
  1. Types of accessories for curtains
  2. Design advantages
  3. How to choose
  4. Rating of the most popular models

Ranking of the best curtain rings for 2025

Ranking of the best curtain rings for 2025

When decorating a room in a classic or modern style, you need to pay attention to all the details of the decor. One of the final, but important elements in the whole design are curtain rings. With the right choice of fittings, they can bring a certain originality and sophistication to the entire interior of the room.

Before finally choosing and purchasing an accessory for curtains, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most popular models in 2025, the distinguishing features between products and the advantages that the design has. Do not underestimate such a small but useful detail.

Types of accessories for curtains

According to the material of manufacture

It is possible to divide products for hanging a curtain fabric according to several criteria, one of them is the material of manufacture. For the production of goods, plastic and metal are mainly used. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials.

Plastic models belong to the category of budget accessories. Available in a variety of colors to match perfectly with curtains and cornices in any room.

For the production of goods from this material, high-quality, durable plastic is selected. But it is better not to install too heavy or long curtains on them - the product may not support the weight, and you will have to change all the accessories. Plastic curtain accessories are more suitable for lightweight fabrics, a narrow window, installing a curtain in the bathroom, or for small roman blinds.

The second popular material of manufacture is metal. Products from this composition are more durable than plastic ones. Just they should be installed on metal cornices for heavy curtains.

In order for the product to serve for a long time, a chrome plating is applied to the structure - this will avoid the appearance of corrosion. Also, thanks to this composition, the product can be installed in rooms with high humidity, without fear of rust.

In addition to the listed positive qualities of the material, it is worth noting that the cost of metal accessories is higher than that of plastic ones.But these advantages fully justify the price.

Most often, metal fittings are produced in silver, gold or bronze. Sometimes on sale there are models with a black or brown finish.

You can also find wooden products, but they are less popular than the materials discussed above. They can be sold complete with a cornice - the accessory will have the same color of the rod and ideally fit in diameter.

According to the method of fastening

In addition to the material of manufacture, curtain accessories may also differ slightly in the method of attachment. One of them is when the ring with the upper edges of the canvas inserted into it is put on directly on the round tube of the eaves. This option is called eyelets. It looks very aesthetically pleasing, beautiful folds appear on the curtains, but when changing the canvas, you will have to remove the entire structure from the eaves.

It is also worth noting that the curtain fabric must first be prepared for the installation of rings. Eyelets are an ideal design for hanging massive, long and wide curtains, as they are able to withstand a lot of weight.

The second option is when a round product is also put on the bar, but the web is fastened by hooks, latches or a clamping mechanism on the ring itself. When removing the curtains, it is not necessary to dismantle the cornice, the loops of the fabric or the canvas itself can be easily removed from the fixing fasteners. In operation, this method is more convenient, but not all clamps are able to withstand the heavy weight of the fabric. Therefore, fittings with clips or latches are best used for light or medium-weight webs.

The listed criteria demonstrate how the models differ from each other, and what their main purpose is.

You can buy a set of rings in the online store - a wide range will allow the buyer to choose a model that is ideal for the overall style of the room. Search filters help speed up the process: by specifying the necessary data by price, manufacturer, material of manufacture or color, the user will be presented with the most popular and existing designs.

To place an order, you need to add the selected product to the basket, fill out the form, after which the manager contacts the buyer. Buying goods through the site saves a lot of time looking for the right option.

Design advantages

It will seem to many that such an interior detail as curtain rings does not have any useful qualities. But, nevertheless, this accessory has a number of features and advantages that other mounting methods cannot please. Let's review the most important functions that curtain structures perform.

The main advantage is the appearance that will decorate any room. When installing the canvas, folds form on it. Depending on the position of the rings, they can be uniform, or vice versa - a certain unevenness will bring some variety to the overall style and add uniqueness. And when fixing the curtains with special decorative tapes on both sides, the curtain fittings will decorate the room even more.

Easy to install - the structure is placed on the eaves, and then the canvas is hung. Sets of rings come on sale with different diameters, so you can easily choose the right option for any length and diameter of the rod itself. It is also worth noting that the design will look beautiful on any eaves - made of wood, metal or plastic. The main thing is that all the elements are externally combined with each other.

Eyelets or metal products can withstand a lot of weight, so the design is suitable for a room with wide windows. In addition to the fact that they are very durable, durability is an undoubted advantage - the rings do not break when used correctly and do not lose their attractive appearance.

Accessories are produced not only in round shape - there are square, oval or non-standard models on sale. The choice of such designs will allow you to add variety to the style of the room.

It is impossible not to note the noiselessness of the design in operation - with the right diameter of the eaves and rings, they move smoothly along the rod, without creating loud noise.

These are the main advantages, due to which many buyers prefer rings over other fasteners as a result.

How to choose

There are several criteria by which fittings are selected. Before buying, it is important to carefully inspect the product for external damage, or, for example, rust (if metal products are considered).

It is also worth considering the diameters of the rod and fittings. If the difference is too large, then the curtain accessory will make a lot of noise when moving. With a small diameter of the product and a large size of the cornice, the movement of the rings will be difficult.

It is important to choose accessories that are combined with all other elements. With bright colors of the canvas, it is better to choose more restrained color schemes of the rings. But with a plain curtain, you can diversify the design with eye-catching accessories.

According to the material of manufacture, metal ones, as already mentioned above, are of better quality and more durable, therefore they are adapted to a heavy and wide canvas.Plastic models are more budget-friendly and cannot support a lot of weight, but they are ideal for hanging light fabrics (for example, tulle) and are quieter than metal ones.

As for manufacturers, it is better to consider products of the trademarks Art Uzor, Iris, Escar, Tatkraft or Iddis. The products of these brands are quite affordable. Of the expensive options, OLEXDECO offers an excellent assortment - offers from this company are distinguished not only by high quality, but also by diverse and unique models in shape.

Considering the above recommendations, the choice in purchasing curtain fittings will be much easier.

Rating of the most popular models

TOP 5 best plastic products

IDDIS RID013P, black

The kit includes 12 oval-shaped items that are designed to attach the canvas in the bathroom. The universal black color of the product allows you to choose the product to match the overall interior of the room, as well as the classic style or modern. They will look perfect both on a black rod, and on a white or silver one.

Hardware dimensions - 60x40x5 mm. Durable plastic has a smooth texture, so it moves along the bar with ease.

The cost of a Chinese-made kit is only 240 rubles.

curtain rings IDDIS RID013P, black
  • Stylish design;
  • Easily move along the bar;
  • Durable plastic;
  • Suitable for any interior.
  • Not detected.

Prostore, with hooks, plastic, brown, 50/100 pcs

A set of durable plastic includes rings in the amount of 50 pieces and hooks for fastening - 100 pieces.Due to the large number of rings, the product can be used to fix a dense, heavy canvas.

A set of brown accessories will suit a classic interior. When removing the canvas, there is no need to remove the rings from the eaves, they are fixed on special plastic hooks.

The length and inner diameter is 3.8 cm, the outer diameter is 5 cm. Lightweight plastic fittings move smoothly along the cornice without creating noise.

The price of the set is 440 rubles.

curtain rings Prostore, with hooks, plastic, brown, 50/100pcs
  • Many rings and hooks included;
  • Noiseless in operation;
  • High quality plastic;
  • Withstand heavy canvas.
  • Not detected.

Iris S-24 4011

Modern curtain rings have a convenient clothespin for fixing. Are issued in white color.

The package contains 20 plastic items with a metal clip. This type of attachment makes it easy to hang and remove curtains if necessary.

A design with a diameter of 5 cm is suitable for curtain rods up to 3.7 cm. Despite the fact that the product is made of plastic, it is so durable and of high quality that it can withstand the weight of heavy curtains.

The cost of the kit is about 700 rubles.

rings for curtains Iris S-24 4011
  • Stylish design - suitable for modern and classic style;
  • Withstand the heavy weight of the curtains;
  • Convenient to operate;
  • Large diameter;
  • Noiseless.
  • High price.

Ring for curtains plastic diameter 50 mm, col. white, pack of 50 pcs

The goods from a domestic manufacturer are made of durable ABS plastic and are available in white.

The package contains 50 items, the inner diameter of the structure is 3.9 cm, the outer diameter is 5 cm.It is recommended to install on a single-row eaves.

Due to the large number of items in the set, you can hang a wide and heavy curtain fabric. There are no hooks or other fasteners in the kit and on the hardware itself, so fasteners must be purchased separately.

The price for a pack of 50 pieces is from 300 rubles.

rings for curtains Ring for curtains, plastic, diameter 50 mm, col. white, pack of 50 pcs
  • A large number in the set;
  • Durable plastic;
  • Suitable for heavy and wide curtains.
  • Lack of fasteners in the kit.

Vidage, clear with clips, 12 pcs

Recommended for installation in the bathroom. Set of 12 transparent pieces. For hanging the canvas, the fittings are equipped with a click-system - the ring opens, a loop or a hole in the fabric is put on it, and the ring can be snapped back. Such a system is very convenient for hanging and removing the canvas.

The fittings move silently along the rod, suitable for a standard size cornice. The outer diameter of the product is 6.5 cm.

The price is within 250 rubles.

curtain rings Vidage, transparent with clips, 12pcs
  • Easily and silently move;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • The diameter allows you to install fittings on large rods;
  • High quality goods.
  • Not detected.

The best quality metal rings for curtains

Eskar 31625

The set includes 10 metal items. The manufacturer produces this model in 4 colors: pearl, antique gold, cognac and brushed nickel. Such a variety of colors will allow you to choose the best option for any room interior.

The diameter of the fittings is 2.5 cm, the thickness is 3.5 mm.They are considered the most suitable for paintings made in a classic style. Inside there is a silicone strip that reduces noise during operation. There is a slot on the product, with the help of which the canvas is fixed on the cornice, or you can purchase hooks separately. It is recommended to install on a cornice with a diameter of up to 19 mm.

The cost of the kit is 127 rubles.

curtain rings Escar 31625
  • Variety of colors;
  • High quality manufacturing material;
  • Low cost;
  • Silicone inserts for quiet movement of the curtain.
  • Not detected.

Spirella Ringo chrome

The Swiss company produces a set of 12 items in a set. Place of installation - bathroom. Manufactured from stainless steel with a chrome-plated finish, which has an anti-corrosion effect and increases the service life.

The fittings diameter is 5 cm. The product is very easy to use: to fix the canvas, you need to open the clamping mechanism, place the curtain and close the ring.

The average price of the goods is 800 rubles.

curtain rings Spirella Ringo chrome
  • Smoothly and silently move along the bar;
  • Chrome plated;
  • Pleasant appearance;
  • Do not scratch the bar;
  • Close tightly.
  • High price.

Tatkraft SLIDE, 12 pcs

The product of the original form is intended for installation in the bathroom or other rooms with high humidity. Made from chrome plated steel to prevent rust. The set contains 12 items.

It is recommended to use for cornices with a diameter of up to 29 mm. Fixation of curtains occurs due to a special latch. Despite the decorative elements on the design, the rings move silently along the bar.

The cost of a set of silver color is within 320 rubles.

curtain rings Tatkraft SLIDE, 12 pcs
  • Design:
  • High-quality manufacturing material;
  • Easily and silently glide along the bar.
  • Not detected.

OLEXDECO with clamp 25 mm

Metal structures are equipped with a special hook-clip - for quick and convenient fixing of the canvas on the eaves. Available in gold, white and silver, the user is also given the opportunity to choose a glossy, matte or empire finish. Production material - stainless steel.

The kit includes rings and clips in an amount of 10 pieces. Model diameter - 35 mm, thickness - 6 mm, suitable for cornices with a diameter of up to 25 mm.

The average price of a set is 700-800 rubles.

curtain rings OLEXDECO with clip 25 mm
  • durable;
  • Clamps included;
  • Diverse color assortment;
  • The model is suitable for hanging a heavy canvas.
  • Relatively high cost;
  • Tight clamps.

Art Pattern Basic 1212531

Hanging accessories come with clips for attaching curtains. In the future, it is very convenient to remove the canvas without affecting the rings.

A set of 20 metal objects has an inner diameter of 32 mm and an outer diameter of 36 mm. Suitable for the classic style of curtains and interior. In addition to silver, there are similar bronze-colored fittings on sale.

You can buy a kit at a price of 600 rubles.

curtain rings Art Uzor Basic 1212531
  • A large number in the set;
  • Clamps included;
  • Strong, suitable for heavy curtains;
  • Easily move along the ledge.
  • Not detected.

Art Uzor 2311830/31/32, bronze

Another offer from the well-known manufacturer Art Uzor.A set of 10 items, the outer part of the product is made of metal, there is plastic inside the ring - this is necessary so that the design does not make sharp sounds when the curtain moves along the eaves.

The model is suitable for classic curtains. There is a special detachable hole on the curtain fittings through which the loop of the canvas is pushed through. Therefore, if it is necessary to remove the curtains, the rings remain on the eaves. Inner hole diameter. The average price of a set is 300 rubles.

curtain rings Art Uzor 2311830/31/32, bronze
  • Large;
  • Convenient to operate;
  • Do not make noise when opening/closing curtains.
  • Some buyers complain that the curtain hinge hole is soldered instead of detachable.

When choosing curtain fittings, it is better to rely not only on personal preferences and wishes, but also take into account the opinions and advice of other buyers who have already made a purchase.

Therefore, studying all the offers from manufacturers, you should not disregard the above options. Most of the products do not have obvious flaws, as a result, they are the choice of many users who were satisfied with their purchase.

It would seem that curtain rings are an insignificant element of decor, but improperly selected fittings can ruin the whole design. This rating provides the best products that have a positive rating from other buyers.

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