
  1. Diseases of the spine and their causes
  2. Prevention of diseases of the spine
  3. Diagnosis of diseases of the spine
  4. The best spine treatment clinics in Yekaterinburg
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best spine treatment clinics in Yekaterinburg for 2025

Rating of the best spine treatment clinics in Yekaterinburg for 2025

Not many people know that all many health problems are associated with spinal disease. The appearance of back pain is often associated with colds, which leads to incorrect treatment. In fact, the origins of the problems need to be looked for much deeper. More than half of the population suffers from spinal problems, which, as a result, lead to various chronic diseases. To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out timely diagnosis and not postpone treatment indefinitely. We will talk about where to treat the spine in Yekaterinburg below.

Diseases of the spine and their causes


There are a lot of diseases associated with the spine, and each of them has its own causes.

The most common problem that can occur in childhood or adolescence is scoliosis. With scoliosis, the spine curves about its axis. Such a violation of posture does not give rise to any symptoms. But scoliosis can also begin in adulthood, it is associated with wear and tear of the vertebrae, which leads to their displacement. In this case, the occurrence of the disease will be accompanied by back pain. The cause of this problem in childhood is accelerated growth. In addition, scoliosis can be caused by various operations, improper metabolism, and back injuries.

With constant sedentary work or frequent lifting of weights, intervertebral hernias may occur. With this disease, the spinal nuclei protrude towards the spinal canal and go beyond their space. This causes back pain, which usually worsens in the evening. The pain will also radiate to the thighs and buttocks, numbness of the arms and legs will pass, dizziness and frequent headaches will be present. Intervertebral hernias can go away on their own without the intervention of doctors. An active lifestyle, walking can contribute to recovery. If the pain has not gone away within 2-3 months, then you should not postpone visiting a specialist.

Experts associate most back pain with the occurrence of osteochondrosis. With osteochondrosis, bone and cartilage tissue is destroyed. This disease often occurs in both young and old age.There are many causes, the most common being overweight, poor posture, back injuries, a sedentary lifestyle, and strenuous exercise.

Prevention of diseases of the spine

To prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with the spine in children, first of all, you need to monitor the correct posture. To do this, the table at which the child sits must correspond to his height. The location of the light source should be on the left side, and it is better to put books on a stand, then you do not have to tilt your head. It is better to sleep on an orthopedic mattress, this will create comfortable conditions for sleep. Active outdoor games help strengthen muscles and improve immunity. With heavy sports, such as boxing, weightlifting, wrestling, it is better to wait until the age of 12. They can adversely affect the proper development of the spine, which can lead to early diseases of this organ. It is better to replace them with swimming or athletics. Do not forget about nutrition. The diet should contain both proteins and fats with carbohydrates. Lack of calcium and vitamins are the causes of scoliosis.

An adult needs moderate exercise to maintain a healthy back, especially for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is necessary to try to make as many walks as possible, athletics, swimming, yoga are welcome. Also, during sedentary work, you should get up at least once every two hours and do stretching exercises for the spinal muscles. A balanced and proper diet will help get rid of excess weight and thereby reduce the load on the spine.When lifting weights, the load should be evenly distributed. For a night's sleep, it is better to choose a medium firm mattress and a small pillow. In addition, you must not forget to follow the correct posture.

Diagnosis of diseases of the spine

Previously, the diagnosis of back diseases was carried out only visually. Now, a hardware study has been added to the visual inspection. There are several different methods, which one is better to say. Each case needs its own method.

X-ray examination is most often used for primary diagnosis. This method allows you to examine the spine in detail. Pictures of individual parts of it can be taken. With this procedure, the body receives a small fraction of radiation, it does not cause severe harm. As a result, there are no strict restrictions on the frequency of this procedure. During pregnancy, an X-ray examination is prescribed only if absolutely necessary, while the area where the fetus is located is closed with a protective apron. This procedure does not require additional preparation, except when the picture is required to be taken on the lumbosacral region. In this case, an enema should be performed the night before the study, and only a light breakfast is allowed in the morning.

When an x-ray image is not enough, then they resort to computed tomography. Although this research option also involves diagnostics using X-rays, the result is more informative thanks to the three-dimensional images that the tomograph generates. To obtain an accurate result, special substances are introduced into the body, with the help of which certain parts of the body are allocated.It may be necessary to take certain tests before this procedure, for example, for kidney failure. This study is prohibited during pregnancy, people who have metal structures in the area where you need to take pictures. The duration of the procedure takes about 15-20 minutes.

MRI is also often used to diagnose problems. It is based on the effect of a magnetic field on the nuclei of hydrogen atoms that are contained in the human body. MRI does not carry a radiation load on the body and is therefore practically harmless. This diagnostic method can be carried out quite often. No specific preparation is required before the examination. MRI is not suitable for people with a pacemaker or metal implants, or for pregnant women. Since the person will have to be inside the scanner during the procedure, people weighing over 150 kilograms may not be suitable for their physique.

The best spine treatment clinics in Yekaterinburg

Spine Treatment Center BS clinic

The clinic was founded in 2014. To date, more than 10 highly qualified doctors work at the BS clinic. Therapy of spinal problems is carried out by a non-surgical method. The base on which the doctors of the clinic rely includes the most effective methods that give a positive result of treatment.

The treatment is carried out using the device "Ortomed Professional". This device conducts traction of the spine and makes vibration, roller and thermal massage. This method of treatment is effective for osteochondrosis of any part of the spine, as well as for its prevention. It also allows you to get rid of intervertebral hernias without surgical intervention.Thanks to the simultaneous massage, accompanied by vibration and heat, and the process of stretching, blood circulation improves, muscles relax, and a feeling of comfort arises. Even after one procedure, the process of restoration and correction of the vertebrae begins. It is worth noting that such a treatment process has a positive effect on the curved spine, stretching it to the right position, improves blood flow to the brain, a course of treatment with Ortomed Professional can also be carried out for the prevention of diseases.

A doctor's consultation at the BS Clinic Spine Treatment Center costs 1,500 rubles. The price of one procedure on the device "Ortomed Professional" starts from 950 rubles.

Contact Information:

st. Shchorsa, d. 54A. ☎ Tel. 8 800 505 87 03

  • Getting rid of problems occurs by a non-surgical method;
  • Therapy with the help of "Ortomed Professional" gives a positive result in a short time;
  • The clinic employs more than 10 qualified specialists with extensive experience.
  • No.

Doctor Ost

Doctor Ost Clinic in Yekaterinburg was founded in 2013. "Doctor Ost" is a network of clinics, which, in addition to Yekaterinburg, are located in 8 major cities of the country. The main activity of the clinic is aimed at solving problems associated with the musculoskeletal system.

The pride of "Doctor Ost" is the presence of robotic devices, with the help of which the spine is stretched. This method of treatment allows you to cure osteochondrosis, scoliosis, protrusions and intervertebral hernia. In addition, there are other methods of healing. For example, shock wave therapy or laser therapy. The laser beam penetrates deeply into tissues and has a healing effect. The effect after such an interaction can be compared with microsurgery.The method developed by the scientist Gerasimov is widely used - interstitial electrical stimulation. In this case, with the help of current, blood circulation improves, as a result of which pain disappears, and later the structure of the intervertebral discs. Also, for the treatment of various diseases of the back, the method of pharmacopuncture is used. In this case, special injections are made at active points.

It is worth noting the specialists who are the main value of the Doctor Ost clinic. The founder of "Doctor Ost" owns a unique method of treating problems associated with the back. With the help of this technology, patients were put on their feet, who were recommended to undergo complex operations.

Various discounts and promotions are constantly held at Doctor Ost, and there is an opportunity to get treatment in installments without a percentage overpayment.

The first appointment with a doctor will cost 1000 rubles, the price of a second appointment is 500 rubles. The cost of one session on the DRX device is 1750 rubles.

Contact Information:

st. Tsiolkovsky, 57. ☎ Tel. (343) 227 09 09

  • "Doctor Ost" is one of the best clinics in the country for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Various techniques are used that solve back problems without surgery;
  • Possibility to pay for treatment in installments;
  • The clinic employs doctors of various profiles.
  • High price.


When undergoing treatment or rehabilitation in a medical center, you can be sure of achieving a positive result. This is done through the use of the latest European equipment. Doctors have modern views on solving problems associated with the musculoskeletal system, and in the course of therapy a report is provided on each stage passed.

In the medical center "Evolive" there are various health and rehabilitation courses.For example, for the treatment of osteochondrosis, hernia, scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc., the Healthy Spine program has been developed. The course lasts 4-5 weeks, depending on the patient's condition. The course is recommended to be taken 2-3 times a year. After completing the program, back pain disappears, posture returns to normal, and exercise tolerance improves.

Cryotherapy is used here to get rid of spinal problems. This implies exposure to dry air at very low temperatures. In this program, the body receives stress and activates reserve reserves for its own protection. As a result, recovery begins. To achieve a positive result, you must undergo at least 10 procedures.

Roller mechanical massage is also used in the center. With its help, blood flow improves, traction of the spine occurs. After such treatment, there is a disappearance of back pain, elimination of spinal deformity.

For various diseases of the back, a course of hardware kinesitherapy is recommended, which is carried out on the Ormed-Kinezo simulator. After a course of treatment, back pain disappears, muscles and tendons become elastic, and spinal deformity disappears. But this method of treatment is not acceptable during pregnancy, with viral diseases accompanied by fever, bleeding, neoplasms and osteosynthesis of the spine.

The cost of the initial consultation is 1200 rubles, the second appointment is 1100 rubles. The cost of a course of treatment varies depending on the disease and problems that need to be addressed.

Contact Information:

st. Sheinkman, 86. ☎ Tel. 8 (343) 310 04 52

  • Application of innovative European equipment;
  • Report on the progress of treatment at each stage;
  • Availability of different courses of treatment for certain diseases;
  • Specialists of various profiles.
  • There is no exact price list for course treatment.

Spine Team

When contacting the Spine Team Center, the patient is met by a team of professionals who will take an integrated approach to the treatment of the spine. Doctors have extensive experience, constantly take part in scientific conferences and improve their skills. An individual set of procedures is selected for each patient, which is necessary in this case.

In the Spine Team, various modern methods of therapy are carried out. One of these methods is the use of shock wave therapy, which is carried out using the British BLT apparatus. The procedure is painless, here, with the help of infrasound, soft tissues are affected. But the next day, there may be discomfort in the area of ​​​​impact. To achieve a positive result, it is recommended to undergo 5-12 procedures. The cost of one procedure is 1300 rubles, the duration is 30 minutes.

For the treatment of intervertebral hernias and osteochondrosis, HIL-therapy with a laser is used. Such an effect increases the rate of tissue regeneration, removes pain and creates optimal conditions for a quick recovery. At the same time, the effect of a deep massage is also obtained, which contributes to the outflow of lymphatic fluid. Also, with laser therapy, blood flow increases, and as a result, positive processes in the body will occur, which will lead to a quick recovery. The cost of one procedure is 1500 rubles. It is recommended to undergo 5-10 procedures.The duration of one session is no more than 20 minutes.

Also, in case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the Center "Team of the Spine" conducts electrical stimulation using the Magnon-PRB apparatus. After several sessions of such procedures, the pain syndrome is eliminated and well-being improves. This procedure can not be carried out with blood diseases, the presence of oncology, heart failure. The session lasts about 30 minutes. The cost of one session is 950 rubles. The course of treatment consists of 5-8 procedures.

Contact Information:

st. Sheinkman, 134A. ☎ Tel. 8 (343) 286 80 24

  • Experienced professionals;
  • Modern methods of treatment are applied;
  • Individual approach to treatment.
  • No.


If you suspect a disease of the spine, you should not self-medicate. It is better to contact a specialist in this field. The above clicks employ highly qualified specialists who will provide the necessary assistance and restore health to your back. Each of the clinics offers different methods of treatment. When choosing a medical center, you should be well acquainted with the methods of the proposed procedures, as well as pay attention to the recommendations of people who have undergone therapy. Timely contact with a doctor is important for positive treatment.

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