
  1. Categories of fireplaces
  2. Cast iron fireplaces
  3. Steel fireplaces
  4. Economy segment models
  5. Outcome

Rating of the best long burning fireplaces for 2025

Rating of the best long burning fireplaces for 2025

For many, a fireplace is associated with comfort and peace. For this reason, buyers who have increased aesthetic requirements for home improvement prefer a fireplace to more modern heating systems.

The fundamental difference between a conservative stove and a mobile boiler system is the ability to contemplate the burning of firewood. In addition, boilers, due to their prosaic purpose, are not placed in the hall (often) and are not shown to guests as an attraction.

Categories of fireplaces

The main mechanism of such a system is the measured ignition of pyrolysis-type gas. This gas is released as the wood fuel burns. To ensure competent combustion, the manufacturer must provide the furnace with a suitable duct architecture. An uninitiated user should familiarize himself with the most important provisions for the operation of the oven:

  1. Firewood undergoes oxidation during combustion, due to which pyrolysis-type gas is produced. To achieve this result, it is necessary to ensure the flow of oxygen into the chamber. The reaction of fuel to fire produces heat.
  2. The released heat is distributed over the area of ​​​​the house with the help of additional fireplace mechanisms. Depending on the configuration of a particular model, the user receives different heat transfer results.

It is worth considering that the main advantage of a fireplace over stoves of this type is that the former guarantee a small amount of soot, which cannot be said about other types. It is important to understand that a key detail in installing a fireplace is the installation of the chimney. It is recommended to turn to professionals for help, otherwise, the safety of the residents of the house is not guaranteed.

The modern market offers various configurations of fireplaces. To make an informed choice, the buyer should pay attention to the following details when buying:

  1. Firewood consumption. If the furnace is of impressive size, then an appropriate amount of fuel will be required for heating. It is recommended to calculate the cost of fuel material for the heating season in advance, so as not to make a rash purchase. If the user does not expect impressive regular costs, it is worth paying attention to the appropriate configurations of furnaces.
  2. Manufacturing material.This aspect plays a key role in both the pricing of a particular model and its thermal capabilities. In addition, the quality of the assembly and material of manufacture is proportional to the life of the instance. Cast iron, steel and mixed structures are common for sale. Professionals recommend choosing cast iron specimens.
  3. Power indicators of a particular instance. It is worth considering that power indicators are calculated based on the characteristics of the dwelling. For impressive areas, it is necessary to select fireplaces that are appropriate in terms of power.
  4. Weight indicators. Cast iron specimens have an impressive weight and dimensions, which is reflected in the requirements for the room and walls. If repairs are not planned in the house, then it is worth choosing a copy that is compatible with external fasteners.

Cast iron fireplaces

This is the best option according to professionals. The thermal capabilities of cast iron are impressive, in addition, the service life of specimens made from this material is impressive. There is an abundance of positions in this category on the market, but the uninitiated user is advised to choose from the most famous brands.

Fireplace from the company La Nordica model Ghisa Isotta Con Cerchi

The average cost of the unit is 212 thousand rubles, power - 11 kW, thermal capacity - up to 330 cubic meters. m., weight is 216 kg. Suitable as an independent heating system, and as an appendage to regular heating. The walls are made in strict accordance with the requirements of tightness, are resistant to burnout and are designed for continuous operation. The manufacturer supplied the device with an additional stove for cooking and an auxiliary compartment for elongated firewood.The sashes are also made for high temperatures (up to 750 °), cleaning is easy. The standard consumption of fuel materials is 2.5 kg per hour. Additionally, there are features that simplify ignition and work in the summer.

Fireplace La Nordica Ghisa Isotta Con Cerchi
  • Impressive thermal capabilities;
  • The assembly meets European quality standards;
  • Moderate fuel consumption;
  • Additional stove for cooking.
  • Expensive.


“I have been using this device for more than a year and there were no complaints about heating up an impressive area of ​​​​the house, or about the indicators of firewood consumption. The assembly is strong, because the production was carried out according to high quality standards, there were no defects during the operation. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality device for a long service life!”

Furnace from the company Meta model Marseille 14

The average cost of the device is 83 thousand rubles, power - 14 kW, thermal capabilities are 140 square meters, weight -130 kg. The manufacturer positions this instance as one of the most efficient in terms of fuel consumption and thermal capabilities. Increased reliability of the design, the sashes are made of ceramic type glass, resistant to fire. The manufacturer does not recommend the use of coals for the initial ignition. The unit promises uniform heating for 20 minutes. With prolonged firing, maintaining the required temperatures is possible up to 8 hours. This helps keep the room warm while you sleep. Compact dimensions allow you to organize the space around the oven ergonomically. Parts of the device are made in France. The glass plate is made in Japan.

Furnace Meta Marseille 14
  • Convenient doors;
  • Attractive design;
  • Increased performance indicators;
  • Acceptable cost.
  • Not found.


“I bought this device based on the reviews of my friends and was satisfied (after all, I got a fairly efficient heating system for adequate money). The consumption does not cause complaints, the house is heated quickly enough, the appearance is pleasant and fits into the interior with a bang. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality oven for an adequate price!”

Furnace from the company Meta model Moscow 12

The cost of the unit is 52 thousand rubles. on average, power is 12 kW, thermal capabilities are 120 square meters. m. with a weight of 165 kg. The method of glazing the doors (panoramic type) is noteworthy, which gives an aesthetic appearance to the stove and the room as a whole. An instance of the corner type (placed strictly in the corner of the room), the design of the body imitates the surface of traditional fireplaces. Like the sashes, the sides are equipped with fire-resistant glass. The manufacturer provided the model with a universal type of installation of a smoke exhaust pipe. Due to the shape of the case, this copy is allowed to be installed not only in the corner of the room (as an exception). The finish of the chamber is not exposed to the harmful effects of fire, thanks to the specifics of the materials. Although the device is domestic, components are purchased from abroad and production technologies fully comply with quality standards.

Furnace Meta Moscow 12
  • Heating in a short time;
  • Thermal capabilities;
  • Thoughtful design.
  • Increased wood consumption;
  • Marco glass.


“Choose this oven because of its nice appearance, and overall, not disappointed. The consumption of firewood is impressive, in comparison with similar devices (there is something to compare with), but at the same time, heating is achieved in a short time.In addition, thanks to the design, this unit serves as an attraction for guests at home! I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a stove for aesthetic reasons!”

Steel fireplaces

Steel models are lighter than representatives of the previous category, but the indicators of thermal capabilities are lower (relatively). It is believed that steel furnaces, although they show accelerated heating, lose in the retention of thermal energy. In addition, the material has earned a reputation for being unstable against rust. The above shortcomings were present in copies of older generations, modern steel fireplaces level out flaws thanks to mixed metal inserts in the most vulnerable places.

Rein meta model

The cost is 49 thousand rubles. on average, power is 10 kW, thermal capabilities are 100 square meters. m., with a weight of 105 kg. Steel appliance coated with fireproof paint, designed for areas with predominantly warm climates. It is noteworthy that there is a compartment for firewood and assembly from parts ordered abroad. Also, the manufacturer manufactures this model in accordance with German standards and assembly requirements. There is the possibility of controlling the intensity of the furnace, a single portion of fuel is 3-4 kg. The glass of the shutters is resistant to fire, the user has the opportunity to contemplate the firebox. The chamber is finished with specialized materials that balance the combustion temperature and have a prolonging effect. The shape of the case allows not only installation in the corner, but in the middle of the wall.

Meta Rain
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Uniform distribution of heat;
  • Prolonging effect when burning.
  • It will take time to melt.


“Great option for a holiday home! I have been using this fireplace for about six months and I am satisfied with the work, because the heat is retained even after the fuel burns out. This effect is based on the interaction of the finishing materials of the chamber and gases from firewood. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality fireplace at an adequate price!”

Thorma model Milano 2

The average cost of the device is 41 thousand rubles, the power indicators are 6 kW, the thermal capacity is 140 square meters. m. with a weight of 70 kg. The steel case allows heating the air in a short time (15 minutes is enough), the chamber is surrounded by a fire-resistant material and has a delimiting space between the case. This solution greatly reduces the risks associated with fire. The sashes are also resistant to burning, modest weight indicators allow installation on fasteners (arrangement of a separate place is not required). It is noteworthy that there is a stove for cooking food. This solution will allow you to place the unit in the kitchen area as both a fireplace and a household stove.

Torma Milano 2
  • Ergonomic design provides ample placement options;
  • Pleasant appearance;
  • Suitable as a substitute for a household oven.
  • Not found.


“I use this unit as a station wagon (I heat the house and cook food). It warms up perfectly, fits into the interior, copes with additional functions without problems. Would recommend to anyone looking for a versatile oven for heating and cooking!”

Furnace from Invicta company model Chamane

The cost is 109 thousand rubles. on average, power indicators are 14 kW, thermal capacities are 140 square meters. m. with a weight of 160 kg.A brand with a solid reputation presents a fireplace whose thermal capabilities are impressive. The high-quality materials from which the stove is made guarantee a balanced exchange of heat, the doors of the chamber are equipped with a lock that prevents unplanned opening. Fuel is immersed in the furnace through the front part, placement is allowed both in the corner and against the wall.

Oven Invicta Chamane
  • Exotic appearance;
  • Flexible setting;
  • Warm up in a short time.
  • Users complain about hinges (in doors).


“The main advantage, in addition to thermal capabilities, is the appearance of the furnace. The design is stylized as a certain cultural object (based on the name), which brings individuality to the interior. Would recommend to anyone looking for a custom-shaped fireplace!”

Economy segment models

If the buyer wants to purchase a heating system for the area of ​​​​a compact house, you should pay attention to the economy segment. The market offers an assortment of strong quality fireplaces for a cost not exceeding 30 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that in this segment there is an abundance of brands without a clear reputation (and quality assurance), so the user should choose from proven manufacturers.

Bavaria model EcoFireplace

The average cost is 27 thousand rubles, the power is 9 kW with a weight of 126 kg. Compact device, designed for appropriate rooms. Popular among summer residents and owners of small houses.

Bavaria EcoFireplace
  • The presence of a stove for cooking;
  • Moderate consumption;
  • Fast air heating.
  • Not just clean.


“I use this fireplace when I come to the country house in the off-season.For such premises, the oven is suitable and gives good results. Would recommend to anyone looking for a compact and cheap fireplace!”

Furnace from the company Meta model Varta

The average cost is 28 thousand rubles, the fireplace is finished with ceramics. It is completed with a device for storing fuel, the average burning rate is 6 hours. The power is moderate, but sufficient for giving.

Meta Warta
  • Warming up in a short time;
  • It is completed with the device for storage of firewood;
  • Low price.
  • Not found.


“Great option for a small house for this price. I use it in the country, the power of the device is small, but in general, it is enough. Would recommend to anyone looking for a budget option!”

Fireplace from the Brandenburg company model with a stove for cooking

The average cost is 21 thousand rubles. Thermal capabilities are 120 cu. m. the most accessible position. The functionality is standard, an integrated stove for cooking. Provides a long firebox in a small area.

Brandenburg with cooking stove
  • Built-in stove for cooking;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Decent heating.
  • Not found.


“I use it as heating during seasonal holidays. Copes with heating tasks well, although the chamber is cramped and you have to regularly add fuel. Would recommend to anyone looking for a cheap oven!”


Educational materials on the topic of self-manufacturing a fireplace from materials appropriate to the technology are popular on the network. With masterful skill, the user creates a design, but without experience, a successful result becomes unlikely. In addition, if construction technologies are violated, the owner of the dwelling risks endangering the lives of the residents of the house and his own.In order to avoid risk to life and waste of money on building materials, it is recommended for an owner without experience in construction to purchase a ready-made fireplace stove.

The design of the furnace is made of materials designed to exist in conditions of high temperatures. The fittings of such devices also meet the requirements of fire resistance. In addition, the ventilation architecture inside the apparatus is designed for long-term fuel combustion.

The fireplace is mounted on specialized fasteners (except for non-standard models), preliminary arrangement for the unit is not required. For installation, it is recommended to invite specialists if the store did not provide them upon purchase.

Before choosing a specific instance, it is recommended to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and the required temperature level. This is necessary in order to calculate fuel costs and select a model with a chamber of the appropriate volume.

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