
  1. What is business literature for?
  2. Best Inexpensive Business Books
  3. Rating of the best expensive publications

The best business books for 2025

The best business books for 2025

To open and develop your business, it is not enough only desire and start-up capital. Staying afloat and beating the competition is not as easy as it seems to many entrepreneurs. But the study of certain information, which is aimed at familiarizing yourself with the many nuances in entrepreneurship, will help your business reach a new level, increase income and compete with dignity.

In this article, we will take a closer look at popular good publications and best practices that are worth reading and delving into before starting your own business. Most of them represent the personal experience of many entrepreneurs who were once also afraid to start their own business. But having studied certain techniques and strategies, these people revealed the secrets for a successful start and development of their project.

What is business literature for?

Books for business are for informational purposes only. They do not encourage instant action, making rash decisions. The authors of the works only tell their stories, talk about their mistakes and failures, which stimulated them to further development.

Business publications demonstrate that anyone can do business, because many want to have a decent income, confidence in the future and independence from the state. Reading the book will help you discover your inner potential and try yourself in your favorite business, which will still generate income.

At the beginning of the journey, everyone faces problems, failures, and makes mistakes. The authors of the publications discussed below talk about their stages from zero to a famous person. These tips can help a future entrepreneur avoid failure, build a better workforce, stand up to competitors, and change their minds about certain principles.

In any case, at each stage in creating a personal project, difficulties will arise.But perhaps the information read will allow you to avoid some of them or to cope with the problem faster and successfully develop further.

The works listed below can be useful not only to entrepreneurs, but also to readers who are fond of psychological literature. After all, the internal state of a person can give leverage to the outside world. Strong-minded and risky people are capable of creating a personal project, who imagine what difficulties they can expect and try to resist them.

Best Inexpensive Business Books

In this section of the content, works are presented, the cost of which is in the range from 250 to 1000 rubles.

Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich"

The author of this publication is a famous American journalist and psychologist. For the creation and publication of a world bestseller, Napoleon Hill spent 20 years interviewing, talking and studying people who have reached the heights in entrepreneurship. The main goal is to understand what actions businessmen took in order to achieve success.

The journalist described all the knowledge gained in his book, which he published in 1937. Despite the fact that the work was created in the last century, the information contained in it is relevant to this day. The information is aimed not only at the development and improvement of your project, but also at the self-realization of the individual.

In this work, the user will get acquainted with such concepts as active and passive income, with the principles of the correct distribution of profits. The work is recommended for reading for beginners and experienced businessmen.

The cost of the book is from 418 rubles.

Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich"
  • Based on the personal experience of the author;
  • A lot of useful information;
  • For beginners and experienced entrepreneurs;
  • Stimulates motivation.
  • The publication does not teach quick and easy money, it only recommends which direction to go.

Daniel Kahneman "Think slow... decide fast"

The work is divided into 5 parts. The main direction is psychology, the development of intuition, making the right decisions in various situations. The author of the bestseller, released in 2011, is the famous psychologist Daniel Kahneman.

He believes that two systems of the psyche control a person: one of them is automatic, the other controls actions. The better the reader understands their interaction with each other, the easier and more correct it will be to make decisions.

On a large number of different examples, the author shows which of the answers the human brain will choose. By carefully studying the information provided, the reader begins to understand more about how thinking works, as well as how you can play on it and make a profit.

The cost of a scientific work is from 900 rubles.

Daniel Kahneman Think Slowly... Decide Fast
  • Easy to read, interesting;
  • Based on real research;
  • Lots of useful tips not only for business, but also in everyday life.
  • Not detected.

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

It has a psychological direction. The essence of the work is to apply the seven skills listed by the author in everyday life in the right aspect.

One of the most important is being proactive. External stimuli affect the activity of a person, the speed of making the right decisions. Having limited the range of irritants and having determined the range of important values, a person begins to think more clearly and faster.

The second skill is to decide on the ultimate goal that a person wants to achieve. And after its definition, he must make efforts to achieve it. Drawing up a detailed plan and its implementation contributes to faster progress towards the goal than thinking “where to start?”.

Arranging tasks in order of importance - this is what the friction skill says. Leaving an urgent problem (for example, a project that needs to be completed on time) for later and doing an unimportant task will result in misallocation of time.

The author also talks about a positive attitude towards success, how important it is to try to fully understand and be understood, to be able to look at yourself through the eyes of other people, and much more.

The use of all skills at the same time as a result will significantly increase the effectiveness of a person in all areas. As a result, you can start your own business or improve the performance of the current project.

You can get acquainted with all the information presented by the author in the book, the cost of which is in the range of 600-700 rubles.

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
  • These skills contribute to increased efficiency;
  • Easy to read, no obscure terms;
  • The book contains tasks that the user designs for himself and it becomes easier for him to choose.
  • Not detected.

Robert T. Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

One of the best works of Robert Kiyosaki. The author talks in a bestseller about his father and the father of his best friend, as well as about the different methods of raising these people. He watched how the lives of two smart, promising people developed, but as a result, one of them reached heights in financial independence, and the other died in poverty.

Analyzing what was happening, Robert began to build his personal theory. In his opinion, it is the attitude towards money that can affect the future financial situation.

Since children learn about the concept of money and their need only from their parents, depending on the financial condition of the family, the child draws further conclusions and conclusions. If in a poor family they constantly talk about the lack of money, and that they cannot afford this or that thing, then the child is already programmed for this thought.

The bestseller is written in a language that is quite understandable to many, as the author describes to a greater extent his life and his actions. The work contains 10 chapters, each of which is devoted to important aspects and tips.

The main idea of ​​the work is to convince yourself that it is not a person who works for money, but they should work for him. The fear of being left without financial support does not stimulate motivation. Fearing to lose what they have, people refuse more promising opportunities. The bestseller showcases many useful tips to help you create a successful business.

The cost of the bestseller is from 800 rubles.

Robert T. Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad
  • Read in one breath;
  • Created from personal experience;
  • Lots of important information in a clear presentation;
  • Promotes self-development;
  • Suitable for business start-ups.
  • Not detected.

Eric Rees "Business from scratch. The Lean Startup method for quickly testing ideas and choosing a business model"

The publication is relatively small (only 255 pages), but contains a lot of advice and other important information for entrepreneurs. The US release date is 2011. The creator of the work is an American entrepreneur working in the field of high technologies.

The bestselling author describes his real life story in which he became a successful businessman. The book is divided into 4 chapters. The bottom line is that before creating and releasing a new product into the world, it is necessary to conduct research on how necessary this product is. It is also possible to adjust the product in the process. And only after the evaluation of the product has reached ideal results and attracted the attention of other buyers, it makes sense to create even more such products.

Although the name contains the expression "Business from scratch", this does not mean that experienced entrepreneurs cannot use her advice and recommendations. You can improve your own developed project using different strategies. The main goal is to experiment with a new product until it becomes the best in its industry.

The price for a bestseller is from 500 rubles.

Eric Rees "Business from scratch. Lean Startup method for quickly testing ideas and choosing a business model
  • Written by a real person who has experienced business problems;
  • Suitable for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs;
  • Easy to read, no obscure terms.
  • The product is more aimed at people working in the IT field.

Henry Ford "My Life, My Achievements"

Henry Ford is a world-famous American entrepreneur working in the automotive industry. In his autobiography, he tells readers how he was able to reach the top in his career. The first edition was in 1922, but many points are relevant in our time.

For those who have already started their own business and are trying to figure out what is going wrong, this book is definitely worth reading. The author reveals his secrets, with the help of which he achieved such success in business and popularity as a person.Using the example of his project, he showed that by following certain recommendations, you can improve not only your production, but also gain respect from the staff.

The work contains 19 chapters devoted to information about the business, product, wages and many other important aspects. You can buy the book for 250 rubles.

Henry Ford "My Life, My Achievements"
  • Written from the personal experience of a great entrepreneur;
  • Tips are suitable for any business area;
  • Clear translation.
  • Not detected.

Robert T. Kiyosaki "Before You Start Your Business"

Another masterpiece from a famous American entrepreneur who describes his life and his work as a businessman - how to stop being an employee and work for yourself.

In this bestseller, he described not only his own experience, but also the experience gained after communicating with many other businessmen, their ways and advice on how to become successful in their business. Kiyosaki does not claim that the path traveled will be easy and unhindered, but what a person gets in the end makes everyone think and take risks. The book also describes the philosophy of the entrepreneur: how a businessman must change his worldview in order to be successful.

Do not lose sight of the failures that start-up entrepreneurs will always have, and which they are so afraid of. The writer teaches how to deal with fear, that you need to look at your mistakes and understand why the mistake was made and how to correct it. There are 10 chapters in total, each of which reveals important business aspects.

You don't have to be the smartest person on the planet to build your project. You need to understand how it works, survive failures and move forward.The book "Before you start your own business" will help the reader to develop their entrepreneurial potential.

The cost of the book is from 600 rubles.

Robert T. Kiyosaki "Before You Start Your Business"
  • Easy to read, written in accessible language;
  • Lots of helpful tips;
  • Encourages you to start your own business.
  • Not detected.

Rating of the best expensive publications

Let's review more expensive works - the cost of business literature in this section is from 1000 rubles.

Tom DeMarco Deadline. A novel about project management

At first glance, the work resembles fiction. But it contains very high quality recommendations for the selection of personnel and motivation for work. The author also describes that threats and pressure will not have a positive result on the work of employees. The attitude towards the working personnel directly depends on the quality of their productivity.

There are certain risks in any business activity, but it is important to understand how to deal with them and avoid them. Sometimes the fear of doing something because of the high risks of failure blocks all further development opportunities. But sometimes it's worth managing risk to understand how successful a project can be.

The author offers effective tools for recruiting and working with managers, how to make their performance more efficient and how to resolve conflicts within the team.

The work contains 23 chapters, each of which ends with a very useful conclusion for the leader.

The book was released in 2017, it contains 336 pages. Its cost is from 1000 rubles.

Tom DeMarco Deadline. A novel about project management
  • Clear translation;
  • Captivating story, read in one breath;
  • Lots of helpful tips for leaders.
  • Not detected.

Jason Fried, David Hansson Rework. Business without prejudice»

The work was written by the founders and co-owners of a very popular company in the USA - 37signals. Founded in 1999, they work in the field of web design and online tools for projects. In addition to the publication "Rework. Business Without Prejudice, the founders have released several more practical books aimed at developing entrepreneurial activity.

The publication is intended for owners of large and small businesses. The authors do not share their insights on doing business, they tell their success story, provide recommendations and advice on how to run a business.

One of the wrong decisions that, according to the authors, often leads a business to bankruptcy is the habit of planning everything. Compiled business plans do not save from unforeseen circumstances associated with external changes. And when everything does not go according to the planned program, the entrepreneur gives up and stops the promotion of his business. Noticing that he has failed in his goals, he does not want to continue and experience failure one after another.

Also, the creators of the work recommend not to attract money from outside and not to contact investors. Perhaps, at this initial stage, it is necessary to start with the small material costs that the future businessman has. Sometimes it is worth giving up some unimportant services and directing material resources to the development of the company.

The authors offer readers a lot of useful information that will be important for beginning managers in any field of activity.

The book was published in 2010, its cost is 1000 rubles.

Jason Fried, David Hansson Rework. Business without prejudice
  • Lots of useful psychological advice;
  • Great practical guide for beginners only;
  • Written in simple language.
  • Not detected.

Walter Isaacson "Steve Jobs"

The work is based on real interviews with the founder of the greatest company Apple. The American journalist communicated with Steve Jobs and his relatives, relatives, competitors for 2 years. In total, it took 3 years to create a biography. Year of release - 2019.

Walter Isaacson divided the book into 40 chapters. They contain truthful information about Steve's childhood, expulsion from school, early Apple developments and other achievements, family, and even some illegal shenanigans. The biography also talks about the relationship between Steve Jobs and another computer genius, Bill Gates. The final chapters tell about the protagonist's illness, its relapses, family relationships at this moment, and the legacy of a global corporation.

The main part is aimed at describing the methods that Jobs used to develop his business. The bestseller contains a large number of personal photographs and information, which, if properly understood, will allow novice businessmen to become successful.

You can buy the work in hardcover for 1200 rubles.

Walter Isaacson Steve Jobs
  • Reveals the whole life of a famous businessman;
  • Lots of useful tips for IT workers.
  • Lots of terms that are difficult to understand.

Reid Ain "Atlas Shrugged"

A bestseller belongs to fiction and has nothing to do with the personal experience or achievements of a businessman. The work consists of 3 parts - non-contradiction, either-or, A is A.The first edition was in 1957. After a political upheaval, the local government brings chaos to the country. The oppression of all types of business begins, the population suffers from hopelessness. Top entrepreneurs from various industries are trying to fight the power and restore the world to its former state. But over time, these very defenders begin to disappear without a trace.

The general meaning of the work is that politicians should not use the work of entrepreneurs who have achieved success on their own for personal purposes. Also, all parts of the bestsellers were filmed.

The cost of all three books is approximately 1000 rubles.

Reid Ain "Atlas Shrugged"
  • A bestseller is read in one breath;
  • Exposes entrepreneurs as strong people;
  • An interesting plot with a fantastic twist.
  • There is no personal experience of an entrepreneur in the book, ideological considerations are shown.

Tony Shay Delivering Happiness. From zero to a billion

The book tells about one of the most successful Internet companies selling shoes and clothing. The author of the work is its director and talks about the success achieved in the first person. This book will be a practical guide for those involved in the sale of goods via the Internet.

To show how the leader achieved such financial success (and in 10 years the company's turnover grew to 1 billion), Tony Shay talks not only about his secrets, but also about failures. According to the author, mistakes in leadership and decisions are inevitable. The main thing is to move on and correct the wrong result. Everyone can give up, but to continue their activities in difficult situations is the decision of strong people.

The work is divided into 3 important chapters that tell about profit, passion and purpose. The author also recommends listening to his lessons, which helped his online store bring worldwide popularity and, accordingly, big profits.

Of course, it cannot be argued that the success of one company can promise the same take-off for another, if all the recommendations are followed. But using important tips, the entrepreneur contributes to the improvement and prosperity of his business.

The cost of a bestseller is within 1100-1500 rubles.

Tony Shay Delivering Happiness. From zero to a billion
  • Easy to read, no complicated terms;
  • Entertaining and interesting;
  • Contains really important tips;
  • It helps to believe in yourself and not give up.
  • Not detected.

The article provides a selection of the best books on the experience of creating and running a business. Many books were published in the last century, but thanks to their practical advice, they are still relevant today.

Many works are created by American journalists or entrepreneurs. But at some points, the policy of American entrepreneurship differs from the Russian one and may not work in our conditions. Therefore, some tips should be interpreted and implemented a little differently, adjusting to domestic realities.

Business literature will always be popular in a certain circle of readers. And it can be not only entrepreneurs or business start-ups, but also readers who want to understand the politics of sales or service delivery.

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