stomach;
  • effective tablets with mint, cherry and orange flavors.
  • not found.


Aluminum phosphate capsules (20%) neutralizes stomach acid: treats gastritis, reflux esophagitis, as well as a number of gastric and intestinal disorders. Release - in the form of a gel, packaged in packages with single doses. Approved for use even by children: from 6 months. Constipation may occur with prolonged use.

Doctors recommend 2-3 doses of 1-2 packets per day: however, not everyone can afford it, given the price. However, with normal heartburn, in most cases, a single use of Phosphalugel is sufficient.

  • allowed to use for children from 6 months;
  • convenient packing in packages on doses.
  • not found.

Bismuth preparations effective in the presence of Helicobacter pylori


One tablet of De-Nol, which has recently become very popular, contains 120 mg of bismuth, which can affect the bacterium Helicobacter pylopi, it also forms a protective film on the gastric mucosa. The greatest effect is achieved if the tablets are used in combination with antibacterial agents and in complex therapy. The tool can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription, but it is undesirable to take it without the advice of a doctor and control on his part. Can be given to children from 4 years old.

The cost, taking into account the need for course admission, is quite high and can scare many away, since it is one of the original ones. During the reception, dark-colored stools and constipation may occur.

  • acts quickly;
  • irritates the walls of the stomach;
  • with a high bismuth content.
  • the cost is quite high.


Russian-made generic is prescribed for gastritis, ulcers, functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome. It contains 120 mg of bismuth oxide. In addition, the composition includes magnesium stearate, macrogol 6000, potassium polyacrylate, povidone K30, and corn starch. Novobismol is no different from other bismuth-based drugs, but has already earned favorable reviews from both doctors and their patients, especially since its cost is much lower than many analogues.

Reviews of a large number of people who had the opportunity to compare the action of Novobismol and more expensive tablets indicate that they did not notice much difference in the results of use. So in terms of quality and effectiveness, generics may not be inferior to original drugs, although both doctors and pharmacists usually offer to buy originals.



  • many positive reviews;
  • Generic De-Nola high quality.
  • not found.


Escape, produced in Russia, is an inexpensive generic of the famous De-Nol. Its difference from the original is only in the absence of one of the excipients - macrogol 6000, which reduces the possibility of constipation.Not so widely known and not so popular, but it is highly effective in the complex treatment of gastritis with a complication in the form of Helicobacter pylori infection.

Escape can hardly be called budgetary, since it is only 20% cheaper than De-Nol, but the reviews are extremely positive. Users approved and highly appreciated the high efficiency, rapid elimination of abdominal pain, nausea and heartburn.

  • effective drug based on bismuth;
  • sold at an average price.
  • not found.


It is not new at all, but it is well known for several generations and is still popular today. This is a combined drug, which, in addition to bismuth, contains magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and natural plant components - extracts of alder buckthorn bark and calamus rhizomes. Thanks to this combination of components, Vikair has an antispasmodic, antacid, astringent and mild laxative effect at the same time. The tool is finding more and more admirers due to its proven effectiveness and affordable price.

Children and women during pregnancy is contraindicated. But sometimes it is prescribed to pregnant women from the second trimester.

  • a drug with optimal efficiency, known for decades;
  • fast action;
  • affordable cost.
  • during pregnancy is contraindicated.


Ulcavis is a complete generic of De-Nol. The composition of the drug contains a standard dose of bismuth - 120 mg, and macrogol 6000, magnesium stearate, potassium polycrilin, povidone, corn starch are used among the auxiliary components. It has pronounced antibacterial properties.Ulcavis is able to have an enveloping effect, which increases the protection of the mucosa and promotes tissue regeneration at the site of injury. Course treatment for 4-8 weeks, 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.

The cost is about 30% lower than De-Nol, which is noted as an advantage in numerous laudatory reviews, along with a high level of efficiency.

  • the most famous generic De-Nol with a low cost;
  • effective;
  • efficient.
  • not found.


Many people know Motilium as a remedy for flatulence and bloating, but not everyone knows its antiemetic effect. It can relieve overeating by increasing gastric peristalsis and thereby speeding up emptying. This is facilitated by the active substance domperidone. Motilium in combination with other drugs is effective for gastritis, ulcers, reflux.

Available in two dosage forms - suspension and tablets. It can be used even in the treatment of infants. The cost is quite high, so not everyone to whom it is shown and assigned can use it. Motilium, along with positive ones, also has side effects, so not everyone speaks positively about it.

  • the most famous drug for the normalization of gastric motility;
  • acts quickly;
  • safe.
  • not found.


It has an antiemetic effect. It blocks dopamine receptors, accelerates gastric emptying, helps reduce reflux, and improves gastric motility. Metoclopramide is used in the complex treatment of gastritis, ulcers, reflux esophagitis. It is released in pharmacies without a prescription, but it must be taken as directed by a doctor and under constant supervision.It is contraindicated for pregnant women, so it will not be possible to reduce toxicosis with its help.

Metoclopramide is a cheap remedy, but its effectiveness is not inferior to the more expensive Cerucal. It is necessary to take into account such possible side effects as reduced attention and drowsiness before starting the reception. Decreased attention is a contraindication to driving during treatment.

  • cheap generic Cerucal, which costs much more;
  • released in pharmacies without a prescription;
  • affordable cost.
  • side effects - decreased alertness and drowsiness


Enzyme preparation, which includes pancreatin and ox bile extract, improves digestion by helping to release acid in the stomach. After taking Festal, pain, heaviness, sensations of bloating and flatulence disappear, and gastric emptying is accelerated. It has long been known and very much in demand, since it has practically no contraindications. The main indication for use is chronic pancreatitis, but Festal also has a positive effect in the complex treatment of gastritis.

The duration of the course of treatment, as well as the selection of other necessary drugs, should be determined by the doctor so that the treatment has a positive effect. Course reception can last several weeks.

  • well-known popular drug;
  • has practically no contraindications.
  • not found.

Panzinorm 10000

An enzyme preparation that facilitates the digestion of food. Can be used for gastritis with low acidity at any stage. Panzinorm removes nausea and a feeling of fullness in the stomach, reduces heaviness and discomfort, as well as the risk of flatulence.

As an independent medicine, it almost does not benefit, but it shows sufficient effectiveness as part of complex therapy in the treatment of gastritis, reducing the load on the digestive system and thereby contributing to its rapid recovery. Panzinorm relieves inflammation and quickly relieves symptoms. In the instructions, the duration of administration is not limited, but long-term use is still undesirable.

Panzinorm 10000
  • cheap drug to eliminate digestive problems;
  • relieves inflammation and quickly relieves symptoms.
  • do not take as an independent remedy, only in combination with other medicines.

With gastritis with low acidity


An enzyme preparation effective as part of complex therapy for gastritis with low acidity. Mezim helps to speed up the process of digestion of food, relieves the feeling of discomfort and heaviness. In indications for use, gastritis with low acidity is not specifically indicated, but it is with complex treatment that it helps to reduce the load on a weakened stomach and accelerates its recovery.

Relatively inexpensive, but quite effective, with virtually no contraindications and perfectly combined with other drugs. Many do not stop taking Mezim after the end of the course of treatment for gastritis, as well-being improves significantly.

  • inexpensive enzyme preparation, which is very popular;
  • acts quickly.
  • not found.

Possible manifestations of gastritis are nausea, severe stomach pain, heartburn, or a feeling of heaviness.At the time of exacerbation of chronic gastritis or in the acute form of the disease, it is very important to correctly select the best medicines for treatment in order to alleviate the patient's condition.

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