Dish lids are an essential fixture in any kitchen. They have a wide range of functions - preventing dust or insects from getting into food, protecting the stove from splashing juice or grease, keeping food at a high temperature for a long time and increasing the effect of heat on food during cooking, and are easy to store.
While going to the store, you can see the variety of these utensils, but only a few manufacturers make a truly high-quality product that is not only durable, but also safe for health. Knowing the types, selection criteria, as well as the rating of the best products in this category for 2025 will help to distinguish the best models from low-quality ones.
What are the covers? First of all, they differ in material, since if we talk about the shape, then they are produced mainly round, and square ones are extremely rare due to their impracticality.
Types of covers by material:
According to the type of construction, the covers are divided into:
Also covers are divided into:
Currently, reusable lids are the most popular, as people more often think about the environment and choose those things that will serve them for a long time. Disposables are gradually leaving the kitchen market, as they are made of plastic and have a weaker resistance to cracking under pressure, accidental impact or sudden changes in temperature.
How to choose a lid for dishes and avoid mistakes when choosing? Often consumers pay attention only to the diameter of the product, not paying due attention to other criteria. In order for the kitchen appliance to be convenient and serve for a long time, you must follow the following tips:
By following the above recommendations, it will be easier for consumers to decide which cap to buy?.
TimA is a Russian kitchen accessories company that started operations 15 years ago. The purpose of this brand was to provide the population with durable, environmentally friendly, convenient and at the same time affordable products.
Model number 4728 is made from TimA's proprietary material, glass-filled polyamide, which was developed from Belgian polyamide, number PA-66, and also added fiberglass to the composition. This combination has significantly increased the heat resistance of the brand's products and made them environmentally friendly. Diameter - from 24 to 28 cm, finished with steel that protects the lid from cracking in case of a fall. The handle is made of heat-resistant black plastic. On the surface of the lid there is a hole for steam to escape, which is also protected by a steel coating. By weight, the model has average values.
This product is one of the most popular, so consumers will not have problems finding it either in specialized stores for kitchen accessories or in online stores.
How much does this item cost? Its average cost: from 220 to 300 rubles.
In Russia, they learned about this manufacturer only in 2008, when the French company expanded its influence and approached the export of products with special attention. The popularity of the brand's models is due to the fact that the company uses a special type of material - borosilicate glass, which is not only resistant to various damages, but also withstands high temperatures. Lids from it can be used for baking both in the microwave and in the microwave.
The main body of the Pyrex High BH28 model is made of special glass for kitchen utensils, and the handle is made of heat-resistant plastic that can withstand temperatures above 300 degrees. For these reasons, Pyrex High BH28 can be used in the oven without fear of melting the handle or warping the base material. The size of the lid is from 24 to 28 cm. The sides of the product are protected by an additional thick layer of glass so that the main part does not crack upon impact. There is no hot air outlet.
You can buy this model both in a special store and order online via the Internet. In addition, the Pyrex brand has an official website where you can place an order.
The cost is 280 rubles.
The domestic trademark Attribute has been working in two directions - household goods and kitchen goods - for more than 10 years.Just like the previous best manufacturers in this field, the company prefers to make lids from glass, because this material has such important characteristics for dishes as strength, heat resistance and attractive appearance.
The lid shown in the photo is made of tempered glass. Its diameter is only 20 centimeters. If we talk about what other materials were used to create this product, then this is steel and ultra-light plastic with increased heat resistance, called Bakelite. The edges of the product are protected first, and the handle is made of beige Bakelite. Also, the product is equipped with a steam outlet, which is edged with steel.
Where to buy this model? The Attribute brand has an official website where you can read descriptions of various product lines, as well as order them by mail.
Price - 300 rubles.
If the question arises, “The product of which foreign company has taken root better in Russia?”, Then the answer will be unequivocal - Tefal. The French brand has won the People's Brand award in Russia 6 times for its electrical appliances, but kitchen accessories, according to buyers, can also be considered the best because of their durability and environmental friendliness. But despite all the achievements, the French maca continues to work hard in the field of kitchen appliances and accessories and releases new items every year.
This fixture is made of glass and finished with steel in diameter to increase the strength of the structure. The circumference is 24 cm. The handle is made of black bakelite and has a special shape - round, but at the same time concave inward on one of the sides for greater convenience. The name of the company is also written on its surface. In addition, there is a hot air exhaust function.
You can buy these products both in a regular store and via the Internet due to the wide prevalence of the brand. Also, all Tefal products are supplied in special boxes that protect the first from mechanical damage during transportation.
The cost of the goods is 400 rubles.
The international company Bradex, originally from Israel, has been supplying glass lids and a variety of aluminum dishes for over 22 years. The company's products successfully pass periodic quality checks, confirmed by sanitary and epidemiological conclusions and certificates.
This model, numbered 0081, is made of green dyed silicone and has a diameter of 29 cm. Instead of a large standard handle, usually located in the center of the product, there are small handles on the sides. Thanks to the stretchable material, the product is easy to fold in half and store, as it does not take up much space. Also in the set are provided plastic petals located in the center of the product and serving in order to open the steam outlet if desired.
You can buy BRADEX TK 0081 in any available store, as well as purchase it in any online store.
Price - 540 rubles.
The Russian company Mallony has been on the market for kitchen accessories for 17 years. She has a large assortment that is available to many people because of the good value for money.
The cover shown in the photo is made of the following materials: glass, silicone and steel. The product has an unusual appearance that distinguishes it from all previous models - it has wide silicone sides, as well as a high black handle, which is comfortable to grip. The hot air outlet is lined with steel.
You can buy goods online or by directly visiting specialized outlets. When delivered from the official store of the brand, a bubble wrap is placed in the kit for greater safety during transportation.
You can buy this product for 700 rubles.
Fissman has been manufacturing kitchen appliances for over 10 years. Producing countries are China and South Korea. The main feature of the brand is a wide range of colors of products.
The presented device for keeping heat inside the dishes and protecting surrounding objects from grease is made of silicone and glass. The sides and handle are made of special marbled gray print silicone and there is also a steam vent. Dimensions - 26 cm. There are no metal parts.
You can buy this product in the online store or in chain stores during a personal visit.
Price - 900 rubles.
The Belgian company BergHOFF produces products for the kitchen and uses steel and special glass made according to Belgian technology as the main materials, although BergHOFF initially started with dishes and cutlery. During its development, it expanded its range and entered the world market.
This fixture, part number Leo 3950185, is mostly glass, but has silicone sides and an unusually shaped handle. The latter is made in the shape of the letter "T" and has a fairly large size. The main color of silicone parts is light gray. Dimensions - 20 cm.
You can buy this kitchen accessory on the official website of the company or find it in electronics or kitchen goods stores.
The cost is 1,100 rubles.
The 2025 quality lids review presented the types of products in question, and what to look for when buying fixtures. The list of the best includes goods from both domestic and foreign manufacturers, however, a common feature of both of them was a bias towards the material of their products - some created new types of glass, others improved already known ones, and still others found the most successful combinations of materials, thereby winning consumer confidence.