
  1. The benefits of drawing
  2. At what age do you start drawing
  3. How to choose the right art school
  4. Art schools in Yekaterinburg

Ranking of the best art schools in Yekaterinburg in 2025

Ranking of the best art schools in Yekaterinburg in 2025

Personality must develop harmoniously. To do this, you need to find its creative side and develop it in the right direction. In order for talent to be revealed, it is important not to miss this opportunity in childhood. Art schools give the basics not only of drawing and painting, but also delve into history, provide an opportunity to study composition and sculpture. We will talk about the best art schools in Yekaterinburg below.

The benefits of drawing

Most importantly, the process of drawing helps a person to show his inner "I", projecting his psychological state on paper. So is the development of imagination and orientation in space. By creating unusual characters or creatures, you can give free rein to your imagination. When drawing, both hemispheres of the brain are involved, which will positively affect the development of speech, memory, and thinking.

This option of creative activity has a calming effect not only on children, but also on adults. Children prone to neurosis, it is especially useful to draw. Art therapy will help to throw out all the negativity, get rid of tension, bad thoughts and fatigue.

Thanks to the paintings, a person learns his individuality, begins to look at the world and surrounding objects in a different way.

At what age do you start drawing

The first drawing lessons can be started with a child from 9 months. At first it can be finger paints. You can make them yourself, then they will be safer. But the store version does not contain toxic substances. Later, you can start drawing with wax crayons and felt-tip pens. Even ordinary kalyaki-malaki will be of great benefit to the baby. So he will learn to hold a pencil correctly, learn colors, develop fine motor skills, which in the future will have a great impact on the development of speech, coordination and attention.

How to choose the right art school

Nowadays, creativity is quite important. Many different art schools and creative centers for children and adults.And with such a variety it is very difficult to determine the choice of a suitable educational institution.

To begin with, it is better to visit the school and get acquainted with the teachers of their work. Perhaps there will be an open day before the start of the school year.

You should also pay attention to the teaching methods, what goals the students will face, and what they can achieve.

The next not unimportant criterion is the material with which the students will work. With quality accessories, doing is easier and more interesting.

You should also pay attention to the room in which the classes will be held. It should be spacious and light. A large space is necessary in order to evaluate your creative process from the outside.

Classes held in small groups of people will give a more productive result. The teacher will be able to pay attention to each student and convey more information.

Exhibitions of works by students and teachers are one of the positive signs of a good art school. Seeing your work showcased, comparing it with others, and getting a little critique from professionals will give you the opportunity to take a step forward in your creative life.

Art schools in Yekaterinburg

Children's Art School No. 1 named after. P.P. Chistyakova

This is one of the first schools that appeared in the Soviet Union in the postwar years. This art school is a “school of equal opportunities”, both children and adults can study here. But the main specialization remains drawing with children and teenagers.

Much attention is paid to academic drawing. This tradition has remained since the first teachers and is honored to this day.

Since 1993 art school No. 1 has become the methodological center of art schools in Yekaterinburg.The teachers of the school organize exhibitions, seminars and competitions on artistic drawing in the city, as well as provide consultations on teaching methods and individual internships.

In 2008, the school received the status of "Premium" and corresponds to it to this day.

Most of the graduates of the Children's Art School No. 1 continue their activities in art and enter higher professional art schools.

Contact information: Karl Liebknecht str., 2, e-mail: , ☎ 371-65-91

  • Has been operating for over 70 years;
  • Premium status;
  • Teaching adults and children.
  • Not found.

Children's Art School No. 2 named after. G.S. Mosin

The opening of the school took place in 1976, then it functioned on the basis of a secondary school, but already in 1993 it began to work independently.

The school provides 4 programs of harmonious development. The first stage is intended for children from 5 years old. Here, children will develop their creative abilities and imaginative thinking, get acquainted with the world of art and artistic culture. Classes are held in a group of 10-14 people.

"Fundamentals of visual literacy" - the second stage of training. Designed for children 7-9 years old. Here is an in-depth study of the first stage program, as well as an understanding of hatching, shape and color. After passing the second stage, the student's abilities will be visible, it is clear in which direction it is better for him to move on. Classes are held in a group of 10-14 people.In the third stage of training, pre-training for professional activity begins. Painting, drawing and composition programs will be studied.

The fourth stage is intended for children from 15 years old. The program of the course is designed to prepare for admission to higher art educational institutions.

Training is conducted on a budgetary and paid basis.

Contact information: st. Chapaeva, d. 8a, ☎ 257-32-48, email:

  • Individual approach;
  • There are classes in sand animation;
  • Training takes place on the principle of art therapy.
  • No.

By choosing an art school where the child will be comfortable, you can be sure that even if the child does not reach professional heights, he will receive a harmonious development, while enjoying the process.

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