
  1. Types of correctional preschool educational institutions
  2. How to choose a corrective kindergarten?
  3. Rating of the best specialized kindergartens in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best correctional kindergartens in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

Rating of the best correctional kindergartens in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

Doctors around the world are increasingly sounding the alarm - a large number of children who are born have various health problems, both physical and mental. Most problems are not detected immediately, only after a long period of time, when it becomes more and more difficult to correct them. Since the body at an early age has enormous compensatory capabilities, many of the problems that arise can be corrected at a younger age without consequences.

In order to timely identify and correct the health problems that have arisen, correctional kindergartens have been created. They enable students to adapt to the world around them, learn how to communicate with other people, and also learn the basic skills that will be useful to them in an educational institution.

Some parents are mistaken, believing that learning in such a team is a sentence, and the baby will never be “normal”.This is fundamentally wrong, because such groups are designed specifically to help cope with problems and compensate for all violations. We will talk about the best correctional kindergartens in Nizhny Novgorod below.

Types of correctional preschool educational institutions

Depending on what disease is diagnosed in the crumbs, kindergartens specialize in the following areas of activity:

  • for preschoolers with poor eyesight - as a rule, you can get into such an institution on the basis of a certificate from an ophthalmologist. Boys and girls with strabismus, astigmatism, visually impaired are admitted to kindergartens of this type;
  • frequently ill children - institutions intended for babies with reduced immunity, they get here in the direction of a pediatrician;
  • for children with poor hearing - kids with a complete lack of hearing or hearing impaired are engaged here;
  • with a violation of the musculoskeletal system - preschoolers with a variety of motor activity disorders, including cerebral palsy, get here. The main emphasis in training with them is on the restoration of motor functions and physical condition;
  • with a speech disorder - for babies who have reduced speech activity by the age of 3-4, it has an incorrect grammatical and sound sound, incomprehensible to others, which is why attention, memory, and thinking are inadequately developed;
  • with mental retardation - such kids lag behind their peers in mental development and need constant work with speech pathologists, psychotherapists, and other specialists;
  • orthopedic preschool institutions - preschoolers with congenital and acquired deformities, curvature of the musculoskeletal system - dislocations, scoliosis, etc. are admitted to such institutions.

In order to get into a correctional institution, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor (pediatrician, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, etc.), followed by a referral to a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, based on the results of which a decision will be made on the need to visit such an institution. Due to the fact that the number of pupils in such groups is significantly less than in ordinary ones, this makes it possible for specialists to devote maximum time to the problems of a particular pupil, which contributes to his speedy recovery. The main disadvantage of such an educational institution may be its remoteness from home, which is why you have to carry the crumbs twice a day through the whole city. The way out of this situation are groups of round-the-clock stay, allowing you to leave the pupil for the night.

How to choose a corrective kindergarten?

Choosing an ordinary kindergarten is not an easy task, let alone a correctional one. Criteria for choosing a correctional kindergarten:

  • The presence and competence of educators according to the profile of the disease. This is the most important criterion, since a correctional kindergarten is focused on compensating for the child's health problems, and it is better to put other selection options in the background, but pay special attention to the professionalism of speech pathologists, educators and doctors in the institution. It is best to talk with the parents of graduates before deciding on a kindergarten, and find out if training in the correctional group helped them, if there is an obvious effect from the classes.
  • The room where the pupils will be. This is the second thing you need to pay attention to after studying the qualifications of the teaching staff. It is important to see not only the room for sleeping and playing, but also the sports and music hall, corridors, and sanitary facilities. It is desirable that the room be decorated in pastel, soothing colors, divided into functional areas - dining, for active games, for learning. The room should be clean, bright, with a comfortable air temperature.
  • Improvement of the surrounding area. Since most of the time, especially in summer, students spend on the street, it is important to assess the condition of the playground. All complexes must be repaired and not have damage that could harm babies. Tiles and asphalt pavement should not have potholes, holes, and sharp protrusions that pupils can trip over.
  • Safety. Another important criterion.In connection with the increased cases of self-leaving preschoolers from the kindergarten, it is recommended to study whether the gates and entrance doors are locked, whether any passer-by can freely enter the territory of the educational institution.
  • Impressions of the child. Before finally deciding on a kindergarten, according to the parents, you need to come to the group with the baby and see how he reacts to the teacher, other pupils, whether he likes the room and toys. If he categorically does not want to let his mother go, you should think about choosing another institution.

If possible, it is better to send the baby to a private correctional kindergarten, since here all the staff are aimed at making the baby feel comfortable spending time in it, the number of students here is minimal, such institutions often have very flexible work schedules, many such institutions have cameras with the possibility of remote monitoring.

Rating of the best specialized kindergartens in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

Let's consider what types of preschool institutions there are depending on specialization: for preschoolers with visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech problems, mental retardation (MPD), cerebral palsy (ICP), etc. In Nizhny Novgorod, there is a large number of specialized preschool institutions. Next, we will consider in detail the best of them so that you do not make mistakes when choosing and send the child to a place where he can not only have a good time without parents, but also receive qualified help for a profile disease.

Facilities for children with visual impairments

Kindergarten №7 "Rodnichok"

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Automechanical, d.28A.

Phone: ☎+7 (831) 256-74-66.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 06:00 to 18:00, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website on the Internet:

256 pupils study here at the same time. The location of the institution is convenient, it is located near the metro station Park Kultury, Kirovskaya, Komsomolskaya. In addition to general developmental, there are special groups for preschoolers with visual impairments. Children are accepted from 2 years of age.

The team of teachers and educators is close-knit, all employees are professionals in their field. In the staff, in addition to educators, there is a defectologist teacher, a psychologist, a speech therapist, a physical education teacher, and a music worker.

In addition to compulsory classes, in an educational institution you can visit additional paid circles:

  • for unorganized preschoolers - swimming and vision correction;
  • for organized ones - "Aqua aerobics", "Gramoteika", "Rainbow" fine arts studio, "Zhemchuzhinka" dance studio, "Razvivalochka", "Rechetsvetik", "Gurchalochka".

Despite the fact that the building is no longer young, the management constantly monitors its condition and makes repairs as needed. The premises are kept clean, the surrounding area is landscaped. The nutrition of pupils is varied and healthy, the diet contains all the necessary products, vitamins and minerals.

  • qualified teachers and medical workers;
  • there is a swimming pool;
  • a large list of additional circles;
  • the kindergarten area is in good transport accessibility;
  • tasty food.
  • old building.

Kindergarten No. 430

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Dargomyzhsky, 1/1.

Phone: ☎ +7(831)251-70-12.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 06:30 to 18:30, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website on the Internet:

This institution is the winner of the national project "Education". 273 pupils can study here at the same time. There are both general developmental groups and compensatory groups for pupils with visual impairments. Preschoolers from 2 to 7 years old are accepted for training. Classes for kids are organized both according to the educational program of preschool education, and according to an adapted program for 5-6 year old pupils. There are additional general developmental programs "Preschool", "Rainbow of Joy", "School of the Ball", "School of Creativity", "Bukvarenok", "Art Workshop".

Pupils of the institution constantly participate in competitions and competitions of various levels, among them are: the district mini-football qualifying round, the drawing competition “Autumn Gives Miracles”, the competition for fire and rescue topics “Safety”, for road safety topics “Traffic light” , the district sports day "Little people on the big planet", the chess and checkers tournament "Young talents", the festival of creativity for preschoolers with disabilities "Look at me carefully".

In addition to educators, the staff of the institution includes: a teacher-defectologist, a speech therapist, a teacher of physical education, and a music director.

As in many kindergartens built in the Soviet era, the condition of the building leaves much to be desired, its appearance is not very attractive. Bedrooms and halls also require repair - plaster crumbles, linoleum is worn out. Nevertheless, teachers try to maintain a cozy and friendly atmosphere in groups.

  • pupils are constantly developing and taking part in various competitions;
  • polite and friendly staff.
  • few specialized specialists;
  • old and dilapidated building, rooms need renovation.

Kindergarten №332 "Birch"

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Mokrousova, 19.

Phone: ☎ +7(831)226-52-87.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 06:30 to 18:30, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website on the Internet:

According to parents, this is the best kindergarten for pupils with visual impairments. Babies are admitted to the nursery from the age of 2 years. As in other institutions of this type, Beryozka has both general developmental groups and combined ones for those who have vision problems.

In the institution, not only educators teach and develop preschoolers, but also a psychologist, defectologist, speech therapist, swimming instructor, physical education teacher, music director.

In the institution, in addition to the main activities, many circles are organized, among them: adaptation of kids to being in a team, fine arts, manual labor training, swimming, dancing and health clubs, reading training, classes with a psychologist, speech therapist and speech pathologist, English, extended and weekends, a circle of intellectual development.

The garden has a swimming pool and a winter garden. According to parents, all educators and teachers in the institution treat the kids with warmth and goodwill, so every kid goes to the kindergarten with pleasure.

  • a large list of circles and additional classes;
  • enrollment of students is carried out from the age of two;
  • there is a swimming pool;
  • additional classes are inexpensive;
  • Among all the reviews about the kindergarten, there is not a single negative one.
  • on the website of the organization there are no descriptions of additional circles for preschoolers and information about how much they cost;
  • The kindergarten building is in need of a major overhaul.

Establishments for pupils with hearing impairment

Kindergarten №19

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. M.Yamskaya, 9A.

Phone: ☎ +7(831)434-21-68.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 06:30 to 18:30, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website on the Internet:

There are 6 groups organized and functioning in the kindergarten, 5 of them are general developmental, and one is for children with hearing impairment. There are several nursery groups for kids from one and a half years old or from two.

The teaching staff is small, consisting of educators, a music worker, a teacher of physical education and a teacher-defectologist.

The kindergarten building is modern, with good repair and landscaping. Due to the fact that the garden accommodates a small number of students, they are all in sight, and everyone is given maximum attention. The rooms are warm and cozy, the teachers and teachers are friendly and attentive.

Pupils take part in various competitions, including those for children with special needs. Among them: the festival "Dance Marathon" (all-Russian level), "Look at me carefully" (regional level), "Winter Ball", "Singing Droplets", "Spring Kaleidoscope" (city level), "What is autumn", " Mitten of Santa Claus”, “Visiting the sun” (the level of the educational institution).

The educational institution has its own website, which contains the contacts of the organization, its location on the map, with a description of how you can get to the institution. Here you can also find tips and recommendations for parents on how to properly develop and where to teach a child after graduation from kindergarten. The site also contains didactic materials to help parents.

  • modern building, cozy rooms;
  • Convenient site with materials for parents.
  • no short stay group;
  • no additional circles;
  • due to the small capacity of the kindergarten, it is difficult to get there.

Kindergarten №465

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, Ankudinovskoe highway, 11A.

Phone: ☎+7(831)422-54-36.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday around the clock, there is a weekend group.

Official website on the Internet:

There are only 5 groups organized in the kindergarten, among them both general developmental groups for healthy children, and correctional groups for children with hearing impairment and mental retardation.

The staff consists of educators, speech therapists, defectologists, a music director, and a psychologist teacher.

The premises in which there are pupils with hearing impairments are adapted for the disabled and deaf, hard of hearing preschoolers. In the rooms where classes are held, there are special typesetting canvases, front screens, computers with an acoustic system and a microphone.

All groups are divided into thematic zones: a game center, a sports and recreation center, a cognitive and speech development center, and a creativity center. Various kinds of multimedia thematic presentations are constantly held for pupils with hearing impairments.

  • the institution is focused, first of all, on children with hearing impairments, there is everything necessary for their comfortable stay and education;
  • there is the possibility of a round-the-clock stay, which allows students from remote areas not to spend a long time traveling to the kindergarten and back.
  • small capacity of preschool educational institution - only 5 groups.

Speech therapy preschool institutions

Kindergarten №20 "Ray"

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Volodarsky, 63.

Phone:☎ +7(831)419-24-25.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 06:30 to 18:30, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website on the Internet: http://mdou20.rf/.

The founding date of the institution is 1957. There are 12 groups in the kindergarten, 374 pupils can study at the same time. There are both general developmental groups and combined (with an inclusive approach), compensating for pupils with mental retardation, speech therapy.

In addition to educators, the staff includes a speech therapist teacher, a psychologist teacher, a defectologist teacher, and a physical education teacher. Many interesting circles have been organized: the Montessori School (“Clever and Smart Men”), “Harmony”, “Young Olympians”, “Future First Grader”, English, a weekend group and help for children with mental retardation. Various events and competitions are constantly organized for kids - “Road safety is my lifestyle”, “Artistic word”, “Man and nature”, “Kingdom of berries”.

Special attention is paid to students with speech therapy problems - daily classes with speech therapists and defectologists, thematic general and individual classes are held.

  • large capacity of the kindergarten;
  • there are inclusive groups for kids with speech therapy problems;
  • the average price of circles in the city;
  • many circles are organized for pupils, including English.
  • old building, many rooms need renovation;
  • some parents claim that the head of the kindergarten is rude in relations not only with employees, but also with students.

Kindergarten №33

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Kazan highway, 3 B.

Phone: ☎ 8(831) 432-42-48.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 06:30 to 18:30, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website on the Internet:

One of the largest kindergartens in Nizhny Novgorod, it can accommodate 430 pupils. There are 12 groups organized in the institution: 1 - the first junior (age - 2-3 years), 3 second junior (3-4 years), 2 middle (4-5 years), 3 senior (5-6 years), among them one - for students with a general speech disorder (speech therapy), 3 preparatory (6-7 years).

The institution has all the conditions for a comfortable stay for kids - there is a swimming pool, a gym with state-of-the-art exercise equipment, a music room, an office for a speech therapist and psychologist.

There is a cherry orchard, a small vegetable garden, flower gardens, grassy lawns on the adjacent territory. Play and sports equipment is in good condition, all characteristics meet regulatory safety requirements.

For kids, various concerts are constantly organized, in which musicians and artists of the Nizhny Novgorod Boys Choir, Music School No. 10 take part. Excursions are also organized for pupils of senior groups to the Library. V. Shukshin.

Pupils with speech therapy problems attend classes with a specialized specialist several times a week. Since the institution has budget funding, the cost of these classes is not included in the monthly payment for preschool children in the kindergarten.

  • large capacity of the garden;
  • interesting concerts and excursions are organized for students;
  • landscaped adjacent territory;
  • there is a swimming pool.
  • not detected.

Boring Garden

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 15a.

Phone: ☎ +7(831) 215-34-50.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 07:00 to 18:30, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official site on the Internet:

One of the few private kindergartens in Nizhny Novgorod.Depending on the age of the pupil and specialization, the following groups are distinguished:

  • Nursery - accept babies from the age of 1 year to 3 years. The group is focused on the soft adaptation of the baby to kindergarten. At first, a psychologist is always present in the classroom with the kids. Here, circles are held for the development of speech, speech therapy gymnastics, educational games are organized, walks in the fresh air, and the basics of the English language are given.
  • Short stay - formed for the age from 1 year to 7 years. Formed 2 groups - morning stay (from 09:00 to 13:00) and evening (from 15:00 to 19:00). Creative and musical classes are held with pupils, the Healthy Baby project has been organized - the implementation of an integrated approach to strengthen the physical and psychological health of students.
  • Full Day - Preschoolers ages 1 to 7 are accepted. The main principles of work are a small number of pupils in one group, daily developmental classes, teaching in Russian and English at the same time, using modern teaching methods, using the latest technologies with an interactivity function.
  • Day off - organized in the form of a 4-hour stay of students on weekends. According to reviews, such a group allows parents to go about their business if there is no one to leave the child with. The cost of one day is 600 rubles.
  • Language club during the holidays and summer classes - both preschoolers and schoolchildren are accepted into such groups. For pupils, various master classes, quests and competitions are organized daily, developmental and sports activities are held.Classes are held both in Russian and in English.
  • comprehensive and varied training;
  • bilingual classes;
  • The nursery accepts babies from 1 year old.
  • high cost of lessons.

The best institution for pupils with mental retardation (ZPR)

Kindergarten №154

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Khersonskaya, 14, bldg. one.

Phone: ☎+7(831) 251-07-89.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 06:00 to 18:00, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website on the Internet:

Due to the fact that in recent years mental developmental disorders have been increasingly detected in children, and since it is easiest to compensate for them at preschool age, groups for children with mental retardation are organized in many kindergartens. We will review the best, according to parents, correctional kindergarten of this type.

Kindergarten No. 154 is designed for the simultaneous stay of 280 children; both general developmental groups and a compensatory group for pupils with a complex defect have been created here. Admission to the kindergarten begins at the age of two.

For the education and development of children in the staff there is a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist, a defectologist, a teacher of physical education. Classes are organized daily with pupils in the following areas: psychology, music classes, speech therapy, English, classes in Montessori technique, physical education with classes on power simulators.

Classes with children with mental retardation are carried out in the following forms:

  • individual (training in the form of a game, sand therapy, etc.);
  • general (classes are held in a playful way with all children at the same time);
  • work with the family (parents are consulted on how to behave with the baby).

Working with a psychologist allows you to correct such conditions as moodiness, aggression, isolation. An individual psychological diagnosis of the personality of the baby, the level of his mental processes and readiness for schooling is carried out.

  • daily versatile work is carried out with children with mental disabilities;
  • children are also treated (there is a physio-massage room);
  • for such children, training programs have been specially developed, there is all the necessary equipment in the premises where classes are held.
  • not detected.

The best institution for children with cerebral palsy (CP)

Kindergarten №17 "Brook"

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Monchegorskaya, 16a, bldg. four.

Phone: ☎+7 (831) 256-88-43.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 06:00 to 18:00, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website on the Internet:

The institution accepts pupils aged 3 to 7 years old with disorders of the musculoskeletal system with or without concomitant intellectual impairment, aged 4 to 7 years old with a complex defect (2 or more physical or mental disabilities). The institution has 6 compensatory groups. The average number of children in each of them does not exceed 8 people. There are short stay groups for children from 4 to 7 years old, the number of pupils in them should not be more than 5 people.

The compensation group with disorders of the musculoskeletal system accepts children with minimal ability for individual self-service.For these children, training is provided to help them develop self-care skills. They are also taught to walk independently or with the use of special orthopedic devices.

The compensation group with a complex defect accepts children with complex health disorders, such as paresis, pathological reflexes and involuntary movements, hyperkinesis, motor activity disorders of various etiologies, incl. violations of fine motor skills of the hands, underdevelopment of vision, hearing, speech, intelligence.

Pupils, as far as possible, participate in various competitions: the International Family Competition "Our Friendly Family", the review competition "Nizhny Novgorod Land", the action "Safety Lesson for Children and Parents", etc.

  • the institution is fully equipped with equipment for the rehabilitation of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • all employees are experienced, professional and friendly;
  • Due to the small number of pupils in the group, each pupil is given maximum attention.
  • due to the limited number of places, it is difficult to get into the kindergarten.


Raising a child with disabilities is difficult both mentally and physically. It is very important that parents understand that due to the flexibility and ability of the young body to recover, many defects can be compensated for at an early age without consequences.

Due to the fact that the state cares about helping parents in the upbringing of such children, a large number of specialized preschool institutions have been created.However, it is not easy to choose an institution that will be able not only to help the child cope with existing health problems, but will also please him, make him want to visit him daily. We hope that our article will help you make the right choice and find such a correctional kindergarten for your child, which he will remember with warmth after many years.

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