
  1. What is a sound amplifier
  2. How combo amps have evolved
  3. transistors
  4. TOP 6 best guitar combo amps for 2025

Best guitar combo amps for 2025

Best guitar combo amps for 2025

Playing the guitar is a very popular hobby. Many people are professional. They are not limited to just playing the guitar. Such musicians have to buy special devices to amplify the sound. The stores offer a wide range of combo amplifiers, the best of which will be discussed below.

What is a sound amplifier

The device increases the frequency of the sound coming out of the electric guitar. It also functions as a speaker system.Modern technologies make it possible to make such devices of small size (can be worn on a belt, attached to a belt). However, these devices sound different. Professional musicians have several of these devices with great power. This is because certain songs require optimal sound amplification.

Types of devices:

They are transistor, lamp and combined type. The first option is budget. Lamp devices are expensive. Professionals do not advise buying the cheapest products. It is best to consider devices of the middle price segment. The playback quality of these devices will be at a high level.

Initially, you need to decide for which function the unit is purchased. A small instrument is suitable for playing the guitar at home. When performing at concert venues, you will need a powerful device.

How combo amps have evolved

Such devices are especially popular with rock guitarists. Every performer dreams of getting on stage, turning on the amplifier at full power and hitting the chords so that the audience takes their breath away. But electric guitars aren't just used in rock music. Nowadays, it is difficult to see a musician performing with this musical instrument, but without an amplifier.

Sound devices consist of several components:

  • preamplifier;
  • amplifier;
  • speaker (cabinet).

The first two products are usually mounted together in the housing. A combo amplifier is considered complete when all three of its components are combined in one base. But sometimes manufacturers make devices in which these elements are in two different blocks. The second option is more suitable for large performances.Here, speakers are connected to the “head” of the device. There may be several.

In the main unit of the device, in addition to the active amplifier, all kinds of optional devices can be located. For example, there are devices that have many additional options. They are mainly bought by musicians performing rock. There may be one or more speakers. The box with these devices is called the "cabinet".

First appearance

Incredibly, but true, the first amplifiers appeared before the electric guitar. Such devices were intended for acoustic instruments. This need arose as a result of the growing popularity of Hawaiian music. We needed something to enhance the sound of the guitars. But the device required a small-sized and easy-to-use.

In the thirties of the last century, the first versions based on electrolytic capacitors were made. Lamp rectifiers were also involved. All this was used for its intended purpose, to increase the volume of the sound of Hawaiian musical instruments.

Further development

Since then, these devices have found their way around the globe. And such trends in music as rock and roll and blues ensured the spread of the device across countries and cities. Everyone remembers the husky voice combined with the saxophone. People began to realize that the sound of a simple guitar is very weak and does not meet modern requirements. Simple six and seven string instruments sounded dull and primitive. Therefore, various experiments were carried out with the apparatus. Many tried to improve the device with their own hands (they made a hole in the speaker).

When the amplifier is overloaded, it starts to produce distorted high frequency waves. Turning all the options to the maximum, the musicians achieved the sound they needed.This procedure was especially popular in the fifties. After all, the factory settings were insufficient. The devices of those years could only increase the volume of the high frequency. This, of course, was very little. Due to the low power and primitive electrical circuits, the quality of the devices was low.

An innovative solution for creating the coveted "overload" was the Dave Davisa experiment. All this happened in the 60s. He achieved a unique effect due to the unusual connection of musical accessories. He guessed to connect the output of one amplifier to the input of another. The result was a design that today is called a preamplifier. In the modern world, it is an indispensable component of any musical device that increases sound.


Manufacturers with world-famous names tried to streamline the release of their products. The availability of such devices left much to be desired, since their cost was high due to tube amplification.

The situation began to change with the advent of transistors. A device having a solid body converted the resistance. It was presented to the world in 1947. The time when "amps" were used is considered to be the 60s of the twentieth century. This breakthrough in technology provided a significant reduction in the prices of devices and became the impetus for their mass production. Each musician now had a choice: to purchase a tube version or combo amplifiers that used transistors. It didn't happen quickly.

At first, transistors gradually replaced tube-based amplifiers. Then they became market leaders, which eminent masters made them. One such craftsman was Leo Fender, who founded the Fender company.The demand for combo amplifiers and the development of the musical direction "Rock" equalized the chances. Experienced musicians used tube versions, while those who were just starting their career preferred transistor models.

Who wins: tube or transistor?

There is no single answer to this question, as well as to other similar questions. Both types of devices are good in certain situations. The situation is well illustrated by an example. To practice music at home, a young guitarist had a desire to buy an amplifier. It is unlikely that he will need a unit on lamps. If you purchase the option on transistors, it will save money. The device will be more convenient to use and more suitable for a beginner. When it comes to recording from electric guitars in a studio, here tube devices give other variations in sound and are most preferable. The same applies to the purity of sound.

What should guitarists do who are not beginners, but who do not work in the studio as professional musicians? In which direction should you choose? Only the musician himself can answer this question. To make it easier to justify this answer, and for the musician to make a choice in the direction of a tube amplifier or a transistor device, you can voice all the strengths and weaknesses of these devices.
Comparative analysis of devices on lamps and transistors


It has long been known that tube amplifiers are more expensive, although they are the progenitors. Their transistor-based descendants are now even cheaper than tube ones due to the demand for the latter from serious studio musicians and studio representatives themselves. They are more interested in how high-quality sound is, and only then the cost of equipment.Transistor devices are more affordable, but if their sound quality is inferior, then not much.

Sound character

On the one hand, this parameter can be considered conditional, but the opinion of instrument users suggests that it matters. Musicians believe that transistor devices have a rougher sound compared to tube amplifiers. "Combos" are called soft, with a warm or rich sound.

Device depreciation and maintainability

This characterization is not clear-cut. Fixtures on lamps are easier to repair. But they are fragile, so they fail more often. The life of the lamp is approximately 1 year, which also becomes the reason for the repair. Transistor devices are more difficult to repair, but less frequently required.


Amplifiers in which transistors are involved are in great demand. They are cheaper and all beginners start with them. With lamp devices, the situation is reversed.


Devices that use lamps are heavier and larger in design. Their descendants have different weights, there are devices that can be carried with them, and some people cannot even lift them.

High sound volume

The victory is for devices on lamps, as they give a slight deviation in sound at maximum volume. For transistor devices, the sound changes not for the better. Sometimes it is even unpleasant to listen to him.

Low sound volume

Here the victory is for transistor devices. At low volume, the tube "amp" sounds worse.
Many disagreements exist between lovers of tube and transistor devices. But there are a couple more types of amplifiers that are worth mentioning. We are talking about digital and hybrid amplifiers.

hybrid amplifier

Its creators clearly had no desire to participate in a dispute between the two types of amplifiers. They took the best from both species. Specific devices are extraordinary, but they did not live up to expectations. This affected the models who became the firstborn. In the future, the developers took into account all the shortcomings and eliminated.
The hybrid combo amp has a tube-based preamp and a transistorized main amp. So the creators managed to combine a warm, soft and clear sound with a reduction in cost due to the introduction of transistors. The sound can hardly be fully compared with tube amplifiers, but the cost of the device is not as low as that of transistor amplifiers.

Digital amplifiers

It is a product of modern digital technologies. With the help of a digital system, the developers made an emulation of a lamp design. To some extent, the sound of their devices did not look natural. But modern digital amplifiers have a rich set of sounds and are suitable for experimenters and those who like to look for new things in music. This possibility is the main advantage of digital amplifiers. But even the most advanced models fall short of the tube sound.

What is the result? Those who are just starting their journey as a guitarist will be interested in transistor amplifiers. And for experienced musicians and recording studios, devices using lamps are suitable.

TOP 6 best guitar combo amps for 2025

The everlasting discussions about the quality of amplification devices are the basis for creating a ranking of the 6 best guitar devices for 2025.

Roland AC-33

Used with acoustic guitars.A unique copy (the first in the world), powered by batteries. It has high power thanks to a pair of speakers, while having small dimensions. The kit has built-in channels for connecting a guitar and a microphone, there is feedback suppression and a looper. Minus compositions are connected from the outside.

The Roland amp is widely popular among beginners and hobbyists. Of course, there are no ideal models, and this product has its positive and negative sides. The first include mobility and high power at small sizes. The minus follows from the dimensions - the small dimensions of the case and the speaker do not allow you to work out the basses with high quality.

Roland AC-33
  • small size, and, as a result, mobility;
  • there are channels for input and output of sound (microphone and headphones);
  • not the highest price;
  • good power indicator - 30 watts;
  • there is a looper for 40 s;
  • It is possible to work both stationary and on batteries.
  • low-quality basses;
  • a small number of settings for effects;
  • in general, the sound is not very clear, especially the voice.

Conclusion: this Chinese device is popular because of its mobility and convenience, while having a lot of power. This is one of the most famous devices with a microphone channel.

Line 6 Spider IV 15

Next on the list is a compact, but at the same time quite powerful home unit with its own processor. This is a worthy representative of this type of equipment. There are many effects.
There are also 4 modules that support simulated guitar combos, switchable with one click. Such an amp can be used as a speaker by connecting the player.

Line 6 Spider IV 15
  • many sound variations;
  • the ability to simultaneously turn on 6 effects;
  • mobility and ease of movement;
  • the price is not outrageous.
  • the sound quality is not perfect;
  • the TRS connector does not have an extra. amplification, in connection with which the playback of music from an external device will not be amplified sufficiently, so it is better to use it for its intended purpose, amplifying the guitar;
  • The tuner is not very accurate.

Conclusion: this instrument is in use among novice musicians and those who like to play with sound. The characteristics are not the worst, but the full-fledged use only as a guitar amp does not give it higher than the ninth place in the top.

Marshall MG15GFX

The 4-channel transistorized guitar option produces a 15-watt tone with reverb. There is a setting for special effects for sound. Like the previous list positions, the device generates a powerful sound with small dimensions. Convenient switching between sounds, there is a choice among 5 special effects.

The main quality of this amp is versatility, that is, it reproduces all styles of music equally well and cleanly. For lovers of night rehearsals or owners of apartments with poor sound insulation, there is a headphone jack. A good choice for young developing players in need of a loud amp. The brand is time-tested and reliable.

Marshall MG15GFX
  • the presence of five lamps;
  • high quality Clean;
  • compactness and mobility;
  • large sound range.
  • high voltage (110 volts);
  • this point follows from the first - to lower the voltage, you need to buy a transformer.

Conclusion: the efforts of this brand still exist in considerable quantities, so if loud sound is important to you, then you will definitely like this device. You just need to make an effort to find it on the counter.

Fender Champion 100

Multifunctional, suitable for all playing pieces, rather primitive to use electric guitar amp, suitable for young music lovers and professional guitarists. The device with two-channel mode is equipped with a pair of 12 sounders, produces a chic sound when set to any volume.

Thanks to additional effects, it is possible to achieve the desired sound, according to the musical style - from jazz classics to hard rock. There is an additional connector for simultaneous work with a media player. The headphone output will allow you to improve in games with virtually no noise, which will not cause discomfort to others.

Fender Champion 100
  • compact;
  • excellent sound;
  • high quality build.
  • low power;
  • high price.

Conclusion: A worthy replacement for Orange, in terms of mobile devices of the highest quality.

Vox VX50-AG

Pretty compact option for an acoustic musical instrument. It contains a modern Nutube vacuum tube. With an even and rich sound covering all tones. There is also a microphone jack, which makes it much easier to hear at live music events.

Low frequency reproduction is very deep and rich in terms of sound. With the help of high-quality effects and an independent equalizer, the sound is shaped in detail.Experienced musicians prefer a combo amp because of its characteristic warm sound and light weight. Only slight hiss can be called a disadvantage, but it is too weak to spoil the game.

Vox VX50-AG
  • Incredible sound, especially songs related to rock;
  • Good user reviews, as well as recommendations from media personalities;
  • Excellent quality and great power.
  • missing.

Conclusion: Many people wonder why the model is not in the first place in the ranking? Wouldn't it be a mistake to buy it? The answer to such questions will be a trial period and time. Manufacturers are constantly improving in the invention of new developing technologies, and it is common for such species to improve. Buying a VOX isn't a bad decision, but you need to be aware that better hardware exists.

Fender Fender Twin Reverb

Suitable for all styles of guitar playing, simple and easy to use instrument for electric musical device, it is quite suitable for beginners, professionals and amateur musicians. The two-channel device, equipped with two speakers, has excellent sound, regardless of the volume setting.

Equipped with additional features, due to which you can get the right acoustics for various musical styles from classical to rock. There is an additional input for simultaneous work with a media player. The headphone output will help you play without loud noise and disturbing others.

Fender Fender Twin Reverb

high power (85 watts (RMS);
wonderful clear sound;
famous among other brands;
Equipped with special legs for tilting.

  • expensive price;
  • suitable for concerts, less often for work within studios.

Conclusion: A great device for those who like the price. Eminent performers enjoy using the Fender Twin Reverb during live performances.

Combo amplifiers, different in description and characteristics, are perfectly combined with acoustic guitars and electric guitars. There are many variations in retail chains, you can get confused when you see a huge selection, so it is best to purchase models from famous brands.

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