
  1. History of occurrence
  2. Gymnastics Federation International Standard
  3. Kinds
  4. Physical Development Tips
  5. How to make a sports mini-complex for a child yourself
  6. Rating of the best gymnastic rings for 2025
  7. Conclusion

Rating of the best gymnastic rings for 2025

Rating of the best gymnastic rings for 2025

The peculiarity of gymnastic rings is that this is almost the only sports equipment that does not have fixation in space. It belongs to the category of mounted and is considered quite difficult to master. The movements on it are honed, beautiful, strong. Many fans of artistic gymnastics are happy to watch pull-ups, flips, racks of professional athletes. However, not everyone is ready to correctly answer the question why such a simulator is needed, and what sports equipment it can replace in terms of physical fitness.

History of occurrence

Historians tend to believe that gymnastics originated in ancient Greece. It was there that they paid great attention to the physical education of future soldiers. But it should be noted that individual elements of gymnastics, as well as special complexes, appeared long before our era. The Chinese paid special attention to stretching, balance and the manifestation of strength. The ancient Greeks invested in the word "gymnastics" a lot of concepts related to the physical development of a person. It included:

  • athletic exercises;
  • Horseback Riding;
  • swimming;
  • run;
  • kettlebell competitions;
  • struggle.

It is believed that the word “gymnastics” comes from the Greek root “gymnazo”, which means “train” in translation. There is another version, according to which the term "gumnos" means "naked". Therefore, Greek athletes have always competed completely naked.

Not all cultures have accepted gymnastics as a boon. For example, in Christianity, physical exercise was considered to be a satanic act. This faith tried to pay more attention to the spiritual development of the individual, and not to his physical perfection, so gymnastic training at that time was under the strictest ban.

Projectiles in their modern design, including gymnastic apparatus, appeared at the turn of the 16th - 17th centuries, when many people became addicted to "voltage" - acrobatic exercises, climbing ropes, complex jumps, performing the most complex elements for coordination.

Modern artistic gymnastics owes its birth to the outstanding German teacher Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, who at the end of the 18th century created a system for the physical development of society and founded the first gymnastic society in Europe. After the experience was adopted by Sweden, the Czech Republic, France and other states. But the requirements for sports equipment and the rules for their use are constantly changing. It was only in the middle of the 19th century that the first indoor sports hall was equipped, where sports competitions began to be held.

Gymnastics Federation International Standard

What it is? Let's analyze this issue in more detail. Gymnastic devices can be found not only in prestigious sports complexes or school gyms, where they are suspended from the ceiling with strong ropes. They are frequent guests of outdoor playgrounds, where they are hung from high horizontal bars. But the latter option does not belong to the category of full-fledged sports equipment and is intended exclusively for sports people who lead an active lifestyle and take care of their health. According to the gymnasts, it is not recommended to train professionally on such a simulator, since it does not meet the established requirements.

There are standards established at the legislative level for this type of projectile:

  1. Inner diameter - 18 cm.
  2. The height of the crossbar for hanging (measured from the floor level) is 5.75 m.
  3. The distance between two ropes for holes is 0.5 m.

What is this inventory for? To develop statics and dynamics, and in the most difficult performance, since the exercises imply a short-term fading of the body, which contributes to an increase in physical activity on all muscle groups.


In the manufacture of structures, the following types of materials are used: plastic, metal and wood. Moreover, wooden shells appeared long before plastic was invented. Consider each option in more detail and determine the positive and negative characteristics of each product.


They appeared very first and were very popular among athletes.

It has excellent grip for a direct grip, as the material is able to absorb moisture from the palms.Being constantly in the open air, they quickly become unusable.
Being sanded, it feels great with your hands.Small operational period.
Aesthetic.The average price is quite significant.
They are thicker than their counterparts.


Not any material is suitable for manufacturing, but a special one - ABS.

Inexpensive.Grip with palms is poor, especially when hands are sweaty.
Their service life is quite long.They can slip, so it’s worth pre-treating the palms with chalk.
Impact resistant.It is difficult to maintain a reverse grip for a long time.
Prolonged exercise may damage the hands.


It is considered quite strong and wear-resistant inventory. The upper part is a rubber coating applied in a thick layer. This helps to avoid slipping, to get rid of the feeling of cold that comes from any metal products.

Positive qualitiesNegative qualities
Durability.Big weight.
Used by athletes whose weight exceeds 100 kg.They are not budget.

The set also includes a rope. The more elastic it is, the less is the load on the muscles during dynamic exercises. In professional sports, steel cables with zero elasticity are used. Amateur options are hung, as a rule, on thick cords.

What are the rings in diameter? There are certain standards. So, simulators for adults can be 28 mm, 30 mm and 32 mm thick. It all depends on the build of the person. It is worth noting that mainly men are engaged in such a projectile and reach significant heights, whose weight is about 55 kg and their height is approximately 165 cm. But not all men are “compact”. The larger the person, the thicker the tool he will need.

A separate category includes simulators for children. Their inner diameter is much smaller than in the adult version. If there is a desire to devote oneself to this particular sport, then it is necessary to start practicing from early childhood. This helps to develop endurance, increase strength, mobility, make an amazing game out of training that will bring pleasure to the child.

Physical Development Tips

If a person leads a correct lifestyle, monitors his health and physical development, he needs to use special sports equipment for regular training, for example, for fitness or gymnastics. It should be borne in mind that gymnastic devices help develop flexibility, endurance, strength. Ring exercises help strengthen the shoulder joints. Compared to other simulators, they have a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Security. Barbell and dumbbells are much more dangerous.
  2. One projectile helps to develop strength, endurance, flexibility at the same time.
  3. Both unprepared beginners and professionals can do it.
  4. They are comfortable and simple.
  5. There is no need to install additional expensive equipment.
  6. Can be used both in the gym and at home.
  7. Classes are held for both adults and children.

Functional Training Recommendations

Why are gymnastic rings important for sports? With them, you can do such exercises that are important for the physical development of a person:

  • various push-ups in the hang;
  • various pull-ups;
  • specific exercises involving vertical descents and ascents;
  • exercises for boxers and bodybuilders: spreading arms in a prone, standing, tilting position.

How to make a sports mini-complex for a child yourself

All parents dream of seeing their child healthy and happy, and for this they spare neither their own efforts nor means. You can, of course, choose the goods of the best manufacturers, having previously studied the rating of high-quality simulators. But they are usually too expensive for the price and equipped with additional functionality that is unacceptable to you.

It is worth noting that the best things are handmade. If there is a desire to do good to your child and a sufficient amount of free time, then you can equip a small gym right at home. It will take only 2 - 3 sq.m. free space and will bring a lot of pleasure to the baby, and will also bring him great benefits.

Positive moments in the presence of such a home sports corner:

  1. Active development of the child at any time convenient for him.
  2. Fun pastime.
  3. Preparing the body for future physical activity at school.
  4. Classes with relatives.
  5. Development of the vestibular apparatus.
  6. Improving the work of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Development of correct coordination of movements.

To avoid injury to your daughter or son in the process of training, you need to take care of a high-quality mat. The main elements of the mini-complex:

  • swedish wall;
  • gymnastic rings;
  • low horizontal bar or bars;
  • hinged rope ladder;
  • soft flooring.

Let us dwell on the manufacture of gymnastic rings with our own hands.

Step-by-step instruction

Necessary tools and materials:

  • construction compass;
  • plywood sheet measuring 75 by 75 cm in the amount of two pieces;
  • bolts or press;
  • joiner's glue;
  • milling machine;
  • rafters;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver


  1. We draw both sheets of plywood into 6 identical squares, cut them out with a jigsaw.
  2. We take two squares and glue them together with wood glue. It turns out two plywood sandwiches.
  3. In order for the structure to dry qualitatively, it must be put under a press for several days or pulled together in the center and corners with bolts.
  4. In order to tighten the plywood blanks as much as possible, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws or bolts for this purpose.
  5. After complete drying, circles with an inner diameter of 180 mm should be drawn on plywood blanks. The outer edge will be 205 mm.
  6. Cut products carefully with a jigsaw.
  7. The design must be given a circular cross section. This can be done using a milling machine.
  8. They are then sanded and varnished.
  9. We take one side of the horizontal bar and use a drill to make holes in it at a distance of 40 cm.
  10. Through them we pass the rafters and attach them at the desired height. Rafters are best bought in a specialized store.They must be reliable and durable, since it is on them that all the load falls. If the financial situation does not allow you to purchase an expensive product, then you can take a strong rope.

Rating of the best gymnastic rings for 2025


Live Up

Universal product of Ukrainian manufacturer. The popularity of models lies in the possibility of their use both on street sites and in closed halls. Execution material - shock-resistant ABS - plastic, resistant to significant temperature changes, as well as bad weather. Suitable for training professional athletes and for fitness.

Main characteristics:

  • inner diameter - 180 mm;
  • section - 28 mm;
  • full compliance with Olympic standards.

The projectile is sold with spring locks and nylon hangers.

The average price is 1790 rubles.

gymnastic rings Live UP
  • standard sizes;
  • high-strength plastic;
  • Nice colour;
  • strong locks and belts;
  • inexpensive.
  • uncomfortable for people with a wide palm.


The universal simulator is very suitable for training on the Swedish wall, favorably diversifying them. It can be used by people whose weight does not exceed 100 kg. The product weighs only 1.5 kg, has a length of 160 cm. Plastic rings are attached to a cotton cord.

Price - 1399 rubles.

gymnastic rings WALLBARZ
  • reliability;
  • strength;
  • manufacturing quality.
  • short service life.

CrossFit Indigo 97654 IR B

High-quality goods from a Russian manufacturer are produced in full compliance with the requirements of the Olympic Committee.It is used by both professional athletes and those who simply want to regularly maintain their physical fitness at the proper level. Withstands loads up to 90 kg. The set includes nylon suspensions, spring locks.

The average cost is 2600 rubles.

gymnastic rings CrossFit Indigo 97654 IR B
  • made of durable high quality material;
  • with reinforced 6-meter lines;
  • suitable for outdoor areas;
  • with quality locks.
  • significant not found.

WORKOUT K1 (28 mm)

Perfect for both gyms and home use. In the production of inventory, shock-resistant ABS is used - plastic that is not afraid of rain, snow, severe frosts, and the scorching sun. It is in demand both among professionals and amateurs. It makes it possible to perform a variety of strength exercises that contribute to the development of the muscles of the press, arms, back, chest. Outperforms other projectiles in efficiency. Constant mobility forces the trainee to use additional resources to keep the body in balance, while almost all the muscles of the body are included in the work.

Main characteristics:

  • load (max.) - 350 kg;
  • inner diameter - 182 mm;
  • outer diameter - 238 mm;
  • black color;
  • weight - 900 g.

Price - 3000 rubles.

gymnastic rings WORKOUT K1 (28 mm)
  • made of durable material;
  • used by both professionals and amateurs;
  • sizes match the Olympic standards;
  • acceptable cost.
  • no hanging straps included.

UFC Ultimate Training

The owner of the best reviews according to numerous buyers.The best American manufacturer of such a product plan constantly acquaints its admirers with new products. Standard size product: inner diameter 180 mm, outer diameter 22.5 mm. Production material - ABS - plastic. The package includes reinforced nylon straps, which are 5000 mm long and 30.8 mm wide.

Price - 3390 rubles.

gymnastic rings UFC Ultimate Training
  • reliability;
  • quality;
  • comfort;
  • efficiency.
  • the grip is not big enough.

MIDZUMI (2 in 1)

The plastic model allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of the complex. On it you can hang on your arms and legs. It can be used as an additional support for climbing to the top of the sports complex. It is an integral part of many modern sports complexes. Description of the set:

  • cord - 2 pcs.;
  • ring - 2 pcs.;
  • retainer - 2 pcs.;
  • coil - 2 pcs.

The average price is 420 rubles.

gymnastic rings MIDZUMI (2 in 1)
  • high quality material;
  • original design;
  • maximum allowable load - 100 kg;
  • long service life - 5 years;
  • acceptable cost.
  • small inner diameter (106 mm).



Great product for gymnastics. Made using high quality plywood. The thickness of the rings is 35 mm, the outer diameter is 235 mm, the suspension length is 3000 mm, the slings are nylon, the cable is steel with PVC braid. The total weight is one and a half kilograms.

Price - 3192 rubles.

gymnastic rings ZSO, PROF
  • comfortable;
  • practical;
  • quality;
  • reliable.
  • no significant ones were found.


If lovers of physical activity are wondering which company is better to choose a product, then you should pay special attention to this brand. The projectile has special thickenings that allow you to make a deep grip, increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport for the hands, making it easier to perform exercises. The simulator makes it possible to gradually increase the load, complicate tasks. Made of high quality material, equipped with a special system for attaching carabiners. Can be hung indoors or at home.

Price - 3000 rubles.

gymnastic rings WORKOUT K3 (30 mm) TRENER
  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • comfortable;
  • maximum load - 350 kg;
  • multifunctional.
  • significant ones are missing.

Proxima PGR-2403WD

Wooden rings with an inner diameter of 240 mm, attached to five-meter steel slings. The product is well-deservedly popular among both professional gymnasts and amateurs. Well pumps up the muscles of the back, arms, chest. Meets all selection criteria. Where can you buy it? At a specialized point for the sale of sports equipment or order online in an online store, having previously studied the review of suitable products and read the opinions of customers.

How much does it cost - 1490 rubles.

gymnastic rings Proxima PGR-2403WD
  • durability;
  • functionality;
  • reliability;
  • long operational period.
  • significant were not found.


How to choose a model for climbing and mountaineering fans? Pay attention to the products of this manufacturer. It is produced with an additional function - special recesses of various types, which allows you to develop the tenacity of your fingers.The rings can be used both for hanging and to strengthen the fingertips, allowing you to simulate mountain climbing training in the comfort of your home.

The cost is 4100 rubles.

gymnastic rings WORKOUT K3 (32 mm) SKALOLAZ
  • withstand a maximum load of 350 kg;
  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • multifunctional;
  • comfortable;
  • sound.
  • significant have not been established.


Wooden products from a Chinese manufacturer are in great demand among those who do crossfit, perform strength exercises, try to strengthen all muscle groups, not trusting the barbell and dumbbells. Can be used both at home and in the gym. If we dwell on this model, then errors in the choice can be avoided.

Price - 6650 rubles.

gymnastic rings PROTRAIN RS1002
  • durable;
  • comfortable;
  • functional;
  • quality;
  • durable.
  • significant cost.


If the question arose, what is the best projectile to buy, then you should consider this model. A distinctive feature is the presence of reinforced slings equipped with spring locks. Widely used both in the hall and at home. Manufactured using high quality lacquered plywood. The product fully complies with the requirements established for gymnastics. Can be used by both professionals and beginners.

Price - 3300 rubles.

gymnastic rings WORKOUT K2 (PRO 28mm)
  • the ability to adjust the height of the slings;
  • almost all muscles are included in the work;
  • a maximum load of 350 kg is allowed;
  • durable;
  • effective.
  • missing.



Additional complete set to children's sports grounds. Perfectly develops the physical skills of the baby, helping him grow strong and resilient. Designed for weight up to 35 kg. Produced by a Russian company, has excellent quality and reliability.

Price - 499 rubles.

gymnastic rings Alpinistik
  • made of high quality material;
  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • convenient.
  • missing.


The kids love to train on such a projectile. It not only improves mood, but also increases endurance, strengthens muscles and the vestibular apparatus, pumps up the press, arms, and back. There are notches and bumps on the plastic rings, allowing the little ones to cling tightly to them. They are hung on a 10mm cord. The product fully complies with the established state standards. The maximum allowable load is 50 kg. Recommended for children over the age of three.

The cost is 599 rubles.

gymnastic rings WALLBARZ
  • safe;
  • comfortable;
  • durable;
  • effective.
  • not identified.


The bright red projectile is perfect for kids who have been fond of gymnastics since childhood and who want to be strong and healthy. It is an additional equipment to the sports complex. It is used by boys and girls who have reached the age of three, weighing no more than 50 kg. Can be hung both outdoors and at home.

Price - 615 rubles.

gymnastic rings PERFETTO SPORT Mickey PS-311
  • colorful;
  • comfortable;
  • practical;
  • multifunctional;
  • excellent combination of price and quality.
  • not defined.

ROMANA DSK-VO 91.03.10-21

A fun and very useful exercise machine for kids. On it you can pull up, swing, do push-ups, hang both on your arms and legs. It trains muscles, strengthens the vestibular apparatus, pumps up the press. Rings are made of high quality plastic, environmentally friendly, non-allergic. The presence of notches and irregularities helps to avoid traumatic situations. In the manufacture, the manufacturer adheres to all the requirements of GOST, especially with regard to fastenings and strength of cables, as well as clamps.

The average price is 470 rubles.

gymnastic rings ROMANA DSK-VO 91.03.10-21
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • maximum allowable weight - 50 kg;
  • high quality manufacturing material.
  • missing.


The product is made in Russia for children from 2 to 9 years old. It is designed for games and exercises, develops muscles due to the presence of static and dynamic loads. It can be mounted both in sports halls and outdoors (to trees), as well as at home.

The cost is 2175 rubles.

gymnastic rings WB KIDS
  • not traumatic;
  • simple;
  • reliable;
  • beautiful;
  • durable.
  • are completely absent.

KAMPFER F0000014377

A great trainer for the younger generation. It is designed for teenagers weighing up to 100 kg. Made from high quality plastic. The package includes a reel, cord and clamp. The weight of the goods is 1 kg. Can be used both at home and outdoors.

Price - 420 rubles.

gymnastic rings KAMPFER F0000014377
  • very convenient;
  • reliable enough;
  • performed in accordance with all legally established requirements;
  • excellent value for money.
  • significant ones are missing.


As a rule, gymnastic rings are sold in a partial configuration, which includes the rings themselves (wooden or plastic, depending on the choice of the buyer), and cables attached to them, the length of which is 3 meters. Carabiners are attached to the ends of the rope. Rings are mainly hung from the ceiling of the gym or from the crossbars located at a high height. But for children, a strong branch of a sprawling tree growing in the yard of a house or in a personal plot is suitable.

It should be borne in mind that the longer the rope, the more strength and energy you need to expend to perform the same exercises. Therefore, professional gymnasts practice only on those apparatuses that are made in full accordance with established standards.

In order to train professionally on gymnastic rings, it is necessary to have special gloves as additional equipment, thanks to which the athlete can make a secure grip and prevent damage to the skin on the palms as a result of friction on the surface of the rings. For beginners, the presence of gloves is not a prerequisite, since the projectile is used only for general physical training, aimed at increasing muscle mass, pumping up the press, improving body flexibility and endurance.

Difficult acrobatic exercises by professional gymnasts are performed exclusively with gloves to avoid damage to the skin of the palms.

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