One of the strongest human emotions is fear, which makes all the processes of the body activate. Under the influence of these feelings, as the physical body performs actions inexplicable by science, so the brain begins to work with a vengeance. Maybe for this reason, the emotions caused by the feeling of fear settle in the memory for a long time. And thanks to such a strong impact, horrific stories cannot fail to arouse interest.
The fascination with the horror genre stretches from mythology, and the first published horrors date back to the Middle Ages. The desire to tickle your nerves does not leave modern humanity, so good and fascinating literature of this genre is still relevant today. It will be discussed in this article, and below will be presented a rating of the best works, which will include both new items and classic editions recommended for all fans of the genre.
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Throughout its history, books of this genre have transformed from gloomy chivalric novels, the exorcism of the devil and the struggle with the other world to works with deep psychologism, making you wonder if a person is a real and terrible monster and what is the inner world of each individual person.
To date, the popularity of books in this direction does not depend on a specific topic. The authors offer the reader a large and varied selection of horrors for every taste.
The modern line of books written in this style includes gothic horror stories about ghosts and vampires, all kinds of monsters, mentally ill killers, and for more immersion in a gloomy atmosphere, popular books offer their readers to plunge into exciting stories with thriller, fantasy or detective elements.
So where do you start choosing a horror movie? Just decide what can cause the greatest feelings of fear. Maybe it will be detailed bloody scenes, or maybe exciting literature with elements of science fiction, or maybe unexpected turns of the human psyche.
In any case, when deciding which book is better to buy, it is worth looking at reviews and reading reviews on this work, and then mistakes will definitely not be made when choosing.
This collection includes books that, in the opinion of readers, all horror lovers should read. They are read in one breath and the impressions of what they read remain in the memory for a long time.
Author: Stephen King
Publication year: 2018
Year of Russian publishing house: 2025
The author of the book, Stephen King, needs no introduction. The King of Horror releases a new exciting story every year and this year is no exception. The Chuzhak appeared on the Russian market in February 2025.
Recently, the writer has been gravitating toward investigations, and this work can also be called a detective story, but with elements of mysticism.
The novella tells the story of the murder of an eleven-year-old boy. The mutilated body of a child causes panic in a small town, and police detective Ralph Anderson, in order to calm the excited people, quickly arrests Terry Maitland, a school teacher and coach of the school baseball team, especially since all the evidence points to him. But the teacher's solid alibi forces a serious investigation to be launched that will lead the reader to a mystical being.
The first half of the book does not have any hint of mysticism, mainly the images of the characters are revealed, and in the second half the realism ends and the author smoothly convinces the readers and the detective himself of the reality of the existence of something inexplicable.
As in most of the author's stories, an interesting intrigue is built here with memorable characters and the topic of public opinion is touched upon, instantly angry at a person whose guilt has not yet been proven.
The plot is a bit long, but it reads easily and quickly, perfect for reading in transport. The twelve parts into which the story is divided have a logical beginning and end.
Stephen King is included in the category: best horror writers. The popularity of his books is undeniable. A large number of his works diverge in huge circulations, but which book is better, everyone decides for himself.
Volume cost: 500 rubles
Author: Joe Hill
Year of publication: 2017
Since we were talking about Stephen King, it is worth paying attention to his son, Joe Hill, with his horror novel Fireman.
The focus of this work is the world apocalypse, which arose because of an unusual virus, or rather because of the spores of the fungus. On the skin of people, golden-black spots appeared, resembling dragon scales, which at any moment could ignite spontaneously and turn a person into ashes. Naturally, a huge loss of life causes a mass psychosis, as a result of which someone goes crazy, and someone rushes to help. And in this panic are people who have contracted this disease, but have learned to control fire.
A voluminous book on 608 pages intrigues its readers to the last. The mass death of people is horror in itself, but here it also has elements of a thriller, fantasy and psychological analysis of the characters.
All the characters are well written, even the side characters. The book captures and for a long time deepens the reader into his world, forcing him to experience the fate of the characters.
Joe Hill's books, like his father's, are filled with American culture and, if the foreign public understands everything in the everyday life described by the author, then Russian copies are filled with footnotes with explanations.
Also, the author often mentions the heroes of different books or American celebrities, even killed a few. For some readers, it may not be clear who he is talking about, or it simply diverts attention to other topics.
Average price: 734 rubles.
Author: Jun Aivide Lindqvist
Publication year: 2025
The Swedish writer, former magician and artist, Jun Aivide Lindqvist, has won an army of fans since the distant 2004 with his works in the horror genre.
His series of horror books brought him great popularity and his latest work, Himmelstrand, was highly anticipated by everyone.
The 576-page story tells the story of four families traveling in trailers and, as it turned out later, for legitimate reasons, ended up in another world. And in this trap, something strange, terrible is moving towards them. This world brings many unexpected surprises, releasing all deep fears, but this is not the worst thing that awaits these people.
Himmelstrand is the first volume in a trilogy planned by the author.
The work contains both terrifying moments and no less terrible mysteries of the human psyche.
The book went on sale quite recently and so far only on Its cost is 492 rubles.
Author: Jun Aivide Lindqvist
Year of publication: 2011
You can immediately mention another hit from this author - "Human Harbor".
The plot immerses the reader in the mystical atmosphere of a stone cliff with a lighthouse. The mysterious sea, the invisible glances of ghosts, the mystery of the disappearance of the protagonist's daughter - all this will fully and with all the colors and illustrations appear before the image of the reader.Mystical stories are intertwined with the suffering of losing a child and deep guilt for it.
The author creates a simply brilliant atmosphere of immersion. Reading this work, one feels not only all the horror of what is happening, but also the smell of the sea, the sound of the wind. At the same time, the book is absolutely easy to read.
It has a lot of positive reviews and is recommended for reading.
Since the book is not a novelty, the prices for it are quite budgetary. In general, the work has long been available in electronic form, and it can be read absolutely free.
Author: Adam Neville
Year of publication: 2011
This work is not new, but it should be included in this top book. It contains several parts and provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in both a psychological thriller and mystical horror.
The main characters - four teenagers, deciding to relax in the bosom of Swedish nature, go to the forest. After some time and pretty tired, the guys decide to go back, cutting off the road. Lost, they find themselves in an ominous gloomy place where no human has set foot, but where cruel rituals with sacrifices once took place. Crucified animals and mountains of human bones quickly made us forget about hunger and fatigue, and what invisibly followed them turned out to be worse than death.
The gloomy atmosphere completely immerses the reader. You can even feel the density of the air in the forest. The author managed to convey in all colors all the danger that awaits teenagers and their emotions in this nightmare. The book, as if with pictures or photographs, gives a clear idea of what is happening.When reading it for an ordinary person, a normal reaction is the stirring of hair and goosebumps on the back.
What to pay attention to is that the book keeps you in suspense not only with the horror of the mystical plot, but also describes in detail how the human psyche reacts in a situation bordering on insanity. Will he fight or give up and what is he ready for, being on the verge between life and death.
It is read in one breath and is recommended for reading by many fans of the genre.
The average price for this horror is 400 rubles.
Author: Richard Matheson
Year of publication: 2018
Not to mention the collection of short stories by Richard Matheson. The author of many bestsellers, the famous "I Am Legend" and many others, whose work played a big role in the work of Stephen King.
This collection includes stories about terrifying monsters, animated dolls, apocalypses, but there is nothing more terrible than ordinary people for whom the question: how much happiness costs has a specific answer that leads to tragedy.
The writer is known for his mystical plots that immerse the reader in a gloomy atmosphere and realistic psychological games that leave an indelible impression.
This edition reflects all the versatility of the author's imagination. Fantasy, mysticism, deep psychologism, everyone will find something interesting here. Plus a subtle disclosure of human personalities and original verbal forms.
Many famous films have been shot based on the works of Richard Metheson, but this does not belittle the dignity of this publication. The book is addictive and read in one breath.
In different stores, copies of this publication are quite inexpensive and the average price is 350 rubles.
Year of publication: 2018
Another collection will drag the reader into a whirlpool of horror and mysticism. This includes the most anticipated and already known writers from the previous collection, as well as the book was supplemented by new authors. Due to this, it has significantly increased in size, allowing you to delve into the stories described for a long time.
Under the cover hides gothic mysticism, modern urban horror, the underworld and human madness. The book contains the best horrors that will not leave anyone indifferent. Whatever horror theme a person is fond of, the diversity of the horror genre, presented in all its versatility in the book, will allow everyone to choose something interesting in this edition. For someone, all the horror stories presented will turn out to be terrifying, and someone will highlight several impressive stories for themselves, in any case, 597 pages grab the reader's attention for a long time.
This publication is also notable for the fact that all the works are written by domestic authors and readers are invited to familiarize themselves with the stage of development of this genre in Russia.
The average cost of the book: 345 rubles.
Author: William Peter Blatty
First foreign publication: 1973
Naturally, one cannot fail to mention the terrible story that was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most terrible work. This, of course, is a story about the exorcism of the devil, who, having taken possession of the body of a sweet girl, torments her innocent soul and does terrible things. None of the doctors are able to help the poor girl and her mother until the priest appears. In addition to the horror of what is happening: the introduction of the devil into the human body, the contrast between these two creatures is frightening.
Such a transformation from a cute angel to a terrible demon is terrifying throughout the book and leaves an indelible impression long after reading. The reader, as the story progresses, will determine who is torturing the poor child, investigate the murder and uncover the secrets of the Swiss family. All these lines are tightly intertwined.
All the main and secondary roles are well written, all the characters are “alive”, thanks to which the plot is very realistic and it is impossible not to completely immerse yourself in this tense atmosphere.
Based on this work, a well-known film was shot, which, like the book, has become a classic of the genre.
The average price for one copy of this work: 360 rubles.
The list of scary horror films is endless, and the versatility of the genre does not allow satisfying everyone's preferences with one work. No one disputes the kings of horror with his already classic works: Stephen King and his many stories, Bram Stoker, the discoverer of Dracula, Mary Shelley's gothic Frankenstein narrative, but the world does not stand still and equally fascinating horror and frightening stories appear on the horizon.
Strong emotions have always attracted people and who, if not flying saucers, vampires, the walking dead, monsters and killers can cause them. But the main thing is that all these terrible creatures remain only on the pages of book publications and do not appear in real life.