Back problems can affect every person no matter, the appearance of such disorders should not be started. As a rule, such violations are accompanied by aching, pulling or sharp pains that can spread throughout the back and disturb a person not only during the day while moving, but also at night while sleeping. If symptoms appear, you should contact a specialized clinic, where, after examination, the patient will be prescribed complex treatment. Below we will tell you about the best spine treatment clinics in Kazan for 2025.
The spine is the main part of the human skeleton, which consists of 32-33 vertebrae, which divide the back into several sections:
In such departments as the sacrum and coccyx, the vertebrae are fused together, that is, they are in a stationary state and, as a rule, physiological disturbances do not develop in them, but it is possible to get a fracture during a fall and impact.
The appearance of most diseases (if they are not congenital) are provoked by the person himself, that is, by lifestyle and habits. There are a number of reasons why problems arise in a particular section of the spine:
Diseases that develop against the background of such causes can be very serious and even require surgical intervention. Therefore, doctors recommend not to ignore the appearance of back pain.
Back pain can be sharp or aching, but most people don't seek help right away. However, there are symptoms that should promptly seek medical attention, including:
Attention: in order not to aggravate the condition, you should not self-medicate and postpone going to the doctor, as getting help in a timely manner will help to avoid complications that lead to the need for surgical intervention.
When choosing a medical institution involved in the restoration of the spine, you should pay attention to some criteria:
Diseases of the spine can be quite serious and require long-term treatment, so it is worth considering all these points because in this way it is possible to choose not only the right doctor, but also save money that may be required for recovery.
Kazan is the largest city located on the left bank of the Volga River, on the territory of which there are a large number of various enterprises, including hospitals that provide services for the treatment of back diseases. And of course, as in any other city, among the clinics in Kazan there is a list of those that, according to customer reviews, are considered the best.
Kazan, st. Saliha Saydasheva, 11
☎+7 (843) 570-55-25
One of the modern and quite effective methods of spine restoration is kinesitherapy, it allows you to provide the necessary assistance without the use of drugs and operations. The center has modern equipment for diagnosing and providing assistance, according to the results of examinations, individual treatment is selected for patients. All clinic specialists are experienced professionals with certificates in the specialty "applied kinesiology".
Kazan, st. Mushtari 12
☎ +7 995 095 95 35
Narrow profile private clinic specializing in non-drug back pain relief.The treatment is carried out according to the author's technique Myorefixion, which includes manual therapy and osteopathy. This technique allows you to relieve pain in the back and joints, correct posture, restore body mobility thanks to manual techniques.
Kazan, st. Chistopolskaya, 81, office 8
☎ 8 (843) 527-80-29, 527-80-37
The center provides assistance in such areas as neurological, therapeutic, gastroenterological, and endocrinological. But one of the main directions of the clinic is the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the spine. In this center, you can not only establish an accurate diagnosis, but also take tests and undergo a full treatment, regardless of the duration of the course. Among the main techniques used are manual therapy, massages, osteopathy, acupuncture, hirudotherapy, and doctors also use drug blockades and make various injections.
Kazan, st. Chekhov, d. 3/7 and st. S. Khalturina, 11/10
☎ 8 (843) 236-27-68, 512-52-40
The private medical center "Vertebroneurology" has been open since 2002 and to this day treats only the spine. The doctors of the clinic provide medical services of any complexity, including manual therapy, orthopedics, neurology, reflexology, hirudotherapy. Treatment is selected individually using modern methods and means.
Kazan, st.Ostrovsky, 57A
☎ 8 (843) 555-63-33
Multidisciplinary network clinic working in such areas as gynecology, urology, proctology, orthopedics, neurology. Patients are assisted without hospitalization and without surgical intervention, treatment is selected individually, and for children and the elderly, they try to reduce the use of medications. Among the main methods are osteopathy, acupuncture, massage, manual therapy, hirudotherapy, physiotherapy. At the end of the course, patients can expect to receive free consultations from the attending physician.
Kazan, st. Serova, d. 51/11
☎ 8 (843) 518-03-18
The medical organization deals with the treatment of diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. In the institution, it is possible to undergo a complete examination to identify diseases associated with the human spine and joints and the appropriate course of treatment both in the daytime (outpatient) and in the inpatient department. Particular attention is paid to conservative methods of treatment, such as massage, manual therapy, electrical stimulation, electroanalgesia. All this, if necessary, is combined with various injections and blockades.
Kazan, Vakhitovsky district, st. N. Ershova, 16
☎ 8(843) 500-50-72
A medical institution where it is possible to receive assistance in such areas as endocrinology, gastroenterology, pediatrics, vertebrology, surgery, neurology, manual therapy, sports medicine, physiotherapy exercises and much more.Patients are provided with a wide range of procedures, including ECG, duplex scanning of blood vessels, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, and so on.
A cozy atmosphere and polite administrators will leave a pleasant impression, and medical workers will provide qualified assistance to their clients.
Kazan, st. Parina, d. 6 and st. Abzhalilova, 19a
☎ 8 (843) 259-55-79, 210-12-92
In addition to back clinics, there are also doctors in private practice. Among this kind of doctors, according to patients, Dr. Shakirov R.K. stands out, the work experience in this area is 18 years, which is quite a lot. The main direction is vertebroneurology, thanks to his good education and experience, he copes not only with common, but with rather complex diseases.
Kazan, st. Agronomic, 18
☎ +7 (843) 240-25-35
For more than 12 years, the medical institution has been providing services for the treatment of various diseases of the spine, joints, and they can also undergo rehabilitation after injuries or operations. All procedures are tried to be carried out without the use of medicines, with the help of modern technologies and manual intervention. The clinic is attended by such specialists as an orthopedist-traumatologist, a neurologist, a myologist (myo-therapist), a kinesio-therapist.
Kazan, st. Mullanura Vakhitova, 6
☎ 8 (843) 258-46-40
The medical center "Kliomed" employs professional osteopaths, services are provided to citizens of all age categories. The specialists of the institution have the highest qualifications and certificates in the specialty of osteopathy. In addition to this area, doctors provide medical services in neurology, orthopedics, manual therapy, and thus health problems are considered and studied more deeply and in different directions at the same time.
All treatment is based on the use of the doctor's hands, the sessions are painless and do not leave behind a feeling of discomfort. Timely treatment allows you to completely save a person from emerging problems in the back, plus, osteopathic treatment will help to avoid medication and surgery.
Violations of the functions of the spine are divided into several categories, each of which entails certain consequences for the whole organism:
In order to diagnose any physiological disorder in the spine, patients are given X-rays, and only based on the results of the images, doctors make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
To reduce the risk of developing spinal diseases, a number of preventive measures should be observed:
It is much easier and cheaper to maintain the health of not only the back, but the whole organism as a whole, than to engage in recovery.
Back pain should not be ignored, especially if it is prolonged. The patient has the right to choose a private or budgetary organization, everything will depend on the possibilities, but before starting treatment, it is still worth studying the reviews about the institution and the doctors conducting the reception there. Because proper and high-quality treatment will allow for a long time to maintain the health of the back and, accordingly, the whole body.