Knitting can become not only an exciting hobby, but also bring a regular income. With the onset of the cold period, many craftswomen begin to take out balls of yarn and create clothes not only for children, but also for adults. In addition to clothing, household items and toys can be created. In order to use a new method or study an interesting pattern, you should use special printed products. The rating of the best knitting books for 2025 will become an indispensable tool not only for beginners, but also for experienced craftsmen.
In order for the printed product to be really useful, it is necessary to take the choice with all responsibility. Experts recommend considering the following criteria:
Also, when choosing a publication, it is necessary to pay attention to the reviews and fame of the writer. Before you purchase a manual, you must carefully study the rating and reviews of users who have already read the publication.
The ranking of the best knitting books for 2025 consists of publications popular among users. The books contain not only recommendations and rules for needlework, but also ready-made schemes for fashionable and stylish things.
The book is suitable for those who want to learn how to work with knitting needles as much as possible. The publication describes in stages all the tips for needlework. Even if a person has never held knitting needles in his hands before, there are special photographs that will teach you all the necessary knowledge.
The entire printed edition is divided into sections, so in order to get the information you need, you should not spend a lot of time. In addition to the tutorial, there are diagrams of popular patterns and patterns for both adults and children.
The cost is 900 rubles.
The Scandinavian style is distinguished by the variety of unusual patterns and weaves that can be made using knitting needles. Such patterns can decorate even the most uncomplicated wardrobe items. Plaids and stoles are often decorated with Scandinavian patterns.
In order to learn all the subtleties of needlework in the Scandinavian style, it is recommended to study this printed manual. It should also be noted that the source contains not only examples of works and popular schemes, but also tells about the history of Scandinavia. Therefore, reading can be an exciting adventure.
The cost is 400 rubles.
The book has been published for a long period and does not lose its popularity. It contains the best models of patterns and patterns. Each scheme of the finished product has detailed dimensions and recommendations for creation, so each user will be able to create the right thing.
The writer shares his experience in his work, such information prevents mistakes and contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge even by experienced craftswomen.
The cost is from 800 rubles.
The book will be an ideal option for those who want to learn needlework in a short period. The publication is based on popular schemes and methods using knitting needles. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that models for both adults and children are selected in the printed product. Therefore, the book will be an ideal gift option for both teenagers and adults.
The cost is 450 rubles.
The technique of circular knitting allows you to get things without seams. This is very convenient, especially if the clothes are made for children. The encyclopedia contains detailed recommendations and diagrams that even beginners will understand.
The manual contains master classes of varying complexity. Therefore, each reader independently selects the required level. Bright illustrations provide an opportunity to visually study the information. The book is made of high quality paper, so even with frequent use it does not lose its appearance.
The cost is 1300 rubles.
The manual is ideal for experienced craftsmen who want to replenish their database with new patterns. Thanks to the detailed instructions, you can choose and combine several types of patterns, and create an unusual and stylish version of everyday clothes.
The 3D technique began to be used relatively recently. But it is already very popular. Many masters get acquainted with this type of needlework, so the book is very popular.
The price is 1400 rubles.
The writer offers a beginner's guide to working with knitting needles. The publication contains both simple and complex lessons for beginners. Each lesson is accompanied by vivid illustrations. Therefore, even those who have never held knitting needles in their hands will learn to wield with knitting needles. In addition, the publication contains advice from a specialist on how to choose the right yarn, depending on the type of product and the thickness of the knitting needles.
The price is 1000 rubles.
The manual is suitable for those people who prefer unusual patterns. The publication contains a large assortment of patterns and methods using knitting needles. All patterns have a step-by-step description, so they do not cause difficulties.
The publication encourages you to spend your free time usefully. In addition, the manual for needlework will be an ideal option for a gift.
The cost is 1400 rubles.
Despite the fact that the work was published relatively recently, it already has great popularity among users. The publication is suitable for those who pick up knitting needles for the first time, however, experienced craftsmen will also find useful tips and unusual patterns for themselves.
All master classes are supported by vivid illustrations, which simplifies the learning process as much as possible and makes it interesting.
The cost is 300 rubles.
The universal edition is suitable for both experienced craftsmen and beginners who are only determined by the type of yarn and the size of the knitting tool. The publication provides examples of ready-made things and detailed instructions and a diagram for their manufacture.
For beginners, this book will become a source of knowledge in the rules for choosing yarn, the features of knitting patterns.
The cost is 800 rubles.
The book is very popular among users. The publication contains needlework lessons with a detailed description of each stage, so anyone can learn how to make knitted things. In addition to the lessons in the manual, there are recommendations from experts on the right choice of yarn and suitable tools.
The cost is 700 rubles.
The writer shares his personal experience and tips on how to quickly learn to knit not only with knitting needles, but also with a crochet. The publication presents all popular needlework methods, and includes ready-made examples and diagrams. The publication is intended for a wide range of readers, so all information is written in the most simple and understandable language.
The cost is 700 rubles.
Crocheting is a complex process that requires special skills. Using this manual, you can learn to read diagrams. Japanese knitting methods are distinguished by the complexity of patterns and unusual combinations. This work is suitable for experienced craftsmen who wish to improve their skills.
The publication contains master classes, in which the illustrations depict all sequential actions and tips.
The cost is 750 rubles.
Needlework is an exciting activity. Creating items with a hook and yarn requires some knowledge. The book is written in an understandable language, accessible to almost every beginner needleworker. It should also be noted that the publication contains all the important designations that may be found in the diagrams. All methods are described on specific examples with real dimensions. Therefore, in the process of learning, you can create practical and attractive products.
The cost is 700 rubles.
The encyclopedia will become a favorite reference book. The printed product includes a complete crochet tutorial. The binding is of high quality, therefore, regardless of the frequency of use, it will not lose its appearance.
Bright illustrations and a detailed description of each pattern and method of weaving yarn complement the general information. The publication will be an ideal gift, and can also act as a self-instruction manual for those who wish to independently study the methods of creating unusual and stylish knitted items.
The price is 1700 rubles.
A practical guide allows you to improve your knowledge of creating items using a hook and yarn. Having studied the printed product, you can learn how to create things and children's toys. The book consists of several sections that describe information depending on the level of complexity. There are also examples and diagrams of finished products. Particular attention should be paid to the section that describes how to properly complete the finished product so as not to spoil the work.
Cost - 400 rubles
The printed product contains schemes with which you can create unusual toys. Knitted toys are very popular and easy to care for. Using the book, you can collect your collection and create a stylish gift with your own hands.
In order to make the text as clear as possible, the writer used vivid drawings and diagrams. In the manual, the information is divided into sections depending on the level of complexity, so both adults and children can use the source.
The cost is 700 rubles.
Many novice masters believe that only things can be knitted, but this is an erroneous opinion. With the necessary skills, you can create the following items:
The list of items can be huge. Therefore, you should not be limited to banal things, embodying ideas you can get unusual design models.
Knitting is a great way to spend your free time. Needlework is done not only by women, but also by men. This type of activity allows you to embody ideas and create unusual items that will decorate the house.Just a couple of hours a day allows you to relax, escape from daily problems and, if you wish, make a profit. In order to obtain the necessary skills, you can use special manuals that contain detailed information and recommendations from experienced craftsmen. The rating of the best knitting books for 2025 allows you to choose the right edition, and not only get the necessary skills, but also improve the ones you already have.