
  1. Causes of teary eyes
  2. Varieties of drugs
  3. Useful tips for buying
  4. TOP 10 best eye drops
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best drops from teary eyes for 2025

Rating of the best drops from teary eyes for 2025

Excessive tearing of the eyes is a common problem among people of all age groups. Various factors provoke inflammation: allergies, ophthalmic diseases, as well as lacrimation - a consequence of long work at the computer monitor. An effective and quick remedy that eliminates discomfort are special local preparations. The article collected a rating of the best drops from teary eyes for 2025 according to buyers.

Causes of teary eyes

Lachrymation is accompanied by itching, pain, often the eyes sting strongly.Such signs are the first call to the need to contact a specialist. The cause of the appearance may lie in an acquired infection.

Common causes of excessive secretion:

  • SARS, in this case, swollen sinuses put pressure on the ducts, causing tickling and tearing. Also, with a viral disease, photophobia appears.
  • A foreign body that causes a strong burning sensation and a feeling of fullness.
  • Allergy is accompanied by severe itching, redness of the eyelids and eyes. If measures are not taken in time, the eyes swell, pulling pain begins. Comprehensive treatment with the use of antihistamines is prescribed.
  • Introduced local infection: among other symptoms, there is a possibility of pus discharge from the eyes.
  • Fatigue companions - redness, hypersensitivity, itching, swelling;
  • Irritation from contact lenses will provoke swelling, a feeling of the presence of motes.

Often, with a retention process (lacrimation disorder), the doctor makes a diagnosis - partial obstruction of the lacrimal streams. It is not uncommon for a person to have too narrow channels.

In some cases, an unpleasant ailment is a consequence of stress, neurosis. Sometimes, acquired or hereditary pathologies become the cause - if tears flow on the street in cold weather, in wind, in heat. In all cases, drops relieve symptoms, relieve pain.

Causes of retention lacrimation:

  • violation of the structure, for example - eversion of the eyelid;
  • sinusitis, polyps;
  • sinus swelling.
  • inflammation of the lacrimal sac.

For older people after 60 years, several more reasons for the appearance of excessive tearfulness are characteristic:

  • chronic disease of the ENT system;
  • age-related changes in the structure of the eyelid, in which its internal retraction occurs and, as a result, irritation of the apple with eyelashes;
  • dysfunction of tear absorption, due to deformation of the lacrimal papilla;
  • channel atony;
  • an infection that the elderly organism often encounters, but overcomes for a long time, with great difficulty. "Suffering" immunity is unable to fight viruses.

In other cases, at any age, oncology or a subcutaneous tick can become the cause of excessive lacrimation.

The choice of drops must be taken seriously, to avoid mistakes in the choice will help the consultation of a specialist who will clarify the cause and make the correct diagnosis.

Varieties of drugs

Pharmacies abound with remedies to relieve symptoms of tear duct inflammation, an allergic reaction, and apple softening due to dryness, which is common with long-term lens wear. Preparations from a tube with a dropper are divided into 4 main types:

  • Corticosteroids - a hormonal medication used to eliminate serious inflammation, the active stage of severe allergies. A small dosage of hormones will not harm, the remedy has no contraindications. The medicine stops inflammation, itching, reduces the release of tears.
  • Antibacterial drops are prescribed after the patient has passed the tests (bakpasev), and the doctor has identified the infection. It is worth remembering that even after improvement, you should not stop treatment halfway, in order to avoid relapse. The negative effects are similar to the effect of taking antibiotics.
  • Vasoconstrictors solve the problems of fatigue, redness and burning. Side effects - headache, migraine. They are addictive.
  • Antiallergic drugs inhibit the production of histamine, the doctor prescribes at the same time as tablets. Such a remedy will soothe itching, remove redness.

Medicines differ in price in the range of 50 - 1500 rubles. Inexpensive drugs - domestic production.Often drugs have many contraindications and a narrow profile of use. It is important to observe precautionary measures - read the annotation for the use of the remedy.

If the attending physician determines insufficient secretion production, then he prescribes prophylactic drops for dryness. Their use solves several problems at once - moisturizing, reducing swelling, inflammation.

According to ophthalmologists, the wrong medicine can worsen vision. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist for diagnostics before use.

Useful tips for buying

It is worth noting that when choosing drops, one should refer to the doctor's opinion and the presence of intolerance to one or more of the constituent components of the drug. A few recommendations for the selection and use of eye drops, collected on the basis of customer reviews:

  • it is important to purchase a medicine from a well-known manufacturer that has been tested, verified;
  • drops are not bought in reserve, they are stored for a short time, it is advisable to give preference to a small volume of containers;
  • the method of storage is individual for each product, indicated on the box, in order to avoid damage, and subsequently getting harm, the recommendations indicated in the instructions should be taken into account;
  • studying the annotation will help to find out if there is incompatibility with other drugs that the patient is already using;
  • allergy and, as a result, profuse lacrimation is possible from intolerance to the components of care, decorative cosmetics, a possible irritant should first be excluded;
  • the best dispensers - with a convenient dropper built into the bottle, a separately attached pipette - are not convenient, not always hygienic, they have to be released from individual packaging, then put on the container with their hands, sometimes, unscrupulous manufacturers make a too flimsy design, when the next instillation has to support the dispenser so that it does not fall.
  • a break in the use of drops is an important condition, this will help to avoid addiction, “do not get hooked” on the components of the medicine.

During and after instillation, in order to avoid infection, you can not rub your eyes, it is better to close them for a couple of minutes. In an aesthetic sense, rubbing damages the skin, wrinkles form, and dryness appears. Before instillation, contact lenses must be removed.

TOP 10 best eye drops

The article contains popular corticosteroid, antibacterial, vasoconstrictive, antiallergic eye drops. Feedback from consumers and doctors was taken into account. A drug review includes all the important information that you should pay attention to when buying drops: a description of the product (production, purpose, packaging); advantages and disadvantages; composition, price. The rating of quality drugs will help determine which drug is better to buy to solve a specific problem with lacrimation.


Hormonal drops are prescribed to eliminate serious ophthalmic problems. These medications are not always available by prescription, but require a doctor's prescription to avoid serious vision problems. Synthetic corticosteroids do not eliminate the main cause of the disease, they are able to stop the signs of the disease for some time.


The Indian steroid drug is intended for the treatment of conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, scleritis and keratitis that occur without complications (transition to the epithelium). It is active in infectious eczema of the eyelids, and also helps with ear diseases (otitis media), Staphylococcus aureus. Relieves symptoms of allergies, inflammation. Reduces itching, pain, burning. It will not give the desired effect with streptococcus, fungi and viruses. Sofradex is an antibiotic with anti-inflammatory action. Available in 5 ml. Stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees. Buried in 1 - 2 drops, after 4 hours. With a serious course of the disease, they are instilled every hour. It is used for no more than one week, with the exception of an individual doctor's prescription. Price: from 278 rubles. Available for purchase online and offline.

It has a number of side effects and contraindications, including:

  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatitis;
  • eye pressure;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • thinning of the cornea;
  • additional fungal infection.

Contraindications: glaucoma; trachoma; viral or fungal infections, purulent inflammation, tuberculosis, lactation, pregnancy.

  • effective remedy;
  • functionality - eyes, ears;
  • low price.
  • inconvenient dispenser;
  • small volume;
  • severe side effects.


The hormonal drug Prenacid is widely used to treat and eliminate the symptoms of allergic swelling, acute inflammation of the eyelids, neuritis, conjunctivitis. It can act as an auxiliary postoperative agent. Helps with choroiditis and keratitis, meibomitis. Desonide, which is the substance of the drops, stimulates the formation of lipocortins, eliminating inflammation, burning, swelling and pain. It has a vasoconstrictive effect, due to which the redness of apples disappears.The medicine is instilled 1 - 2 drops into the eye bag, not more than twice a day. Among the side effects are burning, discomfort on the mucosa. After opening the container, the shelf life is 1 month, storage - in a dark place, at a temperature of 20 - 25 degrees. Average price: 1200 rubles per 10 ml.


  • fungus;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • glaucoma;
  • eye pressure;
  • barley, purulent discharge;
  • dendritic keratitis.

Serious side effects include: allergy to ingredients; eye pressure; bacterial infection.

  • effective drug;
  • a wide range of applications;
  • many side effects and contraindications.
  • rarely found in pharmacies;
  • price;
  • age limit for use.


American-made glucocorticosteroid contains an active substance - dexamethasone, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory, desensitizing effect. It alleviates the symptoms of allergic manifestations, accompanied by redness, judgment and lacrimation. Helps with uveitis, conjunctivitis, iritis, iridocyclitis and blepharitis. Promotes postoperative and recovery after chemical burns of the cornea. It is recommended to use drops in combination with Maxidex ointment (for the night). The duration of treatment is established clinically, usually no more than 3 weeks. In severe illnesses, 2 drops are instilled every hour. Available for purchase through online stores. Price: 284 rubles.


  • allergy to components;
  • keratitis;
  • chicken pox;
  • viral, purulent eye diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to 18 years;
  • corneal damage.

Main side effects: cataract; corneal perforation; secondary infection; suppuration; with prolonged use - a fungal infection.

  • price;
  • broad action;
  • no major overdose.
  • high frequency of instillations;
  • age limit up to 18 years;
  • interaction with other drugs is not known.


Such drugs contain antibiotics, antiseptics, the appointment is made by a doctor if the diagnosis is confirmed - an infectious disease or barley.


Albucid has an antibacterial effect, is effective in the treatment of infectious eye diseases that occur in moderate and severe forms. Eliminates the release of pus in conjunctivitis, ulcers, in cases where the disease was caused by bacteria susceptible to sulfacetamide. Albucid is prescribed for the prevention of inflammation in young children. Albucid blocks the spread of bacteria, stops their reproduction. The most budget drug for the treatment of eyes, is active in relation to: chlamydia; streptococci; gonococci; coli. Available in a bottle with a convenient dispenser or a separate dropper. Contraindication - individual intolerance to sulfonamides.

Albucid eye drops should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to sulfonamides (currently or in the past).

Side effects:

  • apple irritation;
  • swelling;
  • burning, itching.
  • treats serious diseases;
  • price;
  • purchase availability.
  • not always a convenient dispenser;
  • dries;
  • itching.


The active substance of the drug of Indian origin Tsipromed is ciprofloxacin.This antibacterial substance in a short time eliminates redness, signs of infection and blocks the abundant secretion. Due to its powerful disinfecting effect, it is able to fight rapidly multiplying and "sleeping" pathogenic organisms. The final result from drops with conjunctivitis, uveitis, blepharitis is achieved on the fourth day. The medicine is produced in the form of a plastic bottle with a dosage of 5 or 10 ml with a special convenient dropper. Cost: from 128 to 195 rubles. Treatment time - no more than 6 days.

Admission restrictions:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • intolerance to components;
  • age up to 12 months.
  • efficiency;
  • price;
  • wide range of applications.
  • may cause nausea;
  • cannot be used while wearing lenses;
  • "cuts" the mucosa.


Adrenomimetics as part of a vasoconstrictor medication perfectly eliminate fatigue and redness of the eyes, however, when used for longer than 5 to 7 days, they cause addiction, which is almost impossible to get rid of. Without the drug, the eyes will always be red.


The bright blue vasoconstrictor has anti-allergic properties. Drops instantly relieve redness, reduce itching, fatigue. A solution based on Nafazalin and Diphenhydramine should not be taken by people prone to high blood pressure. Eliminates the symptoms of conjunctivitis of various origins, reduces mucosal hyperemia. It is used 2 times a day or less often - in case of tearing, eye fatigue. Cost: 203 rubles per 10 ml, sold without a doctor's prescription.


  • sensitivity to components;
  • glaucoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • SZS;
  • asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • stomach ulcer.

Side effect:

  • burning, swelling;
  • dryness;
  • pain sensations;
  • tachycardia;
  • increase in pressure;
  • drowsiness, decreased activity.
  • price;
  • high-speed;
  • wide functionality.
  • many contraindications
  • a large number of side effects;
  • causes chronic migraine.


The most budgetary solution to eliminate allergic symptoms, relieve discomfort from eye inflammation. Price for 10 ml: 25 - 50 rubles. Naphthyzine has a slight short-term effect. It is recommended to use the remedy only during exacerbations, in doses of 1 drop twice a day. Otherwise, it causes dryness of the cornea and strong, rapid addiction. Side effects are the same as those of all vasoconstrictor drugs. Among other things, the consequence of excessive consumption is a weak susceptibility to the composition of the drug. You can buy in the online store and pharmacies without a prescription.

  • price;
  • high-speed;
  • comfortable packing.
  • not suitable for people with a number of diseases;
  • are addictive;
  • cause dryness.


Antihistamine liquids for mucous membranes - an auxiliary tool to reduce itching, discomfort in the eyes. The feeling of sand is accompanied by redness, strong lachrymation. Such drops in the spring are necessary for allergy sufferers, they soften, relieve inflammation.


Alomid is prescribed to patients with primary signs of allergy, accompanied by redness, swelling, burning eyes. This is facilitated by the main component of the solution - lodoxamide tromethamine and additional antiseptic substances. With inflammation of the mucosa, 1-2 doses are dripped, not more than 5 times a day. Excreted by the kidneys after 8 hours.Effective for seasonal exacerbation and large papillary conjunctivitis. Chronic inflammation is treated by instillation at intervals of 1 month. Stored open for no more than 25 days, no higher than at 27 degrees. Cost: from 203 rubles. for a container of 5 ml.


  • sensitivity to components;
  • age up to two years;
  • pregnancy.

Side effect:

  • blurred vision;
  • edema;
  • eye fatigue;
  • burning;
  • crusts on the eyelids.
  • effective against redness, itching;
  • price;
  • can be for children from two years.
  • difficult to find in pharmacies;
  • many side effects;
  • small volume.


A solution for allergic reactions to all kinds of irritants Allergodil is used by adults and children from the age of four. Azelastine hydrochloride - the main component of the drug, has a strong prolonged, anti-inflammatory effect by blocking histamine receptors. A day later, itching, redness, swelling are noticeably reduced. During treatment it is forbidden to wear lenses. Apply one drop in the morning and evening. Price: 436 rubles for 6 ml of solution. Released without a prescription. Keeps for six months after opening.


  • sensitivity to components;
  • age up to four years;
  • pregnancy;

Undesirable consequences from use:

  • blurred vision;
  • feeling of sand
  • irritation;
  • blepharitis;
  • dyspnea.
  • effective;
  • stored for a long time;
  • children can.
  • price;
  • many side effects;
  • small volume.


Olopatadin - the main component, has an anti-allergic effect. Allergic receptor blocker. It is used for seasonal exacerbations, chronic courses of all types of allergies, in combination with prescribed tablets.Relieves irritation, helps eliminate pain and itching already 10 minutes after using the solution. With frequent and prolonged use, it forms punctate keratitis and drying of the cornea. No toxicity to pregnant women has been found, but used with the permission of the attending physician. We allow children from three years. It is stored at a temperature from 4 to 29 degrees. It is dripped 2 times - in the morning and in the evening, one dose. Price: from 436 rubles.


  • lactation;
  • children under three years old;
  • corneal pathology.
  • efficient;
  • can be pregnant;
  • acceptable for children.
  • price;
  • the risk of getting diseases;
  • strong burning.


Dysfunction of the lacrimal canal can be the beginning of a serious internal disease. You can avoid unpleasant consequences if you contact an ophthalmologist in a timely manner. The doctor will select the right complex treatment with eye drops that will effectively relieve discomfort.

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