Children are a ray of happiness for their parents, flowers of life. Every parent wants the best for their child, and it does not matter if their child is not like everyone else and is different from their peers. In the article we will talk about the best correctional schools in the city of Nizhny Novgorod.
Types of correctional schools

The city is large and has a high population density. It successfully operates many institutions that provide educational services, both on a free basis and belong to the municipal, and paid institutions.But it doesn’t matter at all on what basis services are provided in a correctional school, the goal of educational institutions is the same - to prepare students for an adult and fulfilling life. As a rule, in schools a sufficient amount of time is devoted to vocational training classes, in many institutions there are numerous equipped workshops (carpentry, plumbing, sewing, and others). This is a big plus, since students of correctional schools will be able to master the necessary skills and get a specialty.
Students of correctional institutions are children who have problems with vision or hearing, musculoskeletal system, suffer from mental disorders and other health conditions.
Based on the nature and diagnosis of the disease of pupils, educational institutions are divided into types.
- the first type - suitable for children who have hearing problems (hard of hearing or deaf);
- the second type is a school for the deaf and dumb;
- schools of the third and fourth type - for those with vision problems (for the blind or visually impaired);
- the fifth type - for students with significant speech defects;
- the sixth type - for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
- the seventh type - for pupils with mental retardation (ZPR);
- the eighth type - for mentally retarded children.
Criteria for choosing a correctional school

- the location of the institution from the house. It is important that it is not too far away, and parents can, together with the child, think over the route of his following, which should, first of all, be safe and accessible for the student to overcome on their own.
- the level of training of teaching staff in an educational institution.Visit the institution in person, talk with teachers, assess their level, analyze the situation in the classroom, because the child will be under the supervision of teachers throughout the day (week) and it is extremely important how the teacher can find an approach, give knowledge, and most importantly understand the child.
- ask with which colleges or universities the institution has contracts and agreements for the training of graduates of a correctional school after graduation. Often such institutions have agreements and children, if desired, can receive working professions.
- Does the school have a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission? Students and their parents should not experience pressure and discomfort. Learning should be fun for the child, and parents should have access to the necessary information.
- pay attention to the material and technical base of the institution, the availability of special equipment, which is necessary for the full and comprehensive development and training.
- ask what methods of teaching at school, whether teachers use didactic games, since it is the game form of teaching that arouses increased interest among students, children actively participate, become interested in the material and perceive it well; in addition, it is games that help to form attention, skills and abilities, observation, develop memory and speech.
- Another important criterion is catering.
Goals of remedial schools

In addition to the main goal of such educational institutions - preparing children for an adult and fulfilling life, training will allow:
- to teach a child who is hard of hearing to communicate with the outside world, learn to understand and master several types of speech (oral, written, sign language.);
- will help to restore the lost auditory features, organize an active speech practice and teach communication skills;
- teaching pupils with visual problems in such schools takes place using special didactic material that allows you to learn the material well;
- to correct a speech defect, in the lessons students have the opportunity to develop their speech skills. Children who successfully learn the material, were able to get rid of speech defects, have the opportunity to move to a regular school, with the consent of their parents;
- visiting a correctional school will allow to restore motor functions to a certain extent, develop them and correct defects for children who have problems with the musculoskeletal system; special attention is paid to such students in educational institutions, they undergo social and labor adaptation;
- when visiting correctional schools of the seventh and eighth types, teachers try to correct the mental development of pupils, develop cognitive activity, and form learning skills. In such institutions, special attention is paid to the socio-psychological rehabilitation of the child, as a rule, there are classes with an in-depth level of labor training.
The best correctional schools in Nizhny Novgorod

Special correctional boarding school No. 1
This educational institution is a home for orphans and children left without parental care. Experienced and highly professional teachers help children not only gain knowledge, but also adapt, become a person and realize themselves in life. The educational process at the school is carried out in accordance with Federal Laws. Pupils have the opportunity to receive primary general education and basic general education.The form of education is full-time, children study for nine years.
For many years, the institution has been developing and successfully implementing a program to prepare school students for independent living, which will allow them to overcome problems and difficulties in the future.
Located at:
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Yeletskaya, 10
Contact ☎8 (831) 433-73-81
☎ 8 (831) 433-44-02
- professional teaching staff;
- in addition to the main academic disciplines, the institution operates courses in various areas and circles (football, basketball, swimming, cooking, an applied art circle);
- the curriculum is adapted for children with mental disorders;
- training is free;
- catering is organized;
- extracurricular activities, outdoor activities;
- students participate in city competitions and competitions;
- social educators and psychologists work;
- there is a school for substitute parents;
- there is a post-boarding program, graduates are supported, teachers assist students in choosing a future profession, help them adapt in society, provide the necessary legal, psychological, emotional and medical support;
- the institution has six equipped groups for living;
- equipped with a computer class;
- there is a class for conducting music classes,
- there are offices of a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist, a doctor-defectologist;
- there is a library;
- there are medical and laundry - household blocks;
- there is a gym and a sports hall, showers;
- rhythm room;
- auditorium;
- room for psychological relief;
- scientific and methodological programs for the introduction of new educational programs are organized in the educational institution;
- conducting mandatory group and individual remedial classes of a general developmental and subject orientation.
Regional Special Correctional Boarding School for Blind and Visually Impaired Children
This educational institution belongs to a state-owned institution, the form of ownership is state-owned. The school is over 100 years old. At the same time, 160 children who have vision problems of varying degrees can study here. The school has selected an experienced and highly professional team, thanks to which children easily go through the adaptation period, their rehabilitation and integration into society is carried out. Special programs and methods of working with such pupils have been developed, special lessons and training programs have been organized. The goals and objectives of the educational institution are to provide support to children who have vision problems, provide consulting and methodological assistance on the development and implementation of training programs, conduct comprehensive measures for individually oriented psychological, pedagogical and social assistance to children and adolescents, as well as consulting for specialists of the correctional profile of educational institutions, the implementation of basic and additional programs for the education and upbringing of children and adolescents.
Located at:
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Anniversary, 5
Contact ☎ +7 831-41-20-977
☎+7 831-41-21-980
☎+7 831-41-21-974
- professional teaching staff;
- experienced leadership;
- classes are held on spatial and social orientation;
- speech therapists and psychologists work;
- regular exercises in exercise therapy;
- training in choreography, rhythm and the basics of computer literacy;
- carrying out activities for the protection and development of vision;
- conducting classes for the development of touch and fine motor skills, facial expressions and pantomime with pupils;
- the institution has a stadium and two sports grounds;
- the building is equipped with verandas for walking and a place for games;
- equipped with 27 bedrooms;
- there are sports and gyms, an assembly hall and a school theater;
- library and reading room with the necessary equipment;
- equipped speech therapy room;
- computer classes;
- there is a local network with Internet access;
- an office for conducting lessons on labor training;
- there is a local history museum "Our land";
- room for music lessons;
- there is a correctional training room for elementary school;
- equipped with a medical unit with a biofeedback room, which includes an ophthalmologist's office, a treatment room, an isolation room;
- a regional center for distance education of children operates;
- the school has a training center for massage therapists;
- catering is organized, there is a dining room;
- a special menu has been developed depending on the age of the students;
- the school has two buses for transporting children;
- there are sports clubs (football, basketball, athletics);
- there is a block of in-depth vocational training on the course of therapeutic massage.
Special Correctional Boarding School No. 8
The educational institution is designed for children - orphans and those left without parental care, with disabilities. Pupils have the opportunity to receive primary general education, the form of education is full-time, the duration of study is nine years. For students in grades 10 and 11, labor training classes are held at an advanced level. The school has 68 pupils.
Located at:
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Golubeva, 8
Contact ☎(831)251-87-13
Vkontakte group:
Opening hours: from 8.30-17.00 hours
- friendly and professional team;
- training is provided free of charge;
- social educators and psychologists are constantly working;
- sufficient time is devoted to labor training classes, so that pupils have the opportunity to master their future specialty;
- classes are held at the School of substitute parents; teachers provide advice to potential parents, talk in detail about the adaptation period of the child in a foster family, provide support and give the necessary advice.
- there is a dining room for 112 seats;
- a daily cyclic menu has been developed;
- the institution provides qualified medical care, there is a doctor's office, vaccination and dental rooms;
- organization and holding of competitions, sports competitions and field events;
- the school is equipped with educational and dormitory buildings;
- equipped classrooms for music, rhythm and choreography lessons;
- on the territory of the educational institution there are workshops (sewing, carpentry, floriculture, plastering and painting);
- there is a library and a gym;
- pupils of the school participate in city, district and regional competitions and sporting events;
- circles and various sections work at school.
Boarding School No. 65
The educational institution has been operating in Nizhny Novgorod since 1997; children with hearing problems can study here. The number of students in the classes is small, as a rule, from six to nine people, which allows teachers to pay attention to each of them. Children in the boarding school can stay for five days during the week. During the first five years, pupils study according to special correctional programs, and starting from the sixth grade, they go through the general education program of a regular school. Over the past six years of operation, the school has switched to complete secondary education.
Correctional work in an educational institution is carried out according to the requirements and standards that are established by schools of this type. The teaching staff provides a differentiated approach in the educational process to students, taking into account the characteristics of their disease. 116 students study here. Upon admission, the pupils are interviewed, their level, skills and abilities are determined, after which a plan for their development is drawn up, and at the end of the academic year the level of knowledge gained is checked. Teachers-defectologists have sufficient experience in working with such children, regularly hold open lessons, speech holidays and reading competitions.
Located at:
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarina Ave., 10
Contact ☎(831) 433-66-47
☎8 (831) 433-62-91
Fax: (831) 433-62-91
- training is provided free of charge, additional paid services are not provided;
- curricula adapted for students with hearing problems and intellectual disabilities;
- teachers carry out adaptation activities, help pupils to overcome this period;
- additional classes are held in various areas (artistic - aesthetic, moral and patriotic, technical, ecological and biological, physical culture and sports, social - household and correctional - developing);
- classes are held with teachers - defectologists individually with each student. Such lessons allow you to develop speech, hearing and pronunciation;
- an equipped computer class, classes in which allow you to better perceive information, improve literacy and spend time cognitively after school hours;
- school students are provided with digital hearing aids;
- children with cochlear implants can study in an educational institution;
- teachers are constantly working to ensure that children can easily adapt in society, have confidence in society, develop a sense of equality with hearing people;
- the institution takes care of the future employment of its graduates;
- organized five meals a day free of charge for pupils;
- qualified medical care is provided;
- students annually undergo a comprehensive medical examination of specialists (ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, surgeon, neuropathologist, endocrinologist, orthopedist, psychiatrist and dentist.);
- in addition to school circles, pupils can attend the swimming pool of the Meshchersky FOC, OCRTDIY, classes at the Sunday School at the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, as well as circles and sections at their place of residence;
Special Correctional General Education Boarding School No. 39
The educational institution has been operating in Nizhny Novgorod since 1913.Pupils are divided into two groups - children with a mild degree of mental retardation and with a complex structure of the defect (autism, Down's syndrome, severe cerebral palsy).
Located at:
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Ilinskaya, 22
Contact ☎(831) 433-20-68
Fax: (831) 433-78-89
- training is carried out in groups;
- the number of children is small;
- classes are held on sign speech, the study of pictograms;
- children who cannot write are taught using a computer;
- pupils study labor training in depth (lessons in sewing, knitting, machine knitting (embroidery), carpentry, shoe making);
- children suffering from severe forms of the disease can be educated at home;
- the teaching staff constantly conduct conversations with parents, help them overcome their attitude to the child’s illness, help them perceive children as they are;
- education at the school is free.

Of course, correctional general educational institutions are necessary in society, children have the right to a full and interesting life, and it is such institutions that will help them realize themselves, get a specialty and, thanks to the well-coordinated and professional work of the teaching staff of the institution, easily and quickly adapt to society. At the end of institutions of this type, pupils can receive a specialty, receive a stable income and be useful.