
  1. Purpose
  2. Varieties
  3. Selection criteria and care rules
  4. Rating of the best rugs for baths and saunas for 2025

Rating of the best rugs for baths and saunas for 2025

Rating of the best rugs for baths and saunas for 2025

Visiting a bath or sauna, people want to get the maximum convenience and comfort for a good rest and recovery. Therefore, the owners of such establishments are trying to improve their interior with additional accessories and fixtures. These include rugs that differ in their purpose and composition.


According to their application, these bath attributes can be divided into:

  • floor mats;
  • seats;
  • sunbeds;
  • ladders.

Floor mats are used for safe and comfortable movement of visitors to baths and saunas without shoes.Since any floor covering becomes slippery when exposed to moisture or steam and can lead to falls and injury to people, the use of rugs helps to eliminate this threat. Along with this, they create coziness in the room, and provide comfort when walking. Their composition and size range is diverse, so choosing the most suitable option is not difficult.

Seat mats are an integral part of most bath establishments. You can take them for temporary use directly in the bath or bring them with you. The small size of this attribute, as well as the softness of the material, allow you to safely place it in a bag for bath accessories. The use of a seat in steam rooms allows you to avoid burns from touching the hot surface of benches and shelves, and also ensures the hygiene of visiting procedures.

Sun loungers help to get the maximum effect from bathing events. On them you can sit to your full height and completely relax for effective healing and relaxation. They are more bulky than seats, so taking them with you will not be as convenient. But this is not a reason to refuse pleasant bathing procedures and the necessary accessory can be borrowed from the owner of the establishment. In turn, the owner, who values ​​his authority and the level of services provided, will definitely monitor the condition and appearance of the proposed attributes.

Also, to ensure the safety of the movement of visitors through the bathhouse, the owners use ladders. These are floorings made of different tree species and having different parameters.They can be used as separate attributes near the benches in the steam room and sauna, or as a complete set that covers the entire surface of the floor covering. In addition to this function, under the influence of high temperatures, wooden ladders emit their own smell into the surrounding space, which has a positive effect on people's health.


According to their purpose and application, as well as the preference of lovers of baths and saunas, rugs can be made of various materials:

  • felt,
  • felt,
  • traffic jams
  • wood.


For the manufacture of felt, delicate sheep wool is used, so products made from it are natural and safe for human health. In addition, they benefit the human body, namely:

  • contribute to the healing of chronic wounds due to the presence of lanolin in its composition;
  • relieve tension and relax joints and muscles;
  • wool serves to enhance the movement of blood;
  • threads impregnated with wax have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Felt products perfectly absorb moisture, creating comfortable conditions in the sauna or bath. And their high heat resistance allows them to be used in steam rooms with high temperatures. In addition, they have a low cost.

But along with a large number of positive properties and qualities of this material, there are also disadvantages, which are:

  • short service life;
  • the presence of a tingling structure;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions in people suffering from individual intolerance to wool;
  • difficulties in disinfection;
  • loss of hygiene during mass use;
  • possible unpleasant odor when kept wet for a long time.


Felt is a kind of felt, as it also includes wool, but in various proportions with the addition of synthetic fibers or fur. This non-woven material has a more delicate and pleasant texture to the touch, so it is effectively used by visitors with increased skin sensitivity. It is most popular among the elderly and young children. The optimal composition for comfortable use of felt is the presence of 50% to 60% wool. But for people who are allergic to this component, it is recommended to use a rug with a minimum content of it.

Products made from this material are lightweight, easy to fold and move, and easy to clean.

But even such accessories have some negative points. They consist in:

  • fragility;
  • possible rotting when wet;
  • fragility of non-woven material;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • deformation of the original form;
  • the formation of mold and fungi with irregular care.


Rugs for baths and saunas made of cork are unique in their massage effect, which has a beneficial effect on the body of visitors through the feet. As you know, all nerve endings “flock” to them, and the impact on each of them leads to an improvement in the functioning of all internal organs and systems.

Also, due to the way the elements of the source material are connected, the rugs have an attractive appearance and fit into the surrounding interior in an original way.

The disadvantages of such products include:

  • short service life due to the structure of the material;
  • difficulties in care;
  • inconvenience of moving when folded;
  • susceptibility to the rapid multiplication of harmful microorganisms and mold.


Wooden flooring and rugs are also popular in bathing establishments.The highest quality tree species for their manufacture are pine, Canadian cedar, linden, aspen, oak and others. They have a beautiful structure, antiseptic properties, low thermal conductivity, and are resistant to high humidity and high temperatures. During operation, no resin vapors are emitted into the surrounding space.

Made from flat round wood elements, rugs look very effective and create a special charm for the room.

In addition to the listed positive qualities of wooden rugs, it is worth noting them:

  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • hygiene;
  • natural composition;
  • long heating;
  • the possibility of using disinfectants during care.

Minor disadvantages of such products include:

  • rigidity of the form;
  • great weight.

Selection criteria and care rules

To choose a high-quality and most comfortable bath mat for individual use, experts recommend focusing on the following points:

  • the material from which the accessory is made;
  • the absorbency of the product;
  • degree of thermal conductivity;
  • hygiene;
  • care methods;
  • ability to deform;
  • optimal size and configuration.

Also, for long-term use of the purchased product, experts advise after each use:

  • dry the rug in a carefully unfolded form;
  • to expose felt products to longer exposure to direct sunlight;
  • if necessary, only hand wash to avoid pilling of the non-woven fabric.

Rating of the best rugs for baths and saunas for 2025

The most popular among lovers of steam rooms and saunas are the following products of domestic and foreign manufacturers.

From felt


This is one of the representatives of bath rugs from the Russian manufacturer Rusher. Produced in gray color with appliqué of finishing white material. It is made of pure wool raw materials, which creates comfort when in contact with a hot surface, and ensures hygiene during the procedure. The parameters of the product allow it to be used both as a seat and as a floor mat. The price is about 360 rubles, and the weight is only 100 g. This contributes to the convenience of transportation in a regular portable bag for bath accessories.

Product dimensions:

  • length - 46.5 cm;
  • width - 37.5 cm.

bath mat Banner
  • compactness;
  • little weight;
  • naturalness;
  • ease of use;
  • budget cost.
  • short period of use;
  • an allergic reaction to wool is possible.

"Enjoy Your Bath!"

Being a product of a Russian manufacturer, this product combines good quality for a budget price. The range is presented in two colors: gray and white. Each piece is embroidered with contrasting threads “Enjoy Your Bath!”, which undoubtedly attracts buyers. Parameters 150 x 50 cm allow you to use the bedding as a mat, seat on a shelf or a sunbed. The composition of the material from which the product is made includes natural wool. This creates comfortable conditions during application, and also has a positive effect on the human body. Transportation of the product is facilitated by the presence of a special tie located on the edge of one of the sides, which allows you to fix the rolled rug. The cost of this product is about 385 rubles.

bath mat With light steam!
  • universal application;
  • the composition includes natural wool;
  • ease of transportation;
  • budget cost.
  • an allergic reaction to wool is possible.

"Bath Paradise"

This Russian-made product is suitable for use as a rug, seat or lounger. The size, which is 180 cm long and 60 cm wide, completely allows this. Produced in white with "Bath Paradise" embroidery. The edges of the fabric are finished with an overlock stitch. For the manufacture of products, felt is used, which ensures safety for health and comfortable conditions during procedures. It is convenient to carry the lounger by rolling it into a roll and securing it with a band on one side. Care is hand wash at 30°C. The price of this product is about 530 rubles.

bath mat Bath paradise
  • good quality;
  • naturalness of raw materials;
  • ease of use and transportation;
  • versatility of use;
  • optimal price.
  • do not wash in hot water to avoid deformation of the product;
  • in people with individual intolerance to wool, it can cause allergic reactions.

Combi brown

The seat mat made of natural sheep wool offered by the Russian manufacturer is also very popular. It is made of dense felt in brown color with a white border around the perimeter. Its dimensions are 49 cm x 40 cm, which makes it compact and easy to transport. It creates comfortable conditions when placing a visitor on a bench in a steam room, and also ensures hygiene in public bathing establishments. Made from 100% natural raw materials, the seat has a preventive and curative effect on the skin and internal organs of people. The cost of these products is within 550 rubles.

bath mat Combi brown
  • great quality;
  • completely natural product;
  • strength and durability;
  • ease of use and movement.
  • allergic reactions are possible in people with hypersensitivity;
  • cannot be washed in hot water.


Visitors who want to get the maximum effect of relaxation and healing when visiting a bath or sauna liked this product, made in Russia. Its dimensions are 162 cm x 60 cm, allowing a person to sit on a shelf in full height and get full pleasure from both soaring and the healing effect of a natural wool lounger on the skin and internal organs. It also creates hygienic conditions in public bathing establishments. This product is produced in a gray-brown color, which indicates the absence of chemical dyes in it. Such a product costs about 1880 rubles.

bath mat Felt
  • 100% natural;
  • high quality;
  • reliability and durability;
  • preventive and curative effect;
  • versatility in application.
  • possible manifestation of a reaction to wool;
  • high price.

from wood

Seat mat

This Russian-made product attracted visitors to baths and saunas with its compact dimensions, which are 45 cm long and 35 cm wide, and convenient transportation. It is made of environmentally friendly linden wood, which guarantees safety and hygiene for a person when visiting public steam establishments. Planks, movably connected to each other, are smoothly polished. This prevents damage to the skin during use. The folding design provides simplicity and convenience in moving the seat. And the low cost, which is about 255 rubles, contributes to the mass purchase among the population of any category.

bath mat
  • naturalness and environmental friendliness of the source material;
  • structural strength;
  • durability;
  • hygiene;
  • great quality;
  • ease of use;
  • the possibility of using disinfectants during care;
  • low price.
  • not detected.

Sawo 595-D-BC

Sawo 595-D-BC floor mats are an excellent option for the design interior of a sauna or bath, as well as for the safety of visitors when moving around the establishment. They are made of high quality cedar by Finnish manufacturers. Taking care of the reputation of the products, it is kept at a very high level. Therefore, the products are distinguished by excellent quality of material, assembly and perfect polishing of the surfaces of the planks. The flooring configuration is square, the dimensions of which are 28 cm x 28 cm. A feature of the products of this manufacturer is the installation of the mat plane on a base made of heat-resistant plastic, due to which the possibility of water contact with wooden parts is excluded. Also, this solution minimizes the possibility of slipping on a wet floor. The type-setting method of attaching the planks to the base provides not only ease of use of the product, but also brings a “zest” to the overall color of the room. The cost of such a product is about 559 rubles.

bath mat Sawo 595-D-BC
  • natural and environmentally friendly product;
  • convenient options;
  • great quality;
  • optimal price.
  • not identified.

Sawo 590-D

Another representative of Finnish production is very popular among the owners of baths and saunas, as well as their visitors.Thoughtful and original design allows you to use this product not only as a seat pad, but also as an essential attribute of the interior. It is made of high quality cedar wood in the form of round identical fragments, which are firmly, but at the same time movably interconnected. This ensures ease of transportation of the product and efficiency of use. A beautiful natural pattern on the cut is not repeated, which ensures exclusivity for each copy.

Due to the natural qualities of cedar, accessories have a good water-repellent ability, do not dry out over time and perfectly tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Processing with a special composition eliminates the appearance of fungal formations and mold on the product. In addition to preventing a person's feet from touching a wet surface, the mat massages them, which improves blood circulation in the body, and also has a general strengthening effect. The product is produced in a standard size of 38.5 cm x 47 cm. Its price is about 1600 rubles.

bath mat Sawo 590-D
  • excellent design;
  • high quality;
  • naturalness of the material;
  • ease of use;
  • versatility of use;
  • use of disinfectants during care.
  • high price.

Domestic and foreign manufacturers are constantly working to expand the range of bath accessories, creating more and more comfortable conditions for visitors to saunas and baths. Therefore, neither the owners of establishments of this category, nor their regulars, will find it difficult to choose and purchase the most suitable accessory. It is enough to follow the simple tips and recommendations described in this article, and you will be sure to succeed!

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