
  1. Types of correctional schools
  2. Do all "special" children need a special school
  3. Correctional schools in Yekaterinburg

Rating of the best correctional schools in Yekaterinburg in 2025

Rating of the best correctional schools in Yekaterinburg in 2025

It is hard for every parent of a “special” child to realize that their baby is not like everyone else. Some of them become depressed, some get angry, some are shy, but almost all parents of such babies try to hide it from others in every possible way. After all, “not like everyone else,” parents think, will remain a stigma for life. Fortunately, this is not always the case. The state education system provides schools for children with special needs, in which they not only receive education, but also learn to live in society, like quite ordinary children. We will talk about the best correctional schools in Yekaterinburg below.

Types of correctional schools

To start a conversation about correctional schools in Yekaterinburg, you should first find out which educational institutions have the right to be called that.So, a correctional school is an educational institution that provides children with health problems with education, upbringing and appropriate treatment. In addition, they contribute to their social adaptation and integration into society. They provide for the use of special pedagogy, whose methods are developed in accordance with the abilities and needs of the trainees.

It should be noted that in most ordinary educational institutions integrated and correctional classes are open, which children with special needs can also attend. Where exactly to study for such students, only their parents decide: in a regular or correctional educational institution. In this choice, first of all, the psychological comfort of the student should be taken into account.

Currently, there are 8 types of correctional schools. Fortunately, they are no longer named after the defect with which they are trained there, i.e. "for the blind" or "for the deaf". Such speaking names were replaced by a digital designation:

Type I - for the deaf.

The peculiarity of education lies in the focus on the development of speech: oral and written. In the educational process, sound amplifying equipment is used, which helps to use the remnants of hearing for learning. Children are taught to understand the speech of others on an auditory-visual basis (read lips). Training is conducted using sign language. The number of students in the class is up to 6 people, which makes it possible to devote enough time to each child.

Type II - for the hearing impaired.

In institutions of this type, children with partial hearing loss and underdevelopment of speech, as well as those who became deaf at preschool or school age, who retained the ability to speak, study.The educational process is aimed at the development of speech, pronunciation correction. The number of students in the class varies from 8 to 10 people, depending on the degree of underdevelopment of speech.

Type III - for the blind.

Type IV - for children with residual vision and late blind.

These two types are often combined in one institution. In addition to the blind, visually impaired and late-blind, they accept students with strabismus. The number of students in the class is up to 12 people.

Type V - with speech pathologies.

Institutions of this type may have several departments, depending on the severity of speech disorders. Students have the opportunity to transfer to regular schools if the commission determines that the speech disorder has been corrected. The intensive assistance of speech therapists and teachers is aimed at restoring the normal speech of students.

Type VI - with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Children with various disorders of the musculoskeletal system study here: cerebral palsy, motor disorders of various origins, paralysis, etc. The educational process is aimed at developing the child’s cognitive interest, his general development, speech skills, etc. The fact is that this type of disorder can often accompanied by a developmental delay in general. Of course, classes aimed at motor activity are mandatory. There are no more than 10 people in the class.

Type VII - with mental retardation (ZPR).

The peculiarity of this type is that the educational process includes only 2 stages: primary and basic general education, in contrast to those mentioned above, which also provide a third stage - complete general education.Students of type VII institutions can successfully transfer to regular schools after filling in the existing knowledge gaps and as deviations are corrected. The class size is limited to 12 people.

Students who graduated from schools of types I-VII receive state-recognized certificates and have the right to continue their education in secondary and higher educational institutions.

Type VIII - for children with mental retardation.

These educational institutions have a clear difference from those listed above. In them, students do not receive a secondary general education. They are enrolled in a special education program for children with intellectual disabilities. First of all, the educational process is aimed at social adaptation. A lot of time is devoted to their vocational training in the presence of the necessary material and technical base in the educational institution. In terms of gaining knowledge, children are taught to read, count and write. Upon completion, students receive an appropriate certificate. If the school has a class of vocational training and passes the exam, the student receives a document with the assignment of a qualification category to him. The class size is from 5-6 to 12 people.

Do all "special" children need a special school

It is important for parents of "special" children to remember that their baby needs their love and attention more than any other. Children with special needs often feel isolated from other children. Therefore, it is so important for parents to show care and attention to their kids, not like others, as often as possible. They need to feel needed and loved.

The question of studying in a special school is very difficult and painful for most parents. Many are stopped by the thought of what neighbors, colleagues, etc. will say.Indeed, in connection with ignorance, correctional schools appear to us as institutions of a closed type, in which unknown things happen. This is categorically not true. They create, taking into account the characteristics of each child, all the conditions that allow pupils to develop, learn and find their place in life, despite the peculiarities of health.

Each parent must weigh the pros and cons when choosing to leave their child in a regular school or attend a special one. In doing so, many factors must be taken into account. The most important of them are academic performance, relationships with classmates, psychological state, etc. Indeed, often children who, according to the results of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, were offered training in a correctional school, study quite successfully in regular schools, have excellent contact with peers and do not experience mental discomfort. It is important to remember that the conclusion of the PMPK is only advisory in nature.

In cases where the need for education in a special educational institution is obvious, it is important for parents not to lose heart. They must understand that in a special school all the necessary conditions for their child have been created:

  • small class size (up to 12 children):

Everyone is given enough time to learn the knowledge and acquire the necessary skills.

  • relevant education of teachers:

It is logical that a teacher from an ordinary school without special training will not be able to fully engage with children with special needs. Therefore, in correctional educational institutions, all teachers have a special education or have undergone appropriate retraining.

  • specially designed training programs:

Students are trained in programs that take into account their abilities and abilities.In addition, the emphasis is on vocational training, which makes it easier for graduates with a profession to “get on their feet” in adulthood.

  • the absence of the stigma "not like everyone else."

Children surrounded by others, the same "special" undergo social adaptation better. They are not ridiculed, no one draws attention to their features. Thanks to a psychologically comfortable environment, they do not withdraw into themselves, they strive for learning and development.

Before sending their child to a special school, parents need to visit it. After all, no reviews can fully convey the atmosphere of the institution. It is only through personal communication with teachers that one can understand how they treat their students. A visit to the school will allow you to evaluate the material and technical equipment of classes, order and discipline, and the coherence of the work of the teaching staff.

Correctional schools in Yekaterinburg

In Yekaterinburg, 12 special correctional boarding schools (SO SHI) currently provide educational services. Unfortunately, not every institution has an official website where you can get acquainted with its work. We offer you all the information about these institutions that we have been able to collect.

№ 89 (11)

Address: st. Danilovsky, 2d

Phone: ☎ +7 343 352-22-19


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

The school belongs to the I type. In addition to the deaf and hard of hearing, children with severe speech impairments, as well as deaf and hard of hearing with mental retardation, are also trained. Appropriate adapted programs have been developed for all groups of students.

In an educational institution, all levels of education are implemented: primary, basic and secondary.

Additional programs are being implemented: Fine Arts Studio, Clay Toy, Choreography, Tennis.

  • classes start at 09:00;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • children with speech disorders are accepted.
  • inconvenient location.

No. 139 (Echo Center)

Address: st. Belinsky, 163

Phone: ☎ +7 343 257-37-68

Website: http://centrecho.rf/

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-17:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

The educational institution belongs to the I type. It implements all three stages, at the end of which a certificate of secondary general education is issued.

  • various technical, computer, telecommunication means are used in the educational process;
  • children learn computer graphics, which allows them to find work in this area in the future;
  • a large selection of additional programs.
  • not found.

№ 126 (13)

Address: st. Republican, 1

Phone: ☎ +7 343 330-87-00


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-17:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

Nearest stops: Victory Park (570 m), st. metro station Uralmash (3.4 km).

The institution belongs to type II and provides primary and general education for the hard of hearing and late deaf.

In addition to the main subjects, students have the opportunity to master additional programs in fine arts, modeling, sports, arts and crafts, theater and music.

  • teachers and educators treat pupils with understanding;
  • a wide range of additional educational programs.
  • located far from public transport stops.

№56 (№6)

Address: st. Darwin, 4

Phone: ☎ +7 343 263-48-61

Website: www.boarding school6.rf

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-17:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

Nearest stops: metro - Botanicheskaya (about 3 km), bus - st. Darwin.

The school belongs to the V type - for children with severe speech disorders. Those with OHP I, II, III levels are accepted for training.

The educational institution implements the initial level of education. The term of study is 4-5 years. Correctional courses "Logorhythmics", "Speech Development", "Pronunciation", etc. are added to the main subjects.

Additional programs aimed at the creative and physical development of students: "Cheerful palette", "Soft toy and souvenir", "exercise therapy".

  • teachers do their best to help students with speech disorders to get into a regular school in the future;
  • a noticeable positive result is observed in almost everyone.
  • the school building is in need of repair;
  • inconvenient parking.

№ 17

Address: st. Krasnokamskaya, 36

Phone: ☎ +7 343 234-34-53, 234-34-62

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

The school belongs to the VI type - for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. In this institution, it is possible to receive a complete general education.

  • nearby is the "Children's Center", in which children attend physiotherapy;
  • classes are equipped with the necessary equipment for teaching children with cerebral palsy;
  • accept autistic students.
  • inconvenient location.

№ 73

Address: st. Tatishcheva, 78

Phone: ☎ +7 343 246-48-35

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:30-17:00; Sat: 08:30-14:00, Sun - day off.

Address: st. Gottwald, 19a

Phone: ☎ +7 343 245-97-05

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:30-17:00; Sat: 08:30-14:00, Sun - day off.

The school has 2 branches: along Tatishchev and Gottwald streets. On Tatishchev, the school belongs to type VII, on Gottwald - to type VIII.

  • strong specialists: after training with them, even children with complex diagnoses improve.
  • not found.

№ 18

Address: st. Uprising, 34

Phone: ☎ +7 343 325-58-50


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-17:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

Nearest stops: metro - pr-kt Kosmonavtov, bus - st. Stakhanovskaya.

This educational institution belongs to the VII type - for children with mental retardation.

It provides primary and basic general education (grades 1-9). Each block lasts 5 years, i.e. in primary education, grade 1 is duplicated. A five-day training week was organized. Possibility of 24 hour stay. Additional educational programs are being implemented: "Little Miracles" - a circle of applied arts, "Mini-football", "Variety dance", "Creative workshop", "Music and singing".

The school has 52 study rooms, an art room, a computer class. Separately allocated offices of psychologists, speech therapists, medical office. For career guidance, carpentry and sewing workshops, a cooking room are provided. Equipped sports hall. There is a dining room for 200 people, dormitories.

  • good material and technical equipment of the school;
  • strong teachers - even complex subjects are presented in an accessible and understandable way;
  • located near bus stops.
  • not found.

№ 172

Address: 54 Sedov Ave.

Phone: ☎ +7 343 366-49-24


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-18:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

Type VIII educational institution for students with mental retardation. In addition to the necessary knowledge of reading, writing and mathematics, students acquire skills in labor disciplines: sewing, carpentry and plumbing.

  • teachers take into account the characteristics of the character and the level of development of the intellect of each child;
  • cozy environment.
  • not found.

№ 123 (3)

Address: educational buildings - st. S. Kovalevskoy, 10 and st. Krasina, 37; orphanage for mentally retarded children - st. Lyapustina, 4

Phone: ☎ +7 343 374-35-03


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-17:00; Sat, Sun - day off

The institution belongs to the VIII type and implements primary and general education for children with mental retardation. In addition to the basic subjects, students have access to additional education in the following areas: physical culture and sports, artistic and aesthetic, social and pedagogical.

  • accept children with autism.
  • small school building.

№ 118 (7)

Address: st. Shchorsa, 107

Phone: ☎ +7 343 269-18-00


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-18:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

VIII type educational institution. The school provides primary and basic general education for children with mild, moderate and severe mental retardation. It is equipped with training workshops where students learn the basics of professions: carpenter, seamstress, painter and plasterer.

Two hot meals a day are organized for all students.

  • great attention is paid to sports and physical development of children;
  • a large number of circles and additional classes that contribute to the creative and artistic and aesthetic development of pupils.
  • old building in need of renovation.

№ 111

Address: st. Baku Commissars, 50a

Phone: ☎ +7 343 325-26-59

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:30-17:00; Sat: 08:30-15:00, Sun - day off.

The school belongs to the VIII type - for mentally retarded children.

  • learning at home is possible;
  • children with various combinations of defects are accepted for training (intellectual underdevelopment with speech disorders, with disorders of the musculoskeletal system or vision).
  • good material and technical equipment of the school.
  • not found.

Summarize. There are 12 special schools in Yekaterinburg. Of these, I species - No. 89 and 139 (1), II type - No. 126 (13), V type - No. 56, VI type - No. 17, VII type - No. 18 and 73 (on Tatishchev), VIII type - No. 172, 123 (3), 118, 111, 73 (on Gottwald). As you can see, there are no school institutions of III and IV type in the city - for the blind and children with residual vision. One school is for children with speech disorders and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Most institutions (5) are for children with intellectual underdevelopment.

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