
  1. The most interesting books to read at 8-10 years old
  2. Conclusion

Rating of the best books for children 8-10 years old

Rating of the best books for children 8-10 years old

Children are interested in reading funny stories about their peers, children's characters are close and understandable, show characters, good or bad deeds, explain everyday situations by their own example. The child has the opportunity to try on the situation for himself, think about how he would act in the place of the character and draw his own conclusions. Undoubtedly, reading enriches and educates the child's soul.

The most interesting books to read at 8-10 years old

Astrid Lindgren "Emil from Lönneberga"

From the pen of the great Swedish writer came such masterpieces as "The Kid and Carlson", "Pippi Longstocking", "Emil from Lönneberg", "Roni, the Robber's Daughter", "The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist", "The Lionheart Brothers" and many other.

Young readers and their parents all over the world liked the work “Emil from Lönneberga” so much that it was continued in the form of a series of publications about Emil, including three stories, a collection of three stories and books - pictures published in different years: “Oh, this Emil !”, “How Emil hit his head in the tureen”, “How Emil poured the dough on dad’s head.” The story was filmed in 1974 by director Olle Hellb.

The book tells about a little boy from the town of Kathult in Lönnebergi, who does not spend a day without funny tricks, and therefore he was known as a tomboy throughout the district. Kind and funny stories will not leave anyone indifferent, they will give warm moments of joint reading of parents with children. They will open the world of love, childish naivety and spontaneity and remind parents how much they really love their children and how quickly children grow up.

The book shows an example of the correct upbringing of a boy, when the child's natural curiosity, his passion for experiments and studying the world around him finds understanding in the person of a kind mother and is regulated by a fair father when Emil goes too far in his undertakings. By the way, many troubles with a child happen out of ignorance or negligence, because Emil is not at all an evil boy.

Astrid Lindgren "Emil of Lönneberg"
  • The book is freely available on the Internet, it can be downloaded in print or as an audio file for listening;
  • After reading the book, you can watch a serial adaptation of the story about the boy Emil;
  • An ideal choice of a board book to read with your child;
  • Good mood after reading is guaranteed.
  • The work is not included in the school curriculum and is rarely chosen for additional reading in the classroom.

Tolstoy A.N. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

The characters of the book are familiar to every kid, because even if the child has not had time to read the book yet, he has definitely already seen the cartoon, which is based on this work.

The book "The Golden Key" is worth re-reading it several times and discussing it with your parents. The statements of the characters of the fairy tale have long become winged, because they contain deep wisdom and understanding of life, in which an unchanged essence remains behind different scenery.

The plot of the fairy tale is full of interesting events and adventures, which eventually end in a happy ending. Reading a familiar story before bedtime may seem boring to parents, but just repeating a familiar story with a good ending calms the child’s psyche after an active day and gives a sense of security.

For reading, it is better to take the original edition, and not abridged versions of modern books with a brief retelling.

Tolstoy A.N. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"
  • A child of 8-10 years old is already able to correctly understand the actions of the heroes of a fairy tale;
  • A.N. Tolstoy took as a basis the well-known story about the Pinocchio doll, excluded from the plot of the tale many ideological moments and scenes of violence that existed in the version of the Italian writer C. Collodi;
  • Funny characters of the story are liked by children;
  • A primary school student is able to master reading such a fairy tale on his own.
  • In bookstores you can find a lot of uninteresting texts based on this work, you should not buy them for a child;
  • It is cheaper to download a book from the Internet and read it electronically or print it out.

Eleanor Porter "Pollyanna"

The novel "Pollyanna" should definitely be offered to a child for reading at 8-10 years old. The book is suitable both for joint reading with parents, and for independent reading, if the child is already interested in books and loves to read.

The story tells about a little girl, she, by the will of fate, remains in the care of her own aunt, with whom Pollyanna's parents did not communicate. Auntie does not feel joy from the obligations that have fallen on her, but accepts the girl out of a sense of duty.

With surprise, the guardian, who gave the little girl a cold reception, notices how more and more she becomes attached to the child with her soul. Pollyanna not only did not try on the position of an unfortunate victim, but also taught others her positive vision of the world.

How to become a magician who can change his own and other people's life for the better, schoolchildren will learn if they read this immortal masterpiece of an American writer.

Eleanor Porter "Pollyanna"
  • The book will be interesting for both girls and boys;
  • There is a continuation of the story in the novel called "Pollyanna Grows Up";
  • The book "Pollyanna" was first published in 1913, but does not cease to be relevant in our time;
  • Based on the novel, several films and an animated series have been made in Japan.
  • There are no disadvantages.

Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"

The incredible adventures of a young sailor who survived a terrible shipwreck are described in the novel by the English writer Daniel Defoe.

Robinson, who from childhood was attracted by long-distance wanderings on the seas, finds himself on a desert island. He learns to survive alone, creating a new way of life in which a person of civilization can be comfortable.

Fortunately, he managed to find a large number of things that were on the ship on the shore, including tools for work.

A person goes into deep reflections about life, grows spiritually during the terrible trials of the climate and the dangers of an unfamiliar area. He finds a friend whom he saves from a terrible death and, finally, after 28 years of life as a prisoner on a desert island, Robinson gets the opportunity to return to his homeland.

Daniel Defoe "Robinson Cruz"
  • A fascinating story with an addictive plot;
  • Robinson did not lose his human appearance, but on the contrary, he matured and became wiser;
  • The book talks about maintaining optimism in any situation;
  • Bright colorful editions with talented illustrations;
  • The story continues.
  • In our country, nothing is known about the author's subsequent works related to the first work;
  • The last third part has not yet been translated into Russian, it is called "Serious Reflections of Robinson Crusoe".

J.K. Rowling "Harry Potter"

A fantastic series of books about a boy who receives an invitation to study at a school of witchcraft and sorcery.

The student was not chosen by chance, he is very talented in matters of magic, and this, as it turns out, is a hereditary trait.

Harry escapes from life with unloved guardians who kept him locked up in a closet under the stairs and ends up at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, where he meets many friends and enemies.

The author of a series of books about a young wizard, JK Rowling, assumed that children of 9-12 years old would read the book, but after the first novel, written in 1997, became a bestseller and was translated into many foreign languages, not only children became the audience of the writer but also men and women of all ages.

J.K. Rowling "Harry Potter"
  • The adventures of Harry Potter are easy to read in one breath, the plot is intriguing and keeps the reader's interest from the first to the last page;
  • Books are read with pleasure by both girls and boys;
  • The characters loved by children continue to live on in eight books in the series;
  • The adventure book develops the imagination;
  • The huge cultural impact of novels on people's lives, the creation of films, communities, games dedicated to the magical history of the struggle between good and evil.
  • Judicial appeals by Christian groups who believe that books harm children by promoting magic and sorcery.

Jonathan Swift "Gulliver's Travels"

An ingenious book for young schoolchildren, immerses the reader in the imaginary world of giants and midgets. What is it like to be a short person all your life and suddenly become a giant in a small country. To have the power and authority to make important decisions in the fate of the country.

Jonathan Swift considers Gulliver an honest man, but emphasizes his short-sightedness, deliberately ridiculing his words and deeds, however, the character himself does not hide his shortcomings.

The work shows an analogy of the image of a giant and a sole ruler, who, having strength and power, often acts clumsily, brings harm, enmity and disunity.

The student will be interested in the moments of the description of the meeting of the main character with the little men, about how they met the guest and tried to please him.

Gulliver is an open, inquisitive and adventurous character; this work will be especially interesting for boys.

Jonathan Swift "Gulliver's Travels"
  • An interesting plot in the fantasy genre;
  • The book also teaches respect for foreign cultures, about how important it is to study the traditions of peoples and foreign languages;
  • A friendly and charming character is an honest and devoted friend;
  • The story follows the school curriculum, so children can discuss the story in class with the teacher.
  • The author's pessimistic mood about the impossibility of influencing events in the world through the word, that discussions of the work, alas, do not lead to real reformations.

Nikolai Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

The stories of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov are very popular with elementary school students, they are funny, memorable, make them not only smile, but also think.

The work "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" depicts the ordinary life of schoolchildren, when something may fail in learning or there is not enough understanding of how to achieve success in school.

Over time, children understand that nothing comes without difficulty, that if there is a desire, there will be opportunities. Interest and diligence take their toll, and the students manage to become better, the most important thing is that they have learned to fight, and not give up before difficulties.

Nikolai Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"
  • Reading the stories of Nikolai Nosov cannot be called only entertainment, these stories will forever remain in the memory of a good lesson;
  • Nosov's stories show that it's not scary to make mistakes or not know something, it's scary to be lazy and indifferent;
  • How important it is to be able to take responsibility for your successes and failures already at a young age;
  • The author Nikolai Nosov has written many stories that all schoolchildren should definitely read.
  • According to critics, inexpressive images of adults in the stories appear when you need to give an instruction or a warning, but the stories were created about children and for children, so the adult and children's worlds are at some distance here.

Eduard Uspensky "About Vera and Anfisa"

A funny and touching story about how the monkey Anfisa was friends with the girl Vera. In parallel with humor, the story touches upon questions about the difficulties of educating the younger generation, about what dangers lie in wait for children at every step, how important it is to always be responsible and attentive.

How the monkey got into an ordinary family and became its full member, how she managed to make friends with everyone, and what discoveries were to be made, young readers will find out with pleasure, plunging into an atmosphere of kindness and humor.

Eduard Uspensky "About Vera and Anfisa"
  • Children of different ages read the work “About Vera and Anfisa” with pleasure, the book will definitely be remembered and will become one of the most beloved children's stories;
  • The author tells with simple examples what dangers exist in the apartment and beyond, reminds once again of caution in a playful way.
  • There are no disadvantages.

Timo Parvela "Ella in First Class"

Timo Parvela grew up in a family of teachers, became a teacher himself and subsequently married a teacher. Thanks to pedagogical education and experience in school, the author understands the interests of schoolchildren, experiences and problems.

The work is about a Finnish school, the system of which is different from that in the Russian school, so it becomes possible to find out how children live in other countries.

Ella and her friends constantly get into funny stories, so a child of 8-10 years old will get a lot of positive emotions when reading this story and its continuation.

Timo Parvela "Ella in First Class"
  • The author understands how best to convey information to schoolchildren, since he himself is a teacher;
  • The story does not end with the first part, you can stay with your favorite characters for a longer time;
  • The author himself has been fond of reading since childhood, so he knows what story a child might like and instill a love of reading.
  • The life of not Russian, but Finnish students is described.

Grigory Oster "Bad advice"

Reissued in 2025, the book from the Malysh publishing house is part of the School Stories series. The book is transformed by bright illustrations by the artist Nikolai Vorontsov, in addition, to the previously known bad advice, new works have been added that children in elementary school will like.

Funny, entertaining and informative book "Bad Advice" will develop children's interest in reading and give a lot of children's laughter.

Grigory Oster "Bad advice
  • Children's pranks, desires and whims are presented in a sarcastic poetic form, such a presentation differs from boring edifications in that it unobtrusively cheers up and helps the child look at the situation from the outside.
  • The book reads very quickly and ends unexpectedly, you want to continue.


Choosing a book that a student wants to read on their own and with interest is not an easy task, so it’s better to start with works by famous authors that are eventful and entertaining. Over time, the child will learn to choose literature that is interesting for himself, but at the beginning of the journey, many parents will have to use a psychological technique when an adult begins to read, and the child picks up reading in the process, because it is interesting to find out what happens next, how the story ends.

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