
  1. Why does a child need to draw?
  2. How to choose an art school?
  3. Ranking of the best art schools in Chelyabinsk in 2025

Rating of the best art schools in Chelyabinsk for 2025

Rating of the best art schools in Chelyabinsk for 2025

Even if your child does not connect his life with the fine arts in the future, the ability to draw may still be needed. Representatives of many professions (confectioners, designers, engineers, and others) face the need to draw directly in their work, despite the fact that there are different computer programs in the modern world.

Also, drawing helps to fulfill oneself and serves as a kind of therapy that allows you to express your emotions on paper and relieve stress.

Why does a child need to draw?

Drawing has a very positive effect on the development of the child.Firstly, fine motor skills develop, and everyone knows the connection between fine motor skills of the hands and the speech centers of the brain. Secondly, the child becomes more assiduous and attentive, learns to bring the work started to the end. With the help of drawing, fantasy, creativity and creative thinking are easily developed. Children who draw usually have very beautiful handwriting, which, of course, can be attributed to the pluses of drawing.

Of course, like everything in this world, drawing has its drawbacks:

  • A lot of criticism from teachers in class. Children who do not know how to adequately perceive criticism will find it difficult to draw;
  • Constantly dirty clothes. Most art paints and pencils do not wash very well, so it is best for a child to purchase special clothes for classes so as not to throw away good things that will be stained with paint;
  • Poisoning is a rare but dangerous phenomenon. It is important to immediately explain to the child that paints cannot be eaten, drunk, applied to the skin, and even more so to the eyes;
  • Back and posture problems. This is facilitated by the wrong posture when drawing;
  • All kinds of creativity require a lot of time;
  • High prices for materials and paints.

How to choose an art school?

You can learn to draw in several types of institutions of additional education. Each of them has its own characteristics and directions:

  • Fine art circle. They teach the basics of drawing. To be honest, not all such clubs have a quality teaching methodology, but as a rule, they teach basic skills. This form is great for very young children. For the entire period of visiting the art circle, parents will be able to understand how interesting this direction is for the child, whether he has a predisposition to drawing.If the child has an interest and desire to study further, it is better to send him to a professional studio or art school;
  • Creative studio. Today there are many creative studios in Chelyabinsk. The main difference between a creative studio and a circle is that author's programs and methods are used here, which may or may not suit a particular child. You can understand this only after a few lessons. The main advantage of creative studios is the variety of techniques and techniques. Here they do not focus only on drawing, here they will sculpt, engage in appliqué and applied arts;
  • Children's art school. The first two options will be quite enough for classes at an amateur level. If in the future it is planned to connect the life of a child with the fine arts, then it is better to pay attention to professional schools that provide classical art education. They not only teach to draw with different techniques, but also contribute to the development of their own recognizable style. After graduating from such schools, it is easier to enter art universities. The main disadvantage is that classes take up most of the free time from the general education school. Also, in such educational institutions, homework is also given.

Ranking of the best art schools in Chelyabinsk in 2025

Art School "Sketch"

Address: Chelyabinsk, st. Kirova, 130, building 3, 4th floor.

The school conducts art and creative classes for children from the age of three. The author's teaching methodology is adapted for all levels of training: from beginner to advanced.

In the art school "Sketch" in the city of Chelyabinsk, you can master the skills of drawing with pencils and colored pencils, pastels, watercolors, gouache, oils or acrylics.In addition, the school provides training in non-traditional drawing techniques, such as plasticine painting.

Course duration: minimum - one month, maximum - three years. Training is conducted in groups (no more than 8 people). The main criterion for their formation is age.

Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certificate of completion of the course.

Cost: trial lesson - 390 rubles. Group for children and adults - 2500 rubles (8 lessons per month for 1.5 hours). Individual - 5000 rubles. For young children (together with parents) - 625 rubles per lesson. When you purchase a subscription for a month, a trial lesson is free.

  • Convenient location in the city center;
  • Own parking;
  • Author's teaching methodology;
  • Small number of people in the group.
  • The presence of only pictorial directions.

Studio of contemporary art "VivArt"

Address: Chelyabinsk, st. Marksa, d. 72b.

In April 2014, VivArt united those residents of Chelyabinsk who are passionate about music, drawing and dancing under the roof of an old mansion. The teaching staff included talented teachers who graduated from the best music universities and are part of the professional teams of the Southern Urals. The unique author's teaching methodology, based on the program of interdisciplinary connections and a special creative aura, liberate students, which allows them to improve their talent.

The studio provides training in the following areas: pop, jazz, rock vocals, modern choreography, playing instruments, acting.

Tuition fees depend on the chosen course. So, one group lesson lasting 45 minutes on aesthetic development will cost 400 rubles.The price for an individual lesson starts from 550 rubles. Here you can also rent a recording studio: an hour 3000 rubles.

  • A wide range of directions for learning choreography and playing instruments;
  • Highly qualified teaching staff.
  • The site states the direction "painting", but there is no information about it;
  • High cost per session.

Art Studio "Live Pictures"

Address: Chelyabinsk, st. Svoboda, d.2.

The art studio specializes in visual arts. There is a training for beginners "Right Hemispheric Drawing", master classes for all age groups in drawing with different techniques (all types of painting, drawing, batik). In the Living Pictures art studio, you can try an unusual technique of working with glass - fusing.

There are both group and individual lessons. In the official Vkontakte group, you can purchase video courses on drawing certain pictures in various techniques. The price of such video classes ranges from 1800 to 22000 rubles. The exact cost of individual and group lessons can be found out only in a personal conversation with the curator of the art studio.

In addition, the art studio sells copyrighted works: paintings, glass souvenirs, knitted and textile toys.

  • Possibility of online learning;
  • Additional areas of applied art;
  • Work with different age groups: from 3 years and older.
  • The price list is not publicly available;
  • The site does not work;
  • Few student reviews.

Children's art school of arts in Chelyabinsk

Address: Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsky prospect, 30.

This is a municipal autonomous institution of additional education, education in which is based on academic realistic art.It should be noted that this is the only school of realistic art in Chelyabinsk.

Five training programs are being implemented here. For general development, general education programs are offered: "Fine Arts", "Sculpture", "Easel Composition", "Fundamentals of Fine Arts". Each program has an individual mandatory and optional part. For students who plan to enter universities in this specialty, there is a pre-professional direction "Painting". It includes compulsory lessons in drawing, painting, easel composition, art history and plein air. Additionally, you can choose a sculpture or an applied composition.

The school accepts children aged 10-13 years at the end of May. For younger children (7-9 years old) there is a program "Fundamentals of Fine Arts". For admission, all students pass entrance exams. All children who have passed them study for free. For those who did not pass, there is a paid department.

The duration of training depends on the direction. On average, this is at least 4 years. At the end of the educational institution, all graduates receive a certificate of graduation from the state institution.

  • State training program;
  • The graduation certificate is accepted in all colleges and universities in the specialty;
  • Availability of budget places;
  • Quality preparation.
  • Big competition for one place.

Art Studio "Mazilki"

Address: Chelyabinsk, DKDZh, st. Zvillinka, d. 54, room. 305.

A children's cabinet of fine arts has been opened in the House of Culture of Railway Workers. The institution of additional education implements the author's methodology of I. G. Teitelbaum (the head of the studio has an artistic and geographical specialty of a pedagogical profile).

The goal of the art studio is to develop children's spatial vision, imaginative thinking and intuition. Children are taught the basic skills of drawing: drawing, painting, plein air, paper plastic sculpture, design of different directions, ceramics and batik. The studio accepts children from the age of four.

In addition, the art studio is preparing for admission to art universities. Applicants are taught to draw a plaster head and portraiture.

You can find out about the cost of classes and admission to the art studio from the curator of the institution of additional education or in social networks. The price list has not been released to the public.

  • Targeting children who plan to connect their lives with the fine arts;
  • Large selection of destinations;
  • Author's program.
  • The absence of any feedback on the work of the art studio on the Internet.

Children's Art School No. 5 in Chelyabinsk

Last year Children's Art School #5 celebrated its 65th birthday. The institution of additional education is the laureate of the regional competition "The best institution of art education for children-2016". Many graduates aspire to continue their professional education after graduation. This is facilitated by a creative atmosphere, boundless love for children, highly qualified teaching staff. Every year, graduates of Children's Art School No. 5 enter higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

The school strives to provide an education that will ensure the comprehensive development of the growing generation and help self-realization in the creative field.

The educational program "Painting", which is implemented at the Children's Art School No. 5 in Chelyabinsk, includes classes in painting, drawing, composition and art history. For pre-professional training, the basics of performing skills and the drawing of the head and figure of a person are supplemented. The duration of training is 5 years.

  • Education program approved by the Ministry of Education;
  • Highly qualified teaching staff;
  • The presence of a preparatory program for admission to universities.
  • Not detected.

Studio "Nuance"

Address: Chelyabinsk, st. Vitebskaya, 4, office 324.

The art studio provides lessons in painting, drawing, and composition. There are also classes in vocals and music, photography and video filming. Classes are held both individually and in groups. Adult classes last three hours, children's - two. On average, 1 hour of a group lesson will cost 400 rubles, an individual one - 800 rubles. Studio "Nuance" offers its customers subscriptions and discounts for regular students. A separate price is valid for sketch classes. So, 1 hour for a sketch in clothes costs 350 rubles, and nudity - 450 rubles.

The studio provides all the necessary tools and materials for classes.

  • Material provided by the studio;
  • Large selection of subscriptions;
  • Teaching methodology.
  • Constantly changing schedule, which needs to be checked with teachers;
  • High price.

Sava drawing and painting studio

Address: Chelyabinsk, st. Vitebskaya, 4, office 425.

The contemporary art studio Sava is based on the Integro design bureau. Head - Marina Yurievna Poruchikova.The teaching staff includes only like-minded people of the art world - professional and talented artists. The studio offers drawing courses and master classes, lectures. Classes are held in all directions and for all ages. Teachers of the institution actively use design experience. Classes are adapted to each student so that he is as comfortable and understandable as possible.

There are several educational programs for children and adults. Thus, a painting lesson for children aged 4-6 will cost 600 rubles, and an in-depth study group to prepare for admission will cost 1,200 rubles per lesson. For adults, there are advanced painting classes and drawing classes from scratch.

The studio provides a paid trial lesson and subscriptions for a month.

  • Professional teaching staff;
  • Author's teaching methods for each age group;
  • Availability of an in-depth course and a course from scratch;
  • Conducting workshops and art parties.
  • High price.

Drawing is creativity, in which the inner world of a person is manifested. It is important to start developing the existing talent in vocational schools already in childhood. Even if the child is not professionally associated with drawing, it will definitely come in handy in adult life, because fine art develops imagination, a sense of beauty and aesthetics.

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