
  1. Paper or monitor?
  2. What are the genres of books
  3. What is a psychedelic?
  4. Best Psychedelic Books

Top 10 Psychedelic Books of 2025

Top 10 Psychedelic Books of 2025

Every person needs to develop throughout life. This is great for reading. You can read anywhere and any literature. Everyone chooses for himself what it will be (magazine, book, newspaper, articles). The most curious genre is psychedelic, below we will talk about the best books in this direction.

Paper or monitor?

In the modern world, it is possible to choose the source of reading.It can be a standard paper book or a modern electronic one. On the Internet, you can download (for a fee or for free) works of any author, but you can also buy paper media in a store or via the Internet. So which one to choose?

For a better memorization of the content of the work, a paper source is suitable. But electronic ones are more accessible. On the Internet, you can find any author at any time of the day.

A paper book gives reading a certain interest, turning over the pages and smelling them, there is a complete immersion in the plot. And by the number of remaining pages it is always clear how many until the end of the book.

What are the genres of books

  • business literature;
  • Detectives, thrillers;
  • Documentary literature;
  • Dramaturgy;
  • Art, design;
  • Computers, Internet;
  • Literature for children;
  • Love novels;
  • Science, education;
  • Poetry;
  • Adventures;
  • Prose;
  • Reference literature;
  • Newspapers and more;
  • Religion, esotericism;
  • Antique;
  • Technique;
  • Manuals, textbooks;
  • Fiction;
  • Humor;
  • Folklore;
  • Health, beauty;
  • Psychology;
  • Foreign literature;
  • Home, leisure, hobby.

From the total number of books and articles, everyone chooses the information they need.

How to choose a book to read

Reading should give new information or bring pleasure from the process. How to choose the right literature.

If this book concerns professional topics or a specific author, then the choice will be unambiguous. The book you need can be bought at the store or borrowed from the library. But if reading is for leisure, then the choice should be taken seriously.

You should pay attention to:

  1. Feedback on the work;
  2. Author rating among similar books;
  3. Review by critics;
  4. Recommendations from people with similar tastes;
  5. Information from thematic forums on the Internet;
  6. Bestsellers (among the list of the best there are sure to be many interesting things).

When buying a printed book, you can always read the annotation (summary), which will make it clear what the story will be about.

What is a psychedelic?

Psychedelics are a class of psychoactive substances that alter perception and affect the emotional state and many mental processes.

Books in this genre are able to turn the perception of a person, change his views on familiar things, add new sensations and make him think about various issues.

Not everyone is able to understand the content of the book. A person must “ripen” to works in the psychedelic genre.

Best Psychedelic Books

Daniel Keyes - The Mysterious Case of Billy Milligan

Genre - psychedelic, contemporary fiction, realism, prose, biography, novel.

Written in 1981.

Characteristics - criminal, romantic, psychological, social, biographical.

The main character is a man.

Describes the place - Planet Earth, North America, USA.

The time of action is the era of modern times.

Age restriction - from 18 years.

Daniel Keyes dedicated his book to all those who have ever experienced abuse since childhood and after that he needed to hide ...

Daniel Keyes - The Mysterious Case of Billy Milligan

What the book is about is about the man Billy Milligan, a criminal who was found not guilty due to the plurality of his consciousness. The plot describes a real story. There were 24 personalities coexisting in Bill at the same time.

Billy wakes up to find himself in a prison cell. He is informed that he is accused of rape and robbery.Billy is shocked: he didn't do any of that! The last thing he remembers is how he wanted to throw himself down from the roof of the school building. He is told that seven years have passed since then. Billy is horrified: a piece of his life has been stolen from him again! He is asked: what does it mean "stole a piece of life"? And why "again"? So this isn't the first time this has happened to him? But Billy can't answer because Billy is gone...

Suitable for all those who are interested in the problems of human consciousness, mental disorders, brain diseases.

  • Best-seller;
  • Foreign author;
  • Easy to find online;
  • Easy to read.
  • Hard to find in paperback.

Price from 150 rubles.

Phillips Lovecraft - Dreams in the Witch's House

Genre - urban fantasy, prose, magical realism, mysticism, horror, horror, psychedelic, fantasy, short story, short story, thriller.

Written in February 1932.

Characteristics - mystical, psychological, social, philosophical.

The main character is a man.

Describes the place - Planet Earth, Parallel World, North America.

The time of action is the era of the new time.

There are no age restrictions.

Phillips Lovecraft - Dreams in the Witch's House

The author is considered one of the best in the horror and psychedelic genre, but oddly enough, none of his books were published during his lifetime. "Dreams in the Witch's House" is one of his main works, imbued not only with a frightening mastery of the realistic description of mystical events, but also bearing the imprint of the writer's enormous intellect.

The story is short, but the plot is captivating and scary at the same time.

  • Can be found online;
  • Many moments are described in detail and truthfully.
  • No.

The price depends on the publisher and year of release of the book.

Ruslan Galeev - Cain's Bridge

Genre - psychedelic, fantasy, postmodernism.

Written in August 2008.

Characteristics - mystical, psychological, adventure.

Describes the place - Moscow.

The main characters are men and women.

The time of action is the near future.

Age restrictions are for adults.

Ruslan Galeev - Cain's Bridge

The novel is easy to read, the author shows us the growing up of the protagonist and the achievement of certain goals. But for the reader it remains a mystery who is the positive and who is the negative hero.

“Paphos and bitterness are ridiculous neighbors of boring mediocrity and / or meaningful meaninglessness. The word is the essence, but if there is emptiness behind the word, then everything is emptiness ... ”Yes, emptiness ... Any word. Especially if it comes from the face of a poorly understanding what he writes about, the author-philosopher. The yellowed pages of a book found in the glove box. The cover, the first twenty pages and the last are missing. No author's name, no title. And thank God, that means I will never go back to it. An empty book about emptiness is what I need the least now. Emptiness - full pockets, bitterness - a full chest, reasoning - a full head, and look at the seams, but inside - all the same emptiness and bitterness ... The book returns to the glove compartment, to old candles, wrenches and shabby road atlases.

  • Available in electronic form;
  • The book combines several genres;
  • The material is easy to understand.
  • Difficult to find in stores.

The price depends on the year of publication.

Nikolai Gogol - Notes of a Madman

Genre - realism, psychedelic, story.

It was first published in 1836.

Characteristics - mystical, psychological.

Describes the place - Russia.

The main character is a clerk (his duties included sharpening goose feathers).

Nikolai Gogol - Notes of a Madman

Initially, Gogol wanted to call the story “Notes of a Mad Musician”, but then, under the influence of the stories of Prince V. F. Odoevsky, changes occurred in the content. In the first edition, many parts were either changed or cut out. But in a later period, the story began to be published in its original form. The author also reveals the theme of the crazy in his other books, it was popular at that time.

“Oh, this insidious creature - women! I have only now grasped what a woman is. Until now, no one has yet found out with whom she is in love: I was the first to discover it. The woman is in love with the devil. Yes, I'm not kidding. Physicists write nonsense, that she is this and that - she loves only one devil.

Reading Notes of a Madman is interesting, because Gogol describes in detail their habits and way of life. But not everyone will be interested in such records. The presentation of the test is specific, inherent in this author.

  • Russian author;
  • Available for free download on the Internet;
  • Quick and easy to read.
  • Very rare in bookstores.

The price in online stores starts from 97 rubles.

Walter M. Miller, Jr. - The Leibovitz Passion

Genre - fantasy, psychedelic, post-apocalyptic, tragedy, romance.

The book was first published in 1959.

Characteristics - psychological, socio-philosophical, religious (Christianity, Catholicism).

The main characters are male.

Describes the place - Planet Earth.

The time of action is the future.

Age restrictions are for adults.

Walter M. Miller, Jr. - The Leibovitz Passion

What the novel is about is a world degraded after a nuclear war, in which there is no place for science and universal values.The only custodians of knowledge are the monks of the Order of St. Leibowitz... The novel is divided into several parts, each of which is within a 500-year interval from the previous one. The plot will be interesting for fans of this genre.

It was this book that brought worldwide fame to the author. This is his only novel.

Abstract: "Hymn to Leibowitz" is a post-apocalyptic book. There was a war, civilization was thrown back with a strong kick, a negative attitude towards science arose, and too smart upstarts were sent to the forefathers. Leibovitz is a specialist in nuclear weapons, after the Holocaust he lost his family and fell into religion. He founded the order of the Catholic Church, whose monks were faced with the task of preserving those grains of knowledge that before the war moved humanity forward. Although the monks themselves “did not enter” the nuances of the fundamental sciences, they were driven by the hope that soon this knowledge would help to return to the old foundations. On the part of the writer, there is an attempt to betroth science and force, religion and technology.

"They argued that a 'living being' could be 'originally innocent' but not receive innocence as a supernatural gift."

  • The book combines many genres;
  • You can read on the Internet;
  • The future is very plausible.
  • The religious moment may not be to everyone's liking.

The book can be found in an electronic version or found in a bookstore (library).

Tony Duver - Exiled

Genre - prose, realism, sentimental prose, erotica, psychedelic, short story.

It was first published in 1969.

Characteristics - social, ironic, psychological.

The main character is a man.

Describes the place - France, Europe, Planet Earth.

The time of action is the era of modern times.

Age restriction - persons over 18 years old.

Tony Duver - Exiled

Initially, the author describes France, perhaps because he himself was there at that moment. The whole book is imbued with a revolutionary spirit. After all, outcasts spoke in her, who until that moment had not been given the right to vote. The main characters roam the streets of the night and try to satisfy their lust. There are many of them, but the voices are combined into one and speak of constant desire and constant lust.

Tony Duver writes openly on intimate topics. At that time, it was not customary to talk about sex, and even more so to write about it. In addition to sex, the author touches on the psychological side of the problem. The content of the book prompts reflection on betrayal, about the reason, about its primary source.

  • Foreign author;
  • Forbidden topic in literature;
  • Possibility of online reading.
  • The book is only 18+;
  • Hard to find in bookstores.

The price depends on the edition and the source (printed or e-book).

Pierre Guyot - Prostitution

Genre - prose, psychedelic, novel, realism.

First published in 1975.

Characteristics - psychological, criminal, ironic, adventure, social, romantic.

The main characters are men.

Describes the place - Planet Earth, Algeria.

The time of action is the era of modern times.

Pierre Guyot - Prostitution

The author of this novel is currently alive, his works have been translated into many languages ​​​​of the world (Russian, English, German, French and others). In many of his books, P. Guyot writes about the war in Algeria, about the cruelty that accompanies military operations, destroys all the stereotypes of bourgeois life. After all, Pierre himself participated in this war and saw everything that happened with his own eyes.

The book takes place in a men's brothel.The difference of this novel is that the book is written in slang (the author uses words from Arabic, French and Spanish). The story is told in the form of dialogues that tell about life, work, lust in a male brothel.

Many say that the book is difficult to read. But in translation into Russian, the content was made as comfortable as possible for reading.

"This book is an offense, a violation of meaning, a violation of writing ... a destruction of the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois language." Françoise Collin

Pierre Guyot "Prostitution" is difficult to read, but it starts the thought process, makes you think about cruelty in the world around you.

  • The author describes certain points in detail and truthfully;
  • Starts thought processes.
  • Difficult to read;
  • Age limit.

Anton Chekhov - A Thousand and One Passions or a Terrible Night (Novel in one part with an epilogue)

Genre - psychedelic, realism.

First published in 1880.

Characteristics - parody.

Describes the place - Planet Earth, Europe.

The time of action is the era of the new time.

Age limit - from 16 years old.

Anton Chekhov - A Thousand and One Passions or a Terrible Night

Everyone knows Chekhov as a great Russian writer, the author of many humorous stories. "A Thousand and One Passions or a Terrible Night" is a collection, it includes "Prank", "Tales of Melpomene", Motley stories" and others.

This work is one of the author's early works. It was written back in 1880. And this story is full of some mystery, mystical intrigue, and something else unpredictable. This story is read with interest and curiosity.

It is not large in volume, but filled with some kind of tragedy, and at the same time, it has notes of irony and even sarcasm. It is here that A.P. Chekhov opens up as an author using "black" humor.

The protagonist lives in his dreams, then slightly immersed in them, then dives into them with his head. He considers himself a unique person with supernatural power, he is sometimes visited by unearthly love or incomprehensible fear.

The novel is read quickly and easily, and the information is just as easily perceived.

  • Russian author;
  • Can be found online or in a library;
  • combines several genres.
  • For some, it is difficult to comprehend what they read;
  • Almost impossible to find in bookstores.

The price depends on the publisher and the year of publication of the book (paper or e-book).

This is an indicative list of the best works in the "Psychedelic" section, it is compiled according to reader reviews. But for each person you need to make your own unique list of read works and favorite authors.

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