Modern man tries to devote more time to rest and cultural development. To do this, you need to reduce the time needed for work in the garden and garden, if any. I would like to finish the planting of vegetables early in order to have time to fry kebabs in nature and enjoy communication with interesting people. One of the assistants in this matter will be a potato planter used by summer residents with small plots, and for farmers with their huge plantations.
The variety of this garden equipment is impressive. Manufacturers have done their best, releasing various products of this kind, which differ not only in price, but also in appearance, material of manufacture, features, and functionality. Every year, new items of this miracle technique are presented to the public, with which it is comfortable to work with both professional farmers and owners of small household plots, regardless of age and gender. The device makes the disembarkation process partially or fully automated.
According to buyers, it is very difficult to answer the question of which unit is better to buy and how to choose one that meets all the requirements, does not break, is reliable and durable, and also safe. It all depends on the operating conditions and preferences of the owner. It is not for nothing that ratings of quality goods from the world's best manufacturers are regularly published. The popularity of models is closely related to their average price. The more popular the brand, the higher the cost.
There are many models of this product with different descriptions and characteristics, with additional functions, equipment and without it, differing in design features and accessories, as well as in the principle of operation. In order not to make mistakes when choosing products, you need to understand all this diversity, pay attention to reviews, ratings.
It is worth immediately deciding that this tool can be both manual and aggregated for walk-behind tractors and cultivators. Some are produced with fertilizer dispensers for applying them to the soil, others are designed exclusively for planting potatoes, and doing this at the same time in one, two or even eight rows.
In turn, a hand tool can be of several types. Distinctive features are given in the comparative table:
Type of | Description |
cone | Affordable. It consists of a cutting and a working part in the form of a cone. Spade analog. It is used for its intended purpose - planting potatoes, while speeding up the process compared to manual labor. Feature: there is no need to first dig, and then bury the holes. The tuber is placed in a cone, which is buried in the soil. A special lever opens the hole, and the planting material is in the ground. When lifting the instrument, falling asleep occurs spontaneously. |
Trubny | A budget option. A hollow pipe with an elementary mechanism. The principle of operation is the simplest and does not cause any particular difficulties. Used for planting any vegetables. You can order online in the online store. |
T-shaped | The name comes from the T-shaped handle, at the end of which is a shape that visually resembles a glass. It is quite simple to use: the mold is lowered into the ground, pushing a hole in it, where the tuber enters. After falling asleep occurs with the help of a rake. The tool can be either purchased at a specialized store or made with your own hands. |
Triple | People call it a "hole marker". Used for a small garden. It has the appearance of a simple device made of metal, with three craters. There is a footrest in the center of the device. If you press on it, it will sink into the soil to the ground. The principle of operation is identical to the T-shaped unit, but it is cumbersome. The average weight is almost 9 kilograms, which gives a significant load on the back, arms and legs. |
Attachments for walk-behind tractors with various parameters.Used for large household plots or fields of several tens of hectares. It can be aggregated with various traction devices or move in manual mode.
Manufacturers produce such types of popular models:
Based on the aggregation method, devices are:
If we continue the review of products, then there is also such a division:
View | a brief description of |
semi-automatic | The presence of an operator who delivers root crops during the operation is mandatory. Can be aggregated with motoblocks. Inexpensive, but quite functional, units go on sale. There is no question where to buy such a device. It is sold in any specialized store. Moreover, the variety of models is impressive, taking into account different selection criteria. There are options with automatic seeding of fertilizers. Such devices are implemented with a special hopper for these purposes and a seeding mechanism. |
Automatic | Does not require the use of manual labor, does everything independently: cuts furrows, lays tubers, digs in.Modern models are equipped with an electric drive. |
Devices differ in the way they are set in motion. Based on this criterion, they are:
The difference is also observed in the method of supplying seed, in connection with which potato planters are divided into the following types:
Another classification is the number of planted rows at the same time. This indicator affects the speed and efficiency of the work carried out. Accordingly, a special traction unit is also required. Distinguish:
Potato planters larger than eight-row ones are usually not produced, since they must be aggregated to high-power traction devices, the use of which is not always advisable and efficient.
All agricultural work is labor-intensive, but planting potatoes ranks first among them. The main task of "bright minds" is to facilitate the work of a person. The main advantages of this product include:
Differs in simplicity and availability. There are more complex options, which are based on the following nodes and mechanisms:
Potato planters differ in weight and size, depending on the type. The manual version weighs a little (from 2 to 3 kg), but the aggregated devices can reach several tons, excluding seed. Trailed models are equipped with root crop hoppers weighing six tons or more and fertilizer hoppers weighing more than three tons.
The dimensions and weight of the structures are influenced by the number of discs present and the number of knives, as well as the number of planter sections. Models are produced that plant tubers of 100 g each. At the same time, the following indicators are observed:
The Polish manufacturer managed to facilitate the planting of root crops by making the process completely mechanized. The device can form only one row. The picture looks like this:
The best designs for farmers who have leased land and their own vegetable gardens, the area of which does not exceed one hectare. The capacity of the hopper is impressive - up to 90 kg of planting material. The movement of the structure is carried out with the help of lugs, which, rotating, make the chain of the unit move. The speed of planting the root crop directly depends on the speed of the potato planter. This allows you to ensure the same distance between the roots, which contributes to optimal growth and development of vegetables.
Main characteristics:
How much does the item cost? The manufacturer recommends selling it at a price of 46,620 rubles.
It is produced for work with mini-tractors with a single-point linkage system. However, its characteristics are not inferior to structures designed for aggregation on a tractor with a standard three-point hitch. A great helper for wealthy farmers whose allotments are impressive. Therefore, professionals advise to purchase just such equipment for planting potatoes. It allows you to get the job done in a matter of hours. The tests carried out are proof of this.
The agrotechnical installation allows not only to get rid of exhausting manual labor, but also to ensure an excellent physical condition and the absence of severe pain in the lumbar region of workers. In the manufacture of components and mechanisms, the manufacturer uses high-strength steel with zinc coating, as well as powder paint.
The optimal size of planting material is 40 mm, the tuber is evenly buried in the ground to a depth of 5 to 10 centimeters. Distances between rows are observed - from 55 to 65 cm. Root crops are laid evenly - 18 - 40 cm between them.
The average price is 10900 rubles.
A device designed for seasonal planting of potatoes. It has the form of attachments, aggregated to the tractor. The main feature is high efficiency. Completely mechanizes the process, reduces the time of work, significantly reduces labor costs. Made by a Chinese company. It begins to act simultaneously with the movement of the mini-tractor.
The device is quite simple. The rotating wheels cause the chain drive to move. Potatoes from the installed hopper fall into the furrows made by a small coulter. Then comes the turn of the ridge former, which, thanks to the presence of two rear discs, carries out a technological operation to form beds, filling in a fresh planting. The canopy is aggregated with a mini-tractor with a capacity of 16 l / s. This product is universal, so it can be used with various models of tractors, such as: MTZ 132/320, T-254, VTZ and their analogues.
The average purchase price is 33,000 rubles.
A two-row design that allows you to plant potatoes at an accelerated pace, mastering two rows at the same time, while completely releasing human strength and saving time. The unit performs three operations simultaneously:
In specialized stores, goods can be purchased at a price of 48,840 rubles.
High-quality goods are aimed at working with tractors such as YuMZ, MTZ, T-40 and other models, including those made in China. It is connected by means of a rear hitch (RH). It can be used with tractors equipped with RHL of the second category. All operations are combined into one working cycle. Everything happens automatically: plowing furrows, planting tubers, hilling the soil and forming beds.
Row spacing parameters are from 62.5 to 67.5 cm, while the distance between tubers can be constantly changed, setting it at 35, 32 or 29 centimeters. Planting depth - from 10 to 15 centimeters. The distance between the tubers is changed by changing the diameter of the running wheels.
The average cost of production is 39585 rubles.
The model is a universal additional design with a significant weight - 220 kilograms. Ready to develop huge plantations, quickly and efficiently planting potatoes on them. It is considered an indispensable assistant for large farms. Fastening to a powerful tractor occurs by means of a rear attachment type device.
Why universal? Because all processes are concentrated in one production cycle. In addition to the direct performance of her professional duties - planting tubers, she is simultaneously engaged in plowing furrows, hilling the soil and forming beds. The minimum distance between planting material is 62.5 - 67.5 centimeters, the maximum is from 70 to 75 centimeters. The operator is able to independently adjust the distance between root crops if the planting depth is set from 10 to 15 centimeters. This happens due to a change in the diameter of the wheels.
The goods are sold at a price of 60520 rubles.
A multifunctional, reliable and durable device for planting both sprouted and non-sprouted root crops. Soils of any type and quality are suitable for effective work in all areas where this vegetable can grow.
The landing mechanism has a chain transmission that allows you to vary the distance between the planting material in fifteen variations, observing the range from 12 to 48 centimeters.
Both the basic model and its advanced counterparts are produced. So, Kora 4H is equipped with a hydraulic lifting basket, and Kora 4HP belongs to the category of semi-mounted devices with a hydraulic lifting hopper. However, the models of this brand have the following standard equipment:
Additional characteristics of analogues are as follows:
In addition to the basic equipment, you can order additional equipment:
The cost of goods is negotiable and depends on the configuration of the model.
The hinged structure is used for planting potatoes in rows on land plots of a large area. It is able to simultaneously apply mineral-type fertilizers. Works on any kind of soil. The distance between the rows can be adjusted: 90, 75 or 70 centimeters. It is aggregated with tractors of class MTZ - 100/102 or MTZ - 80/82.
The device is loaded with planting material from any dump vehicle. Tubers weighing from 50 to 80 grams are used. Showed its effectiveness on loamy soils. Develops speed from 4 to 10 km/h. Captures four rows at once. Simultaneous work of two people is provided: a tractor driver and an agricultural worker.
The bunker is designed to load 1200 kg potatoes. The landing depth is 5 - 15 cm, and the landing is carried out evenly. The number of passes is no more than 5 percent. The embedding of tubers also occurs evenly. Device dimensions: 4750 x 4500 x 2650 mm.
The price of the goods is 665,000 rubles.
Copes with planting of unsprouted root crops quickly and effectively. The main nodes are:
The average price is 202500 rubles.
Today, a bayonet shovel is not at all a “fashionable” tool. You can meet a person with her only in a small garden. Farmers are trying to forget about it, replacing it with more sophisticated and highly efficient equipment. You can even plant potatoes in a mechanized way, using a potato planter for this purpose - attachments mounted on a tractor.It allows not only to reduce labor-intensive work, but also to make it less difficult and exhausting.
For small plots, single-row potato planters are used. They are very simple and easy to use, do not take up much space, their weight is gentle, and the performance is significant. The price does not bite, so anyone who cultivates land plots can afford such an assistant.
For fields of considerable size, two-row planters are very popular. Their average price is not exorbitant, it is easy to operate, care and maintain without much effort and financial costs. Specialized outlets offer three, four, six and eight-row potato planters, but they are very bulky, their cost is significant, so they are rarely used. In addition, they can be hung on powerful equipment, and not every farmer has one.