
  1. What does the basic set of satellite TV include?
  2. How to choose satellite equipment?
  3. Rating of the best satellite TV sets of 2025
  4. Cost of equipment

Review of the best satellite TV sets of 2025

Review of the best satellite TV sets of 2025

The modern world of technological progress allows everyone to enjoy watching channels with high quality sound and image. Satellite television provides the consumer with a wide range of TV programs with numerous topics: news, sports, movies, humor, science and others. In order to know what equipment you need to connect and which operator to choose, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the best satellite TV sets of 2025.

What does the basic set of satellite TV include?

The base kit includes:

  • Satellite dish (dish);
  • Convector - a device that receives a signal from a satellite;
  • Receiver - a signal receiver in the form of a DVD player located by the TV;
  • Cable up to 10 meters - connection of the convector with the receiver;
  • The remote control is a device for switching channels on the receiver.

Equipment - what happens?

  1. receivers

Receivers are different, depending on what you want to watch. Some devices may only unlock the Viaccess encoding, while others may cover more.

If the receiver is equipped with a COM port, then one more device can be installed in them - a module that allows you to unlock additional encodings up to 5 options. Models are available that already have a built-in module and hard drive.

The price of the receiver depends on the functionality and brand. Popular models from the best manufacturers, of course, will be expensive, but a good device from a less famous brand can be purchased for $ 100-450.

  1. satellite dishes

Satellite dishes range in diameter from 600-3000 mm. Of course, with a large size, the antenna has more features, such as the number of channels, high-quality images, as well as the use of a signal from several satellites.

True, this does not mean that a large diameter is required for each operator. For example, when choosing NTV Plus, an antenna of 60 cm is enough, and Tricolor TV - 90 cm. The most dimensional models are installed in places with difficult signal reception.

  1. Channels

Channels of each satellite TV are combined into packages with a specific theme. When installing satellite TV equipment, you can enjoy watching:

  • FTA channels

FTA channels are free options that are included in almost all packages. Such channels do not require any payment or activation of a special card, it is enough to connect an inexpensive receiver that supports free channels.

  • Scrambled channels

To view encrypted channels, you need a receiver that opens encodings, or an access card. However, to use the receiver, you need to activate the device itself. For this, the Internet is suitable with the supplier's website, by calling the support service or at the operator's location center.

Whichever registration option is chosen, each option requires a receiver ID (identification number), which can be in the device settings (in the “Status” section) or printed on the packing box.

To activate the card, you need to call the support service, which will help in this process. However, you can also use the company's website, where you will need to fill in the necessary lines for registration and enter the required code under the protective layer of the card.

If there is a desire to change the channel package to another version of the same operator, then the card cannot be thrown away. It is enough to dial the support service number or change the selected package via the Internet.

How to choose satellite equipment?

A large number of available channels and a high-quality signal are the main advantages of good satellite TV.


To install satellite TV, first of all, it is worth deciding on an operator that broadcasts satellite channels.Today, a large number of them are charged, but the most common of them are NTV-plus, Tricolor TV, HD Platform, MTC-TB, Telekarta (Orion Express), REMO TV and others.

For a detailed acquaintance, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rating of the best satellite TV sets of 2025, where all the information about each operator with advantages and disadvantages is presented in detail.


When choosing a satellite dish, you should not get hung up on the small diameter of the dish because of the low price. For example, if a Tricolor TV package is purchased, then an antenna with a size of less than 90 cm will not reliably pick up a signal from the satellite, and the picture will be distorted. In bad weather, the signal may disappear altogether.


The main criteria for choosing a receiver is a function that opens encodings, and built-in add-ons, like a module or a hard drive. When deciding on this device, it is worth finding out which and how many encodings it opens. After all, the larger the list, the more channels it unlocks.

The receiver must be equipped with a slot for connecting special cards that make it possible to catch a signal of any encoding. For example, if you have a device from the Tricolor TV company, then by connecting a module with Viaccess encoding to it, you can open NTV-plus channels. This is possible thanks to the common broadcast satellite operators. In general, the more slots, the more operators, and hence the more channels there will be.

If the receiver is equipped with a huge number of encodings, then it is better to buy an antenna with a rotary function. This will allow you to use multiple satellites.

If the device is equipped with a hard disk, you can watch movies and programs in automatic mode.Such functionality will allow you to record, for example, the selected TV show to watch it in your free time.

Today, among popular models, you can find options that allow you to record from one channel and watch your favorite movie on another. With a USB output, everything recorded can be transferred to a computer.

Rating of the best satellite TV sets of 2025

Tricolor Full HD 501/591

Official site:

Tricolor Full HD 501/591 is a great opportunity to enjoy your favorite channels on 2 TVs at the same time, which in no way will depend on each other.

Of course, it may seem to many that the equipment package is too huge and expensive, but this is due to a variety of functions. The basic Tricolor set consists of a satellite dish, 2 receivers (GS С591; GS Е501), a cable connected to the Ethernet port.

Such equipment allows you to watch different channels on two TVs, which facilitates the situation in apartments with a large area and families with a huge number of people.

Each package includes a certain number of channels. For example, the One Multi package includes over 189 channels, 31 of which are in HD quality.

Other options for pay-per-view packages vary in topics that are available for general viewing or for children, as well as for adults only. For example, the "Night" package consists of five channels, including erotica.

Every year, the broadcaster equips receivers with new features, such as broadcast recording, delayed viewing and multimedia applications. A big advantage is the management of channels not only through the remote, but your own phone or tablet.

However, the company does not stop there, so it intends to equip the receiver with virtual, multi-digital technology and expand the list of Internet audiences.

In addition, now you can watch Tricolor channels in any region with the Internet and available bandwidth. It is enough just to have a TV or a device with Android TV support, for which you just need to install Tricolor-online TV. This allows you to watch channels even without connecting to a satellite dish.

Of course, this service is available only to the operator's subscribers, of which the company has about 12 million. You can watch your favorite channels in the country or, having arrived in the city, at home without any overpayments.

Tricolor Full HD 501/591
  • a large list of free channels;
  • over 189 channels in one package;
  • 31 channels in "Full HD";
  • affordable choice and cost of thematic packages;
  • the presence of 2 receivers;
  • receivers with various functions;
  • watching channels simultaneously on 2 TVs;
  • the ability to record the broadcast;
  • channel management via phone or tablet;
  • package with an erotic theme;
  • channels are available anywhere with the Internet;
  • viewing channels on the Tricolor-online-TV application.
  • small plate diameter;
  • due to small size, insufficient signal in some regions;
  • to maintain the quality and quantity of channels after a certain time, it is necessary to replace the equipment;
  • no HDMI cables available.


Official site:

In Russia: ☎ 8 (800) 555 67 89 

In Moscow: ☎ 8 (495) 755 67 89

"HTB-Plus" is the choice of many sports connoisseurs. The satellite TV set of this company includes a large list of high-quality channels.Thanks to this advantage, HTB-Plus is in the ranking of popular satellite television operators.

The TV company's packages are quite expensive, but here you can enjoy documentaries and feature films, various TV shows for adults and children in HD quality.

The "Supersport - West" package includes more than 20 channels with a monthly payment of 400 rubles.

Thanks to the Multiroom service, up to 3 TVs can be connected to a satellite dish without any subscription fee. This service is available to subscribers of the "Basic" package.

If you subscribe to such a service, then everyone gets a 25 percent discount for 2 TVs and a 30 percent discount for 3 TVs. Of course, such a design requires an additional receiver or CAM module, but NTV-Plus equipment is inexpensive. The connection process itself can be performed at the company's office or via the Internet in a personal profile.

The HTB-Plus package consists of:

  • satellite dish;
  • receiver Opentech OHS 1740V;
  • and smart cards.

The receiver is a little aggressive in size, but has a wide range of functions with support for the HDCP protocol. The device is equipped with several connectors for audio and video output. The menu is not complicated by unnecessary functions, but has an easy and understandable language. With the help of 2 keys, you can manage the recording of the broadcast.

set HTB-Plus HD SIMPLE 200
  • reliable signal reception;
  • equipment at a low price;
  • a large list of available channels;
  • the ability to record television;
  • a wide range of channels over 270;
  • ideal option for athletes;
  • a huge number of HD channels;
  • the presence of the “Discovery” channel;
  • light menu;
  • multiple connectors.
  • there are no free channels;
  • expensive price of additional packages;
  • antenna with a diameter of 60 cm.

Telecard HD

Official site:

☎ 8 (800) 100 104 7
☎ +7 (495) 781 41 03 (MSK)

Today, the operator "Telekarta" began to gain popularity in Russia due to a good number of channels (170) with a standard subscription. However, the biggest advantage is that customers themselves can choose or exclude unwanted channels in their opinion.

Among the list, 15 channels are broadcast in Full HD format, for example, Channel One HD, Wildlife HD, Russia HD and others. This list is gradually updated.

For a fee, customers can opt for themed packages such as Viasat or Our Football, where sports fans can watch a variety of matches all the time.

The operator offers channel packages for the adult generation with erotic themes, such as Playboy-TV and Russian Night.

Telekarta subscribers benefit from the offer provided by the TV company. If desired, anyone can unsubscribe from paid channels, thereby receiving 40 free ones as a gift.

When subscribing, a Globo HD X8 receiver is provided with two outputs for a hard drive and a flash drive. Thanks to this equipment, you can record live broadcasts. In addition, the device can be used as a media player, since it is equipped with its own power supply and a considerable number of connectors.

Telecard HD kit
  • high-tech receiver;
  • a large number of free channels;
  • a huge list of channels over 170;
  • 15 channels in high quality;
  • inexpensive standard package;
  • 40 free channels after unsubscribing.
  • not a very common operator;
  • high price for paid channels.
  • the use of only antennas with diameters of 60 cm.


Official website:

☎ +7 (495) 781 410 1

CONTINENT TV is almost an analogue of Telekarta, since they are similar in terms of offers. If you refuse paid channels, then the client is left with 40 free ones.

The full standard package consists of 170 channels for 3600 rubles per year. However, if you refuse unnecessary channels at the request of the subscriber, this amount is reduced.

The main differences between the operator is the choice of receivers from several models or a CAM module. The second option can be selected if the TV supports this format.

For subscribers of the Urals and the Southern Federal District, a satellite dish with a diameter of 80 centimeters is provided. Such a dish catches the signal more confidently than the one with smaller dimensions.

  • 40 free channels upon unsubscribing;
  • choice of receiver from several options;
  • choice of CAM module;
  • a wide range of standard package;
  • rejection of unnecessary channels;
  • plate 80 cm for subscribers of the Urals and the Southern Federal District.
  • high price for additional channels.


Official site:

MTC-TB is an affordable operator for any region, but it is difficult to find equipment for it. The set consists of a proprietary set-top box with a large number of connectors. Data from the client is transmitted to the operator through the built-in SIM card.

The functionality of the device includes the option of delayed viewing, the launch and application of the necessary content, which are recorded on a USB flash drive. The company equipped the device with Internet access via Ethernet, 3G and Wi-Fi.

The package with paid channels includes 210 channels, among them 34 are in high quality. However, the operator offers additional packages at reasonable prices. Like, for example, a package with an erotic theme for 190 rubles, which is based on 5 channels, or a sports version with several channels from NTV-Plus.

MTC-TB kit
  • low price for additional and standard packages;
  • 210 channels per package;
  • 34 in high quality;
  • packages with different themes;
  • a large number of available channels;
  • multifunctional receiver;
  • payment via mobile number.
  • some connectivity issues.

REMO TV Future Outdoor DVB-T2

Official website:

☎ 8 (800) 775 07 94 (toll free)

REMO TV Future Outdoor DVB-T2 is a good choice for watching channels from a Russian manufacturer. The kit includes an antenna, TV set-top box, bracket and remote control.

If you purchase this kit, then the inclusion of channels is absolutely free. Such a system is called "Multiplex". Depending on the location of the subscriber, the volume of channels will also depend. The list is gradually updated.

The set-top box is equipped with several features, such as a USB port to which you can connect a hard drive or flash drive. This equipment allows you to use the device as a media player.

Additionally, a live recording function is built in. Thanks to the electronic guide, the program guide is updated in real time.

REMO TV Future Outdoor DVB-T2
  • affordable price;
  • bracket included;
  • using a TV set-top box in the form of a media player;
  • the presence of a USB port;
  • the ability to record live broadcasts;
  • the presence of an electronic guide.
  • the ability to connect the operator only in areas with a repeater "Multiplex";
  • a small number of channels.

Cost of equipment

Name Cost (rubles)
Tricolor Full HD 501/59113331
HTB-Plus HD SIMPLE 2007790
Telecard HD7280
MTC-TB3 590 
REMO TV Future Outdoor DVB-T22999

In today's digital age, some people still enjoy cable television. However, in order to get high-quality viewing of numerous channels with different themes and high quality, it is worth connecting to satellite television. The rating of the best satellite TV sets of 2025 will help you choose a good operator.

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