
  1. Why is it necessary to moisten the soil
  2. Why is a meter needed?
  3. Measurements using TDR and EDR dielectric probes
  4. How to use the meter
  5. Rating of the best devices for 2025
  6. How to choose a meter?

Rating of the best soil moisture meters for 2025

Rating of the best soil moisture meters for 2025

Soil moisture is one of the most important agrotechnical parameters, on which it directly depends on how well the ecological system will function. Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of instruments that are used to measure soil moisture. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some devices for measuring this parameter and compare their effectiveness.

Why is it necessary to moisten the soil

Today, there is a fairly rapid development of high technologies. Specialists are working on improving and creating new devices that could facilitate the work of a person in a particular industry. This also applies to agriculture. Devices that are used to work with the earth make life easier for people working in this area.

When there is a need to transport, store or process crops, the preservation of all the characteristics and quality of the grain becomes an important nuance. In addition, it is necessary to preserve its useful properties. This can only be possible if the required level of humidity and temperature conditions are observed. For this, special measuring instruments are used.

During the growth of a plant, the level of moisture content in its tissues is from 70 to 90%.
The presence of sufficient water is one of the most important factors that have a direct impact on soil fertility. Its presence is responsible for:

  • enrichment of a particular culture with the necessary amount of liquid;
  • the amount of air, salt and some components in the soil that can harm the plant;
  • plasticity and density of the soil;
  • soil readiness for agricultural and agrotechnical processes.

If there is not enough water in the soil, the activation of the life processes of the plant and its further full-fledged vital activity is simply impossible.

Why is a meter needed?

Every vegetable grower knows that when growing a particular vegetable crop, it is important to know the basic parameters of the soil. These include Ph level, temperature, amount of moisture content and light level.If the ultimate goal is to get a good harvest, then when growing a crop, you should create the conditions for the plants that they need. It is especially important to consider in what soil the plant should be grown. So cabbage can grow perfectly on the site, and carrots simply will not sprout.

To understand which crop is suitable for growing on the site, and what fertilizers need to be applied, first of all, you should find out the level of acidity and moisture content of the soil. This will help a special meter. It can be liquid or plastic. At the same time, its ease of use allows even an inexperienced summer resident to use it.


Each meter has a variety of functionalities. It will help the summer resident track changes in the level of soil moisture. This will allow timely implementation of the necessary actions and save grain crops. In addition, this device will allow you to identify spoiled products that cannot be mixed with high quality grain.

Device device

This measuring device is particularly reliable. It is easy to use and relatively inexpensive. All measured indicators are displayed on a special display of the meter.

The design of the meter consists of an electronic unit that calculates the level of humidity according to the data provided by a special sensor. The sensor can be either remote or built-in. It is an elongated steamed metal probe connected to the block of the device itself.

The unit of the device includes in its design a control system and a microprocessor. For convenient control of the meter, there are push-button switches on its body.

Soil Density Determination

During agricultural work, it often becomes necessary to determine the density of the cultivated soil. A portable pH meter - RN300, which is designed to measure the level of moisture content and soil temperature, will help to cope with this task.

The portable pH meter is easy to use. In addition, it is suitable for any type of soil. With it, you can measure the necessary indicators both in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, in a summer cottage, and in a flower pot. The device quickly responds to any changes, which indicates the stability and maximum accuracy of the readings given by it. The main features of this device include:

  • the presence of an LCD display;
  • long electrode;
  • battery charge indication.

A portable pH meter is incredibly useful when the ultimate goal of a gardener is to increase yields.

Measurements using TDR and EDR dielectric probes

The dielectric medium directly depends on how much moisture the soil contains. This method allows you to determine the soil moisture index by calculating it. At the time of verification, the dielectric constant changes, which allows you to calculate the relationship between these parameters. The main advantage of this sensor is the ability to transmit data wirelessly.

Another modern device for measuring the level of humidity is an al probe. It is located in the pipe, is located at a certain depth and takes readings automatically. Readings are transmitted to the observer regularly and are as accurate as possible. Of course, you should not expect that the cost of such a device will be small. Its price is quite high.

How to use the meter

As mentioned above, the meter is a device that is very easy to use. Each device designed to measure the level of humidity comes with detailed instructions that will help you understand the design of the device and understand how to use it. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the nuances, knowledge of which will help you get the most accurate measurements:

  1. After fertilization, the measuring device can only be used after 72 hours.
  2. The area you plan to test must first be watered.
  3. In the place where the probe will be located, the soil must be very well compacted.
  4. Take at least 3 measurements and calculate the average.
  5. At the end of the work, the rod of the device must be thoroughly cleaned with a napkin. Remember - it must be kept clean.

When making a purchase, do not forget to check with the consultant whether the device is calibrated to measure soil moisture and acidity. If the calibration has not been carried out, then you need to do it yourself. To do this, you will need a buffer solution, which can be purchased at the same store.

Rating of the best devices for 2025

When the decision on the need to purchase this device is made, it's time to decide on its model. We offer you to get acquainted with the most popular meters, which will please not only with their high quality, but also with an affordable price.

Green Belt

This instrument is incredibly easy to use, provides accurate data, and is affordable. This meter has several functions. In addition to measuring Ph, it will provide data on the amount of moisture in the soil and its illumination.Green Belt works without batteries, which makes the data as accurate as possible and allows you to provide the plants with the conditions they need for a comfortable life and proper growth. Powered by solar energy. This device will help preserve the crop, increase its quality and quantity.

green belt meter
  • convenient to use;
  • provides accurate data;
  • has an affordable price.
  • not detected.


This meter, like the previous one, belongs to electronic devices and is multifunctional. It will help you make the most accurate moisture readings and see if your plants are getting enough light. The range of the KS-300 is quite large. It is worth noting the fact that the device has a fairly long service life, and this is a definite plus.

With the help of KS-300, the gardener will be able to control those parameters on which the quality of the future crop depends. The device is small in size, can be used to measure indicators in any type of soil, is easy to use and provides the most correct data, which actually distinguishes it from similar devices.

KS-300 has an LCD display and a two hundred millimeter electrode. The device automatically turns off after 5 minutes of inactivity, which helps save battery power. You can track the charge level at any time. It is shown on the display.

During the operation of the KS-300, some shortcomings were identified. These include the fact that the device is discharged quite quickly and, with a low charge, provides insufficiently correct data.

Electronic soil pH, moisture, temperature and light meter KC-300
  • long service life;
  • small sizes;
  • can be used to measure indicators in any type of soil;
  • convenient to use;
  • provides the most correct data.
  • not detected.

Megaon 35280

Megaon 35280 is used to measure humidity and illumination. It has a light weight, plastic, but quite durable case, and does not need to change batteries. The disadvantages of this model include a small range and the inability to measure the level of illumination in a shady area or in a greenhouse.

meter Megeon 35280
  • light weight;
  • plastic, but quite durable case;
  • does not need to change batteries.
  • not detected.


This meter can be called one of the most accurate. It perfectly copes with the task of determining the level of soil moisture and works without batteries.

But this meter cannot be called ideal. The reason for this was its overpriced and small range.

meter ZD-06
  • works without batteries;
  • convenient to use.
  • overcharge;
  • small range.

Probe ETP-301

The ETP-301 probe is a multifunctional device that will help determine the level of illumination, humidity and acidity of the soil. It is ideal if the goal is to identify violations in the rules for keeping indoor plants.

In addition, this meter can also be used to determine the type of soil. Therefore, it is useful both at their summer cottage and at home.The probe-meter will help to control the level of soil moisture both in the garden and in the flower pot.

meter ETP-301
  • works without batteries;
  • easy to use;
  • useful both in the summer cottage and at home.
  • not detected.

Espada APH-58

The multifunctional meter Espada APH-58 will be an ideal assistant for every summer resident during sowing seeds, planting young plants in open ground and daily care for them.

This meter works without additional batteries and provides accurate data after 1 minute after the start of its operation. It can be used both in the garden and at home, and will let you know if you need to make changes to your daily plant care routine.

Espada APH-58 is very easy to operate and has a fairly long service life.

Espada APH-58 meter
  • works without additional batteries;
  • provides accurate data already 1 minute after the start of its operation;
  • easy to use.
  • not detected.

Espada MPS-300

This modern measuring device is used to control several important parameters:

  1. Soil moisture.
  2. soil acidity level.
  3. Illumination.
  4. Temperatures.

With its help, the summer resident will be able to regularly test the soil in greenhouses, greenhouses, in the country and even on his own windowsill. This will help to respond in a timely manner to negative changes in any of the indicators and take measures that will help prevent the death of plants. Espada MPS-300 is what you need to grow healthy and beautiful plants.

Espada MPS-300 meter
  • simple and convenient;
  • exact data after 1 minute.
  • not detected.

APC-1, 4 in 1

ARC-1 is designed to measure the level of moisture in the soil, calculate the pH, determine the temperature and intensity of illumination.

This multifunctional meter has a backlight function, is equipped with a fairly large LCD screen, a battery indicator and an automatic shutdown function that works after a while after the instrument has been inactive.

The device has a high performance. Due to its low weight, it is easy to transport over long distances, which makes the meter ideal for summer residents.

meter APC-1, 4 in 1
  • has a backlight function;
  • equipped with a fairly large LCD screen, battery indicator and automatic shutdown function.
  • not detected.

Luster Leaf Rapitest 1825

This digital meter is used to measure soil moisture levels in greenhouses, paludariums, open areas. It will help you quickly, simply and as conveniently as possible to obtain the necessary information about the quality of the soil and understand how correctly watering plants is carried out.

This model will be an ideal option for any grower, vegetable grower and gardener, no matter how professional he is. It is suitable both for daily use and for conducting various kinds of research and scientific experiments, which became possible due to the highest accuracy of all changes.

Meter Luster Leaf Rapitest 1825
  • digital display on which all readings are clearly visible;
  • the ability to measure the level of moisture content in the soil;
  • instrument development in the United States of America;
  • the presence in the set of information on the norms of watering for 150 different plants.
  • not detected.

How to choose a meter?

The choice of a humidity meter must be taken with special responsibility. To do it right, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Choose those devices that are characterized by increased reliability and durability.
  2. Pay special attention to those devices that have two or more functions. They are considered the most preferred and allow you to measure several indicators at the same time. In addition, these devices will help save you money. After all, buying one thing is much cheaper than buying several units at once.
  3. Give preference to those meters that are powered by solar panels. Such devices are the most convenient to use.
  4. Choose models with an electronic display.
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