
  1. Types, features of gear
  2. How to choose a network
  3. How to use the "snack"
  4. Where could I buy
  5. Ranking of quality casting networks for 2025

Ranking of the best casting networks in 2025

Ranking of the best casting networks in 2025

Catching aquatic biological resources with casting nets, according to anglers, is considered unsportsmanlike and until recently it was illegal for individuals. To date, this fishery is not poaching, it will be entertaining even for beginners, as it does not require special skills. If you use gear wisely, with the appropriate permits, you can enjoy fishing without harming nature.

This review will tell you about a non-standard method of fishing with casting nets, provide recommendations for beginner fishermen on popular models, give advice on what to look for in order not to make a mistake when choosing, and introduce you to the best casting net manufacturers.

Types, features of gear

Fishing takes place by casting, the catch is usually rich if the place is chosen correctly. It is important to note that the best “snacks” are made by hand, they have less marriage, or with the help of machinery, a machine tool. The mesh fabric, which is the main material of the tackle, is knitted from a thread (more wear-resistant) or a fishing line (catching).

This type of fishing was borrowed from South America, China, and has become widespread among Russians. Casting networks, or as they say "parachutes", are divided into two types: "American", "Spanish".

  • The American "quickie" is a woven fabric with a fringing along the edges. The design has lead sinkers located along the perimeter at an equal distance from each other. The product is pierced by slings inserted at the top into a small ring. This device collects the bottom of the tackle in a bag so that the caught fish does not go back into the pond. The cord with which the throw is made should be comfortable to grip, reliable, the loop at the end adds comfort. Its length is usually about 4 meters. The net is suitable for any reservoirs and catching various types of fish, including carp.
  • "Spanish Flu" is distinguished by the presence of pockets along the edges, sinkers are placed randomly. When the angler pulls the “snack” with the trophy by the cord, they converge in the center, tightening the pockets, ensuring the safety of the catch.

Having spent a little time on training, having familiarized yourself with the functionality of the product, you can start hunting for weighty trophies. If the fishing rod is disgusted, you should try yourself in the role of a professional fisherman, diversifying your vacation with active fishing, discovering casting nets.

A design feature of some products is a large casting ring. With its help, handling the tackle after a few trial attempts will be an easy task even for beginner fishermen.

How to choose a network

Before purchasing, you need to decide which product you need. Selection criteria depend on the configuration of the reservoir, as well as on the type of fish that are in it. It is important to compare the size and pitch of the cells, the height, length, diameter of the threads with the intended trophy; when comparing, it is worth pulling the tackle.

If the hunt is for a small but valuable fish, then use a product with a small mesh (20 mm), for a medium trophy, a path, a pike (25-32 mm), a large predator will require a mesh from 120 to 140 mm.

"Spanish flu" is perfect for a stocky, uneven bottom topography. If it is smoother, you need to apply the "American". How to choose the right tackle? Here are a few things you need to buy:

  • It is important to determine the radius of the canvas. For inexperienced anglers, products with a size of about 1.5 meters are suitable. They are easier to handle than large parachutes.
  • The fishing line is more reliable, the possibility of breaking is less, it sinks faster. Nylon gets wet, re-casting is less effective.
  • The gray canvas is less catchy in the water, the fish are not afraid, blue, red shades are also effective, the first option is suitable for pike perch, the second for predators, but the choice of which one is better to buy is up to you.
  • The smaller the diameter of the thread, the more reliably it holds the catch, this is due to the enhanced ability to compress the fish, crashing into its scales.
  • Despite some advantages of a thin thread, it has disadvantages: reduced wear resistance, not suitable for trophy hunting.

How to use the "snack"

It is easier to catch small fish, it is necessary to determine the place and time of fishing carefully. Having found the characteristic circles on the water, throw the canvas, this can be done standing on the shore, it is not necessary to have a boat.

Experienced anglers with more flair are ready to hunt big prey. It is necessary to move away from the shore to a depth of 1.5 meters. It is important not to catch the eye of the fish, otherwise it will slip away, you will have to throw the trap blindly.

In the spring it is better to fish during the day, and in the summer - in the evening or at night. Avoid vegetation, it will interfere by clinging to sinkers. Description of the fishing algorithm:

  • The canvas is wound around the hand, thrown along the selected line. It descends to the surface of the water, covering it.
  • Sinkers sink, dragging parts of the canvas to the bottom, a dome is formed, into which unlucky fish should fall.
  • After some time, you need to pull the cord, pulling the network. Aquatic inhabitants are trapped, and you get the glory of a lucky hunter.
    We are sure that a new kind of fishing will bring you many unforgettable moments!

Where could I buy

Budget novelties are purchased in a fishing salon, managers will tell you what products are and how much they cost, orient at average prices, and introduce them to their functions. Also, traps can be ordered online from AliExpress or other online stores.

Ranking of quality casting networks for 2025

Our review is based on real reviews, it takes into account the opinion of buyers who purchased the product, who are able to suggest which company is better to look after the trap.


casting net american capron big ring

Bronze for a high-quality "American" made of nylon with a large ring, the diameter of the product is 4 meters, the mesh is 20 mm. At the bottom of the trap is a cord equipped with galvanized sinkers. On all sides of the trap there are slings, collected at the top in a ring.

The tackle is made of durable material, has a small windage, sinks quickly, which has a positive effect on the catch, it can be used from the shore and boat.

Technical indicators:

Type of American
Diameter4 m
casting net american capron big ring
  • with a large ring easy casting;
  • affordable price.
  • kapron gets wet, becomes heavy.

"Balset", American, fishing line, no ring

In 2nd place is American-designed tackle, its canvas is pierced by special veins that help the fisherman tighten the trap, forming a bag with a closed sinker outlet. The result of the successful actions of the trophy hunter will be the caught fish, securely locked inside the "parachute".

The braided cord that helps to make a throw is made of polyethylene, its diameter is 7 mm, the shade is light blue. The design provides for a weighting cord, the size of which is 5 mm, weights are evenly located on it, 26 grams each. In general, the “American” will appeal to outdoor enthusiasts who want to try themselves in a new way of fishing.

Technical indicators:

Type of American (no ring)
Line diameter0.3 mm
Cells, mm16
Mesh materialfishing line
Breaking load5.6 kg
Diameter, m2-8
"Balset", American, fishing line, no ring
  • low price.
  • non-wear resistant design.

"Balset", American, capron, Frisbee ring

Wins, among the budget products, the products of the company "Balset". The trap has a large ring that allows you to cast at various distances with the best efficiency, standing on the shore or sitting in a boat. The "parachute" has a radius that provides the "American" with every chance of a great catch.

If you want to save time, increase the likelihood of successful fishing, you can pre-bait the hunting place. It is important to note that in order to prevent a hook on an uneven bottom, you should pull the cord with which you threw the tackle, the knot on the line should be untied, and it will not be difficult to get the trap.

Technical indicators:

Material Nylon thread 250den/3
Diameter, m 3.6-4.6
Height 180-210 cm
Opening diameter 360-420 cm
Ring 47 cm
The weight 2.8-3.1 kg
cell 16 mm
"Balset", American, capron, Frisbee ring
  • convenient for throwing from a boat.
  • not detected.

Middle price segment

FindFish, Spanish

The 4th place is occupied by the FindFish model, which has a small ring, a reliable, high-quality canvas. The design is equipped with weights, "tightly" mounted around the perimeter of the trap. The tackle has a small size when folded, which is convenient for transportation, two modifications are made:

  • "FindFish" is made of Japanese fishing line with a diameter of 0.3 mm, the popularity of the model is ensured by its versatility, it is used on lakes, rivers with a small current, where there is no snag, sharp stones;
  • The trap made of impregnated nylon with a diameter of 0.535 mm has a reliable design that is resistant to tearing; unlike the first option, it can be used in reservoirs with complex bottom topography. Sinkers are evenly spaced, every 15 cm. Convenience is added by a wide cuff for gripping the cord, the “parachute” is easily cast.

Technical indicators:

Cell 12mm
Cord with installed weights, diameter 8 mm
The weight 2500 gr
aluminum ring size 30 cm
Slings for tightening Monofilament line diameter 0.8 mm
Diameter 3.6 m
FindFish, Spanish
  • small weight of the product;
  • does not get tangled.
  • not detected.

"Kippik", American, fishing line

Bronze at the "American" "Kippik", which has a well-thought-out design. It does not require a lot of experience to use it, you can hone your casting skills within one day. Specialists working in the company produce only high-quality components, strive to provide their consumers with catchy gear. You can identify Kippik products by their original packaging, the weights are stamped with the abbreviation “PIK”.

Technical indicators:

fishing line0.3mm
lingering sling0.8-1.0mm
bottom cord5mm
Approximate weight1.7kg
Network radius1.00m
"Kippik", American, fishing line
  • reliable design;
  • mobile;
  • convenient for casting.
  • not detected.

"Kipp+", American, capron

Silver from medium-priced products is taken by the casting trap "Kipp +" of the American type. Let's denote the technical features of the "parachute":

  • capron is made in Russia;
  • the lower double cord made of polypropylene, with high-quality manual stitching of each lead sinker, contributes to less tangling of the trap cells when it is thrown;
  • cell 20 mm;
  • double carabiner attached to the all-metal cord, due to this, the number of breaks, loss of gear is reduced;
  • all dimensions are clearly maintained in relation to the declared ones;
  • Frisbee is one-piece, which prevents its deformation during casting.

Technical indicators:

Brand "Kipp+"
Diameter 4.0 m
Ring Large plastic Frisbee
Ring size 29*6-22mm
Type ofAmerican
"Kipp+", American, capron
  • excellent quality of all parts of the product;
  • slings are evenly spaced around the entire perimeter;
  • the trap is not confused.
  • high price.

"Fishtex", American, no ring, line

The winner in the category of the middle price segment is the classic American design, Russian-made. It is perfect for fishing in reservoirs of various configurations. Consider some of the features of the product:

  • there are 68 lead weights on the trap;
  • "Fishtex" is fully equipped with everything you need, after unpacking it is immediately ready for use;
  • special skills for its operation are not required, a few hours of practice will allow you to start fishing.

The net cell is quite small, about 10 mm, which makes it possible to hunt live bait. In general, the quality of this "parachute", suitable for the most picky user.

Technical indicators:

Materialfishing line
Total weight2.1 kg
Sling thickness1mm
weight weight26 g
cell16 mm
Line diameter28mm
type of American
"Fishtex", American, no ring, line
  • can be cast from a boat and shore;
  • quality assembly.
  • price.

Premium class

"Kippik", American, capron

3rd place at the "American", which includes an additional cord for throwing a trap, 10 meters long. This reliable, well-made nylon casting net is ideal for beginners and experienced trophy hunters. Kippik is based on a mesh fabric from Thailand. Strong nylon slings for tightening the trap, a flat line for casting, evenly spaced weights create a wear-resistant design that any angler likes to spin.

Technical indicators:

Network typeAmerican type casting network
net radius/net diameter, m2,0/4,0
Cell size, mm28
Net cloth thread diameter, mm29tex*6(0.66)
Sling line diameter, mm0,8-1,0
Cord at the basePolypropylene with core
throw cordPolypropylene flat
Weight, kg3.9
PackageSpecial container "Kippik"
"Kippik", American, capron
  • extra cord included.
  • not detected.

"Kippik", American, no ring, line

Silver takes the product completely ready for use when unpacked, in one day you can easily learn how to cast it. The owner of the Kippik brand is located in Russia. The "parachute" is made by hand, which adds quality to all components, the materials are reliable, designed for long-term operation.

"Kippik" deservedly occupies the niche of the strongest nets, confidently outperforming Chinese-made traps in terms of wear resistance. The cord at the base of the structure, the throw cord, is made of dense polypropylene, it does not unravel, it fits comfortably in the hand for throwing.

Technical indicators:

Type of American
canvasfishing line
Cell 16 mm
Blade diameter 0.30 mm
Sling diameter 1mm
Open dome size 5.4 m
"Kippik", American, no ring, line
  • handmade.
  • not detected.

Crayfish, kapron

Crayfish becomes the golden owner among top-level products. It is made of thin nylon with double twist, meets all modern requirements, and is manufactured using high-precision equipment. The Thai trap has a light gray color, the material is impregnated with a protective compound from ultraviolet rays.

A distinctive feature of "Crayfish" is increased softness, elasticity of the fabric. Thermal fixation of all nodes ensures the safety of the configuration and size of the cells. The tensile strength of the threads is 110 den/2 (about 2.1 kg).

Net fabric is a universal material for the production of various types of gear, has the conclusion of the special expert association Soeks-Neva, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation No. 001-08200-19 dated 12/23/2019, indicating the legality of its use.

The network has various modifications, parameters:

  • capron thickness (determined by the structure, may consist of 1, 2, 3 primary threads);
  • shape, step (distance between two adjacent nodes), cell size;
  • height (calculated in meters or number of cells), trap length.

For marking the structure of capron, 2 classifications are used - (tex) or (den), 9 tex = 1 den.

Technical indicators:

ColorDark grey
Cells, mm14-50
Height, m1.8-6.
Number of cells in height, pcs75, 100
Length, m4
Thread structure110den/2
casting net Crayfish, capron
  • durable capron;
  • the cord is not twisted;
  • high price.

In conclusion, it is important to note that casting traps do not require permits, however, according to Art. 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, provides for administrative liability for violation of the regulations for catching wildlife. Illegal use of aquatic biological resources, which may cause a large loss (over 100 thousand rubles), is punishable under Art. 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Industrial fishing, including the use of nets, can be carried out by legal entities, individual businessmen, for this it is important to obtain a permit to hunt for aquatic inhabitants, register the tackle purchased in the salon, in the manner prescribed by law.

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