
  1. Criterias of choice.
  2. Top 10 best books on construction, design and architecture

Rating of the best books on the topic of construction, design and architecture in 2025

Rating of the best books on the topic of construction, design and architecture in 2025

At all times, the topic of repair and everything connected with it was one of the most popular. First of all, this is due to the fact that housing is one of the basic human needs. To date, prices for construction, redevelopment and repair work have increased significantly, so it is not surprising that in order to carry out such work on their own, people are in search of information. At the same time, regardless of whether a person plans to carry out repair and construction work on his own or plans to entrust this matter to professionals, it would be nice to read several sources of information on this issue in order to have an idea about the basics of design.

After all, the customer himself will have to live in the built or renovated housing, so he did not want the workers to perform the work poorly due to their own incompetence, negligence or greed. However, if you go to any bookstore, you can see entire shelves dedicated to the topic of construction, let's try to figure out how to choose the right one among all this variety.

Criterias of choice.

  1. Topic of interest.
    If the reader plans to build a house, then first of all he should pay attention to works devoted to the basics of building design. If the reader has to work on replacing or installing a water supply system, then there are also special publications for this. If basic knowledge is needed, then you should turn your attention to reference books or encyclopedias on building design. As a rule, in such publications thesis (without deepening into a particular topic) outlines the main points related to the construction.
  2. Who is the book for?
    Here it is necessary to look at who is the main target audience of the book.If the publication is recommended for students of construction and architectural universities, then most likely it will have an abundance of technical details, complex diagrams and drawings. Moreover, if the book is aimed at a wide range of readers, then, on the contrary, it will contain practical advice, as well as reveal the meaning of specialized terms.
  3. Reviews and recommendations.
    Due to the fact that stores offer a huge number of books on this topic, when choosing, you should pay attention to the rating of the publication in order to immediately get the most useful information. Reviews of the book can be read on specialized forums dedicated to construction, the rating of the book can be viewed on the largest social network dedicated to books - LiveLib, which contains information about almost all available books.
  4. Book layout.
    It is worth noting that its price will directly depend on the design of the publication, because the more photographs and colorful illustrations it contains, the more expensive its cost.

Top 10 best books on construction, design and architecture

Given the above, we will rank the best books on construction that raise various topics, ranging from an architect's guide to a manual for self-conducting a water supply system. At the same time, these books are aimed both at students of specialized universities and at a wide range of readers.

10th place - Edward Denison, Ian Stuart "How to read bridges. Intensive course on the history of bridges"

The year of issue is 2012, the volume of pages is 256, the price is from 486 rubles, the rating on Live lib is 4.2.

The book is a unique encyclopedia of its kind on bridges. It contains the historical features of the structure of bridges and their evolution to the present day.All types of bridges that exist in the world are listed, the main concepts of engineering bridge building, basic materials and construction technologies are described. At the same time, the print quality is at a high level, a large number of illustrations and schematic images are presented.

Edward Denison, Ian Stuart How to Read Bridges. Intensive course on the history of bridges"
  • the book is ideal for all lovers of the urban environment and engineering;
  • a large number of historical facts and technological features;
  • easy and understandable style of writing, the work is read in one breath;
  • compact format, perfect for reading on the go or on the go;
  • beautiful illustrations.
  • specific topic.

9th place - Nikolay Belov "Complete plumbing guide"

The year of issue is 2011, the volume of pages is 480, the price is from 281 rubles, the rating on Live lib is 2.1.

This book is the most detailed source of information about pipelines, materials and products used in water supply and sewerage systems. The author described in detail the main types of plumbing work, including the requirements for electric and gas welding, safety precautions, gave links to the current regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for performing these works. The author also systematized all the available information on the operation and repair of plumbing fixtures, described the procedure for testing water and sewer networks.

Nikolai Belov "Complete plumbing guide"
  • the most comprehensive guide to plumbing work.
  • The publication is specific and will be of interest only to a person who is interested in and understands issues related to sewerage and plumbing.

8th place - Yu.Shukhman "Encyclopedia of suburban construction: building a house, a bathhouse, a garage, landscaping"

The year of issue is 2008, the volume of pages is 560, the price is from 580 rubles, the rating on Live lib is 2.5.

This publication is written for beginners in the field of suburban construction. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the author gives his readers advice on the choice of building materials, laying the foundation, erecting a roof, walls and partitions. The book is designed to explain the basic technologies for building houses, from project preparation to finishing work. And thanks to the detailed illustrations, this process becomes as clear as possible.

Y. Shukhman "Encyclopedia of suburban construction: building a house, a bathhouse, a garage, landscaping"
  • the work is read in one breath and contains a large number of practical tips, as well as colorful illustrations.
  • the book was published more than 10 years ago, and some readers may think that the information contained in it is somewhat outdated.

7th place - Hans Nestle "Builder's Handbook. Construction equipment, structures and technologies»

The year of issue is 2010, the volume of pages is 872, the price is from 999 rubles, the rating on Live lib is 3.0.

The publication is a reference book on technological and constructive issues of construction. The book is recommended for students of construction and architectural universities, as it reveals all construction technologies.

Hans Nestle Builder's Handbook. Construction equipment, structures and technologies»
  • the author is a recognized expert in the field of construction, has a degree in this field;
  • reveals all technologies related to the construction and redevelopment of immovable objects.
  • To a greater extent, the book is a textbook and is not entirely suitable for a wide range of readers.

6th place - F. F. Dubnevich "New life of the old house"

The year of issue is 2012, the volume of pages is 256, the price is from 252 rubles, the rating on Live lib is 3.4.

The book is aimed at those readers who want to turn their old home into a modern comfortable home that meets all modern requirements on their own. The author talks in detail about how to independently prepare a house for repairs, select materials, draw up a cost estimate, repair and strengthen the foundation, as well as produce exterior and interior decoration of the house.

F. F. Dubnevich "New life of the old house"
  • thanks to this publication, the reader will receive detailed information on how to independently turn an old house into a new one;
  • there is detailed information on how to choose building materials, a lot of practical advice.
  • The book was released in 2012, so some of the information in it is a bit outdated.

5th place - Matthew Frederick, John Kouprenas "101 useful ideas for engineers and architects"

The year of issue is 2014, the volume of pages is 300, the price is from 310 rubles, the rating on Live lib is 3.82.

The book was written by two well-known experts in the field of construction and architecture. Its main feature is the presentation of the material. The authors highlight a difficult moment associated with construction or design, and then give explanations using an example, with a visual illustration.

Matthew Frederick, John Kouprenas "101 Useful Ideas for Engineers and Architects"
  • the book is read in one breath and contains a lot of practical advice;
  • a large number of illustrations.
  • the book is aimed at readers who already have basic knowledge in this area, as it explains difficult points, but does not provide a foundation.

4th place — Galkin P.A., Galkina A.E., Trishchenko S.A. "Modern renovation. Big encyclopedia»

The year of issue is 2011, the volume of pages is 672, the price is from 729 rubles, the rating on Live lib is 3.9.

This edition can be called the most complete and modern encyclopedia of construction and repair. The book describes the entire cycle of construction work, from the preparation of cost estimates, ending with the selection of materials for decorative work. The author talks in detail about the basis of work with electrical wiring, plumbing equipment, gives advice on how to lay tiles, plaster walls, glue wallpaper and lay floors.

Galkin P.A., Galkina A.E., Trishchenko S.A. "Modern renovation. Big encyclopedia»
  • the author in an accessible form reveals all the secrets of independent repair work.
  • The publication price is above average.

3rd place - Alexander Shepelev "How to build a rural house"

The year of issue is 1995, the volume of pages is 400, the price is from 550 rubles, the rating on Live lib is 4.62.

The book tells in simple terms how to build a house from scratch on your own. The author talks in detail and in an accessible way about how to independently lay the foundation, lay the water supply system, build a roof and lay the stove. The book is basic for any person interested in construction. It has been repeatedly reprinted and translated into English, German and Bulgarian. Despite the fact that the book was published in 1995, it still has not lost its relevance.

Alexander Shepelev "How to build a rural house"
  • the publication is a "classic" in the field of construction;
  • concise and clear presentation style.
  • some readers may think that since the book is 1995, the information contained in it is outdated.

2nd place – Peter Neufert, Ludwig Neff “Design and construction. House, apartment, garden»

The year of issue is 2016, the volume of pages is 264, the price is from 650 rubles, the rating on Live lib is 4.75.

The book is a reference book on architecture that gives its readers the fundamentals of design and construction. The publication raises such topics as redevelopment of housing, design of a bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, arrangement of an attic space, wine cellar, furniture modernization, construction of a wooden house. The book also contains a dictionary of more than 300 specialized terms.

Peter Neufert, Ludwig Neff “Design and construction. House, apartment, garden»
  • the publication is suitable both for students of construction and architectural universities, and for ordinary readers interested in the issue of designing premises;
  • glossary of terms;
  • with the help of a large number of various schemes and explanations, the authors were able to convey to the readers as clearly as possible the difficult points associated with construction and redevelopment.
  • large format book - 220*290 mm (as opposed to standard size books, which averages 145*215 mm), which can cause inconvenience when reading, for example, on a trip or transport.

1st place - Ernst Neufert "Construction design. 3"

Year of issue - 2009, page volume - 592, price from 2462 rubles, rating on Live lib - 5.

According to readers, this book is the "Bible of designers." This is the most complete Russian-language reference book that exists today.It contains the basics and norms of construction for the laying of structures, design, the necessary areas, and the size of buildings. The publication also includes a huge number of pictures and diagrams, which makes all the information very visual and easy to perceive.

Ernst Neufert Structural Design. 3
  • the book is an absolute bestseller in the field of construction and design;
  • it contains all the necessary information that architects and designers may ever need, and just readers who decide to improve their own housing on their own;
  • the author clearly describes the difficult moments associated with construction, thanks to a large number of diagrams and illustrations;
  • The book is ideal for both professional designers and a wide range of readers.
  • the price is above average.

Let's compile a summary table of the best books on the topic of construction, design and architecture with a description of their features.

RatingBook title, author, number of pages, year of publicationPricePeculiarities
1Ernst Neufert Structural Design. 3".
Year of issue - 2009, volume of pages - 592
price from 2462 rublesThe book is a hit in the construction industry,
it contains all the necessary information that may ever be needed, the author clearly states the difficult moments associated with construction, thanks to a large number of diagrams and illustrations
2Peter Neufert, Ludwig Neff “Design and construction. House, apartment, garden.
Year of issue - 2016, pages - 264
price from 650 rublesThe book is a reference book on architecture that gives its readers the fundamentals of design and construction.The publication raises topics such as redevelopment of housing, design of a bedroom, bathroom, living room
3Alexander Shepelev "How to build a rural house."
Year of issue - 1995, volume of pages - 400
price from 550 rublesThe book tells in simple terms how to build a house from scratch on your own. The author talks in detail and in an accessible way about how to independently lay the foundation, lay the water supply system, build a roof and lay the stove.
4Galkin P.A., Galkina A.E., Trishchenko S.A. "Modern renovation. Big Encyclopedia.
Year of issue - 2011, pages - 672
price from 729 rublesThis edition can be called the most complete and modern encyclopedia of construction and repair. The book describes the entire cycle of construction work, from the preparation of cost estimates, ending with the selection of materials for decorative work.
5Matthew Frederick, John Kouprenas "101 Useful Ideas for Engineers and Architects".
Year of issue - 2014, volume of pages - 300
price from 310 rublesThe book was written by two well-known experts in the field of construction and architecture. Its main feature is the presentation of the material. The authors highlight a difficult moment associated with construction or design, and then give explanations using an example, with a visual illustration.
6F. F. Dubnevich "New life of the old house."
Year of issue - 2012, pages - 256
price from 252 rublesThe book is aimed at those readers who want to turn their old home into a modern comfortable home that meets all modern requirements on their own.The author talks about how to independently prepare a house for repairs, select materials, draw up a cost estimate, strengthen the foundation, and also make exterior and interior decoration of the house.
7Hans Nestle Builder's Handbook. Construction equipment, constructions and technologies”.
Year of issue - 2010, volume of pages - 872
price from 999 rublesThe publication is a reference book on technological and constructive issues of construction. The book is recommended for students of construction and architectural universities, as it reveals all construction technologies.
8Y. Shukhman "Encyclopedia of suburban construction: building a house, a bathhouse, a garage, landscaping the site."
Year of issue - 2008, volume of pages - 560
price from 580 rublesThis publication is written for beginners in the field of suburban construction. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the author gives his readers advice on the choice of building materials, laying the foundation, erecting roofs, walls and partitions. The book is intended to explain the basic technologies for building houses, from project preparation to finishing work.
9Nikolai Belov "The complete plumbing guide".
Year of issue - 2011, volume of pages - 480
price from 281 rublesThis book is the most detailed source of information about pipelines, materials and products used in water supply and sewerage systems. The author described in detail the main types of plumbing work, including the requirements for electric and gas welding, safety precautions, gave links to the current regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for performing these works.
10Edward Denison, Ian Stuart How to Read Bridges. Intensive course on the history of bridges.
Year of issue - 2012, pages - 256
price from 486 rublesThe book is a unique encyclopedia of its kind on bridges. It contains the historical features of the structure of bridges and their evolution to the present day. All types of bridges that exist in the world are listed, the main concepts of engineering bridge building, basic materials and construction technologies are described. At the same time, the print quality is at a high level and a large number of illustrations and schematic images.

Thus, we can conclude that today on the market you can buy a book on construction covering any topic, from building a house to finishing work. However, most of them contain practical advice on a given topic and approximate cost estimates.

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