
  1. Varieties and features
  2. Rating of the best wallpaper adhesives in 2025
  3. Things to remember when working with glue

The best wallpaper adhesives in 2025: features and selection criteria

The best wallpaper adhesives in 2025: features and selection criteria

Wallpaper is a popular material for interior decoration of any room. This is a simple and effective way to beautifully decorate the bedroom, living room and even the kitchen. But in many respects the result depends on the glue used.

Statistics show that many do not bother about which company is better to purchase glue, but simply grab the first or universal product that comes across. As a result, the wallpaper has to be re-pasted, which leads to unplanned waste of money and time.

Varieties and features

A few decades ago, only paper wallpapers were used for wall decoration.Glue for them was cooked at home from improvised means. Today the situation has changed radically. The range of wallpapers has expanded, and with it the problem arose of how to choose glue.

To properly paste the wallpaper, you should find out what compositions are, their characteristics and method of application. Glue differs not only in price, but also in purpose for:

  • universal;
  • narrowly focused.

Although the first type is designed for all types of wallpaper, for gluing heavy wallpapers you have to knead a thicker mixture. Therefore, working with glue becomes much more difficult. It is chosen either for paper wallpaper, or out of desperation.

Special compositions are produced not only for a specific type of wallpaper, but even for certain room conditions. Usually the manufacturer on the packaging indicates what the glue is intended for.

In addition to the main compositions, there are also auxiliary ones. They are needed for gluing the edges of fabrics or seams at the point of rupture. The most popular brands of such glue are Metylan, Kleo, Quelyd. Color of glue white, after drawing becomes transparent. Produced in tubes.

The composition is sold in two formats:

  • ready for use;
  • in the form of a powder to be diluted with water.

The first is convenient because it saves time. You just need to read the instructions and get to work. But the finished solution is more expensive. Be sure to check the expiration date. Glue in a liquid state is stored for a short time.

It is easy to dilute the composition yourself if you do everything exactly according to the instructions. Such glue is cheaper and quite in demand.

For those who first take up wallpapering, they came up with a composition of pink or blue. With it, it is easier to understand which part is missed after applying glue to the canvas. It is undeniably convenient.After drying, it becomes transparent. Again, this composition is more expensive. In fairness, we note that there is no particular need for it! Indeed, after applying ordinary glue, the canvas darkens a little, and it is easy to calculate the non-smeared areas.

When choosing an adhesive, you need to consider whether it will be applied to the wall or directly to the canvas. In order to hit the bull's-eye with the choice of means, it is worth looking at what the wallpaper manufacturer recommends. In some cases, it is worth looking for a cheaper composition of no less high quality. You should stock up on a roller or a special brush. Without the proper tools, wallpapering will stall.

Glue composition

Each product has a similar composition, which differs in the proportions of the components and the presence / absence of additives. Wallpaper adhesive consists of:

  • base, which occupies from 50 to 95% of the total mass. It can be methylcellulose, modified starch;
  • polyvinyl acetate (PVA) from 5 to 50%, which is responsible for the adhesion properties, moisture resistance of the adhesive;
  • fungicides and antiseptics up to 3.4%. They prevent mold and mildew.

The properties of the adhesive depend directly on its composition. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with what the remedy is made of before buying it.

Criterias of choice

Given the variety of adhesives, it is important to know what to look for. The main points to remember are:

  • What is the wall made of?
  • wallpaper type and weight;
  • purpose and characteristics of the room (maximum temperature and humidity).

When choosing glue, you need to check with the seller how safe it is, whether it contains antifungal components. Primary and final adhesion and mobility are also important. After all, it is not always possible to immediately glue the strip evenly, you have to correct it. Therefore, the setting time is useful to know.

Other important properties of the adhesive by which it is chosen are:

  • moisture resistance;
  • density;
  • pH within 6-7 (otherwise yellow spots will appear on light wallpaper);
  • durability;
  • How long does the package last?
  • how long does the wallpaper dry;
  • how much does the package cost.

The main mistakes when choosing an adhesive are to buy a universal composition and not know how to store the unused volume. All formulations (at least proven brands) are accompanied by detailed instructions. Here it should be read before mixing glue with water.

What is wrong with universal glue, which, it would seem, is suitable for any wallpaper. It consists of 97% of the base, so do not place high hopes on it.

It is also important to consider the type of base. If it is a modified starch, then it is wiser to use a product for paper and vinyl wallpapers. When choosing glue for photo wallpapers, it is important to consider whether the wallpaper is light or heavy. The first includes paper-based material, and the second - on non-woven, vinyl textile. Based on this, glue is selected.

If the wallpaper is glued to a painted surface, then an adhesive based on methylcellulose with a large proportion of PVA should be used. For plastered and puttied walls, a composition containing carboxymethylcellulose is suitable. It is considered the most tenacious remedy. If the wallpaper is chosen for finishing the kitchen or baths, the glue should include the maximum amount of antiseptics and antibacterial additives.

Top Producers

Those who rejected the idea of ​​concocting glue according to folk recipes will have to deal with a lot of tools in hardware stores. As a rule, they have an almost identical composition, so you should focus on the reputation of the manufacturer.

The most good and well-established brands are as follows:

  • Kleo.The French manufacturer offers a wide range of adhesives, which has compositions for any type of wallpaper. The product is made from natural ingredients. Among the Kleo assortment, you can choose glue with an indicator function (for inexperienced craftsmen), ready-made mortar and for finishing a child's room.
  • Metylan. German glue with high quality and a wide range. It was this company that was the first to release a product with a pink indicator. In the range there is a special glue for wallpaper joints. The only negative is the high price, but it is justified by the quality.
  • Quelyd. The French brand offers natural and high-quality glue for different types of wallpaper. Made from starch, methylcellulose and antibacterial additives. On sale are packages of 180, 240 and 340 gr. The glue dries quickly: if you paste the wallpaper in the evening, you can paint it in the morning. The range includes compositions for paper, non-woven, vinyl wallpaper, with an indicator. The price is acceptable.
  • PUFAs. Another German brand that offers adhesives even for velor, metallized wallpaper and based on wood fiber. There are also special environmental and moisture resistant adhesives;
  • exclusive. A well-known brand from England, the compositions of which are characterized by increased adhesion, resistance to negative influences. The adhesive is suitable for professional builders and the common man. Environmentally friendly, suitable for use in any room. Glue is packaged in boxes with the image of a crown of different colors. It is by the shade of the container that you can understand what it is intended for.

Among Russian manufacturers, it is worth noting Oscar, Decoro Quality. Adhesives are quite inexpensive, with optimal consumption.

Rating of the best wallpaper adhesives in 2025

An inexperienced consumer will easily get lost in the huge range of adhesives presented on store shelves. The description of the product on the packaging is of little help, because the reality can be very different from the assurances of the manufacturer.

When deciding which one to buy, you need to consider the type of finish, reviews from previous buyers, and the popularity of the adhesive. A review of the best products contains the properties, advantages and disadvantages of products from different brands. Thanks to him, it will be possible to understand what kind of glue is needed in a particular situation and how much the material costs.

Metylan Interlining Premium

Glue is intended for non-woven wallpaper. Although the product is not produced in Germany itself, but in other countries, the German technology remains. The agent got into popular adhesives for easy application, a shelf life of 36 months.

The product is packaged in packages with different volumes. Professionals recommends immediately stocking up in packs of 250 g. The volume is enough to finish the surface with an area of ​​​​25 to 35 sq.m. The adhesive is suitable for all types of non-woven wallpaper.

Metylan Interlining Premium
  • indicator that simplifies application;
  • affordable cost;
  • excellent adhesion;
  • protects wallpaper from mold;
  • resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.
  • when gluing embossed wallpaper, the consumption is greater.

Average price: 259 rubles.

Exclusive Non Woven

The product can be applied on any type of surface without major complaints. It comes in a 283 gram package. The composition includes antifungal additives, so mold under the wallpaper will not appear.

The glue is safe for the environment, people and animals. After application, the solution becomes transparent and glides well. So it will be possible to trim the stripes.Manufacturers have improved grip properties.

Exclusive Non-Woven non-woven adhesive
  • does not deform after drying;
  • evenly applied and dries;
  • perfectly holds any non-woven wallpaper.
  • the finished solution can be stored for no more than 10 days;
  • Not sold in every store.

Average price: 159 rubles.


Despite the fact that the glue is produced in Russia and is sold at a reasonable price, it has good properties. The agent is applied to the wall without additional processing.

The composition includes high-quality German starches and antibacterial additives. Therefore, the solution is prepared in 5-10 minutes. Wallpaper can be easily adjusted to the pattern. Glue is used for non-woven wallpaper.

FliziLex adhesive for non-woven wallpaper
  • ease of use;
  • low price;
  • becomes colorless after application.
  • the consistency may be heterogeneous;
  • only one type of packaging;
  • dries for a long time.

Average price: 159 rubles.


Glue is used for vinyl wallpaper. The composition includes such components as: modified starch and the best bactericidal substance. The glue holds the wallpaper well, does not allow the formation of fungus. The adhesive is effective even in summer, winter and any other season. Even dampness will not cause the formation of fungus.

One package is enough to finish 47 square meters. meters. On the pack, the manufacturer indicated 7-9 rolls, but still, for insurance, the glue should be applied more tightly. This increases the expense. The composition is colorless, does not leave marks on the canvases.

Kleo wallpaper glue vinyl
  • good combination of price and quality;
  • well bred;
  • antiseptic.


  • only suitable for light vinyl;
  • the actual consumption differs from that indicated by the manufacturer.

Average price: 190 rubles.

Moment Vinyl

According to buyers, the product from the German company Henkel turned out to be one of the best. The tool is used for vinyl. The adhesive has good adhesive properties due to the content of starch, methylcellulose in the composition.

Antibacterial additives eliminate the appearance of mold and mildew, even in wet areas. In a liquid state, the product remains usable for a long time. So it will be possible, slowly, to glue the strips and correct them. The mixture is homogeneous, without lumps

Moment Vinyl Wallpaper Adhesive
  • economical consumption;
  • instant;
  • there is no smell.
  • You can store the finished solution for only 10 days in a tight closed container.

Average price: 149 rubles.

PUFAS Euro 3000

For builders, one of the best adhesives is a product from a German manufacturer. The synthetic resin adhesive comes in 240 g packs. It is suitable for all types of vinyl wallpapers, including those with a fabric backing. Several types of adhesive are commercially available: one with an indicator (pink) to control application.

Glue is viscous in consistency. The material quickly dissolves in water due to the content of methylcellulose in the composition. Cooking time is no more than 5 minutes. The glue is safe for humans, meets European quality standards. One package is enough for 8-10 rolls of wallpaper. In a diluted form, it is stored for a month in a closed container.

PUFAS Euro 3000 vinyl adhesive
  • economical consumption (200 ml/meter);
  • moisture resistant;
  • eco-friendly.
  • there is a specific smell;
  • difficult to apply;
  • lumps in the finished mixture.

Average price: 250 rubles.

Kiilto Master Pro

The adhesive is suitable for glass, jute and vinyl wallpapers. It can be used for paper based textile wallpapers. Country of origin - Finland. The adhesive consists of water and PVC dispersion, ready to use. You can adjust the corners and joints for another 15-20 minutes after attaching the wallpaper to the wall.

Full drying time - 24 hours. Then you can start painting the strips. Transparent glue emphasizes the patterns on the wallpaper. Excess is easy to remove with a sponge dipped in water. On sale there are containers with a volume of 5 liters and 15 liters. At 5-6 m2 1 liter of solution is enough.

Kiilto Master Pro glue
  • ease of application;
  • excellent adhesion;
  • suitable for pre-painted surfaces.
  • it is applied only in dry rooms;
  • freezes;
  • high price.

Average price: 1,450 rubles.

Oscar Ready

The Russian manufacturer offers ready-made glue for fiberglass wallpaper, painting fiberglass and non-woven fabric. The material highlights good functionality and reasonable price.

Glue is used for fixing wallpaper on drywall, concrete, brick, wood and composite board. The composition contains antifungal and antibacterial additives. Before use, you need to mix the mass, and not dilute with water. The adjustment time of the paintings is 15-20 minutes. For surface finishing with an area of ​​45-50 m2 you will need a bucket of glue (10 kg).

Oscar Ready glue
  • frost resistance;
  • functionality;
  • convenient to work.
  • high consumption;
  • expensive.

Average price: 1,290 rubles.


Glue for glass wall paper attracted the attention of buyers with a favorable price. The material is also suitable for gluing fiberglass and fiberglass.If the glue is diluted, then it can be used for paper wallpaper or surface primer.

The minimum temperature at which it is worth working with the material is 5°C. The strips can be displaced for another 15-20 minutes after gluing. The high transparency of the composition eliminates the appearance of stains on the wallpaper.

Cover Ready-to-use glass adhesive
  • universality;
  • ease of use;
  • low price.
  • there are claims to adhesion;
  • uneven consistency of the mixture.

Average price: 538 rubles.

QUELYD for glass

Glue from a French manufacturer is included in the rating of quality materials. It can be used for gluing all types of glass and even for painting. The composition includes methylcellulose and modified starch. Due to this combination, the adhesion of the solution increases.

The glue hardens gradually and has a high sliding effect. Therefore, the corners are easily joined, and the seams are aligned. Even if the canvas managed to attach quite strongly to the wall.

QUELYD glass wall adhesive
  • economical consumption;
  • eco-friendly;
  • fast cooking.
  • missing.

Average price: 469 rubles.

Things to remember when working with glue

Choosing the right glue for wallpaper is half the battle. It is important not to make mistakes while working with it. So that the wallpaper does not fall off immediately after gluing, you need to remember the following points:

  1. Carefully prepare the walls. The surface must be cleaned of the old finish, and cracks and defects should be sealed with putty, sanded and covered with a primer.
  2. Glue is diluted strictly according to the instructions. Water can be cold or warm, but always clean. The material is added to the liquid little by little, without ceasing to interfere, in order to avoid the formation of lumps.The mixture is left for a while until the flakes dissolve and the consistency becomes homogeneous.
  3. Apply the material from the center to the edges with a special brush or roller in a thin layer. It is convenient when the adhesive composition contains a color additive. Then unpainted places are clearly visible.
  4. Do not throw away the rest of the adhesive. It is useful for gluing corners.

Deciding to save money, you can cook glue from flour and starch. Only in this case, the wallpaper from the walls will have to be torn off almost with teeth. It is easy to avoid such troubles - buy a special glue for a certain type of wallpaper. Considering that the stores have quite budget materials, the costs will not be so ruinous.

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