
  1. Benefits when using
  2. Stone cutting equipment
  3. Rating of the best stone cutters
  4. Summing up: what is better to choose

Rating of the best stone cutters for 2025

Rating of the best stone cutters for 2025

A stone-cutting machine is needed for precise processing of modern building and finishing materials: concrete, granite, marble, ceramic tiles. Also used for cutting small blocks. Unlike hand tools, it is more efficient and easier to operate. We will talk about how to choose a stone cutter below.

Benefits when using

When working with a power tool, the use of a guide is not required, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the process. Stone-cutting equipment can be used to work not only with ceramic, but also with paving slabs, natural stone, porcelain stoneware.

The disadvantages of professional and semi-professional equipment are the cost and the relative complexity of maintenance (compared to a hand tool).

The main criterion for choosing is the depth of cut on different materials, productivity (if you plan to use the machine for permanent work), the maximum length of the element allowed for processing.

It is also worth considering the power and location of the engine:

  1. The choice of power depends on the type of material being processed. So, 1.5 kW models will cope with cutting thin and rather soft ceramic tiles, facing artificial stone. For thick, hard material, such as porcelain stoneware, it is better to use a 2.2 kW machine. In some cases, equipment operating from a 380 V network is used. The more powerful the engine, the more efficient the work on the machine will be.
  2. Bottom drive machines are more compact, suitable for processing light, fairly soft materials. In this case, the size of the elements can be any.
  3. Equipment in which the engine is at the top is called rail. Equipped with a motor block and a disc mounted on a guide. The disk moves along the rail in a horizontal plane. The working surface, on the contrary, remains motionless and is rigidly fixed to the frame. Models of this type are professional tools and are capable of producing excellent cut quality.An additional feature is the ability to cut not only at a right angle, but also at an inclination of 45 degrees. The vertical stroke is 5.6 cm, the cutting length reaches 1430 mm.

Stone cutting equipment

In most cases, this is complex automatic or semi-automatic equipment with high power. They are distinguished by high accuracy of material processing: when joining two elements, the joint remains almost invisible. Maximum cutting length 1060 mm, depth 420 mm. The engine can be located both above and below. Bottom drive models have more power and performance.

A pump that supplies coolant to the cutting disc can act as an additional equipment.

The design resembles circular saws, or machines used for wood processing.

Key features to look out for:

  • operating parameters of the machine, such as power, functionality, the possibility of additional settings;
  • the diameter of the disk, on which the depth of cut depends;
  • reliability of the fastening system;
  • the plane of the working surface, the strength and reliability of the guides.

The performance of the equipment will depend on the value of the first two parameters. Models of stone-cutting equipment with extended functionality are also presented on the modern market. For example, the machines of the German company Fubag. In addition to the main task - cutting tiles, models of this brand are used for drilling holes.

Disc selection

For a thin and clean cut, diamond blades are used, 1.2 - 1.5 mm thick with a solid edge.Segmented versions (with sections cut at the same distance along the outer edge) allow for greater productivity, but do not give an accurate cut. A material that is heterogeneous in structure with inclusions of pebbles, gravel, reinforcement is processed using “wavy” disks - with uniform diamond segments soldered on both sides, located at an angle to the plane.

When choosing a machine, be guided by such characteristics as power, engine location, saw blade size. The performance of the equipment, quality, depth and length of the cut will depend on these parameters.

Rating of the best stone cutters

This classification will help you choose the right tool so that during work the user can enjoy both the process and the result of their labors. First of all, you should pay attention to how much it meets the requirements as much as possible.

Household tile cutters, electric

In addition to stone cutters, there are primary class machines, the use of which reduces the time for preparatory work on finishing tiles. The ability to control the position of the working parts, the forces applied to the fasteners, and the precise adjustment of the bed increase the accuracy of processing. The right choice of disk will protect the tile from chipping.

Diam SP-200/0.8

The mechanism of the machine has a significant plus - the cutting part is installed on the main support, the pallet is equipped under the desktop. The cutting tool is driven without the use of a clutch, moves along the guide manually. In this case, in the event of a breakdown, impressive material costs are not necessary.

During the production process, there is a roar and uncontrolled spraying of water.It is possible to put up with such phenomena, provided that during cutting the enamel on the tile will not be chipped. To obtain a degree of suitability that meets the requirements of the consumer, it is enough to clean the screw threads of the landing axle from burrs, it is better to tighten the nuts, and change the factory carrier to a more impressive version.

Cutting depth (max 900/450), mm 30/21
Cutting length (max), mm 500
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 200/25.4
Disk rotation speed, rpm 3000
power, kWt 0.8
Weight, kg 32

Cost: from 13,900 rubles.

Diam SP-200/0.8
  • cutting part on the main support;
  • the pallet is equipped under a working table.
  • rumble and uncontrolled spraying of water.

Hammer Plr 900

The best option for arranging the bed is a table, because the length of the legs is not enough for comfortable work. The mechanism is monolithic, but not stubborn - during operation, when applying tiles to the carrier, it is necessary to move the bed along the surface. Therefore, the table must be covered with a non-slip and water-repellent cloth. The Hammer Plr 900 stands more securely on its feet than it does on a table. During assembly, check the fasteners of all connections and assemblies. An old segmented disk will also work, instead of a new diamond, solid one. Working on such a machine is a pleasure.

Cutting depth (max 900/450), mm 36/29
Cutting length (max), mm 630
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 230/25.4
Disk rotation speed, rpm 3000
power, kWt 0.8
Weight, kg 29.3

Cost: from 14,900 rubles.

Hammer Plr 900
  • monolithic mechanism;
  • convenience in work.
  • not detected.

Professional stone cutting machines

For such mechanisms, the cutting accuracy for facing material made of porcelain stoneware is + 0.5 mm, that is, it does not exceed the permissible deviations. Under load, engine power makes it possible to hold from 2800 to 3000 rpm. Thanks to such indicators, highly professional machines are practically different from household ones. In addition, after cutting, it is not necessary to grind the edges and finish the surface beyond what is necessary.

All samples of this series process any stone, and the user's options are limited only by the size of the working surface. Almost all cutting mechanisms are produced in several copies, and for a one-, two- and three-phase network, you can choose machines of the same design. Manufacturers do not complete the manufactured equipment with a dusty disk, because the user selects it in accordance with his requests. Some samples also come without an electrical cable.

Elitech CK 350/90P

This machine uses a lot of water. Such a nuance as an energetic water supply does not excite the consumer at all, because the working tool leaves the cut line. There is no clearance on the axis, which causes inconvenience in operation. During a thorough inspection, it turned out that the latch was not tightened to the stop. That is why during operation it is necessary to configure the equipment.

Cutting depth (max 900/450), mm 90/60
Cutting length (max), mm 600
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 350/25.4
Disk rotation speed, rpm 2800
power, kWt 2
Weight, kg 82

Cost: from 41,142 rubles.

Elitech CK 350/90P
  • relatively inexpensive cost.
  • there are malfunctions in work;
  • high water consumption.

Helmut ST 350-800

The working mechanism in the German-made equipment.The tongues along the edges of the bracket are limited to two prudently installed positions. To fix any of them, you need to easily tighten the nut. And if you replace the factory mounting nut with an elongated one, the setup time is reduced by 2 times.

There are no additional clamps, the burrs of the bracket are held by the base. During the installation of the working tool in a neutral position, one should not lose sight of the fact that the gate has a long rod, and the structure does not have retaining tongues. If you overtighten the nut a little, there is a risk of breaking the thread.

Cutting depth (max 900/450), mm 100/70
Cutting length (max), mm 800
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 350/25.4
Disk rotation speed, rpm 2800
power, kWt 2.2
Weight, kg 75

Price: from 46,066 rubles.

Helmut ST 350-800
  • German quality;
  • easy to work.
  • long setting.


The design is stable, the tools are fixed rigidly. The carriage moves evenly, is equipped with an anti-slip coating, so there is no need to tightly hold the cut tile. The factory-made sludge catcher does not perform its function well - microparticles are drained into the main tank from the sump at the same time as the liquid.

Cutting depth (max 900/450), mm 100/70
Cutting length (max), mm 695
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 350
Disk rotation speed, rpm 2800
power, kWt 2.2
Weight, kg 82

Price: from 54 900 rubles.

  • anti-slip coating;
  • convenience in work.
  • malfunctions, often requires adjustment.

CGW 1-25-1 Compact

The bed, installed without props, is quite stable. Has a small weight. Aluminum legs have a small gap at the landing sites.When working with lightweight porcelain stoneware, the support ensures that the structure is securely fixed in the required position. The structure swings from side to side when the curbstone is being processed on it. But there were no complaints about the clarity of the cut and organizational issues.

Cutting depth (max 900/450), mm 110/75
Cutting length (max), mm 500
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 350
Disk rotation speed, rpm 2800
power, kWt 2.2
Weight, kg 66

Price: from 63,800 rubles.

CGW 1-25-1 Compact
  • reliable fastening of the structure;
  • stable;
  • light weight;
  • cut clarity.
  • not detected.

Fubag A - 44/ 420 M

The inclination of the supports protects the machine from the possibility of tipping the structure from the long side. To cut a granite countertop lengthwise, the mudguard must be removed to install additional separate supports, as well as the help of several people. A massive slab measuring 1500 x 600 x 30 may compromise the stability of the equipment. The cleanliness of the cut indicates the absence of beats on the cutting head of the machine. A slight refinement of the device and the carriage will allow you to do the work yourself without anyone's help. This is also evidenced by the declared properties of the model, indicating a large power reserve.

Cutting depth (max 900), mm 145
Cutting length (max), mm 590
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 420
power, kWt 2.2
Weight, kg 72

Cost: from 78 300 rubles.

Fubag A - 44/ 420 M
  • large power reserve;
  • cut cleanliness;
  • absence of beats on the cutting head of the machine.
  • sometimes you need the help of several people.

Battipav expert 400

The presented models belonging to this series are quite mobile, but it is not very convenient to move them, and then install them, bring them into working position. The racks cannot be adjusted in height, which is imperceptible when assembling materials for cladding, but at the same time, such a defect will bring discomfort when working on an uneven surface.

The performance of the design has no complaints. The innovation of placing a sprayer that supplies water to a disk, which is emphasized by manufacturers, did not particularly please users when examined in detail. A positive quality in the device is the presence of a cut with a laser pointer, thanks to which you can fix the workpiece in a short time, which is very convenient, especially when cutting tile products. When working with blocks, you can do without its use, a readable meter will serve as a replacement.

Cutting depth (max 900), mm 135
Cutting length (max), mm 800
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 400/25.4
Disk rotation speed, rpm 2800
power, kWt 2.8
Weight, kg 68

Cost: from 124,990 rubles.

Battipav expert 400
  • the presence of a cut with a laser pointer;
  • readable meter.
  • not detected.

Ruby Dx - 250 1400

The vertical sawing function advertised by the manufacturers is a profitable publicity stunt. Proper installation and configuration of cheap prof. aggregates will allow you to perfectly perform a geometric cut. A clear advantage is the low weight and removable wheels, making it easy to move it to the right place, but the length of the frame will require installation on a completely smooth surface.The use of a full reserve of large machines with set-up and cutting corners is more suitable for large-scale production.

Cutting depth (max 900/450), mm 145/70
Cutting length (max), mm 1520
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 250/25.4
Disk rotation speed, rpm 2800
power, kWt 2.75
Weight, kg 89.5

The cost is from 171,500 rubles.

Ruby Dx - 250 1400
  • quick setup;
  • small mass;
  • removable wheels.
  • not detected.

Production stone cutting machines

Among the main features of the devices of the presented type lies the accuracy in processing and perpendicular cutting of various stones at the right angle. The cropping inaccuracy is considered zero because it is a hundredth of a millimeter. Exceptional cutting accuracy is required, as gaps are not allowed when cutting tile layers.

Maneuvering prof. machines differ from workshop models in the thickness of the sawn seam. The scale of the cut made on shop machines will be slightly larger. The fixed equipment installed in the workshops allows you to quickly and efficiently dissolve slabs of granite, marble, as well as massive blocks and slabs for workpieces. This option is well suited for workshops involved in the processing of blocks from natural materials for the further production of commemorative plates, kitchen worktops, window sills and steps.

Sima Venus 200 Mekano

The weak point of this model is the supports, covering the table with a powerful granite layer having a thickness of 100 mm, most often they do not withstand heavy loads and are aligned. The machines are great for working with standard poles with a thickness of not more than 50 mm, making interior elements and blanks for future worktops.

Cutting depth (max 900/450), mm 100
Cutting length (max), mm 1500
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 300/25.4
power, kWt 3 (380)
Weight, kg 112.7

Cost: from 211,150 rubles.

Sima Venus 200 Mekano
  • well suited for working with granite;
  • fast machine setup.
  • weak supports.

Nuova Mondial Mec Manta LX TB 120 – 750 Monophase

The declared characteristics of power and depth of cut are not combined with a shortened table, moreover, the machine does not provide for cutting at an angle of 45 degrees. In general, the device is powerful, reliable, stable. The series of this equipment released by the Italians, in terms of performance and technical characteristics, indicates the creation of a successful model for specific purposes and operation under certain conditions.

Cutting depth (max 900), mm 300
Cutting length (max), mm 700
disc diameter (outer), mm 750
Disk rotation speed, rpm 900
power, kWt 2.6
Weight, kg 190

Cost: from 264,200 rubles.

Nuova Mondial Mec Manta LX TB 120 – 750 Monophase
  • stability;
  • good power.
  • power and depth do not match the table.

Emmedue ES - 300 A

An electric drive is responsible for the rotation of the cutting parts, which works thanks to manual control. The advantage is the presence of quick-release expanders located on the side of the machine and easily rotating shafts. With their help, you can cut natural stones of large sizes. A small minus of the car is the impossibility of auto-control.

Cutting depth (max 900/450), mm 125/90
Cutting length (max), mm 3000
disk diameter (external/internal), mm 400/30
Disk rotation speed, rpm 2800
power, kWt 5.5 (380)
Weight, kg 370

Cost: from 756,000 rubles.

Emmedue ES - 300 A
  • quick-release expanders;
  • easily rotating shafts.
  • no auto control.

Summing up: what is better to choose

To carry out repair and construction work in your premises, you can get by with an inexpensive model of the machine. It is worth practicing on your own with the replacement of the base disk and try the adjustment work. Hand tools are inferior in comparison with models of all machines.

The affordable price category of Hammer Plr 900 with a minimum amount of dust and accurate cutting will make you think about purchasing it.

It is not necessary to ignore the purchase of a lightweight CG 1 - 25 Compact machine with advantageous features, low weight of about 70 kg, high accuracy in mm, included disc that allows the processing of the desired materials.

To ensure the continuous operation of a compact workshop, the Emmedue Es - 300 is the perfect machine, which has the potential and capabilities that bring success in production. It meets and complies with all the described characteristics and requirements necessary for the performance of work in industrial enterprises. When opening a repair shop, the equipment is able to cover the costs and increase the profitability of the enterprise.

Which stone cutter to choose - this question can only be answered by the buyer himself, based on the functions planned to be assigned to the device.

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