Marble is a noble and expensive mineral that does not lose its popularity and is used everywhere in the finishing industry. They can decorate the facades of houses, stairs, emphasize the interior of the room in an original way, and also use it for facing monuments. However, for such work you will need a special glue, because standard powder compositions for laying tiles will not work. Decor made of natural stone after gluing should serve for a long time, not succumbing to destruction and unintentional slipping.

Features of marble adhesives

Some professionals in the field of finishing work believe that for reliable and high-quality adhesion of marble objects to surfaces, it is preferable to use reinforcing agents, but practice shows that they often lead to the destruction of the base segments and parts of the material glued with them. Moreover, metal additions will require maximum care and caution from the finisher, so the easiest way out for such a situation is to choose the use of special adhesives.

The most profitable option, from the point of view of economy, will be cement-based mixtures, but an object glued on their basis is unlikely to be able to hold out for a long time on the street, being influenced by negative weather factors.From this it is clear that it is desirable to use cementitious substances for interior cladding. It is also worth mentioning that, in general, any soluble bulk adhesive mixtures do not have the high resistance that is needed for exterior cladding. For such work, you need to use a special frost-resistant composition, which is guaranteed to give the best result, as well as provide reliable stability for massive and weighty individual tile modules, and the overall degree of adhesion will be characterized by durability.

Technical requirements for adhesives

Among the set of all technical parameters for substances of the type under consideration, it is possible to single out several main ones, which include:

  • Versatility - the mixture should be suitable for both interior and exterior finishing work. In addition, it should be possible to operate it in various climatic environments. With such qualities, labor costs will clearly decrease, and financial costs will be reduced.
  • Strength - this condition reflects the degree of stability of the marble bonding to the surface. The composition should not change when exposed to acidic substances, ultraviolet or alkalis.
  • Durability - the service life will directly depend on the additional building materials used, therefore, when cladding, you need to use, for example, high-quality grout, which will not allow cracks to appear even after many years, change the shade of the plates or allow the overall shrinkage of the layout.
  • Fast curing - here the best option is one in which the marble cladding can already be used after 120 minutes.

It should be clarified that the above properties, in principle, can be characteristic of any adhesive that is designed to work with natural minerals.

Modern varieties of glue

Fixing materials for building blanks can be divided into certain groups, and such a division will depend on the necessary construction procedures. The main thing is that all of them meet two important criteria - reliable fixation and durability, i.e. the ability to hold out for a long time under the influence of external negative factors.

Polyester substances

They are the best option for laying marble slabs, interior mosaic decoration, installation of individual monolithic objects and replacement of damaged elements. The described products have several varieties:

  • Based on two components;
  • Based on one component;
  • Mastic;
  • liquid;
  • semi-liquid;
  • Solid.

For decoration purposes, it is preferable to choose a composition in color or white shades, which will significantly increase the scope of use. Polyester samples are not particularly thixotropic, i.e. the quality of holding the glued object on a vertical/inclined surface. However, this minus is compensated by the low fluidity of the substance, the ease of its smoothing, which means a simplified workflow as a whole.

Epoxy substances on two components

These solutions are designed to work with monuments and are distinguished by durability and reliability. As a base, epoxy resins are used, which have excellent adhesive qualities in relation to various materials.The hitch is made without any flaws, able to withstand overheating up to +60 degrees Celsius, easily withstand frost down to -35 degrees Celsius. Before performing work, you will need to mix the powder from the two elements that are supplied in the kit, wait until the solution reaches the required level of consistency. The applied layer will successfully resist the sun's rays, the resulting shade will not change even after years, even when outdoors.

Polyester substances

They are usually used in the production of internal repairs in a dwelling / private house, where it is supposed to work with marble decoration. Among the technical parameters, the temperature limits of operation are highlighted, which range from 0 to +110 degrees Celsius. Such limits indicate the possibility of using the solution in a bath or sauna. In this case, the composition will harden very quickly (maximum - 7 minutes), while simultaneously providing an ultra-reliable and integral fixation of two bonded planes. This effect is achieved due to the fact that polyesters perfectly penetrate into the stone pores, which makes it possible to achieve not only a tight connection, but also firmly glue the module-plates on the screed or concrete. The solution can be used for decorating countertops, fireplaces, and in general at objects and in rooms with elevated temperatures.

Impregnant Substances

They should be used exclusively for two expensive finishing minerals - granite and marble. Due to the presence of polymers and resins in its structure, the composition successfully penetrates into the texture of the stone (which is also facilitated by an increased degree of fluidity).The samples themselves are considered to be very frost-resistant and can withstand very sharp temperature changes, while performance will not be lost. The components included in the composition optionally strengthen small segments at the joints, due to the fact that the adhesive penetrates into very small pores and cracks, while eliminating the possibility of future damage. On the surface, an indistinguishable film is created, which provides protection from the negative effects of water and sunlight. At the final hardening of the seam, the surface can be polished / sanded with any special tool that has an abrasive micro-nozzle.

cement substances

They are the most common, have a low price, are based on a single component, have an average degree of strength and stability of the hitch. They have proven themselves quite well when working on horizontal surfaces, but they are not very suitable for inclined or completely vertical bases. When mixing the solution, it is allowed to supplement them with auxiliary additives to increase strength - acrylic or polyurethane. These substances are preferably used indoors, because they are not able to successfully withstand the seasonal weather factors outside.

The subtleties of caring for glued marble

If the marble has been glued indoors, it will not require much maintenance other than occasional wiping with a lightly dampened cloth. If, for example, a garden path in a suburban area is made of marble, then over time it will invariably become dirty and covered with stains from the rains. In this case, you should wash the tile abundantly with cleaning products and cover it for a while with a film or tarpaulin.The same should be done, "preserving" the track for the winter, if it is not expected to be used at this time of the year. To restore the color of white marble, a little ordinary bleach must be added to the cleaning agent. The prepared solution should stand for 24 hours. When ready, the marble is wiped with a mop dipped in the solution and left to dry. A small amount of caustic bleach will not damage the adhesive layer and will give the surface its original appearance.

Frost resistance and strength

A good glue must be able to hold a certain weight: for one square of marble material, this figure must be at least 80 kilograms. This will be enough to hold large and thick slabs. Frost resistance is a quality that also plays a significant role. In general, a good fixative must withstand at least 35 freeze/thaw cycles. However, in this case, it is not the calendar change of the seasons that is meant, but the fact of a one-time complete temperature difference, i.e. in one period, the weather can change dramatically from cold to very warm and back, which will be considered a single cycle. Experience shows that it is difficult for even the best adhesive products to fully meet this indicator.

Self-made glue

A sample that will be prepared by hand will be slightly inferior in quality to the reliability of factory products, however, it is perfect for minor repairs, for example, for repairing cracks and chips, or for fixing not too massive parts.In Russia, the following recipe is especially popular: 4 parts of gypsum are mixed with one part of gum arabic (or borax), while it is necessary to bring the mixture to a paste consistency, gradually adding cold water. Next, the gypsum will interact with the second component, and the entire mass will reach a homogeneous structure. You can use the second recipe:

  1. 2 parts of wax with marble chips and 1 part of rubber are being prepared;
  2. These elements are thoroughly mixed, heated on fire until a homogeneous composition is formed;
  3. It is necessary to prepare the solution in small portions, because it hardens very quickly;
  4. Application is possible only on surfaces wiped from dirt, on which there are also no fats and moisture.

Efficient preparation of factory solutions

Finished dry factory-made products must be properly mixed, because poor-quality preparation will lead to a weak level of adhesion. To comply with all proportions and specifications, you must strictly follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. It is preferable to cook and work with small portions in order to prevent premature hardening of the working mass. Most often, the procedure for making the mixture begins with filling the container with water, into which the powder is then poured, after which everything is stirred with a construction mixer at a not very high speed. The mixing process should be continued until a homogeneous mass is formed that does not contain any lumps.

Proper gluing of marble

Prior to gluing marble to the surface, the joints of the latter must be cleaned with appropriate abrasive agents, dirt must be completely removed from them, dust removed, after which it is necessary to completely degrease with chemicals, followed by drying. Then, using a spatula, you should apply a very even layer of the composition, while not making it too thick, because the glued module will then squeeze it out, and wiping off the excess is difficult and unpleasant. The next step is to give the tile a uniform position, and after the glue has completely solidified, grind the most problematic areas with a special nozzle on a drill or grinder. Adhesive mortars for marble/granite are considered the most durable and are able to hold massive stone elements for many years. By using the right adhesive and applying the proper laying technique, you can easily achieve a long life for the final finish, preventing unnecessary financial expenditure on premature repairs.

Difficulties of choice

Before buying glue for marble, you should follow a few simple tips:

  • For interior decoration, you need to choose environmentally friendly products, but for outdoor calculations, the main thing is the strength qualities of the solution;
  • The user manual from the manufacturer must be present in any case - this way you can find out the limits of the temperature regime of operation, specialization in the field of application and other technical features;
  • A layer of mortar should easily fix masonry with a weight of at least 80 kilograms per square meter;
  • The indicator for freezing cycles is at least 35 full cycles;
  • Artificial ingredients in the composition reduce the weight of the layer itself, so two-component epoxies will weigh less than bulk cement products;
  • The period of "life" after kneading is different for all adhesives, but it is better to use them in small portions, so you can avoid unnecessary expenses and the formation of unnecessary waste.

Rating of the best adhesives for marble for 2025

Budget segment

3rd place: "Econ Interior" 200 gr"

This product is for repair purposes and is not recommended for large-scale finishing work. It is intended for gluing decorative and finishing elements made of marble, MDF, PVC, etc., as well as for fixing skirting boards/friezes. It can be used for ceiling tiles and skirting boards, decorative rosettes, marble elements, ceramics, individual finishing panels, various metal decorative components. The volume of the tube is 200 grams. The recommended cost for retail chains is 451 rubles.

Econ Interior "200 gr
  • Small price;
  • Repair appointment;
  • Quality composition.
  • Small tube volume.

2nd place: "PALADIUM PalafleX-106 5kg Extra strong"

This dry facing mixture is made from high quality cement, fragmented sand and a set of modifying additives. It is intended for facing walls and floors with large-format massive slabs and modules of medium format and dimensions made of natural and artificial stones (more than 5 kg each), 60 x 60 cm plates, onyx, marble and other types of ceramic, clinker tiles in buildings of various significance.It is applied on very strong low-deformable bases: concrete (monolith, panels), brick, gas-, foam concrete, plastered surface (gypsum, cement, lime cement), GWP. Recommended price for retail chains - 692 rubles

PALADIUM PalafleX-106 5kg Extra strong
  • Easy to apply;
  • plastic material;
  • Thin layer, moisture resistance and high adhesion;
  • The ability to provide reliable adhesion of the cladding to the surface;
  • Application on the system "heat-insulated floor" is possible.
  • Not detected.


This two-component solution is intended for marble, granite and other natural stone. Made from polyester. GRANIT brand marble adhesives are good for bonding, repairing and filling the porous surface of mineral, travertine, other natural stones, ceramics, bricks and similar materials. It is characterized by fast hardening (3-5 minutes at +25°C). It cures with low shrinkage, is very easy to use, and results in a superb rich color after sanding. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1000 rubles.

  • Chemical inertness;
  • Excellent wear resistance and durability;
  • Extremely excellent adhesion to natural stones, even at elevated temperatures.
  • Not detected.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "MENCELLI for stone 1 kg."

This is the simplest two-component epoxy composition made in Turkey. It has good adhesion, it hardens well in a short time, it is convenient to apply.When using a construction mixer during mixing, there are practically no lumps in the structure. Very light and easy to apply. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1050 rubles.

MENCELLI for stone 1 kg
  • Hardens in five minutes at +25 degrees Celsius;
  • Virtually no shrinkage;
  • Color retains for a long time.
  • Preferably sanding.

2nd place: "Ceresit CM 115, for mosaic and marble, 5 kg"

This is probably the most common cement adhesive mortar in the Russian Federation. It is used for finishing surfaces inside and outside buildings. It is intended for facing bases with tiles made of granite, marble, limestone, glass mosaic. Suitable for wet rooms, underfloor heating, swimming pools and showers, balconies and terraces. Compatible surfaces - plaster, concrete, cement. When adding an elasticizer, the composition can be used to fix tiles on chipboard, GVL, OSB, GKL, old tiles and other bases. It can ensure the complete absence of stains and efflorescence on marble cladding, it is water and frost resistant, resistant to tile slipping.

Ceresit CM 115, for mosaic and marble, 5 kg
  • It is applied on couplers with heating;
  • Suitable for any work;
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "ELKAY EB 30 transparent honey"

A two-component, light yellow, transparent gel sample used for vertical bonding and repair of marble, granite, natural and artificial stones. It has an increased reliability of bonding, the thickness of the adhesive layer is more than 1 millimeter.Gives out excellent juicy color after processing by the grinder. Chemically inert. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1476 rubles.

ELKAY EB 30 transparent honey
  • thickened layer;
  • wear resistance;
  • Durability.
  • Not detected.

Premium class

3rd place: "OTTOSEAL S70 PREMIUM C6113"

This one-component silicone sealant is an oxime-based, neutral curing system without MEKO. Areas of application: sealing and grouting marble and all types of natural stone, such as sandstone, quartzite, granite, gneiss, porphyry, etc. both indoors and outdoors, sealing expansion joints on floors, walls and facades, sealing and sealing joints in swimming pools (also under water) with marble/natural stone coatings, sealing lacquered and enamelled glass. Can be used as a grout between ceramic tiles and natural stone outdoors using TERRA LEVEL supports. Allows natural stone to be bonded to metal, such as stair treads to metal structures, and compensates for misalignments. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1862 rubles:

  • Versatility;
  • Wide functionality;
  • High quality one-component composition.
  • Somewhat high price for a small volume.

2nd place: "Founding" 83168 "

The sample is designed for wall and floor cladding with marble slabs, colored and transparent glass tiles, decorative mosaics, glass blocks, granite, natural and artificial stone. It is used for facing of artificial reservoirs, bowls of pools, fireplaces.Recommended for facing balconies, terraces, plinths, facades, heated floors. For interior and exterior use. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1952 rubles.

Founding» 83168
  • Large volume at a low price;
  • Possibility of non-deforming work on complex grounds;
  • Working with various materials.
  • Not detected.

1st place: “Kiilto Sanitary Silicone Sealant No. 39”

One-component neutral sanitary silicone sealant that can also be used as an adhesive. Designed for sealing expansion joints during construction work, sealing the joints of tiled facings in rooms where there is always water or high humidity, as well as gluing marble stone elements. After drying, it cannot be painted. The color scheme matches the Kiilto brand. Contains anti-mold agents. After drying, it can be used at low temperatures. Contains silicone and fungicidal additives. The recommended cost for retail chains is 3200 rubles.

Sealant silicone sanitary Kiilto No. 39
  • Advanced functionality;
  • High strength properties;
  • Wide spectrum protection.
  • High price for a small volume of the tube.


Marble, like any natural material, must be properly laid and glued so that it can please its owner for many years. This material has earned popularity for a very long time, but still has not lost it. It is always worth remembering that not only the ease of work, but also the overall quality of the final result will depend on the choice of fixative.

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