
  1. Types and features of the operation of inhalers
  2. Criteria for choosing an inhaler for bronchial asthma
  3. The best models of inhalers for asthmatics
  4. Additional Information
  5. Medication inhalers

Rating of the best inhalers for bronchial asthma for 2025

Rating of the best inhalers for bronchial asthma for 2025

Inhalation therapy is prescribed under a variety of circumstances, ranging from the need for standard cold prevention to the permanent relief of symptoms of severe lung diseases. Bronchial asthma is a chronic respiratory disease in which the bronchi become sensitive to irritants. As a result of inflammation of the bronchi, a person is regularly subjected to attacks of suffocation.

People suffering from such a disease cannot live comfortably without medicines and special inhalers, which at the moment prevent an attack and make breathing easier. The inhaler in a matter of seconds delivers the medicine into the respiratory tract, where rapid absorption occurs. There are a huge number of models for asthmatics on the market today, they differ in the type of design, appearance, size and active drug.

This review will tell you in detail about the principle of operation, as well as the advantages of different types of inhalers, tell you how to choose a productive model for the treatment of bronchial asthma, as well as a number of other diseases of the pulmonary system.

Types and features of the operation of inhalers

The main advantage of inhalation therapy is the absence of age restrictions and is used to treat both young children and adults and the elderly. In addition, the inhalation method, that is, spraying the active substance directly onto the mucous membrane of the throat, bypassing the digestive system, provides rapid absorption and instant relief of a cough or suffocation attack. It is much safer than oral medication, which can have a negative effect on the functioning of the liver and other organs.

There are different types of inhalers, each of which has a special principle of operation. The most common types are compressor inhaler (classic nebulizer), mesh (mesh technology), steam and ultrasonic. All, with the exception of steam, are of the nebulizer type, which implies the effect of an aerosol, they form a stream of small particles of a medicinal substance.The type of device is selected based on the type of disease and the focus of inflammation, the requirements for its operation (weight and dimensions), as well as the type of drug. So, not all of the presented types are universal and “support” all types of drugs, some can only spray essential oils and mineral mixtures, and hormonal drugs and antibiotics will be ineffective and even dangerous.

  • Compressor type

It is the most common and popular due to its reliability and ease of use. The principle of operation of this device is to convert the drug into a pleasant aerosol cloud using a built-in compressor that produces a large flow of air through a small hole inside the solution chamber. Thanks to this technology, the medicine is sprayed into the smallest particles, about 3.5 microns in size, and quickly reaches the affected areas of the body at all levels of the respiratory tract. This is a universal and safest type of inhaler, as it is suitable for treating people of any age (special accessories may be included in the kit), and also, due to its design, does not affect the medicinal solution due to the lack of heating, so you can add any active ingredient. The device provides for operation in different modes, they differ in the type of particle division, from large to the smallest, and are selected depending on the area in need of treatment.

The only significant drawbacks of this device are its dimensions and the presence of noise effects - the device is quite large and suitable only for home use, it will be extremely impractical to carry it with you.

  • Ultrasonic devices

They work due to the vibration of the built-in piezoelectric plate, vibrations are created that break the solution into small particles. This scheme of work has the highest productivity, for the minimum amount of time - about 10 minutes, up to 25 ml of the drug is injected into the body, which ensures the maximum effectiveness of the treatment of the disease. Ultrasonic models are compact, lightweight and silent. This is very convenient, since you can always take it with you and carry out procedures anywhere, lying on the couch at home or while visiting.

Not all drugs are compatible with this type of inhaler, for example, antibiotics and hormones tend to break down when exposed to high frequencies, however, the list of substances allowed for use is quite wide.

  • Mesh inhalers (nebulizers) or devices with MESH technology

They are modern analogues of ultrasonic devices. The method of operation is similar to that of its predecessor, only low frequencies are used here instead of high frequencies. Mesh devices are small in weight and size, and they do not make any noise at all, which is a great advantage - you can take them everywhere with you. The efficiency of using this type of inhaler is quite high - a full inhalation is carried out in 3 minutes with a minimum amount of the drug - 0.6 ml.

  • Steam inhaler

It is the simplest and most uncomplicated type, suitable for home use. The technology of its work consists in converting the therapeutic solution into steam, which penetrates into the upper respiratory tract and affects the focus of inflammation.A special temperature control is built into the design, which does not allow the fumes to become too hot and burn the mucous membrane, the likelihood of a burn is minimal due to a special sealed chamber. This device can also be used for steaming the skin and carrying out cosmetic manipulations.

The disadvantage of a steam inhaler can be considered low efficiency - it does not deliver the right amount of a substance to the body due to the transformation of the substance only into large particles, it warms up more and speeds up blood circulation, so the result is achieved extremely slowly and is comparable to the result of a standard physiotherapy. In addition, such inhalation cannot be carried out in the presence of a temperature above 37 degrees, and the range of drugs used is narrowed, since most of them are destroyed under the influence of temperatures.

Criteria for choosing an inhaler for bronchial asthma

So, having decided on the type of device and having studied its principle of operation, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics that will help you make the final choice in favor of a particular model based on your requirements:

  • Reliability;

When choosing any equipment, and especially medical equipment, the reliability and durability of the purchased unit is taken into account so that it serves for a long time and does not require repair. Reliability is determined by the quality of the material from which the product is made, it must be durable and tight. It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer, it is desirable that he occupies a strong position in the market, specializes exclusively in the production of medical equipment and is in demand.Having decided on the type of device and choosing the right model, you should look at customer reviews for this product in online stores and other sites, so you can get acquainted with the nuances of the equipment, get recommendations and advice. It is important that the model has positive feedback - then you can safely take it.

  • Functionality and ease of use;

Some models perform not only the basic functions inherent in the inhalation device, but also have other useful features. So, for example, there are models with several operating modes that control the intensity of spraying and regulate the temperature of the air flow. A big plus will be the presence of additional accessories complete with the device, such as a mask for an infant, interchangeable nozzles. This makes it easier to use and allows the device to be used for the treatment of all family members. It is also worth adding the possibility of automatic spraying to comfort, this allows you to inhale the medicine without making unnecessary manipulations and without synchronizing the breath with the moment of spraying.

  • Efficiency;

The patient's recovery time directly depends on the efficiency of the device, and therefore a model with high productivity is selected. The unit should remove as much of the treatment solution as possible in the shortest possible time, so the procedure time will be significantly reduced, and the result will still be pleasing. This is an important criterion when buying an inhalation device for a young child, so the baby will be less capricious and will be able to use the device at any time.

  • Price;

Price is a very individual and important criterion, because not everyone is able to shell out a lot of money for a regular inhaler.There are models on the market with the same technical capabilities and a variety of price tags, so you can find suitable budget options at any time. The price depends, first of all, on the type of device and its productivity. It is worth noting that you should not save on your health and purchase an unpopular option because of its cheapness, it is so easy to stumble upon a low-quality product and aggravate your health. The best choice would be a device that has an average price.

  • Versatility;

Universality should be understood as the possibility of using all types of medicines in the inhaler, including hormonal ones. A universal device usually costs more, but it can be used in all forms of diseases and circumstances. Thus, you do not need to purchase another device, the universal inhaler will serve for many years for a variety of purposes.

  • Appearance and dimensions.

In the case of various forms of asthma, it is necessary that the inhaler is always at hand and at the right time it could be used to alleviate the attack. There are effective models for home use only, they are medium or large in size, have a decent weight. You cannot take such devices with you, although they help to cope with the disease, therefore, in the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to purchase compact and concise models that can easily fit in a small purse. In addition, the appearance of the inhaler plays an important role, if it is purchased for children, then you should choose a device with a cute or unusual design so that the procedure is fun and interesting, and the child is not afraid.

The best models of inhalers for asthmatics

This is a list of the most popular models of inhalation devices designed for the treatment of asthma. Here their main parameters will be described in detail, as well as all the advantages and disadvantages.

AND CN-231

This is a nebulizer-type compressor inhaler, which is in wide demand in the market and has many positive feedback from buyers. It is reliable and easy to use, comes with adult and children's masks, an additional mouthpiece and a convenient case for storage and transportation. The device operates in several modes: it is able to spray the substance into large (10 microns), medium (4 microns) and small (0.5 microns) particles, which increases the efficiency of use. There is a medicine container up to 13 ml in size, the continuous operation time is 30 minutes. The device has impressive dimensions and a weight of about 1500 g. In addition, the device is designed for water-based preparations only, which limits its operation.

AND CN-231
  • Nice price;
  • Strength and durability;
  • Good efficiency;
  • Availability of accessories;
  • Has several modes of operation.
  • Large size and weight;
  • Suitable for water-based preparations only.

Omron Comp Air NE-C24 Kids

Another popular model of a compressor nebulizer, which is designed for procedures for children of different ages. Thanks to the fun cartoon design, the device will appeal to any child. The device supports a wide range of medicines, produces virtually no noise, and is portable, weighing only 270g.The kit includes several masks, including for babies and an adult, a case for storage and transportation, as well as children's accessories. The device is able to spray the substance on the average (3 microns) and maximum (5 microns) particle size, has a 7 ml chamber and is able to work continuously for 20 minutes. Additional features include a breath-activated camera. The device is easy to clean and disinfect with boiling water or chemicals, and is equipped with V.V.T. technology, which eliminates the use of silicone breathing valves.

The device has an economical consumption of the substance, which increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Omron Comp Air NE-C24 Kids
  • Economic consumption;
  • Cheerful design;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Availability of additional accessories;
  • Noiselessness;
  • There are several modes of operation;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safety;
  • Compactness and portability;
  • There is an activated camera.
  • Not found.

B.Well PRO-115_N

This is a compressor apparatus with a cute design in the form of a train, which will appeal to children. It has two spray modes for medium (3μm) and large (5μm) particles, an 8ml medicine cup, and is also capable of continuous operation for 30 minutes. The device is powered by the mains, it is not easy to carry - the weight is about one and a half kilograms. The kit includes a set of masks for children of different ages and an adult. In addition, there are nozzles for the nose and mouth, a nasal shower, a storage bag and cute stickers. This inexpensive and functional model will help in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and alleviate the course of other chronic lung diseases.

B.Well PRO-115_N
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Good price;
  • There are accessories;
  • There is a nasal shower and nozzles for the nose;
  • There are two modes of operation.
  • Impressive dimensions.

Flaem Nuova Boreal F400

This model of compressor inhaler has a laconic design and a pleasant price. It has several particle adjustment modes, from the largest (10 µm) to the smallest (0.8 µm), a breath-activated chamber and a 9 ml drug container. The mass of this device is 2 kg, which makes it quite heavy. The kit includes a mask for an adult, nozzles for the mouth and nose, as well as a convenient storage case. The continuous operation time is 1 hour. The warranty for the device is 5 years, which is a big plus, and there are no restrictions on the solutions used, which makes it universal.

Flaem Nuova Boreal F400
  • Pleasant cost;
  • Accessories available;
  • Functionality;
  • Long-term quality assurance;
  • There is a breath-activated camera;
  • Versatility.
  • Makes noise;
  • Big weight.

B.Well WN-114 child

A compact and portable mesh nebulizer that is renowned for its quietness and manufacturability. It can be charged both from the mains, and you can purchase special batteries to always take with you, the operating time with them is more than 1 hour. The model has three modes of operation, the largest particles have a size of 5 microns, and the smallest - 0.5 microns. The volume of the drug container is 8 ml, the continuous operation time reaches 20 minutes. The set includes several masks for children and adults, a storage case and batteries.The model is liked by buyers due to its small size and ease of use, with it you can take any position, for example, lie at an angle. Some note the difficulty in regularly cleaning the device, because this must be done regularly and very carefully.

B.Well WN-114 child
  • Compactness and lightness;
  • Noiselessness;
  • Battery operation;
  • There are several modes of operation;
  • Availability of accessories;
  • Ease of use.
  • Requires constant cleaning and maintenance.

Additional Information

NameRating on Yandex-Marketapproximate cost
AND CN-2315.02 811 rub.
Omron Comp Air NE-C24 Kids5.03 822 rub.
B.Well PRO-115_N5.03 000 rub.
Flaem Nuova Boreal F4005.03 700 rub.
B.Well WN-114 child4.54 663 rub.

Medication inhalers

Nebulizers are a well-known and common type of inhalers for bronchial asthma, but there are other types, which we will discuss below.

Liquid aerosol inhalers

The name of the species gives a description of the principle of its work. In a special aerosol container, a liquid is under pressure, namely a medicinal mixture, which, if necessary, is sprayed by pressing a button, or by forcing the container itself to the sprayer.

  • Compactness;
  • independence from the power grid;
  • opportunity to use anywhere.
  • It is not enough just to “splash”, it is necessary to control breathing and correlate it with pressing a button / balloon, so small children and people with coordination problems will not be able to use the device without assistance.

Important! Do inhalation (injection) strictly on inspiration, otherwise, if spraying occurs on exhalation or at the time of a respiratory pause, the medicine will settle on the walls of the larynx, which is fraught with the development of allergies.

Popular aerosol inhalers:

  • Foster;
  • Berodual;
  • Ventolin.

Powder inhalers

The name of devices of this type was formed from the nature of the drug, it is contained in the form of a powder. The use of powder eliminates the need for breath control, which would be required in the case of using a liquid aerosol.

Powder models are very compact, some do not exceed the size of a powder box. The functional indicator shows the powder consumption.

To determine that it is the powder inhaler that the buyer will be able to use the terms “haler”, “multi-disk”, “novolizer” contained in the title.

  • When spraying, it is not necessary to control inhalation / exhalation, the use of the product is out of sync with breathing;
  • Compact and aesthetic appearance;
  • Independent from the mains.
  • Not everyone can afford the device.

The most famous and effective powder options:

  • Symbicort;
  • Formisonide;
  • Relvar Ellipta.

This was a rating of the best inhalers for the treatment of bronchial asthma, which are in demand on the market, have a large number of positive qualities and provide the most effective therapy.

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