
  1. Criteria for choosing an Internet provider
  2. Rating of the best Internet providers in Yekaterinburg

Rating of the best Internet providers in Yekaterinburg in 2025

Rating of the best Internet providers in Yekaterinburg in 2025

Home Internet service has become an integral part of modern man. Home Wi-Fi is essential for households who actively use smartphones and iPhones at home. Fans of chatting with video on WhatsApp or Viber do not need to turn on the computer to talk on Skype. The number of television channels is many times greater than antenna television.

Home Internet provides the ability to view and download, watch your favorite programs and movies online, use e-mail, a huge number of social interest groups, sites of all directions with video recordings, including educational ones, and a lot of other pleasures and necessities.

Home Internet is speed with large volumes and moderate payment, plus quality. All this is provided by Internet providers, the best of which in Yekaterinburg will be discussed in this article.

On the website of a modern provider, you can:

  • fill out the form with the address and get an instant response on the possibility of connection;
  • get acquainted with the tariffs in detail;
  • see the map for coverage areas.

Criteria for choosing an Internet provider

Network coverage

It is possible that the selected provider is not connected to the required address. It is necessary to ask if there is a connection to this service in the house.


Often the tariff provides for packaged services - television for a certain number of channels and the Internet. Also, the tariff depends on the speed - the transfer of the specified parameter Megabits per second. Each user is free to change the tariff, this is his right, so it is not scary to make a mistake when choosing the initial tariff.


The router is required for logging the transmitted data, it is configured by the network address. The router provides simultaneous Wi-Fi operation, Internet access to a computer, printing a printer via Wi-Fi, providing a computer network with Internet.

The router can be purchased independently, or the service provider provides. You need to inquire about the cost:

  1. for previously connected users;
  2. when connected.

Different models of routers have different technical characteristics and capabilities. When consulting with a specialist, you should start from the required functions that the router should perform.

Some providers offer router rental and / or installment plan upon purchase.

Personal Area

An invaluable advantage is that in your personal account you can check the volume of services provided, make a payment, change the tariff, connect / disconnect this or that service.

Mobile app

Almost duplicates the capabilities of a personal account plus information on available services.

Connection and support

The company hotline for technical support in case of failure is a great advantage. Ideally, network congestion does not affect the quality of Internet and TV connections. A measure of quality is also the rapid resolution of the problem when the user contacts it.

Calculation of benefits from switching providers

The reason for switching to another network may be:

  • insufficient Internet limit;
  • a small number of channels;
  • insufficient speed;
  • service cost.

Technological progress has provoked competition among providers. One house can serve several companies. Newcomers entering the market usually dump on prices, but it cannot be assumed that the declared tariffs will remain unchanged.

For the correct calculation, you need to choose:

  1. the tariff that best meets the requirements;
  2. the cost of the service per month, not burdensome for the budget;
  3. the cost of connection on favorable terms, the amount of which will not cover all the benefits in terms of costs;
  4. the availability of promised payment options, the possibility of convenient payment.

If the router was purchased from a previous company, then you need to get a guarantee that it can be used when changing the connection.

Errors when choosing

Package service, namely, it prevails in the services of providers, Internet + TV provides for a certain number of channels, volume and speed of the Internet.

Errors include:

  • the choice of a limited amount of Internet, which is not enough for a month, you have to pay extra;
  • selection of such a number of channels that the TV receiver does not support;
  • independent purchase of a router, some of the functions of which are not used, but are included in a solid cost;
  • inconvenient tariff;
  • incorrect calculation when switching to another provider;
  • no 24/7 technical support.

Rating of the best Internet providers in Yekaterinburg


The company entered the ISP market in 1999 and surpassed 90,000 subscribers. INSIS services can be used in 16 cities of Russia, which are provided by 400 employees of the company.

The company offers services:

  • the Internet;
  • digital TV;
  • virtual PBX;
  • video surveillance;
  • fire prevention systems;
  • access control and management systems;
  • structuring cable systems;
  • WEB - services;
  • AT - outsourcing.

INSIS has technological facilities and its own staff of qualified information technology employees - programmers, system administrators, technicians.

  • compliance with price and quality;
  • the possibility of suspending the provision of services and recalculation;
  • receiving a bonus when connecting a friend, relative, colleague;
  • "Trust payment" function without charging a fee with guaranteed service within 3 days;
  • the function of "parental control" to restrict access to sites promoting violence, obscene language, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, adult content;
  • mobile app.
  • no 24/7 technical support.

Contact Information:

Russia, Yekaterinburg,

Severny Lane, House 2-A.

☎. 8-343-278-60-06


The provider offers 6 models of routers and high-speed Internet.

For digital television, the company offers the following options:

  • placing orders for the list of channels using the Personal Account;
  • change of sound tracks;
  • parental control option;
  • meteorological information on the city;
  • the ability to download a program to view channels on a personal computer.

The SuperHit tariff offers Internet at a speed of 100 megabits / second without limitation, 5 voice communication channels for landline numbers, a router and a TV set-top box are included without payment and more than 300 digital channels.

online 24Hit 28Hit 44SuperHit 2.0SuperOnline 2.0
Internet speed. Megabit/sec500500500500500
digital channels4719130530547
5 channels of voice communication by landline numbers
optical router, price, rubles4499
cost of HD set-top box per day3.891.89--
price - rubles daily23.9927.9743.9700
  • round-the-clock support of specialists;
  • function of deferred payment without interruption of communication;
  • bonus programs and promotions;
  • tariff with a free HD set-top box;
  • high speed internet;
  • notification of clients about the period of preventive maintenance;
  • favorable conditions for the tariff when paying for the next year.
  • high connection fees.

Contact Information:

☎ 8-343-379-00-09

Home ru

The provider has several branches in Russia. When registering in the Personal Account with a login and password, you can use Wi-Fi connections at 9000 points in various places in the city.

ML200XXL 400XXL 600
Internet speed. Megabit/sec100200400600
digital channels156194194194
Cost per month, rubles70085010501150

The company offers an application for viewing programs on smartphones, computers and tablets.

  • round the clock technical support;
  • fast troubleshooting;
  • high bandwidth of the company's networks;
  • bonuses, gifts, promotions;
  • positive user feedback.
  • there is no notification of maintenance work on personal smartphones.

Contact Information:

☎ 8-343-302-25-59


A provider with many years of experience and an extensive network of Internet connections entered the market in 1998. The company carries out design and construction of networks, operation. 13 districts of the city are covered by the information data transmission network.

The company serves not only the private population, but also many large trade and industrial firms, and private entrepreneurs.

newcomernewcomer+DTVGallon 449+DTVBarrel 649+DTVBarrel 849+DTV
Internet speed. Megabit/sec1001005075100
digital channels40240100170240
Cost per month, rubles499599499649849
  • bandwidth - 10 Gigabit / second;
  • quality service and maintenance of uninterrupted access;
  • expansion of the geographical connection network in the region;
  • presence in social networks;
  • the site shows schedules of upgrades in certain areas;
  • a separate offer for a housewarming party;
  • the ability to check the speed limit by access;
  • parental control option;
  • security - provision of anti-virus programs;
  • additional video surveillance services.
  • moderate internet speed.

Contact Information:

☎ 8-343-382-0-382

Skynet Online

The company has been on the market since 1998, transmitting information data via fiber-optic networks. The number of objects covered - from buildings, office centers and high-rise buildings is approaching 3 thousand.

Internet speed. Megabit/sec105075100
Cost per month, rubles210350490630
  • additional software installations of antiviruses and applications;
  • all payment methods are available;
  • speeds vary from 10 to 100 Mbps depending on the tariff;
  • the promised payment option is available;
  • video surveillance services.
  • moderate internet speeds.

Contact Information:

Russia, Yekaterinburg,

st. Karl Marx, house 45.

☎ 8-343-344-35-35

"UralNet" LLC

The provider provides Internet access, Ip TV connection to individuals and companies. Most of the information is updated in the group on VK.

Tariff plans are divided into districts of the city and region.

Expressway 800Express 1000 High speed 1050+TV
Internet speed. Megabit/sec203030
Cost per month, rubles80010001050
  • positive user reviews;
  • the connection works mostly without interruptions;
  • large network coverage area;
  • compliance with price and quality;
  • fast internet.
  • technical support works in shift mode.

Contact Information:

Russia, 620073, Yekaterinburg,

st. Frunze, house 35 Shch, office 216.

☎ 8-343-311-99-97; 8-343-311-99-96.


The Internet provider of Yekaterinburg guarantees connection in a day and the time of filling out an application in 7 minutes.

The fiber-optic cable through which the connection is made with FTTB technology provides excellent TV quality and high data transfer rate.

  • a wide variety of tariffs, thanks to the layout of the basic ones;
  • Installment options for the purchase of set-top boxes and routers are provided;
  • the site is available to check the connectivity;
  • accessible navigation on the site;
  • it is possible to suspend the provision of services for an agreed period.
Internet speed. Megabit/sec100100-100
digital channels112-113144
Cost per month, rubles440375180539
NotesConnecting with a router from the companyThe website has a list of channels.The router is provided in installments
  • the price is higher than the average for the city.

Contact Information:

Russia, Yekaterinburg,

☎ To connect 8-800-301-04-24;

Technical support 8-800-775-0-775


The Yekaterinburg provider dates back to 2011 and is a federal operator, a subsidiary of MegaFon.

Significant achievements have been:

  1. launch of Italian and Armenian channels;
  2. launch of high-speed tariffs with a speed of 500 Mbps.

A special set-top box for broadcasting all channels, programs and interactive services. The equipment turns on when the Internet is available and when Wi-Fi is connected.

The number of channels is selected from 128 to 244 with corresponding prices from 169 to 949 rubles per month.

Additional channel packages range from 4 to 13, with payment from 169 to 219 rubles per month.

My house 15My house 50My house 100Mobile Internet
Internet speed. Megabit/sec15501002GB-11GB
digital channels----
Cost per month, rubles6309901350200-510
NotesConnecting with a router from the companyConnecting with a router from the companyConnecting with a router from the company
  • branded router with a coverage area of ​​70 sq. meters;
  • an installment plan for the purchase of equipment;
  • TV and Internet connection package with advance payment for 12 months;
  • the site shows the coverage area on the map of the city with 3G and 4G Internet;
  • child protection options;
  • additional provision of anti-virus programs;
  • participation in large-scale social programs;
  • Internet connection for a tablet with payment of 150 rubles per month;
  • a popular promotion of a growing discount on Internet + TV package services, where the speed is 100 Mbps, and the number of channels is 70 and 130;
  • the maximum discount for the service is 50%;
  • the ability to calculate discounts online on the site;
  • control of traffic consumption is available in the personal account;
  • protection of online payments;
  • auto payment and promised payment options.
  • There are no reviews on the site.

Contact Information:

Russia, Yekaterinburg,

☎ For connection and technical support 8-343-239-02-39

Technological progress does not stand still, Internet providers compete in the quality of services and in attracting customers.

If a company has been on the market for a long time and has not lost its users connected over the entire period, then such a company can be trusted.

Internet speed remains the leading indicator. Together with the cost and, if desired, with a package of television channels, the service must be of the highest quality, reasonable in price and guaranteed.

In the summer at the dacha, at home, in the office and while traveling, you can stay in touch, use Internet information and applications without much effort and expense, the main thing is to choose the right provider.

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