
  1. How it works (why you need it)
  2. Kinds
  3. How to choose
  4. Operating Instructions
  5. Top Producers
  6. Rating of high-quality models of IR thermometers

Rating of the best infrared thermometers for 2025

Rating of the best infrared thermometers for 2025

An infrared thermometer is a device that appeared not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity. Mercury thermometers have been replaced by modern technologies that work due to infrared radiation, are able to determine the temperature at a distance. To choose a certain type of thermometer for yourself, you need to understand in detail what it is, in the principles of operation and the main characteristics of the device. And, of course, consider popular models.

How it works (why you need it)

The thermometer was created in 1641 in the Roman Empire. There are 3 scales of measurement: Fahrenheit, Celsius and Réaumur. In Russia, thermometers with the Celsius scale are more common, in England they use the Fahrenheit scale more often, in Germany - Réaumur.

Mercury thermometers used to be used to determine the temperature, but they are not safe, they are easy to break, and the mercury that is inside can harm a person. Nevertheless, they are more accurate, but they are being replaced by modern infrared ones.

How they work

Compares the value of human thermal energy (temperature) with the ideal (36.6 degrees). The laser beam captures any changes and gives the result. It is necessary to point the device at a certain part of the body (forehead, ear) and press the button, after that, within a few seconds (and sometimes even in one second), it will give the result. Infrared radiation is not visible to the human eye. It is also used for space heating, it is as safe as possible for people.

According to the technical characteristics of the devices, with the combination of all these factors, the error should not exceed 0.4 degrees. Although, as practice shows, for some models this figure is higher. To eliminate inaccuracies, you must read the instructions before use and follow them exactly. And do not forget to replace the batteries in time or recharge the thermometer.


With the modern variety of manufacturers and models, it is sometimes difficult to determine how this or that model differs. Let's see what types are:

  1. ear. To work, you need to place the device in your ear. There may be minor contact with a person, which is unsafe for children (infants can be injured).
  2. Frontal. To work, you need to bring it to your forehead. Contact is not needed, works from a distance.Compact, functional and easy to use.
  3. Contactless (pyrometer). The most versatile and reliable. They can determine the temperature in any part of the body. Gives the result to the display after one second. The main thing is to calibrate correctly. It has a sound sensor that works at high temperatures. It can be used for solid, liquid and gaseous substances and surfaces. In everyday life, they are used to measure the degrees of water, food, air, body, etc.

It is important to use the device only for the area for which it is intended.

How to choose

We will analyze what to look for when buying in order to avoid mistakes when choosing.

The most important indicator: the quality of the device. A large error in the results can lead to negative consequences.

Selection Tips (Selection Criteria)

  • Where could I buy. Buy from a reliable supplier and manufacturer. This will protect you from buying a low-quality product that will quickly fail or show the wrong result. The material of the device also matters, especially when used for children.
  • Power type. It is better to choose those that have their own power supply. Then it will last longer, and the result will be more accurate (with a low battery, the device may not show correctly).
  • Functional. A device with an additional function will cost more, if you don’t need extra features, buy a regular one without bells and whistles. This will help you avoid unnecessary expenses.
  • Appearance. When buying, pay attention to the appearance of the device, its integrity and check it in operation;
  • if you choose for a child, then it is better to choose a non-contact type in the form of a toy (it can also measure water and other liquids).
  • If you are buying a thermometer for the elderly or people with poor eyesight, it is better to choose one with a large backlit screen. Read the description of the device when buying.

Operating Instructions

For high-quality operation of the device, it is necessary to follow the rules for its use. It doesn’t matter if it is Russian-made or foreign, for correct and accurate measurement, you must follow the instructions.

  1. The instrument must be charged to a certain level (charging below this level may result in inaccurate results).
  2. Select the desired mode for operation.
  3. Remove all protective caps and prepare the device for operation.
  4. Attach or bring it to the desired part of the body.
  5. View the result, turn on the device, put on the protective caps and remove the thermometer.

How often to measure the temperature will depend on the situation. General recommendations: repeat approximately 40 minutes after the previous measurement.

After work, it is recommended to treat the device with an alcohol-containing solution to reduce the likelihood of illness in other family members when using it.

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of an infrared thermometer, regardless of its manufacturer.

  • safety;
  • ease of use (even a child can handle it);
  • the speed of the result (some measure in one second);
  • gives a signal after displaying the result on the screen;
  • has a built-in memory (allows you to view previous results);
  • can work again immediately after displaying previous results on the screen;
  • compactness;
  • has two scales of measurement Celsius and Fahrenheit;
  • can be used under any conditions (at home, on the street, at work).
  • error in the results (for the most accurate indicator such a device may not be suitable) the error can reach 0.5 degrees;
  • suitable for certain parts of the body (depending on the type);
  • when using the ear apparatus, it should be borne in mind that if the ear becomes inflamed, the result will be inaccurate;
  • the result will be inaccurate if the child cries or screams;
  • when using an ear-type device for a small child, you can damage the ear canal;
  • high price (for some it reaches several thousand);
  • requires periodic verification of the accuracy of indicators in the service center;
  • it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on the thermometer;
  • not effective for sudden changes in temperature in humans.

All the advantages and disadvantages should be considered before buying. Medical devices must be chosen carefully, because they will serve you for several years.

Top Producers

  • B-Well

The company from England produces thermometers of various configurations, unusual shapes and configurations. Their devices have a 2 year warranty.

  • Sensitec

Manufacturer from the Netherlands. It produces contact and non-contact devices, there is a backlight and a sound signal if the temperature is high.

  • AND DT

Japanese company. The devices are assembled in China, which makes it possible to produce budget models. Warranty period - 1 year.

  • Omron

Japanese company. It produces new infrared and electronic thermometers for medical institutions, enterprises and home use.

It is impossible to say for sure which company is better to buy, different models have different characteristics and design features both in terms of functionality and price.There are inexpensive (budget) models that last much longer than more functional expensive ones.

Rating of high-quality models of IR thermometers

For health, you need to choose proven models, because the sooner and more accurately the disease is determined, the faster the recovery will be. The rating includes popular models. The review, reviews and the number of purchases in online stores were taken as the basis. According to buyers, these models are the best.

Beurer FT 58

It is necessary to hold so that he looks exactly at the eardrum. If it is shifted to another point, the result will be inaccurate. Price: from 2,400 rubles.

Beurer FT 58
  • fast time to determine the result;
  • additional set of protective caps;
  • auto power off.
  • no backlight;
  • not contactless;
  • on batteries.
Time to determine the result (sec)1
Device memory9
The presence of a flexible tipmissing
Sound signalavailable
Auto power offavailable
Waterproofnot waterproof
Max degrees100
Display backlightno backlight
Measurement of surrounding objectspresent
Air measurementpresent
Dimensions (in mm)155/47/28
Weight (gram)57

Microlife NC200

It works automatically at a distance of 5 cm. The distance indicator is located on the rear panel. The red indicator lights up at temperatures above 37.4 degrees. Price: from 3,500 rubles.

Microlife NC200
  • there is a mute function for night work;
  • great memory.
  • price.
CharacteristicValue / indicator
Measurement time (sec)3
Sound signalYes
Display backlightYes
Indicator for surrounding objectsYes
Air indicatorYes
Weight (gram)91.5

Omron Gentle Temp 720

Forehead thermometer, Japanese manufacturer. It also shows the change in the energy of the object and the air in the room. Two units of measure Fahrenheit and Celsius. Average price: 3,000 rubles.

Omron Gentle Temp 720
  • great memory;
  • contactless;
  • auto power off.
  • fast battery drain.
Measurement time (sec)1
flexible tipNo
Sound signalYes
Auto power offYes
Display backlightYes
Measurement of surrounding objectsYes
Air measurementYes
size (length/width/height in mm)93/46/57
Weight (gram)50

A&D DT635

Forehead thermometer. The error is 0.2 degrees. Average price: 1,500 rubles. Can be used to work in the ear canal. Emits a beep when the indicator is over 38 degrees.

A&D DT635
  • price;
  • waterproof;
  • contactless
  • little memory.
Measurement time (sec)1
flexible tip-
Sound signal+
Auto power off+
Maximum temperature (degrees)50
Display backlight+
Measurement of surrounding objects+
Air measurement+
Size (length/width/height in mm)114/24/33
Weight (gram)49

WELL WF-1000

Thermometer for measuring readings on the forehead and ear. Average price: 3,500 rubles.

WELL WF-1000
  • convenient for use in children;
  • gives an audible signal at elevated rates.
  • little memory;
  • no display backlight.
Measurement time (sec)2-3
flexible tip-
Sound signal+
Auto power off+
Maximum temperature (degrees)50
Display backlight-
Measurement of surrounding objects+
Air measurement+
Size (length/width/height in mm)48/32/105
Weight (gram)50

Sensitec NF 3101

Non-contact thermometer. Measures the frontal, temporal and ear zones. Average price: 5,000 rubles.

Sensitec NF 3101
  • great memory;
  • suitable for children;
  • automatically adjusts to the measurement zones.
  • price;
  • prevent water from entering the device.
Measurement time (sec)1
flexible tip-
Sound signal+
Auto power off+
Equipmentwithout a complete set
Maximum temperature (degrees)60
Display backlightthere is
Measurement of surrounding objectsthere is
Air measurementno measurement
Size (length/width/height in mm)149/77/43
Weight (gram)175


The device is made in Germany and has several measuring zones. Average price: 5,000 rubles.

  • multifunctionality;
  • great memory;
  • convenient to take with you.
  • price;
  • should not be allowed to come into contact with water.
Characteristic / indicatorMeaning
Contactlessyes, contactless
Measurement time1 second
flexible tipNo
Sound signalthere is
Auto power offthere is
Equipmentcase included
Maximum temperature (degrees)100
Display backlight+
Measurement of surrounding objects+
Air measurement+
Size (in mm)147/38/21
Weight (gram)48

Rycom JXB-182

Non-contact thermometer. Fast and accurate measurement in 1 second. Average price: 2,000 rubles.

Rycom JXB-182
  • great memory;
  • price;
  • multifunctionality.
  • cannot be immersed in water;
  • battery powered (discharge quickly).
Measurement time (sec)1
Sound signalpresent
Auto power offthere is an auto-off
Waterproofshould not be allowed to come into contact with water
Equipmentwithout a complete set
Maximum temperature (degrees)60
Display backlight+
The temperature of the surroundings+
Air indicator+
Size (length/width/height in mm)170/50/50
Weight (gram)97

B.Well WF-2000

Multifunctional device. Non-contact applicable for many tasks. Price range: 1,000 - 2,000 rubles.

B.Well WF-2000
  • price;
  • multifunctionality;
  • contactless;
  • measures even negative temperatures.
  • no display backlight;
  • cannot be immersed in water.
Measurement time (sec)5
Measurement memory25
flexible tip-
Sound signal+
Auto power off+
Equipmentno case included
Maximum temperature (degrees)80
Display backlight-
Measurement of surrounding objects+
Air measurement+

The reasons for the increase in temperature can be different (from SARS to more serious hidden diseases), it is very important to determine it in a short time and more accurately for further treatment and elimination of health problems. The doctor will already tell you how to bring down the temperature and further treatment.

A modern IR thermometer will help you quickly and accurately determine the temperature. The main thing is to follow the instructions for its use. For children, it is better to take children, some are designed in the form of a toy. It is most convenient to buy in an online store (order online) or choose at a pharmacy. Compare prices in different places, how much it costs and what guarantees, then decide which one is better to buy for you.

Remember that for diseases of any nature, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

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