
  1. What are the main qualities
  2. Tips on how to choose, as well as the nuances of care and maintenance
  3. Rating of budget models in 2025
  4. Popular models of the middle price category
  5. Rating of high-quality and unusual mugs - cans

Rating of the best mugs-jars for 2025

Rating of the best mugs-jars for 2025

At the moment, jar mugs have gained great popularity both among lovers of picnics or long hikes, and among fans of a healthy lifestyle. And to find a container of an unusual shape, shade, or a whole gift set in an online store is not at all difficult. How not to get confused in all the variety of offers, avoiding mistakes when choosing, let's try in the review below.

What are the main qualities

According to its description, the jar-mug resembles an ordinary cylindrical glass container with a handle and a screw system on the neck. The dishes, as a rule, are complemented by a twisting plastic or metal lid. It can be solid or with a small hole for the tube. However, there are models without this accessory at all, usually they can be purchased separately or it can be homemade. Capacities have the following advantages:

  • various color shades;
  • such dishes are quite reliable and convenient, and a large neck in the crossbar makes the drinking process more comfortable;
  • it has a massive and comfortable handle;
  • a sealed lid allows you to remove the started cocktail in the refrigerator without fear of foreign odors;
  • types of cans are actively used not only at home, they can often be found in a coffee shop or bar, where they try to make the serving of a cocktail original. There are even options that include a small slate board, where, with the help of a special chalk, they already write the name of the cocktail on their own;
  • thanks to a tight closing element, with a straw for drinking, mugs-jars are often found among children's accessories. Since they allow you to take them with you to the car or to the site without fear of staining the interior or clothes with the contents.

How are these containers different?

In the field of glassware, it is also customary to divide it by the size of the neck.

  • The narrow exit version is more suitable for storage or carrying, it has a tapering shape with rounded corners;
  • a mug with a wide mouth can put yogurt, nuts or dried fruits.

Features of dishes allow it to cope with the function of a candlestick or flower pot. Often it is also used as a standard container for conservation or bulk materials. At the moment, there are many variations of such mugs, they differ in the following characteristics:

  • the main component of the bank;
  • cover type;
  • design solution - it can be different color variations or unusual shapes;
  • the purpose, according to the reviews of the owners, such vessels are quite practical and will be useful both on the road and for family gatherings;
  • the sizes of the aforementioned containers, jars with a volume of 400 to 2000 milliliters are more common;
  • shape and material, and since the jar won special sympathy from fans of healthy eating, this, in turn, dictated the conditions for the bases used to create this dish.

Production material

Since fruits contribute to rapid oxidation, it is not recommended to use metal compounds for vessels of this type. An exception is titanium - because it is inert to the process. But more often when creating containers, glass or plastic is used, however, there are varieties of such vessels not only from these materials.

  • The best, authentic mug-shaped containers, also known as Mason jars, are made from soda glass, which is highly durable. These options have a completely smooth sanded surface, with the exception of the threaded neck, as well as a texture that is barely noticeable to the eye. However, such dishes have a very tangible weight;
  • unlike the first option made of plastic, it is lighter, it is convenient to carry the dishes during sports. But it cannot be used for hot tea or alcoholic beverages;
  • jars-mugs made of rough ceramics are much more common. Clay is considered an environmentally friendly material with greater durability. It is easy to maintain and has a high thermal conductivity. Ceramic products can have different colors, are presented in a wide range and have an acceptable cost;
  • titanium mugs - jars remarkably tolerate different temperatures of drinks, while having good strength. But such containers are quite heavy and bulky, and the silicone backing of the lid that is present absorbs third-party flavors that accumulate there over time;
  • porcelain - its qualities are similar to traditional ceramic products, but it has a greater density and less porosity. Although the material is fragile, it has its own attractiveness. The main features of porcelain mugs are in subtle transparency. Often these jars are distinguished by a complex design. There are vessels with curly modeling and an unusual gradient. However, exclusive packaging has such a significant drawback as a high price. However, she's worth it.

Tips on how to choose, as well as the nuances of care and maintenance

To understand which company offers the best offer, pay attention to the following important parameters:

  • the main criteria when choosing a mug is the safety of the materials used;
  • check for chips, dents or other deformation is not welcome;
  • avoid buying cheap or discounted goods, as low-quality products are not only short-lived, but also threaten with unpleasant consequences;
  • what else is worth paying attention to is the volume of the mug, in the case when one-time use of dishes is planned, it is better to stop at small parameters, otherwise mugs up to 2 liters will do;
  • and, of course, you immediately need to decide which design of the cocktail jar you like the most. The best manufacturers present different options for colors and shapes. It is also necessary to choose the type with how many lids is most suitable for you. The optimal solution is considered to be vessels with different options at once, one-piece and with a sealed opening for the tube. This makes the vessel more convenient for action.

And in order for the novelty to serve longer, it is worth remembering: the more unusual the selected dishes, the more careful care they require.

  • For example, the use of harsh detergents can make the glass cloudy, and the same applies to metal sponges that can leave small scratches.
  • You should not load such containers into the dishwasher. It is recommended to clean such dishes manually with a regular sponge.
  • Use a mug for scalding tea or coffee only if it is marked "for hot products".
  • When moving, try to create a soft padding around your favorite smoothie mug to avoid possible scuffs and chips.

Rating of budget models in 2025

Jar mug SDFG

Jars from this series are distinguished not only by multi-colored spraying, but also by the presence of cheerful lids with a plastic straw. This fact allows you to put the jar in the refrigerator without the threat of losing the properties of the contents. Thanks to a comfortable and tight handle, you can pour any drinks into the container, regardless of what they are:

  • hot mulled wine;
  • cold cocktail;
  • smoothies;
  • or even beer.

The dishes are suitable for domestic use, and caring mothers have chosen them for their simplicity and absolute tightness. Thanks to this, the baby can even take it with his own hands.

In order not to accidentally damage the exclusive coating, it is better to wash the product with a soft sponge and gentle detergents in water at room temperature.

Jar mug SDFG
  • Reliable;
  • there is a hole for the tube;
  • comfortable, wide enough, but not too narrow neck;
  • good;
  • inexpensive;
  • actively used in cafes;
  • can be placed in the microwave.
  • No strainer for filtering;
  • cannot be washed in the dishwasher.
the size70
volume450 ml
colorpossible options
what is the price95

Mug-jar Military

This unusual dish will be a worthy solution for brutal fans of protein shakes or smoothies. However, such a thing will be a great gift for lovers of foamy drinks. And thanks to the unusual bright design, it will be a great souvenir for the next holiday.

Mug-jar Military
  • Handsomely;
  • tube included;
  • thick glass;
  • plastic insert;
  • with a metal cover;
  • does not beat;
  • convenient in operation;
  • acceptable price.
  • Do not pour boiling water.
the size10 cm × 7.5
volume450 ml
colortransparent with insert
what is the price223

Quattro Stagioni

A jar of this series from an Italian manufacturer stands out for its soft bluish tint and an imprint in the center. Dishes that have passed the test of time are actively used both in everyday life and in the professional field.

Quattro Stagioni
  • impact resistant;
  • stylish;
  • bright.
  • No cover included;
  • accessories cannot be purchased separately.
the size78 x 136
what is the price249

Owl - mix

A charming mug in the form of a wise bird will appeal to adults and children. A reliable lid with a plastic tube will allow you to take it with you for a walk. Unusual in its execution, the container will be a wonderful gift for a friend or loved one.

Owl - mug-jar mix
  • Lids of different colors, you can choose the most cute;
  • comfort and quality;
  • easy to use.
  • Not identified.
the size10 x 11.5
volume470 ml
what is the price250

Popular models of the middle price category

Shake It Baby

This modern product can be used as a smoothie or cocktail, but also successfully replace a coffee or tea cup. The vessel has very dense walls, due to which it does not deform when in contact with a liquid of high or cold temperature.

Shake It Baby mug jar
  • The container has good stability;
  • successfully replaces a coffee mug;
  • tight screw cap with a slot for a straw.
  • it is possible to apply random inscriptions.
  • The tube is not included.
textureglass, metal
the size7.5x7.5
volume450 ml
height13 centimeters
what is the price318

Beer mug "Bank"

The novelty of 2025 from the famous tableware brand Libbey is intended for lovers of a sparkling barley drink. However, it can also be used as a container for lemonades or cocktails; the vessel will not only allow you to evaluate the quality of the drink itself, but also has a very spectacular appearance.

Beer mug "Bank"
  • Attractive;
  • environmentally friendly product;
  • durable;
  • there is decor;
  • does not fade over time;
  • can be washed in the dishwasher.
  • no.
the size10.5
what is the price322

Set "Aesthete"

Made from delicate porcelain mugs will be a wonderful gift for any occasion. The simplicity and conciseness of the design will make them an excellent addition not only for decorating the interior, but also for serving a festive table. The stable natural wood base makes the set more compact.

A set of mugs "Aesthete"
  • The set includes 4 mugs;
  • good value for money;
  • does not take up much space;
  • eco-friendly;
  • stand included.
  • Fragile base.
the size17x17
volume300 ml
what is the price1382

Beach cocktail gift set

A series of mugs - jars for cocktails will create a summer mood and a feeling of a sultry beach. For them, only natural - quartz glass is used. The material has a high degree of purification, which makes the jar stronger than any similar analogues, but at the same time it is incredibly transparent. The vessels are made of very durable dense glass, allowing you to pour boiling water into them or put them in the freezer to bring the dessert to the desired temperature.

Beach cocktail gift set
  • The container material is hypoallergenic;
  • original design;
  • lid with tube included;
  • come in a set of 6 pieces;
  • good to take with you.
  • No.
textureglass, plastic, metal
the size11
volume460 ml
colortransparent patterned
what is the price2800

Rating of high-quality and unusual mugs - cans

Loraine/27815, 0.53l

This non-standard and memorable crockery in the shape of a skull will add zest to any interior.Volumetric details of the vessel are carefully worked out, at the same time, the product surprises with its strength, you will have to make an effort to damage or break it. It remains only to choose which color mug is better to buy for a festive party. And since the company takes a responsible approach to environmental issues, most often they use recycled materials.

mug-jar Loraine/27815, 0.53 l
  • Does not fade over time
  • strong;
  • sealed;
  • gift idea;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • stylish design;
  • different colors;
  • the set includes a lid with a hole for the tube;
  • A good choice for a Halloween party.
  • Inconvenient to wash;
  • does not tolerate temperature changes.
textureglass, plastic, metal
the size12.5
volume330 ml
coloryellow, green, blue
what is the price380


Another container of an unusual shape, made in the form of an exotic fruit. This is an original attribute for a theme party and not only. A puffy mug will be an excellent decoration for a simple kitchen, taking the place of a lemonade or successfully performing the function of beer paraphernalia.

mug-jar Pineapple BarCraft
  • It's nice to hold in your hands.
  • the shape of the mug allows you not to spill the liquid even during movement;
  • high strength;
  • has a pleasant glow;
  • does not need special care.
  • The tight lid protects drinks well from flying particles.
  • plastic tube;
  • not dishwasher safe.
the size12.5x12
volume0.5 liters
what is the price1344


The product from the English brand has the shape of a prickly plant, which is very original.The container itself is quite practical and has gained particular popularity among creative youth. The vessel can be used not only for the original serving of drinks, but also as a non-standard flower vase.

mug-jar Cactus
  • Unusual appearance;
  • multifunctional;
  • durable;
  • does not take up much space;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • The color doesn't hurt the eyes.
  • Small.
the size45x2.5
colorsaturated - green
what is the price719


The container is distinguished by a very non-standard design and can successfully replace a special container for storing honey. A special advantage of this dish is a spindle-shaped spoon made of natural wood, which allows you to get liquid, amber sweetness without uttering a single drop.

mug-bank Bee
  • You can pour tea into it;
  • porcelain wings will not allow the mug to slip out of your hands;
  • wooden spoon for honey included;
  • graceful.
  • affordable.
  • No.
the size8.5cm
volume300 ml
what is the price440

This review shows that for household needs in 2025, vessels made of annealed or soda glass are more often used. While porcelain or ceramic is used, for the most part, for decoration or as souvenirs. Therefore, having found a store where you can buy such a vessel and before placing an order online, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the range offered, choosing the one that suits your lifestyle and style. According to buyers, the right approach to choosing a mug-jar will not only bring pleasure from the operation of the latter, but also extend the life of the product itself.

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