
  1. General provisions
  2. The best battery terminals
  3. Preventive measures and repair of damaged parts
  4. Outcome

Rating of the best car battery terminals for 2025

Rating of the best car battery terminals for 2025

Machine parts are subject to the negative effect of wear and tear, and the battery is in a special risk zone. The correct operation of this component depends on the quality of service. The power supply of the car directly depends on the battery terminals, so you should pay attention to this spare part. A motorist who does not have a wealth of experience runs the risk of facing difficulties in choosing when it comes to replacing a worn terminal with a new one. The market offers a wide range of parts in this category, so you need to learn a number of basic points in order not to miscalculate when buying.

General provisions

The battery device involves the accumulation of energy with the subsequent distribution of it between the devices of the machine. Batteries come in different categories and specifications. Different car models require different power consumption characteristics, so a specific vehicle will require an appropriate power device that can meet at least the minimum requirements of the car.

The contact between the battery and the devices occurs due to the terminals, so the stability of the system as a whole depends on the quality of this intermediary. The main reasons for the failure of this spare part are mechanical damage or the negative effects of oxidizing processes. Of course, the first problem will require a complete replacement of the part, and the second can be solved by simply cleaning the terminals. It is worth considering that a part that has once undergone a destructive effect will have a negative effect on the contact component of the battery. This is fraught with a violation of the stable operation of the car as a whole, because a damaged contact part on the battery will not allow you to quickly start the engine, because this requires a current with a stable voltage.

In order not to miscalculate when buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of the part. Terminals are divided into 3 categories according to the material of manufacture. The market offers the following varieties of this spare part:

  • Lead clamp.

The most popular category among motorists. Popularity is explained by increased current conductivity, material compliance, ease of handling (when additional fastening is necessary). The material is in contact with the battery without problems, without producing side effects.Also, this metal is naturally combined with the contact component of the battery, because this part is also made on the basis of lead alloys.

  • Clamp made of brass.

Although this material surpasses the previous category in weight, the conductivity values ​​are also increased. The malleability of metal is not inferior in quality to lead, therefore, such a terminal is also convenient in handling. The advantage of a brass part lies in simplified dismantling, which will help the motorist get out of a number of difficult situations. The resistance of the metal to elevated temperatures is also an advantage.

  • Clamp made of copper.

Copper parts are recommended by experts as the most optimal for a car. Highest conductive capacity with reduced risk of oxidizing action and resistance to high temperatures.

The best battery terminals

Terminals from the company Glavdor model Gl-61

The company Glavdor specializes in the sale of spare parts of strong quality. The domestic manufacturer offers a wide range of accessories for cars, including terminals. The motorist is offered a choice of the main categories of terminals in standard configurations. Model gl-61 includes a pair of brass terminals. In stores, the model is available at a price of 200 rubles. It's inexpensive considering the product category. The surface of the parts is painted in a bright color.

Terminals Glavdor model Gl-61
  • Democratic price tag;
  • Strong quality;
  • Positive feedback about the model.
  • The company has yet to develop a strong reputation.


“I have been using this model for six months now and there are no complaints. Current conductivity is stable, grip is reliable. For a similar price, a good option, although it is noticeable that the brass is not in its pure form.I recommend it to anyone who is looking for reliable terminals at a reasonable cost!”

Terminals from the company Glavdor model Gl-62

A product from the economy segment from a domestic manufacturer. Made of lead, designed for the economical buyer. When buying this model, it is worth considering the specifics of the material and its resistance to high and low temperatures. In addition, the parts are made of lead alloy. The surface is painted in a bright silver color. Dimensions are 9 by 2 mm and 5 by 12 mm. The kit includes a pair of terminals. The price of the kit varies depending on the seller. The average cost is 160 rubles.

Terminals Glavdor model Gl-62
  • Low cost;
  • Thoughtful design;
  • Ease of handling.
  • Few reviews about the model on the Internet.


“I use this model as an intermediate, in the future I will purchase a brass one. As a temporary measure, these terminals perform their function well. The conductivity is sufficient, and the resistance to high temperatures leaves much to be desired. I recommend this model to anyone who is looking for a replacement for a while!”

Terminals from Alca company model 509000

Model from a German manufacturer. Although the accessories of this brand are made in China, the result meets the quality standards of Germany. The company is popular among motorists and enjoys a reputation for producing reliable parts. Model 509000 is made of an alloy of brass and pewter. Such a connection provides stable current conductivity, strong adhesion to the battery cells and reduced resistance. The set includes 2 pcs. dimensions of 110 by 119 mm and 50 mm in height. The average cost of the model is 250 rubles.

Alca terminals model 509000
  • Reliable quality;
  • Reduced resistance;
  • Affordable price.
  • Not found.


“I have been using Alca terminals for over a year. For such a price, there are no complaints, in addition, the parts are made of brass. The model shows good results in current conductivity and operation at elevated temperatures. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for brass terminals at a reasonable price!”

Terminals from Autoprofi company model Bat/Ter-102

The domestic manufacturer of components for cars offers a wide range of terminals of different categories. The company has earned a reputation as a reliable manufacturer of automotive products. The company's products are in the affordable price segment, so they are popular among the people. The bat/ter-102 model is universal and fits most batteries.

Terminals Autoprofi model Bat/Ter-102
  • Affordable price;
  • Model quality;
  • Ease of handling.
  • Few reviews.


“The bat/ter-102 from Autoprofi serves as a spare for me. Among my friends, many people who use this model as a regular one spoke positively about this terminal, so I decided to purchase it, but for now as a reserve. Would recommend to anyone looking for a spare part to stock!”

Terminals from Autoprofi company model Bat/Ter-101

This model is largely identical to the previous one, the difference between the copies lies in the nuances of fastening. The terminals are made of lead alloy, they are found on sale at prices from 113 rubles. When purchasing this copy, it is worth considering the specifics of lead regarding operation at elevated and low temperatures and current conductivity.

Terminals Autoprofi model Bat/Ter-101
  • Affordable price;
  • Terminal quality;
  • stable conductivity.
  • Not identified.


“I use this terminal temporarily and in this sense it shows a good job.There are complaints about resistance to elevated temperatures, but for this price, such nuances are acceptable. Would recommend to anyone looking for a replacement main part!”

Preventive measures and repair of damaged parts

Certain types of batteries require protective hoops. These rings are necessary for the prevention of oxidizing action. Although such tools are not able to provide full protection for the terminals, rings should not be neglected. In addition, premium batteries are often equipped with hoops with an additional clip.

Pay attention to cleaning the terminals. Previously, motorists used devices of their own production for such operations, now, modern technologies allow cleaning at a professional level. A device in the form of a cylinder for cleaning the terminals is called a scraper.

Using the above device, it is necessary to clean the spare part. If there are problems with the contact of the terminal, it is necessary to remove a small layer of the metal surface. This will help increase the contact area. After that, it is necessary to strip the current outlets in order to avoid the effect of oxidative action. If the car owner does not have a scraper, sandpaper is allowed. It should be borne in mind that in this case, the quality of the operation will decrease by an order of magnitude. After cleaning the electrical outlets, the battery box must be cleaned with a soda-based solution.

Contact issues

If the contacts with current sinks are not correct, there is a risk of excessive heating of the terminals, which leads to a negative effect. Also, excessive heating occurs for the following reasons:

  • Formation of dirt deposits on the current tap and terminals;
  • Failure of the fastener device;
  • The negative effect of mechanical damage.

It is worth considering that the coupling between the elements of the terminal and the battery plays a decisive role in the quality of the current conductivity. In addition, tight coupling will provide protection against excessive heating, because current leakage in this scenario is minimized. Weak coupling leads to increased current resistance, which guarantees problems when starting the machine. Increased resistance implies a decrease in current flows, which is why problems arise when the car is started. Not infrequently, to eliminate such a problem, it will be necessary to clean it using the tools described above, after disassembling the connection from the terminals. If this spare part has undergone mechanical damage, you should purchase a new one in place of the old one.

Spare parts lubrication

After cleaning operations, it is necessary to provide protection to the parts by means of auxiliary preparations. It is important to pay attention to external protection, not internal. Tsvetmet undergoes oxidation faster than other metals. More than others, lead is at risk - this material is exposed to harmful effects in a short time and is covered with a protective layer. It is necessary to use lubricating additives after installing the battery and connecting the machine's power supply system to it. Among motorists, there is an opinion that lubricants are capable of conducting electricity. This is a myth, because modern manufacturers add elements to the composition of the additive that ensure the extinguishing of electricity. Such means can only reduce the flow of energy. The main task of additives is to protect parts from harmful effects and oxidative effects.

It is important to consider that in the event of terminal damage by oxidation, lubricant additives will not have a positive effect.If the problem described above occurs, it is necessary to remove the battery, clean the terminals and remove a thin layer of metal from the surface. Then reassemble and lubricate the parts.

The material for the manufacture of the terminals is an order of magnitude superior to the predecessors of 30 years ago. Also, the engine system in modern cars produces significantly less pollution, and the battery boxes are arranged according to the standards of tightness and strength. In addition, manufacturers supply their own products with mechanisms to protect against harmful actions.

If the car owner has a premium battery that meets quality standards and is protected from the effect of oxidation, the use of lubricants is not necessary. Such funds will have a noticeable effect if the car battery belongs to the economy segment and does not have reliable protection. Such instances oxidize not only the terminals, but also the area around. It should be borne in mind that the lubricant is not able to fully compensate for the shortcomings of the battery; the tool helps in the short term. If you have a problem with a cheap battery, it is recommended to get a more reliable copy. The car owner has the right to refuse the means of protecting the battery, but for the stable operation of the car it is recommended not to neglect the means of protection.

Means of protection

The car owner who decides to provide the car with additional protection will find a wide range of means for this. It is recommended to visit a specialized store and seek advice from the seller, because there is no universal remedy. The choice of lubricant depends on the type of connection, so it is necessary to know exactly the material of manufacture of the battery terminals and contacts.

Among car owners, Litol 24 is popular because of the solid reputation of a universal additive.The popularity is due to the fact that in the past this supplement was considered the only one in the category of protection. The modern market offers a variety of products for specific compounds, so it is recommended to choose responsibly, without resorting to general options that have earned a reputation only due to the lack of competition.


A car owner who has familiarized himself with the general provisions on the market will easily make a competent choice. An important role is played by the climatic conditions in which the driver lives. For example, if the driver lives in the northern part of the country, it is not recommended to purchase brass parts. This is due to the instability of such a metal before low temperatures. In addition, if the temperature drops below 15 degrees below zero, dismantling the terminal will result in a breakdown for the car owner. In the above scenarios, it is recommended to purchase lead parts. This metal is more malleable and less vulnerable to low temperatures. Copper parts are recommended for drivers whose cars are equipped with an impressive amount of electronics and need increased electricity consumption. For example, if a powerful sound system is installed in the car, it is necessary to choose the appropriate power supply with reliable elements made of strong materials.

Brass parts are suitable as a strong middle. These parts are popular among those who do not want to buy cheap lead or expensive copper. The material is of high quality, but it is necessary to take into account the incompatibility of brass with low temperature conditions.

Also, it is worth paying attention to the terminal device. The market is full of copies with different devices for any occasion and with universal communications.It is worth studying the features of a particular car in order to select the required “communications architecture” in the terminal.

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