Marketing, as a separate independent discipline, stood out in the 60s of the last century. Since then, more than half a century has passed: many basic principles, foundations, laws of this science have undergone major changes, this is due, first of all, to the wide development of Internet resources, social networks, and scientific computer technologies. Modern marketing has its own characteristics: if earlier advertising played a leading role, today it is a strategy for promoting personal brands, goods, and services. In order not only to keep up with the times, but also to be ahead of it at least half a step (after all, this is what brings success in marketing activities), you need to constantly improve: attend business conferences, online courses, trainings, lectures by coaches, read advanced literature on the topic.
Highly professional specialists in this field are in great demand in the modern world of consumption.If earlier the profession of a marketer was treated with doubt, as a specialist engaged in “it is not clear what”, today a competent, advanced marketer is one of the most well-paid, sought-after professions. Many entrepreneurs who own a small business also have to learn the skills of promoting products, marketing, and advertising. To this end, a ranking of the best books on marketing, advertising and sales in 2025 was created, which will help you grow, improve and learn something new in this area.
Modern marketing has learned a lot from its predecessor.However, times have changed so much, the market, business have become different, even the basic laws, principles and rules are sometimes no longer effective. What are the features and main characteristics of the new marketing:
Igor Mann devoted most of his life to marketing. For him, this is not just a job, not just a means of earning money, it is part of himself. The book was written by a person, an expert in the field of marketing, who does not stop his professional development and loves his job. In the book, readers will not find lengthy, voluminous explanations, theoretical calculations, since, according to Mann, even memorizing them by heart, this will not help to become a good marketer. It contains simple, almost free tips, effective methods from a qualified specialist on how to become a better marketer. The work is easy to read, as it is not burdened with abstruse, twisted phrases. Suitable for both a professional and an ordinary person who wants to expand their horizons, be inspired, believe in themselves and believe in themselves.
For many years, this bestseller has been a reference book for marketers, sales directors, and other marketing professionals.How to choose the right, competent strategy? What effective tools in promoting, attracting, selling to use? How to analyze correctly, reasonably assess your own capabilities and those of the enemy, what is behind the mistake when choosing the tactics of a marketing game? On the example of various brands, the authors consider, break down marketing steps bit by bit. The book contains many examples and explanations. An ideal option for experienced marketers, for beginners, to learn to think wider, more globally. The main purpose of this manual is to understand how to think if you are a marketer. This book is not a collection of theoretical knowledge, but a guide for a specialist on what and how to do.
Compilation of competent, unique, selling texts is a skill of highly qualified, professional copywriters, advertisers and marketers. And in the era of Instagram, this skill is worth its weight in gold. To hone the skills of writing, competent presentation of thoughts, compiling a readable, lapidary text - this is all about the book of the Russian publishing house “Write, reduce. How to create strong text. What is the value of a word, and how much effort does the author spend to impress and hook the reader? In such a work, the true concern of writers for readers is manifested.And readers will see this sincere concern, feel it between the lines, when the text is written lively, competently, with love for business.
"Bird by Bird" is a book of inspiration based on the author's extensive writing experience. The popularity of the book is due to its atmospheric, some kind of cozy, homely warmth that envelops the reader, helps to relax, relieve tension and let thoughts float freely. It's this state of mind that helps you reconnect with the writer's wave if you're a struggling writer, or feel inspired if you're an aspiring writer. This is not a standard textbook on how to write, structure and express thoughts well. It is about how to start the first lines of a writing career. In it, in the deepest sense, the meaning of the profession of a writer is revealed.
The author of the book, Phil Barden, is one of the most experienced and sought-after specialists in the field of marketing.His idea is not new, but it was he who painstakingly, intelligibly outlined it in his book. Its essence lies in the fact that any self-respecting marketer should be well aware of human psychology, namely, the psychology of the buyer. What guides the buyer, what criteria for choosing products he sets for himself, how his subconscious works and how to use all this for his own purposes. The information presented in the book is based and supported by scientific research.
This ingenious foreign book was published by one of the first Russian publishing house MIF and is still required reading for company employees. It outlines the basic principles of a customer-centric approach to doing business. The authors, one of whom is a leading sales specialist who made a huge fortune, and the second is a popular writer, created a real masterpiece, which contains the best, most practical recommendations on how to attract customers, and most importantly, how to keep those customers. Paul Brown says that no matter how you save your face, no matter how beautiful the wrapper is, the “stuffing” should match your image. It is necessary to pay attention to the conditions in which your employees work, what they think about their director.No matter how good the service was, if the offered goods are of poor quality, this will not keep the client - he will look for where it is better.
One of the most anticipated novelties of the 2025 edition is “Activate your personal brand” from the popular Youtube blogger, network business specialist Maria Azarenok. She knows how to activate a personal brand, what specific steps need to be taken to promote it, how to control the information around her, manage a business, and attract a live audience. A book about what the word "branding" means today. The manual has a practical part, tests, methods recommended by the author, methods for achieving success in business are based and tested on personal experience.
Having analyzed and studied many real success stories, the author has identified a number of similar principles, patterns in the strategies of these companies, and shares these discoveries with readers.He will tell you how to understand and anticipate what the client expects, what his needs are, how to create a product that meets the requirements of the client.
A book-history, a book-soul, a book about how a whole empire was built step by step, conquering the world. It does not contain guidance or calls to action. It is full of inspiration, joy, tears, ups and downs, perseverance and courage. It is about the work of a lifetime, about the principles that help to move forward, not to give up, even when it seems that strength is running out. After reading it, you understand that success can be achieved only when you invest not only your knowledge, strength, but also your soul.
A bestseller from the master of the advertising business, David Ogilvie. A professional with a capital letter and with a huge amount of knowledge and experience behind him.The content of the book can be divided into several logical parts, explaining the difference between good and "bad" advertising, what the buyer needs, what strategy to promote the product to choose in order for the buyer to buy the product. Each chapter is accompanied by illustrations, photographs, clippings from magazines and newspapers. There is always a clear example before our eyes.
The social network Instagram today occupies a leading position in terms of population coverage. It is difficult to find a modern young man who does not have this application installed on his phone. This resource has long ceased to be just a social network, but has turned into a real business platform. And on the topic of how to make money on Instagram, dozens of various books, guides and manuals have been written. This book is written by an expert in the field of promoting accounts on Instagram, a real guru of sales, network business. He broke the most unthinkable records and shares his success story with readers.
It would seem how presumptuous the title of the book sounds, but its content fully justifies and explains such a title. Do you think Tony felt happy getting his first million? No, he experienced true happiness by creating what this million brought him: the very process of creating an idea, selecting a team, bringing this idea to life. He says that you reach heights precisely when financial respectability does not become an end in itself. How to start from scratch, without a proper budget, and turn this whole thing into a life-giving job that brings happiness.
The sphere of sales, advertising and marketing today is most in need of highly qualified specialists who think outside the box, who can work with the client base, budget, maintain the company's rating, and create brilliant projects. These are individuals for whom self-development and professional growth is the motto in life. Reading popular books created by the world's best authors deepens knowledge, introduces new methods, tactics, strategies and inspires the creation of new unique ideas.