Working with a franchise helps novice businessmen gain work experience, and experienced entrepreneurs expand their business. The ranking of the best clothing franchises for 2025 will show you the popular risk-free investment options.
Every business has its advantages and disadvantages.
Additional benefits: ready-made software, trade and security equipment, connection to sales through the website.Often no experience in sales is required.
Before choosing a suitable option, it is worth evaluating personal capabilities: financial (calculate investments, expenses for at least 6 months), temporary (ability to devote the maximum amount of time to work), compliance with strict standards.
Common types by category:
All information about products, features of work, sales, answers to common questions can be obtained on the official website of the company, through social networks, order a call back.
Before buying the best option, it is worth evaluating a lot of information: your own capabilities, market conditions, product popularity, expert reviews, data on websites.
Main steps:
Statistical data on official websites on the population, the number of children of different ages (sale of children's goods), demographic data, the number of outlets of various kinds, the level of average wages. The information will help you choose a popular segment, price category.
Selection criteria: financial attractiveness, popularity of the company, high-quality support, number of operating franchise points, clear information at the first contact with the franchisor.
The review of popular offers is based on reviews, information from specialists, site users. There are 2 common categories: children's, women's clothing.
Founded in 2002, franchises since 2008.
The Russian manufacturer belongs to the middle price category. It has a large assortment for children 7-14 years old. Clothing categories: top, casual, school uniform, accessories (ties, collars), underwear, socks, tights. There are sections with bags, backpacks, shoes.
It has 49 own enterprises, 41 franchise branches.
Main indicators:
There are two purchase options:
The following services are provided: advice and assistance in finding, designing, repairing, designing a store; drawing up a business plan for 3 years; training; Buyback of an unsold collection (20%).
The main office of the company is located at the address: Kostroma, Severnaya Pravdy street, 41/21.
There are 5 points in Moscow: Lubyanka (Teatralny proezd, building 5, vl. 1, Central Children's Mall), Kotelniki (1st Pokrovsky proezd, 5, Mega Belaya Dacha shopping mall), MKAD 65 km (Vegas Crocus City shopping mall), Prospekt Mira , 211 (SEC Zolotoy Vavilon), Teatralny proezd, 5 building 2.
Telephone number 8 (800) 700-67-29 every day, seven days a week, from 10-00 to 22-00.
They have been operating since 2015, selling franchises - 2021.
Part of JAST Holding. Created an E-Commerce community, which includes suppliers, businessmen, specialists.
Has 1 own enterprise, 10 franchises. There are 6 sales channels (social networks, instant messengers, marketplaces, websites).
Terms of purchase (rubles):
Advantages of the company: suppliers from Russia and Asian countries, no warehouse or retail space required (online sales), you can start without work experience. Free distance learning consists of PDF files, video tutorials.
Additional services upon purchase: a brand book, a database of suppliers, a personal business consultant, a developed corporate identity for online sales, social media posts.
Contact phone 8-800-301-64-84 from 10-00 to 19-00.
Start of work - 2010.
Part of the Concept Group. The range includes clothes (casual options, school uniforms, underwear, swimwear), shoes, accessories for children 3-8 years old, 8-14 years old. Refers to the "fast fashion" type. Produces 150 new models per month, 9 collections per year.
Two package options (no royalty, lump sum):
Packages differ in the size of the premises, the amount of investments.
Additional services: search, repair, equipment of premises; supply of equipment (electrical, lighting, cash, software); goods, company uniform, training.
Address of the main office of the company: St. Petersburg, Kazanskaya street, 25, A, office 304.
Telephone connection in St. Petersburg: +7-812-322-11-22.
It has been operating since 1997, franchises - 2006.
Controls two brands: "GULLIVER", "Button Blue".
The range includes clothes for different age groups (newborns, teenagers, schoolchildren) from 0 to 15 years. There are sections with shoes, toys, school accessories.
Products are in the "medium+" segment. 12-16 new designer collections are released annually.
There are 75 own, 104 franchised enterprises.
Additionally: training and practical exercises, assistance in selecting premises, analytical information, marketing plan.
The central office is located in Moscow, Honey lane, house 5, building 1.
Contact phone 8-495-995-11-23 (ext. 394).
Start of work - since 2007, franchises - 2011.
Belongs to the "medium+" segment. Brand distribution: 86 cities, 130 stores, 300 retail chains.
The company has its own production, design office. Produces clothing options:
Offers three franchise options (lump fee\rubles):
Total investment - 5.200.000, payback - 1 year, monthly profit - 100.000.
There are 7 stages of opening: calculation of an individual financial model, registration of a lease, development of a franchise agreement, 3d visualization of the premises (design, repair), preparation of equipment and goods, hiring employees and preparing for opening, receiving and arranging equipment and products.
Additionally: consultations, access to the Choupette University online platform, connection to an online store, call center, return of seasonal collections.
The main office is located in Moscow, BC Barclay Plaza II, Barclay street, 6, building 5, office 620.
Contact phone: +7-903-766-45-44.
Online sales have been operating since 2016, franchising - 2018.
Has 1 own, 35 franchise enterprises.
Issues, sells categories:
Investment amounts (rubles):
Additionally: use of products without purchases and storage, design of an online store, work through social networks and the wildberries martplace, courier services, wholesale prices.
Registration of business - 10 days.
Management address: Moscow, Volgogradsky prospect, 28A.
Phone number 8-926-103-34-84.
The Russian brand has been operating since 2017, franchises - 2025.
Products belong to the "mass market" segment.
Has 3 stores in Moscow. The maximum revenue of one store is 12,000,000 rubles per month. The average value of the check is 5.830 rubles.
The youth brand produces clothing categories:
New models are released every 2 weeks.
Two purchase options, depending on the area (rubles):
The amount of investment includes rent, logistics, repairs, equipment. A lump-sum fee pays for consultations on finding premises, design development, training and recruitment, software connection, access to the database.
Additionally: a guarantee (after the closure redeems goods and equipment), a return of 10% of past collections, additional earnings through the Internet site.
You can calculate a business plan through a special form on the company's website.
Company address: Moscow, Khodynsky Boulevard, 4, 501-KSK.
Phone: 8-800-555-31-68 from 9-00 to 21-00 daily.
The Russian company has been manufacturing products since 1996, franchises - 2011.
There are 10 own, 117 franchise outlets.
Produces goods for women from 18 years old with an average, high income.
Categories: top, home, casual, holiday. Separate sections: "Plus size", overalls, knitwear, sweatshirts, accessories (belts, jewelry, hats, stoles).
Number of annual collections - 6, special Christmas party. There are three lines:
Main conditions:
No royalty, lump sum.
Additionally: free equipment and branded accessories, training, business plan for three years.
The central office is located at the address: Kazan, Krasnokokshayskaya street, 72.
Phone numbers: +7-843-561-07-07, +7-843-561-00-43, 8-843-561-07-07 (ext. 1220, 1230, 1221).
The Russian company was founded in St. Petersburg (2005). Franchise launch - 2006.
It has 100 own, 110 franchise outlets.
Products are designed for modern women from 25 years of age. 10 collections are released every year. The site is divided into categories: the current collection (Summer 2025), clothes and underwear (categories, collections).
There are sections: sale, eco-leather, last chance, everything up to 1,000 rubles.
Financial investments (rubles):
Separate conditions for the premises, franchisee:
Additionally: consultations (information, legal), work with personnel (training, hiring), equipment (commercial, lighting, electrical), cash registers, programs (goods control), protection against theft.
Company address: St. Petersburg, Kazanskaya street, 25 A, office 304.
Contact phone: +7-812-322-11-22 (ext. 7971, 7843)
Various types of cooperation help beginners, experienced businessmen to gain additional experience in offline and online sales. The rating of the best clothing franchises for 2025 will help you choose the right option for cooperation with a common brand.