The sphere of economics and finance is one of the most global and complex, covering all of humanity and each person individually. It subjugates countries, forces governments to make decisions that are crucial for peoples. This is a science on which entire states depend, experiencing ups and downs, peoples get poorer and richer, and its laws can make some people rich and others poor. It is quite difficult to understand this science without having a special education, skills and even a type of thinking.
To understand such a complex science as economics, to understand the terms, phenomena and ongoing processes, it is not necessary to immerse yourself in the complex reading of serious educational literature. Books by Russian and foreign authors who have gained worldwide fame are available to any reader. The information in them is presented in a simple, accessible language for the layman, so that reading becomes not only useful, but also exciting.
The books included in the rating of the best consider all facets of the science under study:
The reader will find answers to questions such as:
The best world bestsellers will allow you to comprehend the secrets of the economy, delve into its subtleties and details.
Publisher: Dialectika, 2019
Number of pages: 528, offset paper
Cost: 4 322 rubles. (Labyrinth), 2 750 rubles. (OZON)
A guide to the theory of economics, recognized as one of the most accessible and competently presented. The authors of the bestseller give definitions of key terms, laws and principles in an understandable language, giving interesting and easy-to-understand analogies. Thanks to this approach, any interested reader can easily understand the essence of basic concepts and phenomena:
The authors carried out a deep analysis of economic systems, disclosed the laws of their functioning. The book reveals the process of interaction between the state and society, tells and explains why there are rich and poor nations. The economy is seen here as the doctrine of choice and its consequences, and the financial market is presented as the main coordinating process. The study covers everything there is to know about economics, which is why The Economic Way of Thinking is one of the most sought-after and effective courses.
The book is suitable for reading to students of economic courses, teachers, as well as for a wide range of interested readers.
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2019
Number of pages: 298, coated paper
Cost: 966 rubles. (Labyrinth), (OZON) 449 p. (LitRes)
Fascinating and captivating reading from Michael Goodwin and Dan Burr. The book talks about complex processes and dry terms in a playful, fun comic style, which contributes to the rapid assimilation of the material. The authors destroy the usual stereotypes and cliches, explaining the formation of commodity-money relations as a long evolutionary path of all mankind. Also, the publication talks about how to create a competitive business, which is supported by clear advice, thoughtful ideas, as well as great humor. Due to its style, the bestseller is recommended for beginners, as it reveals all the basic concepts. It is worth noting that the publication is colorfully illustrated, in addition to comics, it contains many historical events.
Publisher: Ad Marginem, 2018
Number of pages: 176, offset paper
Cost: 450 r. (Labyrinth), 379 p. (OZON)
The author of the publication tells in simple language about the essence of complex key concepts of economic phenomena, about how and why they work. Therefore, the book will be a valuable acquisition for those who wish to understand the fundamentals. Terminology is explained in a very simple and accessible way, backed up with examples from classical literature and everyday life. In addition, in addition to economic issues, the manual considers moral topics that concern each person. Suitable for both an adult reader and a teenager, forming his understanding of the economy.
Publisher: Dialectika, 2019
Number of pages: 368, offset paper
Cost: 1 244 rubles. (Labyrinth), 1 100 rubles. (OZON)
Another interesting publication on the distribution of finances, the material of which is presented in a simple and accessible form for any reader. The author of the book clearly and concisely explains the essence of ongoing economic processes and natural phenomena, and also gives an explanation of the basic concepts of the theory. "Economics for Dummies" also contains information about the ideal model of a market economy that is not limited to trade restrictions and respects property rights.Thanks to a simple presentation of the material, the work makes it possible to independently learn this complex science, to understand what laws affect the well-being of peoples and the individual. Here the problems of modern society are revealed, for example, the issue of meeting basic needs in conditions of limited resources, the laws of micro- and macroeconomics are explained, as well as how the world is shaped under the influence of economic laws.
Publisher: Peter, 2006
Number of pages: 624
Cost: 239 p. (OZON)
This book was written by an American scientist, a professor at Harvard University, from whose pen a series of textbooks on the theory of economics came out, which became bestsellers. Here is a detailed explanation of the basic principles, with interesting examples. Describes how supply and demand is formed, provides a detailed analysis of the concept of production costs, explains the laws of competition, and also considers such concepts as consumer choice, the factor market, public sector economics, income distribution, externalities, public goods. The manual also touches upon the problems of the tax system, international trade, and provides examples of how the basic principles of economics can be applied in everyday life. The publication is recommended for reading by students of economic theory, as well as teachers.
Publisher: AST, 2020
Number of pages: 272, offset paper
Cost: 653 rubles. (Labyrinth), 500 rub. (OZON) 449 rubles (LitRes)
A popular publication that has won a lot of positive feedback from readers. Suitable for those who are just starting their business, as well as for entrepreneurs with experience. This unusual book is written by two authors, one of whom is an entrepreneur and a well-known "truth-teller" (Dmitry Potapenko), and the other is the president of the National Association of Distance Selling (Alexander Ivanov).
The work is devoted to an unusual study, presented in a witty way. The authors give a forecast of how the country's business microclimate will develop by comparing the economic life between Russia and other countries. It also reveals the causes of the crisis in different states.
Publisher: Ad Marginem, 2016
Number of pages: 592, offset paper
Cost: 199 p. (LitRes)
The book was written by a French economist, professor at the Higher School of Social Sciences in Paris.T. Piketty did a serious job, reviving and rethinking the famous "Capital" by Karl Marx, taking into account the characteristics of the era of globalization. In this purely analytical publication, there are no philosophical digressions and talk about ethics, the content is full of specifics, statistics and figures. The language of presentation is accessible, understandable to any reader. At the same time, the study caused a lot of conflicting reactions from society, the book was criticized by the US Treasury Secretary, and Bill Gates got in touch with Piketty to discuss his work.
Thomas Piketty refers to the beginning of the 20th century, citing reasoned evidence that humanity has learned practically nothing. Economic problems that were relevant a century ago still remain unresolved: the predominance of taxes over honest business, concentration. Unlike Karl Marx, Piketty believes that the salvation of society is possible through the introduction of a global tax on wealth. Analyzing the problem of inequality, the economist finds that humanity is on the way to an even greater increase in this problem, and predicts the formation of negative consequences of this phenomenon.
Publisher: AST, 2020
Number of pages: 672, printing paper
Cost: 956 rubles. (Labyrinth), (OZON) 399 R. (LitRes)
One of the most popular books on political and economic topics.The main problem addressed by the authors of the bestseller is inequality. This question has worried historians, political scientists and economists for centuries trying to understand where social inequality originates from and what is the reason for such an uneven distribution of world capital. The authors of the work - economists from America - find answers by analyzing historical, natural, cultural phenomena that affect the economic development of various countries. Despite the seriousness of this reading, the book is designed for any reader.
Publisher: Pretext, 2019
Number of pages: 352, offset paper
Cost: 1 400 r. (Labyrinth), 665 rubles. (OZON)
A work that will be a valuable find for beginners, students, interested readers and professional economists. The publication with an unusual and bright title helps to expand your knowledge, thereby improving your skills. The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is both a fun and rewarding read that allows you to have fun and improve your knowledge.
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2018
Number of pages: 384, offset paper
Cost: 449 p. (LitRes)
Professor Charles Whelan, who is the author of this book, has done a serious job of analyzing each basic term in detail and dissecting in detail the political factors of the most important arguments. Thus, step by step, illuminating and explaining economic phenomena and processes, the author reaches the essence of every existing problem. C. Whelan also raises such topics as human rationality, price discrimination, the role and impact of financial and credit policy. At the same time, complex material is presented in an easy and accessible form, seasoned with subtle humor. The work is published for the first time in Russian and is suitable for a wide range of readers, students, teachers and anyone interested in science. “Naked economy. Exposing the Sad Science” is included in the list of the hundred best business books in the world.
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2013
Number of pages: 256, offset paper
Cost: 796 rubles. (Labyrinth), 780 rubles. (OZON)
Here the reader is invited to get acquainted with the history of the Russian economy, looking at this science through the eyes of its direct participants: economists, businessmen, deputies and ministers.Thanks to this angle of view, it becomes possible to take a closer look at the political and economic course of the government, to understand the essence of ongoing phenomena, for example, an alliance with liberals and the reasons for breaking this unexpected alliance. The reader will open the veil of mystery of who actually controlled the economy in the post-Soviet period. The book examines in detail the historical period from the beginning of the 90s. from the adoption of liberal reforms to the formation of transnational projects. In addition, the publication talks about how and by what means Alexei Kudrin has an impact on the Russian government. Thus, "The Kudrin System" is not so much a manual as a study of the history of the development of the Russian economy and power. Suitable for those who are interested in the history of modern Russia and want to understand the mechanism by which the state makes the most important decisions.
Publisher: Corpus, 2018
Number of pages: 592, newsprint
Cost: 419 p. (LitRes)
Informative, rich work on the topic of world politics, the story of which the author tells in a simple, accessible language for the layman. R. Sharma says that each modern state has an individual biography, each country has gone through a difficult life path. There is a birth and death of states, the peak of their power, a gradual or sharp decline in their power are observed.Each such process has prerequisites, reasons for its occurrence, and also leads to certain consequences.
To learn to understand the essence of the phenomena of the global economy and politics, as well as to predict the near future of our world, it is worth reading this book. The work will tell about what problems and challenges of fate stand in the way of the world's largest states, and tell you how to predict the rise of some countries and the decline of others. The author talks about the difference between a good millionaire and a bad one, how to determine the duration of the crisis.
Ruchir Shirma is the developer of the Morgan Stanley investment strategy and the creator of a system for predicting the future of various states, determining economic prospects and key decisions. The author shows the reader how seemingly minor factors and processes can have a serious impact on the fate of entire countries, rebuild the usual picture of the world.
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2025
Number of pages: 320, offset paper
Cost: 646 rubles. (Labyrinth), 1 080 rub. (OZON) $449 (LitRes)
The bestselling author, Ha Joon Chang, is a professor at the University of Cambridge. In his work, he briefly and clearly tells about the main stages in the development of capitalism, covering a huge period from the 2nd century. and until today. Also, the author analyzed the influence of the state on the market.The book provides a detailed explanation of the following key economic concepts and phenomena:
In addition, the reader will find here a lot of interesting facts and entertaining ideas that cannot be found in ordinary textbooks. The author is distinguished by the presence of deep historical knowledge, the ability to present the material in a witty way, as well as the avoidance of traditional theories, offering instead to get acquainted with many others, including classical and Keynesian. The work examines the advantages and disadvantages of each of these theories, reminding that there is no absolutely correct and unified explanation of the functioning of the economy. "How the economy works" is suitable as a manual for those who have just begun to study this science.
Publisher: AST, 2019
Number of pages: 1,072 newsprint
Cost: 331 rubles. (Labyrinth), 231 rubles. (OZON)
The classic work, authored by Adam Smith, is a Scottish economist, the founder of the traditional direction of political economy. The book was first published more than two centuries ago, in March 1776, but its content does not lose its significance and relevance right up to the modern era.The author studied and systematized the main economic ideas in detail, and also developed a system of categories, methods and principles that was absolutely new for that century, according to which the British economy was subsequently built. Later, the study was translated into other languages, and the latest development found its place in other states, including Russia.
Today, the "Study on the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" is considered one of the most important manuals that explain the cause of the wealth of individual peoples, and played a major role in the formation and development of economic science. The publication is recommended to students, graduate students, teachers, historians and researchers, as well as to all those who are interested in a deep study of classical political economy.
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2012
Number of pages: 272, offset paper
Cost: 399 rubles (Litres)
An original work from original authors who are able to interest the reader from the first pages, providing a provocative explanation of facts from everyday life. At the same time, the shocking style of presenting information does not prevent the authors from deeply and seriously exploring the causes of economic phenomena, oddities and contradictions.Levitt and Dubner compare seemingly incomparable things, study those processes and phenomena that no one has seriously studied before. For example, what is the most dangerous - a swimming pool or a gun, and also what unites a sumo wrestler and a school teacher. Freakonomics is able to arouse interest in life, develop creative thinking, teach you to notice amazing details behind everyday events. She will not leave indifferent even skeptics. One of the authors of the publication, Stephen Levitt, received the award as "the most outstanding economist under the age of forty." After its publication, Freakonomics quickly gained incredible popularity, gaining recognition not only among a wide range of readers, but also in professional circles. It is also worth noting that the first edition is supplemented by a preface written by German Gref.
Knowledge of economics allows you to understand the prerequisites for ongoing economic phenomena: crises, the causes of inflation, unemployment, the accumulation of finances in the hands of individuals, peoples, countries. Each person needs to understand the importance of the role of the economy in the life of society, because thanks to this science, people are provided with the material conditions necessary for existence and comfort items that satisfy the basic needs of man and mankind.