
  1. What are compasses
  2. Compass Selection Criteria
  3. Rating of the best compasses for sports and recreation
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best compasses for 2025

Rating of the best compasses for 2025

Despite the fact that the navigation system has firmly entered our lives, the need to navigate the terrain without being tied to electronic devices that are battery dependent is still relevant. The navigation device is used not only by mushroom pickers and hunters who need to determine their location in the forest, but also applicable on the water, it helps to determine the cardinal points and choose the right direction.

The usual compass is a device with a dial on which the cardinal directions are reflected, and in the middle there is an arrow that points to the north. By comparing the values ​​of the arrow with the required cardinal direction, you can determine the required direction.

Since a large number of orientation devices are on sale, and it is not easy to understand their variety, in this article we will tell you how to choose a compass, find out what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing, and also form a rating of quality gadgets from the best manufacturers, compiled on the basis of feedback from real customers.

What are compasses

There are 4 main varieties on sale - liquid, magnetic, electromagnetic and electronic.

The first category is represented by devices that in appearance resemble a standard device, inside there is water under the screen. It is poured in order to additionally stabilize the arrow, and give it an easier move. At its end is a magnetized area that sets the attraction to the north. In order to orient, you need to rotate the gadget horizontally. Buyers note the low cost of the device, ease of use, as well as small size, allowing you to take the gadget with you on any trip. There are also disadvantages - since the screen is glass, in order not to violate its tightness, the device cannot be subjected to shaking and mechanical damage. It is not recommended to buy such devices for children, as well as athletes who are fond of active sports.

Magnetic gadgets are the most common and are found on sale everywhere. They are a dial, in the middle of which is a magnetized arrow pointing north.The device is inexpensive and has a number of disadvantages, the main of which include inaccurate readings, which is due to the fact that under the influence of a magnetic field the pointer can deviate in one direction or another, and mislead the user. To check the operation of the device, it is recommended to bring a metal object to it. If the pointer deviates to the side, and then quickly returns to its original position, the readings are correct, otherwise you will have to spend money on a new gadget, since such a mechanism is not repairable. The device cannot only be used at depth, but it is also not recommended to allow even drops of water to get inside, as it is leaky. Among the advantages can be noted the budget cost, compact size, ease of operation.

Electromagnetic gadgets are similar in principle to the previous type, the main difference is that they analyze the information received and digitally display it on the screen. According to buyers, the readings of such a device are not very accurate, it can only be bought for short-term trips to nature.

Electronic. Such devices have appeared relatively recently. The popularity of models of this type is due to their wide functionality - most of them are equipped with a backlight, a GPS navigator, and also have a sealed case, which makes it possible to use them for diving enthusiasts. Such devices have high accuracy, some of them have the function of storing and automatically determining the required place, tracking deviations from the trajectory, and other useful functions.The disadvantages of such devices include dependence on power sources - in most cases, they will not last more than 6 days of continuous operation.

Compass Selection Criteria

  • The size. One of the most important parameters. It is important even if a small hike in the forest or other unfamiliar terrain is expected. If you plan a long outing, and you need to carry a heavy backpack with all the necessary equipment, every gram of luggage counts. Yes, and free pockets may not be enough. The optimal size is considered to be the size that allows you to place the device in the palm of your hand.
  • Impact resistant housing. This parameter is important if you are planning not an ordinary trip to the forest for mushrooms, but a long outing with active pastime.
  • The presence of water resistance. This criterion is of interest to fans of water sports. If diving under water is not planned, it does not make sense to overpay for this function.
  • The presence of illumination. If night trips to nature are planned, this function will not be superfluous, since a flashlight or a backlit smartphone may not always be at hand, and it will be difficult to determine the cardinal directions. On sale there are also models with a fluorescent coating. It accumulates light and displays it for a while in the dark.
  • The presence of a navigator. It is important for long hikes or trips by bicycle, ATV, etc. Most professional gadgets are equipped with GPS sensors that make it easier for the user to determine the location.
  • Built-in barometer and altimeter. This criterion will be of interest to lovers of mountain hiking. The first device determines atmospheric pressure, changes in which in one direction or another indicate a change in the weather.The second one is able to determine the height above sea level, which makes it possible to measure the distance from the foot of the mountain.

Among the general recommendations for choosing a device, one can single out tips for buying navigation devices only from those companies that are engaged in the manufacture of measuring gadgets. Manufacturers that have been on the market for a long time have perfected the art of making compasses, eliminated all possible shortcomings, and their products will not let you down at the most inopportune moment.

Rating of the best compasses for sports and recreation


Weber K4580

The device in question belongs to the military category and was developed for use in the field. The body of the product is made of aluminum, with plastic inserts. Overall dimensions - 85x64x32 mm. For ease of carrying, the case is equipped with a lid that protects the display from mechanical damage. Due to the fact that the case is made of aluminum, the device weighs more than counterparts made of plastic and other lightweight materials - 186 grams. The package also includes a fabric case.

The dial is treated with a phosphorescent coating, which allows you to view the readings of the device in the dark. In the chamber with the pointer there is a liquid, similar in composition to kerosene. It allows you to achieve a quick reaction of the arrow, as well as accurate readings. The display has a sight with a scale on which azimuths are plotted. The dial has designations in two measurement systems - degrees (step - 5 °), as well as mils (step - 40 mils).

Buyers note that the device is convenient to use both open and closed, since the lid has a viewing window that provides an overview of the display readings.Since the product is aimed at professionals, it has a large number of additional functions - there is a goniometric scale (it makes it possible to measure the distance traveled, the calculation is made according to the formulas that are printed on the back of the case), a tripod thread (required to mount the product on a tripod - using built-in level, you can determine the horizon line), there is a ruler (5 cm long, used for orientation on maps, etc.). The average price of a product is 700 rubles.

Weber K4580
  • fast stabilization of the pointer;
  • the product is inexpensive at a price (considering its functionality);
  • robust aluminum body;
  • can be used in open and closed form;
  • a large number of additional functions.
  • great weight.


This device immediately attracts attention by how much it costs - the buyer will have to pay about 5,000 rubles. The device is a direction finder compass. The body of the gadget is rectangular in shape, made of aluminum, with plastic inserts. The device is waterproof and shockproof, designed for use on rough terrain, suitable for foresters, geologists, archaeologists, tourists.

Inside the display is a liquid that ensures smooth rotation of the pointer, and speeds up its response to changes in the user's position. The use of a sapphire stand ensures the accuracy of measurements and eliminates various “jamming” and “freezing”. The device is equipped with an eyepiece that allows you to carry out the bearing from the location of the user to the target and back. The gadget can also be used for trigonometric surveys. Detailed instructions for using the device are included in the package.The package also includes a leather case that provides protection against mechanical damage when carrying.

On the side of the case there is a ruler that allows you to measure the distance on the maps. The dial is graduated, the scale resolution is 1°. The device has an eye to which a rope is attached, which allows you to use the gadget more safely without the risk of dropping it.

  • wide functionality;
  • can be used as a direction finder, as well as for trigonometric survey;
  • high digit scale;
  • shockproof and waterproof case.
  • high price.

SUUNTO mc-2 Global Mirror

The review continues with the product of a well-known Finnish manufacturer of high-precision navigation devices. The word Global, which is mentioned in the name of the device, indicates that a gadget with a balancing function can be used in any hemisphere. The device is equipped with the following devices: a mirror, a viewing window, a glass for magnification (it is convenient to use when reading small print, and also as a means for ignition in the field), a clinometer, etc. The overall dimensions of the device are 6.5 cm x 10.1 cm. x1.8cm, weight - 75 grams. The product is sold in a plastic blister, there is no case included. A cord is supplied with the product, as well as a plastic clip for attaching the device to clothing. Also in the box you can find a small screwdriver to adjust the declination, and instructions for use.

The gadget belongs to the tablet category, it becomes clear at the first glance at it. Such products are designed to be used in conjunction with the card and are shaped accordingly.The device is folding, the lower part is directly a measuring mechanism, and a ruler, the upper one is a mirror that helps to take readings of the display. On all scales, the marks are fluorescent, which provides an overview not only during daylight hours, but also at night. The scales have several units of measurement, which allows for a large number of measurements. There is a built-in magnifying glass that provides an increase in small print, or a campfire in the field.

The built-in clinometer allows you to measure the angle of inclination of surfaces. The same goal is facilitated by the presence of graduated markings, as well as the presence of an additional orange indicator. In order to ensure that the body remains stationary during measurements, there are silicone anti-slip feet on its underside. Buyers note high-quality materials of manufacture, as well as reliable fixation of all moving elements. The average price of a product is 6,300 rubles.

SUUNTO mc-2 Global Mirror
  • quality components;
  • a large list of measured characteristics;
  • Convenient fasteners included.
  • high price;
  • The case is not shockproof, and is easily damaged.


Compass Adrianov Voentorg

The Russian-made device got its name from the name of the Soviet cartographer, who developed it based on the needs of the then army. Due to the high accuracy of the measurements made, it was the most common in the Soviet army.

The dial has divisions in degrees and thousandths. The first increases clockwise, the second - against. The magnetized pointer is located under a plastic cover that protects it from mechanical damage.It rotates and can be used to sight a target. The case is steel, attached to a leather strap, which allows you to wear a gadget like a watch on your hand. There are slots on the scale that help you navigate the dial scale. In order for the arrow not to be damaged by shaking during movement, a clamping bar is provided that fixes it together with the glass and does not allow it to move.

All scale divisions and the tip of the pointer are covered with a phosphorescent compound, which is highlighted in the dark and allows you to read the screen readings. For sighting, the front sight and rear sight are used (rotates on its own axis). The device allows you to determine cardinal directions, measure azimuths, work with a map, and determine the required direction. Despite the fact that it has been used in the army for a long time, and a large number of similar devices made using improved technology can be found on sale, the popularity of the model does not wane, the gadget continues to be one of the most famous and sold for outdoor activities.

Among the features of the device, one can distinguish compact dimensions and reliability (even after the protective glass is damaged, the device is able to indicate the direction, since it is not dependent on air from outside, as is the case with liquid devices). On the Internet, you can find a large number of videos that show that the gadget of this manufacturer has a radiation background. And it's not fake. This problem is connected with the fact that earlier (until the 70s of the last century) a fluorescent composition with radium was used here to provide illumination at night. Subsequently, it was replaced with a safe paint that does not have harmful radiation. The average price of a product is 750 rubles.

Compass Adrianov Voentorg
  • simplicity of design, measurements are clear even for beginners;
  • low cost;
  • due to the fact that the model is popular, it can be ordered online in any online photo store, since the design of devices from different manufacturers is identical;
  • Easy to carry (hand strap included)
  • does not have restrictions on ambient temperature, as is found in liquid products.
  • not the best measurement accuracy.

KM 40-N

The model in question is designed for water sports. It differs in appearance from the classic compass, has a cylindrical shape. The compass is attached to a strap that is worn on the hand. According to swimmers, this method of fastening is one of the most reliable, since it eliminates the possibility of loss during diving. The overall dimensions of the model are 68x62x48 mm.

The gadget can be used for diving both in fresh and sea water, as it has a waterproof housing. Underwater equipment is manufactured at the Katav-Ivanovsky plant, and can be used not only to determine the cardinal points, but also for underwater bearing. Due to the fact that the body of the model is made of steel, the product together with the strap weighs about 120 grams, however, when immersed in water, such a mass is not critical, and is practically not felt.

The scale of the device is marked in degrees, the price of one division is 5 °. The error in determining the value is 2.5°. The divisions on the scale are coated with a fluorescent composition. The average price of a product, depending on the store, ranges from 8 to 10 thousand rubles.

KM 40-N
  • can be used when diving under water;
  • convenient fastening on a hand;
  • small error for a water compass.
  • buyers often have problems with where to buy a gadget - it is sold only in specialized stores;
  • high price.

Levenhuk DC45

The model under consideration is the most budgetary in this review. The cost of the device, depending on the store, is 130-200 rubles. Despite the fact that the manufacturer's website indicates an American trademark, in fact this device is made in China.

Buyers note the compact dimensions of the device (diameter is only 40 mm), as well as low weight (20 grams). The body of the device is made of plastic, and the budget model is visible in all details - it is thin, easily scratched from the slightest damage. Despite this drawback, the device copes well with the function assigned to it - to determine the direction.

It is recommended to buy this model for those who make trips to nature several times a year - in this case, it makes no sense to overpay for the functionality and quality of components. Buyers note the large font of the dial, as well as the presence of a luminescent coating, so that for some time after dusk you can read the display. Among the shortcomings of the model, one can single out the absence of any fasteners, there is not even an eye for a lace, which is why it is easy to lose a round compact compass in the forest. Since the product is delivered to Russia from China, you can save a lot on its purchase by ordering it from a well-known site. This is suitable for those who are willing to wait - the goods from Aliexpress will go for several months.

Levenhuk DC45
  • compact size, easy to carry in your pocket;
  • budget cost;
  • despite the fact that the device belongs to the category of inexpensive, the manufacturer offers a 6-month warranty on it.
  • low quality components and materials;
  • the display scratches quickly;
  • low accuracy (error up to 5°).


Photo-Hunter Returner

The review of electronic compasses begins with a model that is declared by the manufacturer as a "returner". The device is a device that maintains a constant connection with the GPS satellite, tracks the location of the tourist and, if necessary, indicates the direction in which to move in order to return to the starting point or a given point. The gadget's memory stores up to 16 points, each of which has its own name. In order to go to one of them, you just need to select them from the list. The case is made of plastic, has dimensions of 2.1 * 6.5 * 5.2 cm, and weighs 40 grams. The screen diagonal is 1.4 inches. The speed of switching on and tuning to the satellite depends on how long the compass has been turned on - in a “warm” state, loading will take a few seconds, in a “cold” state - about 2 minutes.

The small overall dimensions of the device allow you to take it with you even for a short walk in an unfamiliar area. In order not to lose the compass during long journeys, it is equipped with a carabiner that attaches to the belt buckle or any accessible place. The case has moisture-proof properties, thanks to which it is not afraid of small splashes of water, and even short-term immersion. The operating temperature range is from minus 20 to +55ºС.

On a single battery charge, the device can work for at least 10 hours. Buyers note a good accuracy of the compass - the error is 5 meters. In addition to the carabiner and the compass itself, the package includes an instruction manual and a charging cable (without a power supply). The control is carried out using the buttons located on the front side of the device.The average price of a product is 3,500 rubles. The products offer a 1-year warranty, which does not work if the user has violated the operating conditions described in the warranty card.

Photo-Hunter Returner
  • compact dimensions;
  • suitable for novice tourists who do not have orientation experience;
  • low cost.
  • short battery life.

Garmin etrex 10

The model under consideration is closer to navigators in terms of its filling, however, the presence of a built-in electronic compass, as well as navigation software, expands its capabilities for travelers. Some use the built-in GPS tracker on a mobile phone for these purposes, however, compared to specialized devices, it has a number of disadvantages - the battery runs out quickly, low location accuracy, in case of loss, a large amount of money will have to be spent on buying a new gadget.

All these shortcomings are taken into account and leveled in electronic compasses-navigators. They are compact in size, do not require an Internet connection or a computer, and have a waterproof and mechanical damage-resistant casing. The model in question is the most budgetary and simple in the brand line, and, despite the fact that it has not been a novelty for a long time, it is still in demand among lovers of hiking in unfamiliar areas. The overall dimensions of the device are 54x103x33mm, powered by two AA batteries (or accumulators). Users claim that intensive use is enough for a week or more.

Management is organized using 5 buttons on the front panel, there is a menu in which you can set the desired function. There are a large number of settings, they are described in detail in the instruction manual. The device can remember waypoints, track the path, determine the cardinal points, indicate the return route, etc. The compass pointer begins to determine the right direction only when the person starts to move. Among the shortcomings, buyers note slow operation at low temperatures (“hanging” of the screen), as well as poor equipment (there is no case and strap). The average price of a product is 9,200 rubles.

Garmin etrex 10
  • the most budget model in the line;
  • wide functionality;
  • long battery life;
  • attractive appearance;
  • compact dimensions;
  • buyers have no difficulty with where to buy the device, it is sold in most major electronics stores.
  • slow work in the cold;
  • The menu is hard to figure out the first time.

Sunroad FR-500

The model under consideration is a multifunctional gadget. It can measure temperature, altitude, humidity, indicate atmospheric pressure, determine cardinal points, etc. The subsequent modification is also equipped with a GPS returner. The delivery set of the device includes the device itself, an instruction manual, a cable for charging the built-in battery.

The overall dimensions of the gadget are 9.8x6.7x1.9 cm. There are 5 control buttons - one in front and 4 on the sides. With the help of one of them, a compass is called. The display is monochrome, with backlight (which is useful in the dark). On the back side there is a flashlight (in the form of an LED).The model is powered by a battery, the manufacturer claims autonomy of at least 90 days. The body is covered with soft plastic, which provides a secure fit in the hand and an anti-slip effect.

When you first start the built-in compass, it is recommended to calibrate in order to obtain more accurate readings. As in the previous model, users note slow processor operation at low temperatures, so for correct operation it is recommended to carry the compass in a warm place. Customers note a large number of recorded parameters, due to which the device is often used as a multifunctional device on long hikes, when climbing mountains, etc. For convenient carrying, there is a large eyelet below the screen, to which a cord can be attached. The average price of a product is 2,800 rubles.

Sunroad FR-500
  • budget cost;
  • wide functionality;
  • attractive appearance;
  • compact dimensions;
  • long battery life.
  • slow display operation at low temperatures (below 0).


When choosing which compass of which company is better to buy, it is recommended to determine the requirements for it. Since there is a wide variety of them on the market, it is easy to make the mistake of buying a device that, after the first use, will lie on the shelf for a long time (if not forever).

We recommend focusing on electronic models if you have not had experience using classic compasses. In such devices, the user does not need to carry out any measurements, calculations, and other complex actions, all this is performed by the processor. If you are an experienced traveler, the best choice for you will be the choice of top models of well-known brands.

We hope that our review will help you navigate the whole variety of similar products, and make the right choice!

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