Ranking of the best plaque indicators for 2025

Ranking of the best plaque indicators for 2025

Recently, the range of the best indicators of plaque has been replenished with new trade names. These medications are sold in liquid or tablet form. The difference between them lies not only in what they are in composition, but also in the technologies of application, how to use them. Tablets are the most convenient to use. Liquid, in turn, can indicate the presence of contamination in any hard-to-reach place. About the features of the use of the best indicators of plaque - below.

What does this drug consist of?

The standard description of the composition of tablets for the indication of plaque includes:

  • potassium sorbate;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • food colorings.

Often saccharin is included in the composition. To improve the taste, manufacturers also add flavors.

Recommendations for choosing

Choosing which indicator is better to buy should be guided by the following selection criteria:

  • Manufacturer country;
  • customer reviews;
  • individual needs;
  • what is the price.

It is best to buy this type of beauty product at a pharmacy. A drug purchased through the network, according to dentists, may not be of good enough quality.

How to properly care for your teeth

The question of how to choose a tool or types of dental care products should be considered separately. Now in stores and pharmacies a wide range of devices is presented. However, their improper use will not only not give the expected result, but can also harm the health of the teeth.

There is a list of elementary requirements, compliance with which will help ensure proper oral care and maintain healthy teeth:

  • the brushing and toothpaste process must be thorough. This procedure is carried out in the morning and before bedtime. The brush works in different directions during cleaning.
  • Don't stop flossing your teeth after every meal. Thus, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of plaque on the surface of the enamel.
  • reduce the amount of sugar and starch in your daily diet. Fans of frequent snacking are also prone to early destruction of tooth enamel;
  • You should visit the dentist at least once every two months.

Varieties of indicators

Plaque determination diagnostics is performed by indicators of the following types:

  • conditioner;
  • tablets;
  • indicator solution;
  • dental mirror with illumination;
  • special fluid.

Liquid + tablets

Benefits of Using Indicators

This type of drug performs a number of functions:

  • detection of the presence of solid particles and plaque;
  • assessment of the level of cleanliness of teeth;
  • prevention of certain diseases;
  • occupational hygiene training;
  • identifying problems in hard-to-reach places;
  • determination of the age of contamination of a particular site.

Mode of application

The solution is applied in the dental office by a dentist. Liquid and tablets can be used at home. The principle of application is as follows:

  1. apply the drug to the surface of the teeth;
  2. spit out the rest of the product;
  3. rinse with warm water;
  4. review the result in the mirror;
  5. brush your teeth.

How not to make a mistake when buying

When choosing a plaque indicator, many people often make mistakes when choosing:

  • before the start of use, patients neglect to check the effect of the drug in terms of the presence of allergic reactions;
  • before buying an indicator for a child, adults do not pay attention to the age category;
  • the drug is purchased not in accordance with the appointment, but focusing on budget or elite ones.

Notable Manufacturers

The type of medical product that this material talks about is produced by so many brands.However, there is a rating that includes the best manufacturers and the most popular models, according to buyers:

  • Country - Switzerland. The company specializes in the production of dental care products. Each product is produced in accordance with innovative developments in the field. It should be noted that hygiene products of this company are the most popular among consumers.
  • StomaDent. Goods are produced in our country. The brand has been known since 1989. All products are of high quality. Produces dental products for various purposes.
  • Country of origin - Italy. The company was founded in the late 1990s. The product range is extremely varied. Goods comply with ISO quality indicators.

  • Modum Wunderdent. The brand arose as a result of the merger of a well-known Belarusian and German companies. Appeared on the market of dental products relatively recently. The goods are of good quality.
  • Miradent. The country of production is Germany. The brand has been known since 1982. Develops effective dental products, in accordance with norms and quality standards. Products are created by qualified dentists together with leading pharmacists.
  • paro. Country of origin - Switzerland. The company has been known since the late 1970s. The main activity of the company is aimed at the production of drugs that prevent diseases of the teeth and gums. Testing of each individual product is carried out in accordance with the latest innovative developments.

Plaque indicators

Before you buy an indicator for teeth, you should study the advantages and disadvantages of products provided by various manufacturers.Only by making a comparison can you decide which company is better and where to buy cheaper.


The product is presented in the form of pink tablets. There are ten of them in one pack. Dental plaque is stained with a light red tint. The taste of the drug is sweet, vanilla. The coloring agent is erythrosin. The cost of Dinal tablets in a pharmacy is a little more than two hundred rubles.


Dinal plaque indicator
  • bright pink color;
  • vanilla flavor;
  • light weight makes it easy to carry;
  • the dye does not fall on the gums;
  • domestic production;
  • the smell is completely absent;
  • inexpensive in price.
  • not always available for sale.


The liquid stains the plaque with a bright pink color. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening. The volume of the bottle is more than 300 milliliters. Made in Belarus. The ink can be quickly removed during standard brushing. The drug is absolutely safe to use. It has a refreshing taste and aroma. Use only on the advice of a dentist. The price of a jar is about four hundred rubles.

WUNDERDENT plaque indicator
  • bulk bottle;
  • the ability to quickly remove the coloring pigment;
  • safety of use;
  • refreshing minty taste and smell.
  • doctor's advice is needed.


Plaque appears thirty seconds after the even distribution of the liquid. The shade can turn out both bright pink and red. The tool is included in the rating of high-quality and safe to use. It has a refreshing taste and aroma. The cost of the drug is approximately 400 rubles.


Presidential plaque indicator
  • safety of use;
  • Italian production;
  • freshens breath.
  • average price for a small bottle.

Curaprox PCA 260

The tool is presented in the form of a liquid. Made in USA. The volume of the bottle is 60 milliliters. Great alternative to chewable tablets. The application gives a two-tone effect: the old plaque turns blue, fresh - red. Consists of organic dyes, glycerin and water. To remove the remedy, you must thoroughly brush your teeth. One bottle for adult patients costs about four thousand rubles.

Curaprox PCA 260

Curaprox PCA 260 plaque indicator
  • American production;
  • tastes like tea;
  • convenient release form;
  • with dual color effect.
  • small volume of the bottle;
  • removal requires a thorough cleaning of the teeth;
  • not recommended for children;
  • very high cost.

Miradent Mira 2 Tone

Sold in the form of tablets. There are six pieces in one pack. Made in Germany. Tartar is stained red. The fact that additional cleaning of the enamel is required is indicated by blue. A purplish-red hue indicates the need for a visit to the dentist. The composition of the drug is completely safe. The result is immediate and accurate. Another thing to pay attention to is that the use of this tool will raise the quality of hygiene and help identify some dental diseases at an early stage. It is not recommended to swallow the tablets. The composition does not contain erythrosin. You can buy such a drug for about 400 rubles.

Miradent Mira 2 Tone

Miradent Mira 2 Ton plaque indicator
  • German production;
  • painting each type of defects in a separate color;
  • safe composition;
  • helps with tartar;
  • instant result;
  • the possibility of diagnosing a number of diseases;
  • does not contain erythrosin;
  • affordable cost.
  • not recommended to be swallowed.


Swedish chewable tablets. Suitable for braces. There are ten pieces in one pack. The new plaque turns red, and the one formed half a day ago turns blue. The disadvantage is the staining of clothes and furniture. The drug costs a little more than four hundred rubles.


TePe plaque indicator
  • Swedish manufacturer;
  • can be used with braces;
  • two-color effect;
  • weigh only a few grams.
  • stains furniture and clothes.

Miradent Plaque Agent

It is used like any other liquid indicator. Existing plaque remnants will turn blue. After use, brush your teeth. The bottle has a volume of 500 milliliters. It has a pleasant rich taste. Staining applies only to damaged areas. The mucosa is not irritated during application. There is no erythrosin in the composition. You can buy a children's drug at a price of about eight hundred rubles per jar.

Miradent Plaque Agent

Miradent Plaque Agent plaque indicator
  • large volume of the bottle by the number of ml;
  • has the best taste characteristics;
  • paints only areas with plaque;
  • without erythrosin.
  • high price.
NameCountry of Origin
Curaprox PCA 260USA
Miradent Mira 2 ToneGermany
Miradent Plaque AgentGermany

To date, a fairly large number of varieties of plaque indicators are presented. They are inexpensive or included in the list of elite. Sold in the form of tablets and liquid solutions. You can choose the right one, focusing on the advice of a doctor and your own needs.However, before purchasing, you should definitely figure out what it is, why you need it and how to use it. This should be done with a good specialist in the field of dentistry. This step will help keep your teeth healthy.

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