The works of the Strugatsky brothers touch the hearts of even those people who are cold towards the genre of science fiction. In fact, the co-authors raise social problems in their works, they carry a deep meaning. Stories about unknown worlds invented by the writers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky not only captivate the storyline, but make the reader take a different look at the real world, the surrounding reality.
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The most popular books of the Strugatskys were filmed and known in our country, as well as abroad, therefore, even if for some reason a person has not yet read anything from the numerous creations of the brothers, the question of where to start getting acquainted with the great authors usually does not arise. You need to start with the most famous novels, such as: Roadside Picnic, It's Hard to Be a God, Inhabited Island, Monday Starts Saturday, Interns.
The perception of literary works is subjective and individual, therefore the best book from Arkady and Boris Strugatsky is different for everyone.
There is an opinion that teenage readers are not able to understand the whole deep meaning of the works, being carried away only by a fantastic storyline. In fact, everything is very individual, since all children develop at their own pace. In any case, if a child loves and is passionate about reading, then from the age of twelve you can suggest reading the novel It's Hard to Be a God or Monday Starts on Saturday, which is an excellent option for developing a good sense of humor.
The books are not just entertaining, allowing you to pass the time on the road, it's time spent in a good campaign of two interesting people who are the best among Russian science and social fiction authors.
For a long time, the books of Arkady Natanovich and Boris Natanovich were withdrawn from free access on the electronic network, so it was not possible to download the novel for free or read it online.
The average cost of downloading a torrent exceeded the expectations of ordinary users and, of course, moved away from acquaintance with the masterpieces of literature. Fortunately, recently, any restriction has been lifted, and now anyone can read novels using any gadget, download books by their favorite authors.
The science fiction novel was published in 1964 as part of the author's collection Far Rainbow. The work was filmed in 2013, but director Alexei German, who had been looking for an opportunity and a suitable script for the film for many years, could not see the result of his labors due to his sudden death. The director's son managed to complete the work begun by his father, since Alexei German Jr. followed in his father's footsteps and also became a director.
The action of a fantastic story immerses the reader on another planet, the civilization of which lags behind the earth so much that it is comparable to the times of the gloomy Middle Ages. A planet that was once peaceful and prosperous is now in turmoil and injustice reigning due to shifts in power and major political priorities that deny the need for education.
Surprisingly cruel orders reign in the Arkanar kingdom. Persecution and all kinds of torture are sane people who have education and the ability to make independent decisions.
On planet Earth, the future has come, and progress has stepped so far that earthlings can observe the situation taking place on the territory of dysfunctional Arkanara. Observers from Earth, sent to Arkanara and secretly embedded in the ranks of the royal guard, do not have the right to change the course of the history of an alien civilization according to the regulations of "Bloodless Impact". Therefore, they can only save individual unfortunate and persecuted representatives of civilization because of their literacy, striving for mediocrity and the creation of a society that can only faithfully execute the orders of high leaders.
The first publication of the work in 1972 was subsequently subjected to many edits from the editors, contrary to common sense.The story was forgotten for a long time and received a reprint in a previously unknown form only in 1989.
The film "Stalker", shot by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1979, was shot in collaboration with the screenwriters Strugatsky, since the plot of the story "Roadside Picnic" is taken as the basis for the film.
The term and concept "Stalker" was a discovery of the co-author brothers and became a widely used neologism that denoted people involved in industrial tourism, lovers of visiting abandoned exclusion zones, cities of the dead, unknown to a wide range of points on the map.
The plot takes place in an English-speaking country, in a fantasy city in 1970, which does not really exist.
The earth is no longer a safe place, as it is divided into zones, in some of which you can live, while in others it is life-threatening.
What is the reason for the anomalies that lead to various human and animal mutations are trying to find out the daredevils who go to the forbidden zones in search of objects of unearthly origin. It is hypothesized that objects that carry dangerous or useful properties are left by representatives of extraterrestrial civilization, who from time to time visit the earth and leave their garbage, just like people throw empty cans and bags after a picnic.
The plot of "Monday" is narrated in three parts: "Vanity around the sofa", "All vanity" and "Vanity of vanities". The story, written in 1965, continues to be relevant today. Reading, of course, will give a lot of pleasant moments that cheer up the reader. Immersion in the atmosphere of scientific work, experiments, technical breakthroughs, the incredible possibilities of scientists that border on magical abilities.
In addition, the co-authors Strugatsky raise questions and problems that hinder the development of science, and these are bureaucracy, abuse of power, pseudo-science, consumerism.
Popular work in the fantasy genre, was written in 1969. The book is a dystopia, it was a huge success and was published 24 times in more than 13 countries.
The book has become a model of classical world fiction and is equal in content, and perhaps even surpasses the story "It's Hard to Be a God."
The plot tells about a post-apocalyptic world that has lost its original beautiful appearance after a terrible war that poisoned most of the space with deadly radiation.
The knowledge of people is limited only by what is dictated to them from above by the “Unknown Fathers”, but there are people in the new society who are unable to obey, who are not affected by zombies, therefore they are not pleasing to the highest rulers, they are called “geeks”.
Planetary explorer Mak Sim finds himself in a dilapidated world and remains a prisoner there, since the ship on which he arrived is destroyed. The protagonist quickly realizes that the existing structure of the world is false and not fair, but people cannot believe that the "Unknown Fathers" is evil, they are so besotted with propaganda.
The story was not printed anywhere for a long time, it was not censored. In the story, an unknown country, crippled by war, leads a strange life, the people are divided due to an unexplored genetic disease, and the weather conditions leave much to be desired, because it rains incessantly.
Sick people live in isolation, however, their disease is not contagious, but a person can make a choice to get sick or not. The attitude towards outcast people in the camp is ambiguous, the adult population is distrustful of lepers, many openly hate it, but there are those who voluntarily or involuntarily help unusual people.
Surprisingly, children are allowed to communicate with "sick" people, the younger generation treats people in black bandages on their faces with respect and reverence. These people cannot live without receiving spiritual food, they need books for a normal existence, but there are forces that deliberately delay the delivery of new books to the camp.
Then comes the understanding that the people from the camp are different, perhaps they returned from the distant future back to the past in order to prevent or correct mistakes that could lead to disaster in the future. The task of the people in the camp is to educate the children, to give them a guideline that they can rely on in life.
The work is difficult to perceive in our days, but does not cease to remain interesting and relevant.
The co-authors raise the question of the expediency of experiments in the economic and social spheres. What to understand as good, and what is pure evil under the guise of good intentions.
The work is filled with a deeply philosophical meaning and shows how easily ideals can collapse, worldviews change. How fanatically believers can suddenly find themselves in a space that does not give any ground under their feet and not a single glimmer of hope.
Far from many Russian authors writing in the science fiction genre have the success that Boris and Arkady Strugatsky, who work so fruitfully and productively, rightfully deserve.
After reading the most famous works of the authors, you can proceed to further study of the work of the Strugatskys.
Possible difficulties in the perception of the books of the brothers arise mainly as a result of inattention, since having missed any component of the plot, it seems difficult to put the whole idea together.
Books have found many admirers, however, and critics have not bypassed the creations of science fiction writers, but it must be admitted that the works written in the last century are prophetic in nature. Readers involuntarily recognize the events of real reality, political characters and catastrophes that happened much later than the publication of stories and novels by the Strugatskys.