Eye diseases are common among all ages. It is necessary to buy medicines for treatment after consulting a specialist, an ophthalmologist. Considering the rating of the best cataract drops for 2025, you can choose the right option with your doctor.
Cataract (from the Greek "kataraktes" - waterfall) - partial, complete damage to the lens, which is located between the iris and the vitreous body. Has the form of an anatomical lens. The main function is the refraction of light rays, projecting the resulting image onto the back wall (retina).
The result of damage is deterioration (objects are seen through a veil, a stream of water) or complete loss of vision.
There are different manifestations of visual impairment, which depend on the location of the lesion of the lens. You should immediately consult an ophthalmologist if you have the following symptoms:
An accurate diagnosis, determination of the stage, location of the lens lesion will be established by an ophthalmologist.
Several inspection methods are used:
The main device for biomicroscopy is a light (slit) lamp.
There are several types of the disease, which differ in origin, cause, condition of manifestation:
The most common group is age groups (88-90%). The traumatic group accounts for 4%, congenital and radiation - 3% each.
According to the location of the damaged area on the lens, types are distinguished:
The most common variety is cortical, typical for the age type (83-85%).
Age-related cataract is characterized by progressive development. There are 4 forms:
Clouding of the lens disappears gradually, over 4-15 years.
There are many factors that affect the appearance of the first signs of the disease:
According to statistics, more than 22 million of the world's population have a pathology of the lens. The disease depends on age, gender. Elderly people after 80 years - 90% of cases. Women get sick more often than men: 45% of women and 24% of men after 70 years.
Specialists use medical, surgical methods (replacement of the lens).
The drug method is the use of eye drops, the components of which improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye, relieve inflammatory manifestations, and stop the development of the disease. Modern drugs do not completely cure cataracts. Before buying, a consultation with an ophthalmologist is required.
Surgical (operative) method - replacement of the lens with an intraocular lens (IOL) during surgery. The name of the operation is ultrasonic cataract phacoemulsification (UZFEK).
The operation is performed under local anesthesia, the time is 15-20 minutes. Advantages: suitable for all age groups, does not affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, no severe complications, short rehabilitation.
Modern lenses have a yellow filter that protects against UV rays.
There are also several types of IOLs:
IOL selection is carried out only by an ophthalmologist using specialized equipment, biometric devices. The device calculates the individual parameters of the eye - the length of the axis, the depth of the anterior chamber, the radius of curvature.According to the data obtained, an artificial lens (IOL) is selected.
There are limitations to any surgical intervention:
With contraindications to the replacement of the lens - the appointment of drugs that reduce the symptoms of diseases, the normalization of indicators (pressure, sugar level).
Deterioration of vision, clouding of the lens is accompanied by diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, unfavorable living conditions. Often manifested in old age, after eye injuries (bruises, concussions).
To reduce the likelihood, the rate of cataracts will help tips:
When choosing medicines after consulting an ophthalmologist, you should pay attention to:
Medicines are over-the-counter, prescription. You can buy the right product in stationary pharmacies, online stores with delivery.
The review of popular drugs is based on reviews among buyers of well-known online pharmacies, Yandex Market.
Price: 12-15 rubles.
Producer - the company "LEKKO" (Russia).
The active ingredient is taurine (a sulfur-containing amino acid). Functions: improvement of metabolic processes in eye tissues, restoration of cell membranes.
Application: different types of cataracts, injuries, corneal dystrophy. Additional use in the treatment of glaucoma (primary open-angle) is possible.
Buried 2-4 times a day, 1-2 drops. Course - 3 months. Repeated application - in a month.
Packing - polyethylene dropper, cardboard box. On a white background, the name of the drug, composition, and storage instructions are indicated.
Shelf life - 3 years. Conditions: at room temperature, dark place. Age - after 18 years.
Over-the-counter remedy.
Cost: 115-131 rubles.
The manufacturer is the Russian company Moscow Endocrine Plant.
Colorless, transparent liquid. The active substance is Taurinum (taurine), 4% solution.
prescribed for different types of cataracts, corneal damage, additional treatment for primary glaucoma.
Application: 1-2 drops in each eye 2-3 times a day. Course - 3 months. Re-appointment is possible after 1 month.
Polyethylene translucent dropper-case has a screw cap. Sold in a cardboard box, decorated in white and blue.
Contraindications - age up to 18 years, pregnancy, lactation.
Storage - 3 years, in a dark place at room temperature.
Price: 11-25 rubles.
The manufacturer is Slavyanskaya Apteka LLC (Russia).
OTC drug.
Release form - drops. Colorless transparent liquid, a yellowish tint is allowed.
The main component is taurine.
Purpose: all types of cataracts, deformation, trauma of the cornea.
Not recommended: age under 18, allergic reactions, lactation, pregnancy.
Packaging: cardboard box (blue font, white background), plastic bottle.
The term of use is 3 years.
Cost: 65-77 rubles.
Producer - LLC "Groteks" (Russia).
Drops are a clear liquid. The main component is taurine (1 ml of solution - 40 mg).
Appointment - with damage to the cornea, open glaucoma.
Packaging - cardboard box - white background, beige-brown font. The box contains 20 disposable tubes.
Contraindications: age up to 18 years, allergic manifestations.
Storage - 3 years, at temperatures up to 25 C.
Cost: 423-521 rubles.
Manufactured by Sandzu Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd (Japan).
Prescription drug.
Feature - the preparation of the solution (dissolution of the tablet). Release form - 1 tablet (750 mcg), solvent (15 ml). Use the resulting solution within 30 days.
The active substance is Pirenoxinum (pyrenoxine). Solvent - purified water (13-15 ml), boric acid (180 mg), potassium chloride (24 mg).
Purpose: early stages of cataract (senile, diabetic), age - after 18 years.
Application: 5-6 times a day, 1-2 drops. The duration of the course of admission is 2-3 months.
Side effects - burning, itching, blepharitis.
Shelf life of the solution - 1 month, dark place, temperature - up to 15 C.
Cost: 327-410 rubles.
The drug was manufactured by Groteks (Russia).
OTC product.
Packaging - plastic dropper case, lid (first opening control), cardboard box.
Consists of a complex of drugs:
Action - improvement of metabolic, regenerative processes in the tissues of the lens.
Drip 2-3 times a day, 1-2 drops.
Storage: 3 years (unopened), 1 month (after opening) at 2-8⁰С.
Price: 610-671 rubles.
The manufacturer is the Indian company Sentiss Pharma Pvt.Ltd.
Produced in a white bottle, gray cap, white box background, red, black fonts.
The main component is bromfenac (NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug).
Functionality: reduction of inflammation, reduction of pain after surgery (extraction).
Prescription drug.
Reception: 1 time per day, 1 day before surgery, 14 days after surgery.
Storage: a place inaccessible to children, temperature - 15-25⁰С.
Any medications can be bought, used only after consultation with the attending physician, family therapist, narrow specialist. Drops from cataracts will not cure completely, but will help to stop the course, relieve unpleasant symptoms. By studying the rating of the best cataract drops, it is possible to buy the most suitable option.