In the hot season, you want to soak in the cool water, escaping from the scorching sun. But busy working days do not always allow you to visit the nearest beaches or reservoirs.
The presence of a swimming pool at their summer cottage will help you relax after a hard day's work. And if inflatable products do not have a long shelf life and ease of use, then frame products do an excellent job with these functions.
Consider which models of frame pools for adults and kids are the best, according to buyers, in 2025, with all the advantages and disadvantages.
All pools can be divided into several categories: according to the design, form or season of use. Let's consider these criteria in more detail.
It is based on a metal frame of two hoops, one of them is the base, the second is the top of the future pool. Between themselves, they are connected by special vertical racks, which are located around the entire perimeter. A multilayer durable material is installed in the resulting structure, which is tightly fixed on metal rods, and the pool is filled with water.
Such home ponds are very easy to install. Also, when folded, the rod frame takes up little space and is easy to transport. They are quite mobile: if necessary, you can reinstall to another place without much effort.
To install it, you do not need to equip the area on which it will be located - it is enough that the surface is flat.At the end of the swimming season, the product is easy to assemble, you just need to drain the water from it and separate all the parts from each other.
It should be noted that pools with a rod frame structure do not differ in great depth.
This type of frame is made of polypropylene - a flexible sheet of this material is connected between its sides and fixed with special fittings. As a result, the street reservoir has rigid walls. Further on the structure is a waterproof material, which is fixed on the frame with elastic rods.
Such a model can be installed both on a flat surface and at a certain depth of the earth. In this case, it can also be used in the cold season, after warming the soil and walls. Polypropylene is quite frost-resistant material.
But if only a flat surface is needed to mount the rod pool, then for the sheet pool it is necessary to create a rigid flat area.
The capacity of the sheet frame is greater than that of the rod frame - their depth can reach up to two meters. Although they are relatively laborious to install, their service life is much longer. They are also easy to take care of. Some models are equipped with a ladder and a pump. Available only in oval or round shape.
Another classification of bathing products is seasonal or all-season. Currently, such models of artificial reservoirs are being produced that can also function in the cold season. Let us consider in more detail how they differ from each other and what methods of care should be followed.
Such pools, due to their material of manufacture, are not able to withstand winter frosts and become unusable.Therefore, with the onset of autumn cold weather, they must be dismantled and hidden in a warm place.
Most models of this type are pools with a sheet frame. They are mounted in one area, their material of manufacture is able to withstand various temperature extremes.
Therefore, in winter, preparatory work is carried out: an awning is installed to prevent snow and other precipitation from getting inside. Some expensive models can be used as a skating rink.
The most popular for sale are round-shaped pools. It will look especially beautiful if low shrubs are planted nearby. They are quite easy to care for, since the bottom, not the sides, is usually dirty.
These forms are available in both children's and adult models. You can also purchase inexpensive products, the pricing policy starts from a very affordable cost.
Rectangular pools are very practical if you want to swim along it, and not soak up the warm water. Such models are usually large. Additional elements can be installed on them: stairs, awnings. The price for a rectangular product is naturally slightly higher than for a round version.
The only negative in them is the frequent contamination of the sides in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints. Therefore, special care is required around the corners of the product to keep the bathing bowl clean. The site on which the swimming aid is installed must also have a large territory.
Another common shape is oval. Easy to care for, because unlike rectangular ones, it has no corners into which dirt gets into.
Due to the interesting design, their cost is much higher, but the volume of water is also large.Recommended for installation in large areas.
In addition to the listed forms of domestic reservoirs, there are also non-standard ones - trapezoidal, in the shape of a figure eight, polygonal. Typically, such models are made to order and dug into the ground.
If the product is chosen for very young children, then manufacturers offer options designed for babies from two years old. They can be equipped with a special sun canopy or other devices. When purchasing a children's paddling pool, you should pay attention to the bottom - it should not be too slippery. There are also certain conditions for the structure itself: it must be stable.
For an adult who loves to swim and dive, you should choose a rectangular bowl with great depth. But the final choice of dimensions still depends on the size of the summer cottage itself. Installation of the product takes place on the territory that is maximally heated by the sun during the day. Especially if the pond is large - the water in it will heat up faster.
If the site on which the pool is installed allows you to live on it all year round, then you should think about the all-season option. In this case, it will not have to be dismantled at the end of the season and, if desired, can be used in the cold season.
Of the manufacturers, the leading positions are occupied by Bestway and Intex. They offer a variety of options in terms of cost, dimensions and equipment. Also quite good are the brands Unipool, Ibiza or Atlanticpool. Products of the listed brands also deserve attention.
You can buy only a bowl with a frame at a minimal price, or choose a model with many additional elements: a ladder, a cleaning filter and a pump, a canopy and an awning. The more functions, the more expensive the product and its weight.
All information (form factor) about the product must be found out immediately before purchase. The information obtained will help the user to purchase the best option for him without making popular mistakes. It is also necessary to take into account the above tips and recommendations.
The widest range is available in online stores. There, the user will be able to find exactly the pool that completely suits him according to all criteria.
In addition to the popular models provided on the site, the buyer may be interested in new arrivals.
Also in the online store you can get acquainted with all the characteristics that a country pond has: price, manufacturer, dimensions, shape, type of construction and others. A detailed description of the product is usually located under its photo.
If the buyer has certain wishes about the pool, then the filters will speed up the search process: from the most budgetary to the most expensive, the volume of the product or a specific model.
Many products on the sites have reviews from other buyers: it is better to read them before buying. They can warn against acquiring a pool that is not of very high quality.
Having studied the description of the goods and finally making sure of the choice, you should place an online order. The buyer indicates the delivery address, and the manager informs about its terms.
If desired, a frame reservoir can be made independently, at your summer cottage. To do this, on the Internet you should find the necessary drawings, diagrams and step-by-step instructions for construction.
As the building material of the frame, you can use plastic or wood. A polyvinyl chloride film is purchased for the bowl.
The advantage of a homemade pool is that its size and shape will fully comply with the wishes of the owner of the site. One of the main requirements is the high-quality preparation of the installation site - it must be perfectly flat, without grass and plants. You can make both ground and dig in version.
With high-quality construction, when attention is paid to every detail, a do-it-yourself pool will be no worse than a purchased product.
Consider the most popular models of artificial reservoirs designed for bathing children.
You can buy the product in several colors: blue, green or orange. It has a square shape and the following dimensions: length and width of 122 cm, depth - 31 cm. The total volume is 409 liters.
Complete set includes reinforced vinyl pool base, stainless steel tubing frame and repair patch. Before buying, please note that the set does not include additional elements: a sun canopy, an awning, a slide and a ladder.
Due to the small volume, the water heats up quickly enough. For quick draining and replacement of water in the pool there is a special hole.
The weight of the children's pond is 4.8 kg, the manufacturer provides a guarantee for 1 year. The cost is about 1500 rubles.
Kit includes 2-ply vinyl and polyester base, metal frame, sun canopy, spray gun and repair kit. The package also includes installation instructions for the product.
To install it, there is no need to prepare the territory in advance, it is enough to have a flat area in the summer cottage.
The round reservoir has a diameter of 244 cm and a height of 51 cm. The volume of water is 1688 liters. Does not have frost-resistant properties, ground installation, can not be mounted deep into the ground. The design includes a drain valve for quick draining of water and a sprayer.
The weight of the product is 13 kg, the price is more than 8000 rubles.
Suitable for use by children over 2 years of age. The bathing bowl is made of thick vinyl, the bottom has a thickness of 0.25 mm, the wall is 0.5 mm. The bowl is square in shape, its dimensions are: width and length 122 cm, depth 30 cm, volume 337 liters. The product for swimming babies is lightweight - only 4.7 kg.
There is a valve for draining dirty water. The kit does not include a canopy, pump, slide, additional items are purchased separately.
You can buy for 2000 rubles.
Children's frame paddling pool of open type and round shape. The recommended age of a child for bathing is from 2 years. It has a transparent color, a series of products Fill N Fun Pool.
The production material is dense high-quality vinyl with a thickness of 0.32 mm, it is environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful substances.
To install it, you need a flat and clean surface, without stones. Product dimensions: diameter 122 cm, depth 25 cm, recommended filling volume - 277 liters. It weighs less than 800 grams including packaging.
In addition to the pool itself, a special patch for repairing damage is included in the package. The warranty provided is 1 year.
The cost of this product is just over 700 rubles.
Artificial ponds designed for adults to swim can vary significantly in cost. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the most budget models of pools, as well as in the average and expensive pricing policy.
The proposed options have a cost of 8,000 to 20,000 rubles.
The product has a round shape and the following dimensions: diameter 305 cm, depth - 76 cm. It is designed for a volume of water up to 4485 liters.
The model does not apply to all-weather, therefore, with the onset of cold weather, it is recommended to dismantle and hide in a storage place. Installed on a flat area.
The bowl is made of polyvinyl chloride, the frame is galvanized steel. Can be used by middle-aged children under adult supervision.
The weight of the product is 17.5 kg, the cost is about 8000 rubles.
The model has a rectangular shape and the following dimensions: width - 211 cm, length - 400 cm, depth - 81 cm, respectively, the volume of water in the bowl is 5700 liters. There is a special valve for draining water.
The package does not include a pump, awning, ladder or canopy - all additional equipment must be purchased separately.
The frame is made of galvanized steel, the water bowl is made of two layers of polyvinyl chloride with a fiberglass mesh between them. This product is only available in blue.
The kit weighs 32 kg, you can buy it for 13,000 rubles.
The outer color of the product is light gray, inside there is a mosaic pattern. The bowl is round, made of PVC, consisting of three layers and a galvanized metal frame. The wall thickness is 0.6-09 mm. The model is not intended for digging into the ground, a flat area for installation is required. Does not have frost resistance, requires dismantling at the end of the season.
Product dimensions: diameter 3.66 m, depth - 1.22 m, displacement - 10250 liters. Packed weight - 43.1 kg.
In addition to the design, the package includes a ladder, a filter with spare cartridges, a water pump, an awning and installation instructions.
The cost of this model is 18,000 rubles.
In this section, the price for the goods varies from 25,000 to 45,000 rubles.
A bowl of pleasant blue color with dimensions of 3.66 m in diameter and 1.32 m deep. It is installed only for seasonal time on a flat, cleaned surface. At the end of the bathing period, the product is dismantled. The total volume of water corresponds to 11711 liters.
The complete set of the pool is as follows: a ladder, a water pump with a capacity of 3000 l / h, an awning, a bedding under the bottom of the product. To remove debris from the surface of the water, the product is equipped with a skimmer. Filter type - cartridge.
The weight of the bath bowl, including its original packaging, is 73 kg. The price is almost 26,000 rubles.
The round gray outdoor pond has a diameter of 4.57 m and a depth of 1.22 m, respectively, the displacement is 16805 liters. Its total weight is 70 kg. The frame pipes are made of galvanized steel, two layers of polyvinyl chloride are used for the bowl and a fiberglass mesh between them.
The complete kit includes the following components: 122 cm ladder, bottom pad, powerful filter pump with a capacity of 3785 l/h and a protective tarpaulin. Also at the bottom of the product is a drain valve.
Manufacturer Intex release a collection of Prism Frame, which have a stronger frame.
The price for this kit is almost 32,000 rubles.
A frame rectangular pond for summer bathing is installed on a flat, pre-cleaned area. It is dismantled for the period of cold weather, as the material is not resistant to sub-zero temperatures.
Its length is 4.88 m, width - 2.44 m and depth - 1.07 m. The displacement is 10874 liters.
In addition to the bowl itself and the metal frame, the set includes an awning from external pollution, a ladder and an underlying canvas under the pool. The filter system consists of a cartridge filter pump with a capacity of 3785 l/h.
Intex provides a 90-day product warranty under normal operating conditions. The cost of goods is 43,000 rubles.
The pricing policy of the options for artificial reservoirs presented below ranges from 70,000 to 120,000 rubles.
The oval-shaped product has frost-resistant properties, so it can not be dismantled with the onset of cold weather. Its length is 5 m, width - 3.6 m, depth - 1.2 m. The maximum allowable volume of water is 16296 liters. Ground installation recommended.
The additional elements included in the package include a skimmer, a sand filter for water purification, and a bedding under the bottom of the product. Also, the reservoir is equipped with a repair kit and a powerful water pump with a capacity of 3785 l/h.
External color is silver. The material for the manufacture of the bowl is a three-layer polyvinyl chloride with a reinforced mesh. The frame is made of steel, which has a special coating against rust. The walls of the product have a thickness of 0.3 to 0.4 mm.
With all additional devices, the weight of the product is almost 172 kg. Its cost is 116,000 rubles.
A bath tub with a round shape and a very interesting design. Its dimensions: diameter 6.1 m, depth 1.32 m. These parameters correspond to a volume of 33240 liters of water.
The walls are made of three-layer polyvinyl chloride with the addition of polyester mesh, the racks are made of high-quality steel with an anti-corrosion coating. The wall thickness is 0.4-0.8 mm, which ensures a long service life, subject to the rules of use. Estimated installation time is about 30 minutes.
In addition to the bathing bowl itself and metal racks, the package includes an awning, a cartridge filter, a ladder and a water pump. The capacity of the latter is 9463 l/h.
To drain the water, the product is equipped with a special valve and an adapter that is required to connect to the hose. With all the components, the total weight is 121 kg, and its price is almost 85,000 rubles.
Another round model, designed for water volume up to 19156 liters. Does not have frost resistance, installation - ground, on a flat and cleaned surface.
The diameter of the street reservoir is 4.88 m, the depth is 1.22 cm, and the total weight is 103 kg.The product has an awning that prevents debris from entering the bowl and water evaporation, a water pump (capacity - 4500 l / h) and a sand filter. It is also equipped with a ladder and an underlying canvas under the bottom.
For its production, PVC is used, consisting of two layers and a fiberglass mesh, as well as galvanized steel to create a frame.
The cost of the goods is almost 70,000 rubles.
The frame pool is easy to install and has a fairly long service life (about 10 years). Therefore, in the presence of a summer cottage, such a home reservoir contributes to relaxation and pleasant pastime. It is worth pointing out that many models are designed not only for bathing an adult, but also a child over the age of 10 years. And for the smallest, separate containers are sold, which are as safe as possible for swimming.
The sales market offers a huge range of different in shape, size and configuration of the product. The considered proposals have a number of advantages and practically no disadvantages. According to other buyers, the frame pool is a really useful device in the country, which is worth buying for a useful, enjoyable and family vacation.