
  1. Incandescent lamps - general information
  2. Technical specifications
  3. Difficulties of choice
  4. Safe use
  5. Rating of the best incandescent lamps for the home for 2025
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best incandescent lamps for the home for 2025

Rating of the best incandescent lamps for the home for 2025

A standard incandescent light bulb is a very simple and fairly common light source, of which there are a great many variations in our time. At the same time, you should not buy light bulbs, solely relying on the fact that it will “surely fit”, because they differ in power and design. If you use an incandescent bulb in an improper appliance, it is easy to start a huge fire. It is worth noting that today incandescent lamps have many alternative light sources, but all of them are far from becoming generally accepted substitutes. This position is maintained because, due to the simplicity of their design, the devices in question are extremely low-cost, and the heat dissipated by them can be useful in some household appliances, for example, in domestic incubators.Indeed, now the production of incandescent lamps has noticeably begun to curtail, which is why it has become more and more difficult to find a high-quality device of this type on the market. Moreover, situations are not uncommon when old lamps from the times of the USSR are still working, and a recently purchased copy fails for a couple of months.

Incandescent lamps - general information

These devices are still easy to find on the modern market, and their cost remains not very high. The power of these light sources varies from 15 to 150 watts, the light emanating from them is distinguished by a soft yellow-white tint (which can be different - from pink to blue). Their glass case can be either transparent or colored or matte. In general, the described products have the following characteristics:

  • They generate their light by heating the filament with an electric current, which is fed into the glass shell. These devices are capable of providing general lighting and are used for local, ceiling or floor lighting.
  • Devices are often used for traditional lighting of residential premises, and if they have increased power - to create high-quality light over the workplace. In the latter case, it is important to make sure that the power of the bulb matches the characteristics of the lamp where it will be inserted (these characteristics are indicated on the lamp base and in the technical information for the lamp, for example, E14 or E27).
  • Also, the products in question are used in working table and decorative lamps, lightning bolts, floor lamps, working models, coupled with a magnifying glass, for illuminating shop windows, in wall lamps, in ceiling chandeliers and wall lamps, in lighting fixtures for footpaths and landscape.

IMPORTANT! Incandescent light bulbs are gradually disappearing from circulation, because they are being replaced by more economical models.In most European countries, they simply stopped producing them, and in other countries very strict energy saving rules are set for them.

Technical specifications

Bulb base - bottom contact of the base

For incandescent lamps of different shapes, the lower contact of the base will be different. In principle, this circumstance will not affect the operation of the lighting device, however, there are still differences by type:

  • Type "A" (small) - such a contact has an area of ​​​​contact with the central spring-loaded contact, i.e. with a copper tongue in the cartridge, much less than in other models. With frequent changes in light sources, the tongue shifts slightly to the side, due to which some contacts will not have contact, and therefore even a working light bulb will not be able to shine.
  • Type "B" (medium) - for such models, the contact area is also small, but not as much as that of the above, which is a rather compromise solution.
  • Type "C" (large) - in such samples, the copper pad is quite weighty, even worn out cartridges can easily work with it. However, everything will depend on the presence of cartridge play.

Soldering Reliability

Models of incandescent lamps may also differ in the method of connecting the outer part of the conductor. It can be made in two ways: by classical soldering (types "A" and "C") and spot welding (type "B"). The latter type, although it is considered more technological, but such a connection is subject to faster destruction. Today, the most reliable is considered a simple and high-quality soldering type "A". Also, soldering will affect the filament, which varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Traditionally, filaments are made of tungsten, but osmium-tungsten alloys can also be found.In the latter case, thanks to the soldering of additional hooks for support, it is possible to reduce the sagging of the thread.

Fixation quality

The metal base is attached to the glass flask using a special mastic. Its layer can be easily seen through the transparent glass of the light bulb. If the manufacturer decides to save on this component, then the device is simply doomed to an early breakdown. This will happen because from permanent heating the bulb will easily detach from the base, hang on the wires, and then fall and break. It is worth remembering that a self-respecting manufacturer will never save on such parts.

Filament crimping

Often, light bulbs burn out due to poor-quality fastening of the thread with support electrodes. And such a disadvantage is very easy to hide in frosted light bulbs. In transparent models, it is extremely easy to detect it on the contrary.

Difficulties of choice

Determination of goals

To do this, you just need to go through all the rooms with a sheet and a pencil, making a kind of inventory. For example, for a chandelier designed for five lamps, you need to decide on the power of the devices, with their base and the shape of the glass bulb (so that the light sources do not get out of the general style). It is only worth once to compile a similar list for all home fixtures, and then rely on the information from it when you need to replace the lamps.

Checking the color temperature

It should always be established what color the source reproduces: cold or warm? As a rule, it is more comfortable for a person to use sources with warm colors. If local or accent and intense lighting is required, then cold color can also be used. However, if the general interior of the illuminated room is designed in blue or gray tones, then in this case a neutral white color is better suited.And in the case of a high-tech interior, it is preferable to use bright white light scales (which are labeled as 4000 Kelvin). With such indicators in the indicated interior, it is very easy to create the effect of constant and natural daylight.

Stylish textures

With the help of the shape and color of the glass bulb, it is possible to emphasize the textures of the interior. For example, for a wall that is decorated like a brick, light bulbs with an elongated bulb for a candle and with a matte color are perfect. If, on the contrary, the walls and ceiling are painted in a minimalist style, then it would be appropriate to use transparent models with small flasks.

Creation of strategic stocks

Modern incandescent lamps are designed to work for several years. Indeed, they are able to work a couple of dozen months. However, with a long service life, the amount of light emitted by the product will steadily decrease. Among professionals, there is a special term for this effect - "light fall", which means the issuance of dim lighting. In order for the lighting to be proper at the right time, it is necessary to make and keep a minimum supply of incandescent lamps.

Energy Efficiency Check

Naturally, most of the energy consumption is taken not by lamps, but by household electrical appliances such as refrigerators, electric stoves and air conditioners. It is very difficult to optimize the operation of these devices, but the operation of incandescent lamps is easy! To do this, you should determine those places in the house where the light burns often and where it turns on only for a short time.Thus, for permanent lighting it is better to use products of low power, but in those places where the light is lit for a while (bath or toilet), it is advisable to use more powerful models.

The amount of light and the power of the bulbs

There is such a term as "overexposure", which means an excessive abundance of light in the room. In such a situation, even the brightest colors can lose their appeal. Under such conditions, the eyes of an adult will very quickly feel tired, and in young children, the organs of vision, on the contrary, will become overexcited. The solution here is very simple - you just need to install light sources of reduced power. If it is difficult to establish the boundary between “a lot of light” and “little light”, then the easiest way is to mount a dimmable switch, by turning which it is easy to adjust the brightness to the desired level.

Safe use

Using Light Sources with Proper Power

Any incandescent lamp should only be used with compatible fixtures. However, the following pattern can be traced here: a low-power light source can be used in a cartridge that is designed for a high-power light bulb, but not vice versa. If you install a powerful source in an improper cartridge, then the risk of fire will increase significantly. Especially if the resulting difference in terms of power is very significant. In cases where the difference is not so great, then the occurrence of precisely fire-hazardous manifestations of electric current will inevitably lead to a fire over time. And extinguishing an electric fire is clearly not an easy task.

Determining the amount of light

Today it is usually expressed in lumens.This unit of measurement, unlike power, serves to reflect the amount of light emitted. The higher the lumens, the brighter the bulb will burn. From this it is clear that if you need to illuminate a sufficiently large area, then you need to use a source with a high lumens (usually more than 1000 units). For a small table lamp, this amount is not required. The main rule says - "the more units of lumens a product has, the more its light will look like daytime sunlight."

Flask shape and base

Previously, the variants of the forms of the flask did not differ in variety - they were only a “pear” or “candle flame”. Today there are already spherical, and A-shaped, and tubular, and with irregular geometry. Usually, the shape does not play a big role, but the flask, as a very fragile part of the device in question, must be reliably protected from accidental damage and breaking, so the shape of the flask should easily fit under the lampshade or ceiling. The same applies to the base - it must be firmly fixed in the cartridge, because otherwise the lamp may fall out and break, or a loosely fixed base will give out backlash, leading to poor contact and, accordingly, to flickering and sparking. The most common plinths come in the following sizes:

  • Classic E27;
  • Small E14 (their flasks are made in the form of a candle or a ball);
  • Large E40 (street lighting masts work on such).

IMPORTANT! The letter "E" means the base diameter, and the number after it is the number in millimeters.

Expected service life

All described products have a specific service life.Due to a change in the technology of manufacturing incandescent lamps, modern samples are designed for a much shorter period of work - it is up to a year. Older samples were less environmentally friendly, but they worked longer - up to 3 years. Traditionally, it is customary to calculate the total service life, starting from a daily lamp glow period of a maximum of three hours. Thus, the use of incandescent bulbs without forced shutdown is simply unacceptable. Moreover, they burn out faster than all other options.

Cost and costs

No wonder this item is assigned to the section on security. By purchasing a light source based on an incandescent filament, the buyer pays not only for the device itself, but also for the energy that it will consume. As mentioned above, incandescent bulbs are now the most inefficient, despite the fact that when they glow, they give out 5% of the energy consumed not as light, but as heat. From this it is clear that in the current realities it is easier to use safer and less energy-consuming variations.

The presence of mercury in the product

In principle, the presence of this metal in the bulb will not affect the quality of lighting or other nuances of operation. Nevertheless, when the light bulb has worked out its resource, it is not allowed to simply throw it into the trash can - it is subject to special disposal. These light sources include all modern energy-saving and luminescent models, as well as the latest incandescent hybrid products. Information about the presence of mercury in the flask must be indicated on the product packaging.

Rating of the best incandescent lamps for the home for 2025

Budget segment

3rd place: Lisma B 230-40-2 230V 40W E27

A simple and unpretentious version of a standard light bulb.It is designed for a small number of on / off cycles and does not differ in special power. The light gives out a standard - yellow-white. The lamp is not strongly exposed to heat, so it can be used in almost any type of lamp. The flask has a classic shape and is able to fit into any ceiling. Manufacturing materials are traditional. The recommended cost for retail chains is 22 rubles.

Lisma B 230-40-2 230V 40W E27
  • Classic materials of manufacture;
  • Possibility of use in almost any lamps;
  • A great option for a home night light.
  • Short service life.

2nd place: Lisma B 230-95-4 230V 95W E27

This sample is distinguished by increased power, slightly larger sizes and a small base. The shape of the flask is the traditional pear-shaped. The main purpose of the product is the implementation of local lighting. Perfect for small spaces such as bathrooms or toilets. Recommended for fans of conventional light sources whose eyes do not accept fluorescent or LED lighting. The established cost for retail chains is 23 rubles.

Lisma B 230-95-4 230V 95W E27
  • Easy installation;
  • Traditional flask shape;
  • Sufficient brightness.
  • Service life - 1000 hours.

1st place: "ERA DS, candle, 60W, 230V, E14, corrugated B0039126"

This model is oriented for use in figured ceiling chandeliers, because the shape of its flask is made in the form of a candle flame. The light of the lamp emits warm and white, and its power is enough to illuminate the hallway.The manufacturer recommends using several similar light sources in one chandelier at once, preferably with the same service life, so that separate dim areas are not created. The recommended cost for retail chains is 29 rubles.

ERA DS, candle, 60W, 230V, E14, corrugated B0039126
  • Good power for medium spaces;
  • Warm and white light;
  • Adequate cost;
  • Figured form of a flask.
  • Narrow focus of application;
  • Use preferably immediately in a group.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "Uniel VINTAGE IL-V-L45A-40/GOLDEN/E27"

This product, which uses a curly filament, is intended for the creation and design of designer options for lamps. Its flask has an unusual shape and is coated with a special compound that both obscures the emitted light and prevents the flask from overheating. Therefore, such a lamp is easy to integrate into a homemade wooden structure and even placed under a fabric lampshade. Its power is 40 watts, which is less annoying to the eyes than a similar filament lamp. The recommended cost for retail chains is 203 rubles.

  • Non-standard shape;
  • Special coating;
  • Possibility of interaction with combustible materials;
  • Service life - 5000 hours.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "Navigator NI-V-FC-C-40-230-E14-CLG 71952"

Another design version of the light bulb, designed for decoration and decoration. The shape of the base can be taken both for a thin sheet and for a wriggling tongue of flame. The walls of the flask are painted in soft matte light.The base of the product is small, so it is better to use it in combination with others like it for decorating chandelier groups. The power is 95 watts, which is enough to light an average room, and the service life is rated at 3000 hours. The recommended cost for retail chains is 229 rubles.

Navigator NI-V-FC-C-40-230-E14-CLG 71952
  • Sufficient service life;
  • Adequate cost;
  • original form.
  • It is recommended to use mainly in a group.

1st place: "Uniel Vintage, cylinder IL-V-L32A-60/GOLDEN/E27"

Despite the external thinness, this model has a decent base of 27 millimeters and it is quite possible to use it in a single copy. The brightness is 3000 units, but the filament is integrated in such a way that using the dimmer switch you can adjust the desired glow to the smallest variations. The sample is supposed to be used as a decorative element. The recommended cost for retail chains is 267 rubles.

Uniel Vintage, cylinder IL-V-L32A-60/GOLDEN/E27
  • Innovative thread positioning technology;
  • Possibility of smooth adjustment;
  • Great basement area.
  • Setting is only possible with a dimmer.

Premium class

3rd place: "Neon-Night e27 10 W white bulb for garland Belt-Light 401-115"

The manufacturer of this product suggests using this sample exclusively as part of garlands. Moreover, it can be both decorative illumination and a track for lighting underground tunnels. The power of each element is about 120 watts, and the service life can last about 5000 hours. The flask is made in the form of a regular ball, which makes it possible to cover it with a small lampshade.The glass part has a matte tint, which allows you to enhance the white and cold glow. The recommended cost for retail chains is 702 rubles.

Neon-Night e27 10 W white bulb for garland Belt-Light 401-115
  • Powerful and bright white-cold light shade;
  • Possibility of use as a part of garlands;
  • Wide plinth.
  • Too high price.

2nd place: "IR175R E27 230V PAR38 PHILIPS 871150060053015"

This industrial design is intended for use in particularly difficult conditions - in production or on farms. The flask is made of refractory glass and painted red. This product can be used as a signal light. The plinth has a diameter of 27 millimeters, which is sufficient. The emitted infrared light is able to provide a simple and non-damaging on the skin influx of heat. With the help of this product it is possible to heat animals, plants, keep food warm. The recommended cost for retail chains is 925 rubles.

IR175R E27 230V PAR38 PHILIPS 871150060053015
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Refractory glass flask;
  • infrared light.
  • Too high price.

1st place: "PHILIPS Refl 40W E14 230V NR50 30D 1CT/30 3023"

This branded product is specially designed for household appliances of the Dutch company, which have the functions of projector equipment. It can be used both in independent lanterns and in garlands. The sample is focused on industrial use. Despite its small base (only 14 millimeters), the lamp produces an excellent cool white color scheme at 3000 Kelvin.The amplification of the emitted light is produced by a silver coating deposited on the flask. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2,178 rubles.

PHILIPS Refl 40W E14 230V NR50 30D 1CT/30 3023
  • Branded and high-quality consumables for floodlight equipment;
  • Easy installation;
  • Multifunctionality.
  • Very, very high price.


In the premises of an apartment with a high frequency of turning off / on and a short time of using light (pantry, bathroom), it is better to install incandescent lamps, since the duration of the operation of energy-saving models will depend on the number of inclusions, and their price is quite high. From this it is clear that it is more practical to use the products in question in such premises - they have a low price and are not limited in the number of shutdowns. In a corridor where people are not constantly, and the effect of flicker or ultraviolet will not harm, it is better to install a fluorescent lamp. For living rooms at home, an LED lamp with a warm yellow glow without flickering will be the best choice, because it will not create discomfort and can save money due to its long service life.

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