
  1. History of occurrence
  2. Types of entertainment
  3. What are the fixtures
  4. How to choose quality products
  5. Frisbee for dogs
  6. Rating of the best frisbees for 2025
  7. Conclusion

Rating of the best frisbees for 2025

Rating of the best frisbees for 2025

The word "frisbee" means actually a flying disc or the name of an entertaining game. The name itself has English roots "Frisbee" and is patented by Wham - O. Currently, the product of this manufacturer is not very popular. Professionals purchase cymbals from Discraft.

History of occurrence

The middle of the 20th century was marked by a general study of the origin of UFOs or unidentified flying objects. There was a lot of information in the press. They even talked about the invasion of aliens on planet Earth. This hype relished the American engineer Walter Friedrich Morrison. In 1948, he developed a model of a flying device that visually resembles a UFO. Funding for the project was undertaken by Franscioni Warren.

However, the first attempt was a failure. I had to work on improving the product. And only in 1955 a model was born that successfully passed the tests. It flew excellently and was used for outdoor play. Soon it became a hot commodity, and since 1957 it began to be produced under the Pluto Platter trademark. The Wham-O patent was issued in late September 1958.

Young people from Yale University, being dreamers, spent their free time playing an exciting game, vaguely reminiscent of the one that is now played with frisbees. The popularity of the game among students has become widespread.

However, there is another version of the origin of this device. Some historians are inclined to believe that this sports equipment, which looks like a flying saucer, was used by the ancient Greeks in 400 AD.

The third version reads as follows. The ancestor of the appearance of mass fun was the American baker William Russell Frisby, who immediately after the end of the Civil War began to develop the baking business by opening several small bakeries. Pies were carried out on molds that flew perfectly, which young people took advantage of, launching them with shouts of “Frisbee!”.

Types of entertainment

For outdoor activities, there is no better device than a flying disc.There are many variations of its use. The most requested entertainments are:

  1. City Ultimate. For action, you must select a site with obstacles. Mostly city dwellers. A team of up to 7 people gathers. The presence of a gate on a hill is mandatory. The meaning of the game is for the participant to catch the plate at the opponent's goal. It is strictly forbidden to run around the court with a Frisbee in your hands. The item can be knocked out of the hands of the enemy.
  2. Ultimate. A rectangular box is selected. Suitable hall, grass, sand. The first team plays as attackers while the other goes on defense. The item is transferred from hand to hand between players of the same team who are on the side of the opponents. A point is counted only if the object is caught. You can hold a Frisbee with you for at least 10 seconds. It is forbidden to move with a plate in hand. The confrontation is carried out one - on - one. Physical contact is completely excluded.

The main advantage of the Frisbee over other sports equipment is the ability to plan at different angles. This allows you to throw at considerable distances (more than 250 meters). The thrower can independently correct the trajectory of the object, even make the disk return to its owner.

  1. Guts. Each team must have five people. The first team to score 21 points wins. Teams are placed 14 meters apart. Throw an object in such a way that the opponent does not catch it. The allowed throw area is half a meter. An incorrect throw automatically gives the opponents a point. It is necessary to catch with one hand.
  2. Double disc court. The site consists of two square-shaped courts, each of which is 13 meters.Between them there is a gap of 17 m. The team consists of two people, the frisbee is used the same number. The victory will be given to the pair that manages to throw a frisbee onto the opponent's field in such a way that they do not catch it. You can also get ahead if the opponent has both frisbees. A projectile not caught is a point in favor of the team.
  3. Disc golf. It is somewhat reminiscent of golf, but frisbees are used instead of balls. The holes are replaced by special baskets. The goal is identical: overcoming the distance with the least number of throws. Various devices are used.
  4. Flutter - Guts. There are two teams of two on the field. The distance between them is 2 meters. You need to try to catch the opponent's Frisbee with one hand. If the result is positive, one point is scored. Used 5 throws. You can not take the device with two hands and press it to the body. Otherwise, the move will have to be passed.

Recently, Frisbee championships and tournaments have been held regularly. The first championship took place in 1983. Currently, Ultimate is an integral part of the program of the World Games held under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee.

  1. Frisbee - freestyle. It is considered an individual sport, although team variants can also be used. The main task is to demonstrate feints and tricks that are unique in their execution. A prerequisite is the presence of a frisbee. The judges evaluate the artistry and complexity of the actions by giving points.
  2. Dog - Frisbee. The main condition is the presence of a dog and a plate. The goal of the game is that the trainer throws the device to the dog, and the dog tries to catch it on the fly. Accuracy and range are of great importance.At the same time, furry pets try to demonstrate their tricks, as well as surprise with artistry.

What are the fixtures

The world's best manufacturers produce popular models that differ in material and design. There are a lot of concepts. On the shelves of stores you can find glossy, cardboard, options made of heavy-duty rubber, luminous, plastic. From the abundance of colors, the eyes diverge. It is not possible to make mistakes when choosing, since there are a lot of product variations and you can choose for every taste.

If you wish, you can order a product with an individual logo, your own name or your favorite pattern. Such services are currently provided by various enterprises. A disc can be not only an individual item, but also bring joy and pleasure from a useful and healthy pastime.

The main types of flying saucers are:

ProfessionalThe material of manufacture is high-quality plastic, which is able to withstand frequent training. Not afraid of bumps and falls. Bright and catchy. Diameter - 175 and 273 mm.
For puppies and large dogsDiffer in parameters and weight. The best ones are made in the USA. Inexpensive models are afraid of the wind and fly only in calm. Differ in elasticity and durability. Soft options are made for puppies.
GlowingDesigned for evening entertainment. The FlashFlight disk tops the rating of quality products. The presence of built-in LEDs, which are powered by a flat battery, allow it to be visible against the dark sky. Ideal for photography.
For kidsReduced weight and size, bright, colorful, with interesting pictures of your favorite cartoon characters.According to buyers, problems with choosing a suitable model are not expected. Differ in quality, ecological purity and elasticity.

How to choose quality products

The selection criteria are determined by each individual. However, there are general rules for all. What you should pay attention to:

  • trajectory stability in strong wind;
  • the flight range should slightly exceed the optimal model for beginners;
  • good strength to withstand impacts on hard objects;
  • learning should be easy and simple;
  • the presence of ideal aerodynamics due to the correctly selected diameter, shape and weight;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • comfort;
  • variety by purpose (designed for several types of throws).

Popularity of models, average price and color are of secondary importance.

Which company is better depends on the preferences of the person himself. The question of where to buy a product is not difficult. It can be purchased at any sports market or ordered online in an online store. You should first review the proposed options and ratings, get acquainted with the latest products, view photos, read reviews and recommendations from professionals.

It should be borne in mind that branded products cannot be budget, but they are distinguished by excellent functionality, excellent performance, safety, durability, environmental friendliness, fly long distances, regardless of the presence of strong gusts of wind. Manufacturers provide warranties for these products. It is sold in high-quality cardboard packaging, in which it is convenient to both store the disc and transport it to its destination.

Frisbee for dogs

I would like to pay special attention to this type of product, since most dog breeders are scrupulous about their pets, trying to make them mobile, healthy, active. Today dog ​​frisbee is not just entertainment, but a full-fledged kind of cynological sport. The dog that catches the thrown flying disc as beautifully and effectively as possible wins.

Do not think that this game does not cause any particular difficulties. In order to make the spectacle very attractive and exciting, you need the coordination of the actions of the pet and its owner, physical fitness, and complete mutual understanding. It is impossible to do without deep and thorough training. Only thorough and productive training will help develop the speed of the animal up to 50 km / h, make it change movements, make jumps and flips in the air.

The history of the dog frisbee began with a misunderstanding. In 1974, during a baseball game in Los Angeles, a certain Alex Stein entered the field with his whippet and began to throw a flying saucer. The dog ran at great speed, jumped 2.7 m high, performed all kinds of tricks. The police arrested Alex. All this action was watched by businessman Irv Lander - a big lover of pets. He posted bail for the offender and offered him his assistance in the development of this unique game.

A year later, the first competition took place and the winner was awarded the Lander Cup. It turned out to be the notorious Alex Stein. He won prizes for several years in a row, speaking with his whippet Ashley. Over time, other teams have achieved mastery.

All breeds of dogs, including mestizos, take part in the competition.It is worth noting that not all dogs have sufficient physical and psychological qualities to achieve the desired result. There are the most optimal breeds, such as:

  • Border Collie;
  • jack - russell - terriers;
  • aussie;
  • sheltie.

The main advantages that should be inherent in pets:

  1. Jumping ability. Individuals with developed muscles, without excess weight, can overpower the height.
  2. Mobility. The dog must quickly accelerate, slow down at the right time, change direction.
  3. Flexibility. The dog must have perfect coordination, excellent plasticity, perform tricks accurately and efficiently.

Rating of the best frisbees for 2025


Smile (175 g)

Russian-made shell. Available in tangerine, yellow-orange, yellow and amber shades. The product complies with WFDF standards. Weight 175 g with a diameter of 273 mm. In the manufacture of high-quality plastic is used. Flies long distances. Not afraid of strong winds and bad weather. The softness of the plastic and the smoothed rim will help make the game comfortable and safe. When falling, it will not receive mechanical damage.

It is widely used by both beginners and professionals, regardless of gender and age. It is recommended to play for children over three years old. A high-quality launch will allow the dish to overcome a distance of 100 meters. The record belongs to the American David Wiggins, who threw the disc at 338 meters.

The average price is 600 rubles.

Frisbee Smile (175 g)
  • comfortable;
  • long service life;
  • shockproof;
  • overcomes strong gusts of wind;
  • can be thrown a significant distance;
  • sold in cardboard packaging;
  • a variety of shades;
  • no age restrictions;
  • fits comfortably in the hand.
  • not installed.


In the manufacture of quality products, light colored plastic is used, which has a good margin of safety. Excellent projectile for throwing. Distinctive feature - perfectly flies. If you are unsure which one is better to buy, stop your choice on this model. A great helper for outdoor play by all family members, including children. Pets are happy to catch a soft toy. With a diameter of 23 cm, the product weighs 80 g.

In sports stores, the model can be purchased at a price of 610 rubles.

Frisbee Likee
  • quality;
  • durability;
  • comfort;
  • good combination of cost and quality;
  • flies far;
  • does not break when dropped.
  • not installed.


The products of the Russian brand are produced in the territory of the Middle Kingdom. Included in the TOP quality shells. Available in silver and green shades. Glows in the dark. Widely used for games and entertainment, promotes the development of imagination, speech, communication skills. Develops coordination, dexterity, dexterity, flexibility, promotes pumping up of all muscle groups. Using it is quite simple: you need to insert the boomerang into the launcher and pull the rope. The stronger the jerk, the greater the flight distance.

The method of unwinding the plate is mechanical. Batteries are not provided. The blades are equipped with two LEDs. No human intervention is required to ignite. They work as soon as it starts up. The flight is spectacular and exciting. Especially if it's getting dark outside.

How much does the item cost? Sellers offer to lay out 566 rubles for it.

frisbee spinner
  • quality;
  • long service life;
  • reliability;
  • safety;
  • ease of use.
  • there are age restrictions, children under 6 years old are not recommended to play with such an item.

Aerocker One "Matryoshka"

The projectile tops the rating of solid and reliable products. Experts advise to purchase just such a model that meets all sports criteria. The disc diameter is 27.3 cm, weight is 175 g. High-quality plastic is used in the manufacture, which does not take shocks, does not leave scratches on it, and it is not possible to bend the element.

The average price is negotiable and depends on the purchased batch of goods and the place of delivery.

Frisbee Aerocker One "Matryoshka"
  • design;
  • stable flight;
  • edge relief;
  • sides with weighting function;
  • price;
  • aerodynamic shape;
  • the look is classic, no frills;
  • used by both amateurs and professionals;
  • ease of use;
  • comfort.
  • The white plastic is easily stained.

Nite Ize Flashflight Ultimate Disc White&Red

When releasing products, the manufacturer did his best, and a high-quality model appeared on store shelves, designed for professional training in open areas and for official competitions. Weight - 175 grams, along the edges - embossed stripes. Fits perfectly in the hand, does not bend. The disc diameter is 26.7 mm, the thickness in the center is 1.5 mm. Able to fly over significant distances, qualitatively overcomes strong gusts of wind, when falling on solid objects, mechanical damage does not occur.

For such a product it is not a pity to give 1000 rubles.

Nite Ize Flashflight Ultimate Disc White&Red
  • operational period;
  • comfort;
  • strength;
  • elasticity;
  • functionality;
  • reliability;
  • quality;
  • aerodynamic index at the highest level;
  • solid plastic glossy type;
  • a variety of shades;
  • design.
  • price;
  • intended only for professional players;
  • not sold in every specialized store;
  • precautions must be taken when using.

Discraft Ultra-Star

A product of decent quality is very popular among professionals. Possesses high aerodynamic characteristics. Made from durable plastic. Weighs 0.175 kg, diameter - 27.3 mm. Thanks to the embossed edges, it is conveniently grabbed by the hand, does not slip or fall out. Qualitatively flies, not afraid of strong winds.

The price of goods in company stores is 1490 rubles. The manufacturer provides discounts.

Frisbee Discraft Ultra – Star
  • high quality raw materials;
  • flying ability;
  • in the central part there is a holographic image of a star;
  • guarantees a stable flight;
  • complies with the international standards of the Flying Disc Federation;
  • reliable;
  • life time;
  • used for intense workouts;
  • intended for competitions;
  • not damaged by falling on the asphalt surface.
  • overpriced;
  • not suitable for amateurs.

For games

Gotcha Frankie

The Ukrainian company has made significant progress in the production of high-quality discs. This is confirmed by the flying saucer Gotcha! It features excellent flying abilities, modern appearance, standard parameters.As for aerodynamic abilities, they are not inferior to the world leader Discraft. It is very popular among both specialists in their field and beginners.

The average price is 1000 rubles.

Frisbee Gotcha Frankie
  • design;
  • aerodynamic qualities;
  • differs in flight duration;
  • the presence of luminous elements;
  • suitable for learning;
  • speed;
  • sides of acceptable width;
  • light;
  • no age restrictions;
  • helps develop reaction and agility.
  • price;
  • on impact with the asphalt may crack.

Zume Games Disc OD 0012 W

The model of standard dimensions is made of soft rubber. The shape is round, the wide sides are bent, the surface is smooth. At night, there is a slight glow, so the element is visible from a long distance. Widely used by both beginners and professionals. It starts simply with a flick of the wrist. Differs in stable aerodynamics.

The average cost is 597 rubles.

Frisbee Zume Games Disc OD 0012 W
  • the presence of a small hole in the center contributes to high-quality flight;
  • can be used in the dark;
  • it does not have to be windless weather;
  • pleasant texture;
  • ease of use;
  • durable;
  • can be used daily at any time of the day;
  • manufacturing quality;
  • operational period;
  • design.
  • many consider the price a little high.

Shenzhen Jingyitian Trade

Excellent sports equipment for frisbee. The manufacturer has created an almost perfect product using the latest technology. Experts from various industries were involved in its development, and the result was stunning.Design inventors showed their skills to the fullest, trying to convey the most daring ideas to the future owners of the unique model. Moreover, it is worth noting that the developers were specialists from different countries and continents. They communicated via the Internet.

The goods are put up for sale at a significant price - 2200 rubles.

Frisbee Shenzhen Jingyitian Trade
  • unique design;
  • use of modern technologies;
  • high quality;
  • amazing aerodynamic abilities;
  • durable;
  • reliable;
  • comfortable;
  • no age restrictions;
  • withstands daily training;
  • used in professional competitions.
  • significant price, but the product is worth it.

Fyle Mini 2in1 Frisbee & Badminton Set

The original children's set, which includes two balls of soft structure and two discs. Designed for kids aged 3 to 4 years and from 5 to 7 years. Flying saucers with rounded edges are made of high quality plastic. They are designed to be thrown at each other, hit a target, used instead of badminton rackets. In the center of the disc is a soft membrane. It does not distort the shape during the flight. When playing with balls, it springs superbly. A flying saucer makes it possible to spend time in nature with health benefits.

The average price is 3050 rubles.

Frisbee Set Fyle Mini 2in1 Frisbee & Badminton
  • ergonomic shape;
  • excellent soft material;
  • bright colors;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • comfort;
  • develops dexterity and flexibility;
  • multifunctionality;
  • durability;
  • the opportunity to have fun;
  • does not require special physical training;
  • can be used both at home and outdoors;
  • suitable for people of any age;
  • is popular with children.
  • lack of a storage case, in connection with which the balls can be quickly lost;
  • significant price.

For dogs


Quality products are used to play with dogs whose height is from 56 to 70 cm, weight from 20 to 50 kg. These include Great Dane, Doberman, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Boxer, Rottweiler and so on. Disc diameter - 25 cm, height - 2.3 cm.

The product can be purchased at a price of 340 rubles per unit.

  • convenient to use;
  • safe;
  • wear-resistant;
  • quality;
  • inexpensive.
  • not installed.

Collar Flyber, 22 mm

Great product for training frisbee dogs. Allows you to develop endurance, flexibility, jumping ability in animals. A great helper for outdoor fun with pets.

Sellers offer discs at a price of 540 rubles.

Frisbee Collar Flyber, 22 mm
  • long service life;
  • complete security;
  • high quality workmanship;
  • reliability.
  • not installed.


The flying saucer belongs to the category of environmentally friendly. Helps to improve the motor load of a four-legged pet, trains its chewing muscles, massages the gums. Red, made of plastic, has a backlight that allows you to practice at any time of the day, including late at night. The weight is small - 100 grams with a diameter of 22 cm.

The average price is 549 rubles.

Frisbee Rurri
  • it is used both for active games and for serious training;
  • luminous elements allow you to contemplate it in the dark;
  • completely safe for the health of the dog;
  • flies long distances;
  • ease of use;
  • long service life.
  • more suitable for small and medium breeds.

Air Dash Zogoflex

The manufacturer in the manufacture of the product used high-quality plastic material, which completely eliminates injury to the gums and teeth of the dog. Thanks to the large hole in the middle of the disc, it is convenient to launch it into the air.

The average cost is 2170 rubles.

Frisbee Air Dash Zogoflex
  • absence of lead and other hazardous additives;
  • does not sink in water;
  • nice soft surface
  • flight quality;
  • you can play with dogs of various breeds;
  • aerodynamic;
  • suitable for both active games and training;
  • eliminates damage to teeth and gums;
  • does not let the pet get bored;
  • ease of throw;
  • excellent wear resistance.
  • not everyone can afford the product.


Everyone tries to spend their free time for the benefit of business. In this matter, a flying disc will be a reliable assistant. It will help organize leisure activities for the whole family, make the joint pastime interesting, exciting and unforgettable. Four-legged friends will not be left aside either, for whom there is also an environmentally friendly and high-quality toy.

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