
  1. What is the purpose of the suppressor?
  2. Characteristics of coupling suppressors
  3. Stationary Jamming Devices
  4. Small Silencers (Portable)
  5. The best models of stationary jammers
  6. The best mobile silencers
  7. Which signal suppressor to choose

Rating of the best cell phone jammers in 2025

Rating of the best cell phone jammers in 2025

Cellular jammers are a device that suppresses specified frequency ranges. The device causes interference that prevents mobile phones and spy devices from working properly. Under its influence, it will not be possible to transfer information from one gadget to another.

What is the purpose of the suppressor?

Any mobile device can be listened to. This does not require the consent of the owner. A large number of programs have been invented with which you can control the microphone and camera in any phone. And you can do it remotely. The owner will not suspect that he is being tapped. After all, there will be no changes in the operation of the phone that indicate the fact of espionage. Any secret information can be written down and thrown off using a simple mobile phone. You don't even need special spy equipment.

Turning off the phone completely will not save you from listening. A person can be spied on even if the mobile phone is switched offline. Modern methods allow you to eavesdrop on any gadget. Therefore, if a person suspects that he is being followed, then you can use a mobile communications jammer. By connecting such a device, you can not worry about your safety.

There is another good reason why you would need a communications suppressor. This is the provision of silence during public speaking. If the speaker is annoyed by phone calls, beeps and melodies in the process of making a speech, then you can use a neutralizer. The device will provide a fertile environment where the audience will not be distracted by the extraneous noise of mobile phones.

Application of communication suppressors

Signal suppressors are used to neutralize 3G, 4G, Bt, Glonass/gps wireless communication channels. This is usually done in places where the use of the above ranges is prohibited or not desirable.
In some cases, cell phone jammers are used as protection during negotiations. The device can be used both separately and in systems of mass protection of conversations in office buildings.

The microphone is the weak point of any mobile phone. From a great distance, it can be activated using special tools, and then eavesdrop on all conversations in the office where the gadget is currently located. Therefore, any mobile phone in our time is a device for transmitting and reading information. If a person has access to classified materials, then he will have to protect his phone with a communication suppressor. Confidentiality of negotiations is impossible without the use of an extinguisher.

Characteristics of coupling suppressors

Before choosing a device, you should know what parameters to pay attention to:


The distance at which cellular jammers work varies. The operating range largely depends on the power of the device and the distance between the base station of mobile operators to the source of radiation of the telephone absorber. Typically, cell jamming devices are produced with a range of 2 to 50 meters.

The same apparatus for neutralizing signals, located in different parts of the same building, will produce a different damping effect for certain telecom operators. This suggests that the power of the wave from the base station is different in different parts of the premises.

Strong suppressors are more expensive than less powerful counterparts. When buying such a product, you need to check it. You will need to test all the functions of the device in your territory. Indeed, in different conditions, the device can produce a different range. The user needs to make sure that the purchase suits him in all respects.

Principle of operation

Signal suppressors are made of circular and directional action. The first ones work according to a certain diameter near the apparatus.The latter act on a specific place, emitting a signal in a strictly defined direction. Therefore, when choosing a wave damper, it is necessary to take into account the distribution radius and the range of the directional effect of the signal.

By execution

Modern manufacturers produce street stationary and portable units.

Stationary Jamming Devices

Stationary suppression devices are needed to jam a signal of a certain frequency range along a given radius, provided that there is a constant power supply from a 220 V network. Another power option is a car cigarette lighter or other methods of supplying electric current. The signal silencer is installed indoors and is moved in rare cases. This is due to the size of the device. In most cases, such devices are used:

  • in office buildings to ensure the privacy of the conversation and prevent data leakage;
  • in a theatre, museum or other cultural institution to ensure silence;
  • in educational institutions during an exam or test.

Small Silencers (Portable)

Small appliances stand out due to their dimensions, due to which they are easily transported and will always be there. The battery charge allows you to block the signal while on the road or where there is no stationary electrical network.

For portable devices, the jamming of the signal occurs within a small radius, which allows, while ensuring personal safety, not to affect others. Another criterion in their favor is their low cost. All this expands the possibilities of application:

  • to block the signal at home so that children do not sit on their phones for a long time;
  • in order to prevent information leaks;
  • in public transport so that the driver is not distracted by loud conversations;
  • small devices block the signal of listening devices, GPS trackers, GLONASS satellites, bugs.

The best models of stationary jammers

There is no specific device that is better at everything. Each suppressor is good for a specific task, which can be solved with its help. Here we will talk about the devices that are most in demand among consumers, indicating the features of the devices.

Alligator 80 USE

A novelty for suppressing mobile phone signals - "Alligator 80 EGE" allows you to block cellular signals and data transmission over the mobile Internet in classrooms and offices during examinations or important negotiations. The prototype is the successfully implemented model "Examiner 80 USE". The new model is more expensive, but it also has more options. Suitable for use in school rooms, universities, company meeting rooms.

Experts advise mounting the device at the highest point of an office or room away from metal structures that can serve as a screen. Before mounting, it is required to connect the supplied antennas and adjust the settings for each band. When the jammer is operating in a small room or room, it is worth setting half the power or a little more so that the suppression radius does not go beyond the office, interfering with other office occupants.

Alligator 80 USE
  • the power source can be a network or 12V batteries;
  • blocking radius of cellular signals reaches 80 m;
  • cooling is carried out using two fans;
  • separate power adjustment for each antenna;
  • signal blocking in 6 frequency bands (GSM, 3G, 4G).
  • not detected.

Guardian X6 Pro

The device for blocking signals is stationary and has an impressive radius. It has a wide blocking range and the ability to suppress individual frequencies. Carries out blocking of mobile communications, data transmission on the Internet, spy devices using the same frequencies. With the help of 6 antennas, effective work is carried out with each subband under any conditions of use.

The model is irreplaceable:

  • in the theater, library and cinema, where extraneous noise can become a hindrance to other people;
  • in meeting rooms, conference rooms, scientific presentations where data protection is needed;
  • on the territory of a sensitive facility where the use of cellular communications is prohibited;
  • in an educational institution where pupils and students can cheat or be distracted;
  • in a hospital so that cell phones do not interfere with medical equipment.

The device has six transmitters, each with a separate antenna with a radius of 10-40 m (with a signal level of 75dBm). The blocking device will provide a confidential meeting, seminar, scientific presentation, prevent information leakage, annoying calls.

The radius of work depends on some criteria (obstacles for work, the value of the signal level). Suppression occurs in two planes: horizontally, vertically. After launch, a ball is created. There is a connection outside of it, inside it is absent. This operating principle ensures reliability and efficiency. When the device is placed on the 2nd floor, there will be no communication on the 1st and 3rd floors.

Guardian X6 Pro
  • suppression goes on two planes;
  • reliability and efficiency.
  • not detected.


The device for blocking the signals of mobile phones "Octopus" performs the suppression of cellular communications and data transmission, which uses the mobile Internet. The channel is blocked in any modern network, including the 4G, LTE / WIMAX standard, it has the ability to additionally block GPS devices. The effective work radius is 50 m. Using the device, you can provide confidential meetings in business, conduct various seminars, block tracking trackers, information leaks, and prevent annoying phone calls.

The range is dependent on external sources (obstacles, how strong the signal of the operator, etc.). Suppression occurs in two planes: vertically and horizontally. After launch, it creates a ball around itself, located in its center. There is no connection in the inner part of the sphere, but there is a connection on the outer part. The approach gives high blocking efficiency and reliable protection. If it is placed on the 2nd floor, then there will be no connection on the floor above and below.

Octopus for blocking cellular communications
  • the metal case has serious strength and protects the device from mechanical stress;
  • each channel is regulated separately, there are 6 channels in total. You can suppress certain channels, while the rest will work;
  • withstands a wide range of temperature and humidity. Can work at temperatures from -40 degrees to +50;
  • can block mobile communications, SMS messages, Internet access from a mobile phone;
  • due to the support of modern frequency bands, including GPS devices;
  • The power source can be a 220V electrical network or a 12V car cigarette lighter.
  • not detected.

Black Hunter 800

The Black Hunter 800 mobile phone channel blocker has a long range of up to 50 m. It is equipped with 8 operating bands, each with its own antenna and adjustable power. With it, you can suppress mobile communications and the Internet according to Wi-Fi standards; NMT (Skylink); 3G/4G. The case from metal allows to work in the round-the-clock mode. Aluminum case is used for stand, good design.

The device creates interference in the form of noise in the required frequency range. This helps prevent information leakage and its unauthorized fixation using mobile devices. The jammer blocks cell phones and other devices that use the GSM network, high-speed networks, and data transmission over wireless channels.

It can be used not only to protect information, but also the working atmosphere (in an office or assembly hall), to ensure order (in a church, cinema, theater) and as a control technique (in an auditorium or classroom).

Black Hunter 800
  • does not need installation;
  • does not make noise during operation;
  • comes in a case, which features an exquisite design;
  • signal suppression occurs on a large number of bands, guaranteeing a reliable result;
  • The suppressor is equipped with an excellent cooling system.
  • not detected.

The best mobile silencers

When choosing portable jammers for mobile channels, or as they are called in a simple way - jammers, it is almost impossible to choose the best model. Different brands have both pros and cons. Therefore, when choosing, you need to look at the specific task that the jammer should perform, and select the right one for a specific purpose.


This mobile phone channel suppressor has some very good features that make the model quite popular. Berkut-8 has a fairly good autonomy, it can work on a battery for about 1 hour. In addition, its range reaches 20 m, and the dimensions of the gadget are quite compact. Suppresses channels in 8 frequencies, charges from a standard socket or from a car cigarette lighter when using a special adapter. If necessary, you can select the frequencies whose channel you want to mute.

Dimensions allow you to put it in your pocket, and move freely in any direction, without fear that someone will be able to track the movement or eavesdrop on an important conversation. It is very unpretentious in work, it is steady against influence of natural temperatures.

Thanks to a powerful lithium battery, you can be sure that the device will keep the battery charged for an hour of continuous operation.

Can be used while driving. The kit includes a special adapter that allows you to charge the device from the cigarette lighter.

Cell phone jammer "Berkut 8"
  • thanks to the ability to turn off 8 frequencies, you can feel protected from any possibility of listening and tracking by programs and gadgets that operate at mobile phone frequencies;
  • effectively protects within a radius of 20m. Such protection became possible due to the powerful generator built into the device;
  • thanks to the cooler built into the device, it does not overheat even with prolonged use;
  • there is a convenient case, using which you can carefully store and move the device;
  • thanks to a special toggle switch built into the device, it is possible to jam those frequencies that are necessary.
  • not detected.


The Berkut-6 mobile signal suppressor has an excellent range, a fairly compact size and allows you to charge the battery both from an outlet and using a car cigarette lighter. The device can jam 6 frequencies, which include mobile communications and the Internet. Using a special toggle switch, you can selectively mute signals.

If you carry such a device with you, you can be sure that at a distance of 20 meters to the side, it will not be possible to use any spyware and devices. Thus, the possibility of listening to the phone, tracking movement and video surveillance of a person who has such a signal suppressor in his pocket will be excluded.

Jammer of cell phones "Berkut 6" Berkut 6
  • the range of the device, at a distance of 20 m, there is a complete suppression of frequencies that such a device can drown out;
  • thanks to the fan built into the case of the device, as well as special ventilation holes in the case itself, the device does not overheat at all;
  • effectively jams 6 different frequencies, while leaving the owner of the device to choose which frequencies to muffle;
  • has a compact size and small dimensions.
  • not detected.

Which signal suppressor to choose

It is almost impossible to answer such a question, because it is necessary to take into account and consider each case on an individual basis.If it is necessary to protect the company's office from listening to competitors or other people, it is better to choose communication jammers with a large range. The same should be done during the exam, to eliminate the signals of the mobile phones of the examinees. Therefore, it would be better to use stationary, more powerful mufflers.

If the device is to be used for personal purposes, then a portable silencer will be enough. The range of such a device is quite enough to ensure personal safety.

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