
  1. Criterias of choice
  2. Which is better, buy or get
  3. Rating of the most popular bath stones
  4. artificial
Rating of the best bath stones for 2025

Rating of the best bath stones for 2025

After the construction of the bath, it is necessary to install a boiler in it, around which a heater is often arranged. Natural minerals keep heat for a long time and have a positive effect on the human body. Few people know, but stones come in different compositions. Therefore, the human body can have both positive and negative effects. Boulders of natural and artificial origin are on sale. The buyer needs to study their properties. This is necessary to protect yourself from stones that can release elements harmful to the body. Experts have created a rating of the best minerals. It will help the buyer to purchase products of proper quality.

Criterias of choice

Purchased stones must meet the following characteristics:

  1. The product must be clean from an environmental point of view.
  2. Homogeneous surface. The presence of shells leads to uneven heating of the stone. Over time, microcracks appear in the mineral, which lead to the destruction of the rock.
  3. Should be free of carbonates. This compound can be recognized by the white spots. They crumble easily when scratched with a sharp object.
  4. It is necessary to select a mineral in which there are no cracks. To check, tap with a hammer. A clear sound indicates that there are no flaws.
  5. The boulders should be approximately the same size. Then the entire heater will heat up evenly.
  6. The purity of the stones. After purchase, the minerals are thoroughly washed with water. This is necessary to remove dust and dirt, which is not visible during visual inspection.
  7. Beautiful appearance.
  8. Moderate cost.
  9. Asbestos must be absent.

Most people are not indifferent to how much money will be spent on finishing the bath. Many hesitate with the choice of stone. It is polished and chipped. Each vapers have their own preferences. Experienced people prefer the chopped version. Such cobblestones have a higher area of ​​​​contact with water. Therefore, they give more steam into the room. The polished mineral heats up for a long period of time. However, the air circulates in the steam room more intensively. Some species are difficult to handle. On sale they can only be seen in chopped form.

Heat resistance

The stone structure is under heavy load.First, it warms up to the maximum temperature, and when poured with cold water, it cools down sharply. The higher the heat resistance, the less likely the cobblestone to crack from a drop. The breed can be tested for strength. A sample of the mineral must be red-hot, and then lowered into ice water. If there are no cracks, then the sample can be safely bought.

Heat capacity

This indicator is also of great importance. Affects the ability of a material to heat up quickly and release heat slowly. Therefore, purchased stones must have a high heat capacity. Their structure is homogeneous and has a high density. These cobblestones will provide the steam room with excellent quality steam.

Stone sizes

When choosing the size of the rock, the type of furnace or boiler must be taken into account. In the first place, you need to put not design, but practicality. For a wood-burning structure, cobblestones with a diameter of 70 to 150 mm are suitable. It is better to overlay electric furnaces with a stone from 50 to 70 mm.

Environmental Safety

Some types of rocks emit harmful elements after heating. You can't use them in a steam room. Therefore, before buying, it is necessary to study all the characteristics of the mineral and its impurities.

Which is better, buy or get

Stones cost good money. Many people collect them themselves. For example, sea or river pebbles can be obtained without problems. There is a lot of it along the banks of reservoirs. Rocks collected near freshwater lakes have good heat resistance and strength.

In order to collect boulders on your own, you need a good knowledge of the rocks. Otherwise, this event may be harmful to health. For example, if you make a heater from minerals that are scattered along the railroad, then during the parks a person will inhale chemicals.Few people know that such cobblestones are treated with a special compound that evaporates during heating. Inhaling such air does not bode well. And the purpose of the cobblestones for the railway embankment is somewhat different, in contrast to the bath samples that are sold in stores.

Of course, it is better to go to a specialized store for a purchase. Here you can buy goods of the right size, type and quality. The chemical composition of such samples will be strictly balanced. All products are treated with a special composition that is environmentally friendly. All harmful elements and microorganisms are destroyed.

Rating of the most popular bath stones



Ideal for any bath and sauna. Has several shades of grey. The sample has high strength and thermal stability. It perfectly accumulates and holds heat. The rock quickly heats up, its heat capacity is at the highest rates. The resulting steam has all the positive properties. Before use, the material is well washed and hardened.

This natural mineral is taken from rocks. It is processed, and then it ends up on store shelves. The sample has high resistance to high temperatures, does not crack. With such a stone, you can impose not only a heater, but also walls. Steam is obtained with a soft and gentle action. Useful for children.

soapstone bath stones
  • not afraid of a large temperature difference;
  • high heat capacity;
  • heat is given off for a long period of time;
  • does not react with liquid;
  • is inert to odors.
  • service life from 3 to 5 years;
  • takes a relatively long time to heat up.


The cost is quite high, since it is considered semi-precious, has a greenish color. The main advantage can be attributed to the highest strength. Sold in three different variations: polished, boned and chipped. The first type is the most expensive. It looks a bit like jade. The service life is about 5 years. It emits soft heat waves and keeps the temperature for a long time. Often this mineral is used for cladding. On sale you can see tiles made of jadeite. However, it is impossible for this mineral to come into contact with an open fire.

  • high strength;
  • fast heating;
  • from the polished version you can make a decor;
  • excellent heat capacity;
  • keeps the temperature for a long time.
  • high price.


This material of igneous origin is environmentally friendly. It is taken from the depths. It has a large number of veins, which consist of sulfur. If there are more than 5% of them on the surface, then you do not need to purchase such material. The cobblestone heats up very quickly, and keeps the temperature for a long time. Not very attractive in appearance, but has all the positive characteristics.

  • very durable;
  • thermal conductivity at the highest level;
  • radiates heat evenly;
  • disinfects the air;
  • keeps warm for a long time.
  • not a very nice view;
  • if there is a lot of sulfur in the composition, it can fall apart into pieces.

Crimson quartzite

The mineral has a brownish-red color. The breed is resistant to high temperature changes. You can pour cold water on a hot stone. Its structure will remain unchanged. The main advantage of cobblestone is optimal water absorption and high heat capacity.

The dark crimson color of the stone will decorate any heater.The breed does not emit harmful substances. It heats up quickly and provides the required amount of heat. Many believe that the material helps to cure diseases of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. It gradually heats up and slowly releases heat into its surroundings. Often quartzite is used in public baths because it has a long service life. When buying, each copy must be carefully looked through, since many stones are brought with cracks.

Crimson quartzite
  • the lowest rate of radiation;
  • gives off heat for a long time;
  • cool appearance;
  • when in contact with water is not destroyed;
  • high strength;
  • not afraid of temperatures up to 27000.
  • when buying, specimens with cracks often come across.

Basalt (volcanite)

This mineral is black. This rock is of volcanic origin. She has good thermal conductivity, quickly gaining temperature and slowly giving up. It can withstand a large number of heating and cooling cycles. The main highlight is high strength, the material does not have to be changed. It is enough for the entire life of the bath.

Basalt (volcanite)
  • high fire resistance;
  • one of the best breeds for a bath;
  • has a beneficial effect on health (improves blood circulation);
  • long service life;
  • keeps heat well;
  • the breed is considered the most durable.
  • not found.

white quartz

Aesthetically attractive, it will delight the eye with beauty and a translucent appearance, and the construction of a quartz heater will look unusual. It has a peculiar reflection, for which he received the nickname "hot ice". Quartz is silicon oxide from a chemical point of view. When the thermal impact on the rock begins the release of ozone.This fact is the reason why the mineral is preferred among true connoisseurs of the bath procedure.

With constant thermal impact on the stones, they begin to burst. This requires care and patience from the owner of the stove made of this material. If the material is cracked, it must be replaced. A sample of white shades, with a dark base color, gives a good visual effect. It can be used in a sauna where there is no strong heat, such as in a pool or fitness center.

white quartz
  • fast heating;
  • slow heat release;
  • white shades look beautiful;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • good heat dissipation.
  • bursts under the influence of high temperatures;
  • if the stone is cracked, sharp corners may remain.


The name of the stone contrasts with the word "serpentarium", which suggests that it has something to do with snakes. This feeling is true, since the material is called a serpentine in a different way. The green hues and texture are reminiscent of snake skin. The shape resembles a flattened snake head. The sample is rich in impurities of metal ores, it contains olivine, carbonates, talc and garnet. Shades can be not only green, but also gray.

The material has an attractive appearance and a distant resemblance to jadeite. Due to this similarity, unscrupulous merchants pass it off as jadeite. When used for laying out the stove in the bath, it will not withstand high temperatures and will crack. But this does not mean that it is not suitable for a bath, serpentinite is suitable as a facing material. They can finish the bath walls and even the stove itself, if the tile does not have cracks.

  • rich in impurities of metal ores;
  • attractive look.
  • not found.


Clean and environmentally friendly. It can be used for a bath, as it withstands temperature changes without cracking for many cycles. It has good heat dissipation and the ability to accumulate heat, it is also attractive due to the saturation of steam. The material tolerates heavy loads well and can be used to build a heater.

  • not subject to cracking;
  • there are no impurities harmful to health;
  • stays hot for a long time;
  • has high specific heat capacity.
  • short term of use (up to 3 years).


Silicon oxide, called silica, acts as a natural base. It contains iron, an admixture of calcium oxides, magnesium. It is of volcanic origin and is black, gray or greenish in color. As a material, it has a good heat capacity, which is useful in arranging a steam room. But it does not have great strength, as, for example, jadeite. All minerals belonging to the type of polyminerals have this disadvantage. Uneven heating of the components leads to rupture and destruction of the rock.

Porphyrite will stably last 2-3 years.

Sometimes sulfites are found in the rock, which will not please the buyer at all. Visual inspection reveals their presence. They are determined by veins or the presence of special inclusions that have a metallic sheen. In some cases, sulfites look like small golden crystals. If there are such "patterns" on more than 5% of the surface of the material, it is better to refuse it.

If the material contains a lot of sulfites, it can cause a burning sensation in the eyes, a fetid odor, and it can make the throat tickle.

Usually, reviews write about the suitability of stone for the construction of a stove in a bath, as it is affordable. It is possible to get light steam from it, but for those who have something to compare with, the sample will not be the best. If there is a smell of sulfur, you can not worry: it goes away after a few bathing days.

It has a composition, like that of jadeite - oxides of metals and silica, but sulfites adversely affect strength, reducing the service life to 2-3 years. The mineral is safe from an environmental point of view, there is no radiation in it, the steam from it does not have a density, but it is light. The material will be ideal for a rare visit to the bath, and when buying it, you need to monitor the veins, their number should not exceed 5%.

  • low cost;
  • heats up for a short time;
  • has good heat capacity;
  • gives light steam;
  • has a low level of radioactivity.
  • contains sulfites;
  • does not have high strength.


Popular among the materials used in the construction of baths is pyroxent. It, like jadeite, retains heat well, has high strength and aesthetic appeal. At the word "jade" there are associations with green tones, but impurities in the solution matter. If jade has a pink hue, it contains magnesium, black iron. The stone receives green tones due to the presence of chromium impurities.

Among the inhabitants of the East, jade was called the "stone of health", it is considered a cure for many diseases. The purchase of material must be carried out in companies that have been tested by time.Acquisition from a random dealer can be fraught with a future owner who may sell a coil instead of the desired material. The sample does not have healing properties and a long service life.

The main difference is durability and high thermal conductivity. The stove heats up quickly and purifies the steam, which promotes relaxation and has a beneficial effect on metabolism. It can be used for the construction of various heaters, but it has a minus - a high cost. Due to the cost, the stone began to be often faked. The original jade is difficult to split with a hammer blow, and in order to get pieces of stone, it is cut.

  • use on open fire;
  • has a high heat transfer;
  • has high strength indicators;
  • softens steam;
  • long service life (about 10 years);
  • fast heating.
  • price.


In addition to natural minerals, other samples are also used, which are also in demand:

Cast iron cores

Heating of cast-iron cores occurs in a short time. In comparison with natural stone, the thermal conductivity is 30 times higher. The dryness and heat from the iron steam requires the presence of stones in the feed tank along with the iron.

The main advantage of such a filler is its service life. You can use the material for a long time, it does not crack. Ceramic balls are a budget heater material and look attractive. They are made using feldspar, animal bones, white clay and quartz, subjecting the mass obtained from these components to several firing stages. Organic components evaporate under this temperature effect.It turns out a material that is resistant to high temperature extremes and gives a comfortable steam.

In the construction of cast iron, the material is used in the form of a core or cone, folding into the lower part of the stove. Heating occurs 5 times faster than stones, and the temperature is maintained for a long time. The material is compact and the same dimensions, the same. From an environmental point of view, the cast iron is clean, the bath heats up quickly.

bath cast iron
  • fast heating;
  • budget price category;
  • long service life;
  • without harmful additives;
  • good strength characteristics;
  • has a high density.
  • not natural.

From porcelain

Another artificial material is porcelain. The ingredients for its manufacture are clay and aluminum oxide. Finished artificial materials come out in the form of balls. They have a small diameter and the ability to quickly heat up. The resistance to high temperatures of such a material can be compared with natural stones, it can reach a value of 1650 degrees. The strength characteristics of the material and its heat capacity are close to those of jade.

The use of porcelain in combination with a natural mineral makes it possible to enhance the therapeutic effect of steam. It is better to use cast iron in combination with such artificial minerals on the recommendation of experienced professionals for closed heaters.

Porcelain for a bath "Imperial" (bucket)
  • ability to quickly heat up;
  • strength characteristics;
  • heat capacity.
  • artificial.

The properties of the best stones for the construction of a sauna heater are high heat transfer, environmental friendliness, high thermal conductivity, high heating rate. It is unlikely that it will be pleasant to hear or see how a stone burst in the bath, and the fragments fly off all over the room. You need to choose the material with all responsibility, avoiding cracked stones, paying attention to abundant veins. This rating will be useful when choosing stones for a bath, sauna or steam room.

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