60 years have passed since the world got acquainted with E. Arsan. The book-revelation reveals to the reader all the fantasies, allowing you to observe the physical emancipation of the main character - Emmanuelle. Much has changed since then - more stories on an erotic theme have appeared, and it has become easier to read them. The "light pen" of the authors allows you to enjoy the story in transport, and a thin book is mastered in one evening.
Plunging into the world of personal passions and the destruction of the prejudices of bold characters, the reader is half himself present at frank events.The erotic theme will never lose fans of its genre, and contemporaries will never stop revealing the love theme in books. The article contains a ranking of the best erotic novels and the most read authors for 2025.
The Russian writer V. Melan published her first story in 2007. The plot of "Assassin" is based on a sweet girl and a handsome killer. The book ended up in the City series, which over time was replenished with 20 more novels. The books do not have a strictly built storyline, which helps the reader not to stick to the order of reading novels. However, "City X", written in 2017, became the only novel by V. Melan with erotic content. City X attracts and intrigues. The author shows this place as mystical and forbidden. A city where there is no shame and fear, but depravity and sin reign. A sought-after place, about which they speak with a smirk and languidly look away. They met where she was herself and her bare chest, exposed, spoke of it. Where his complete contempt and indignation for such licentiousness should not be. Iniga worked as a waitress in an institution where people go for bodily pleasures. Logan programmer. Together they are the perfect tandem. However, their path to happiness is thorny and ambiguous. Restriction 18+. The book can be downloaded from popular online stores, price. A printed version has also been released.
The work "Intertwined with You" by Sylvia Day was included in the trilogy "Between Two Fires".The New York Times writes that the book almost immediately moved the bestseller "50 Shades of Grey" from the first place. The circulation of books for 2019 amounted to 15 million copies. The opinions of Russian readers were divided. The first admired the heroes and the idea of the writer, while others said that the author "has run into" the heroine - Eve, exposing her as a dummy, and that in general the second part, without regret, could be the last. The erotic novel "Intertwined with You" is replete with rough sex definitions and no less "clumsy" scenes. Detective line, drama, love, sex - everything is in abundance in this novel. The book continues the story of Gideon and Eve. The couple loves sex and each other. However, they will have to take a step back in order to prioritize the relationship, continue to believe in their union and not cross the line. In this part, they will get engaged and start fighting for the future. The series of books is completed by the part "Only with you" in 2016.
Anonymous writer E. Bezymyannaya gained popularity thanks to blogging on the network. The author made a splash among numerous subscribers, and this is not surprising. On the Internet, Ekaterina Sergeevna revealed secrets and shared her experience in providing intimate services. Nameless projects her life into works. In 2013, her first erotic novel, Notes of PROSTOTUTKI Ket, was published. The "blogging" style of the author did not leave indifferent people of the "instagram" era. And a circulation of 50 thousand copies scattered throughout the country.The book tells about what attracts men so much in representatives of the most ancient professions. The author talks about such different: adults, young men with individual preferences in simple easy language. Shows the reader sad and funny moments. Written in the first person, the novel immerses the reader in an illusory erotic world. It comes out next:
“A man is always capable of passion” - the revelation of L. A. Mendes forms the basis of the book “Desire and Revelation”. Erotic memoirs were dubbed pulp fiction, for the lightness, sincerity and ease of the author's work. The novel describes autobiographical sexual fantasies. Critics said that before him no one had ever so frankly conveyed secret fantasies and passion. The formation of sexuality is a difficult period, but the author conveyed the experiences and the world of the protagonist, in the face of an early ripe boy, with exact tragedy.
Mendes spent 32 years in prison. During this time, he released, among others, "Memoirs of a Survivor", which was stormily appreciated by readers and critics.
Desire and Revelation is available in paperback format. Cost: 100-150 rubles.
Reviews for the novel are positive.
Fear and sex often "walk" side by side. Lumiere Victoria's erotic detective novel has plenty of that. The heroine had several addictions: expensive cars, leather and sex. Detective - a temptation for men to expose gangsters infiltrates a criminal gang. But, bad luck in the form of love for the leader's son, changes her psychological orientation and moral principles. The author showed the internal and external struggle of the girl. He gave readers a clue and left them with the question of whether she could change herself and stay with her lover. Despite the fact that the book is read in one breath, among fans of the genre, it caused controversy: some say that the novel is similar to fan fiction, while others compare the work with the story of Romeo and Juliet.
The description of the book from the first lines pushes to read: "Sex is a part of life, it's not real not to talk about it." Erotic Stories by Rona Tay Moon with an age limit of 18+ is the most anticipated novelty of 2025.
When purchasing a book, the reader must understand that this is his conscious choice, and the description of explicit sex scenes is not unacceptable to him.
The book becomes even more interesting from the realization that the stories in the collection are based on reliable events from people's lives. The text is colorful: filled with vivid dialogues, quotes.
Copies are printed to order. Price: about 400 rubles. Electronic format - from 36 rubles.
Small, only 70 pages, but fascinating work of the author.
Erotic novels, as a separate art form, have long ceased to be inaccessible. Many modern authors write in a "light" format, books for one evening. A selection of some of them:
Intimate stories are similar to each other, they begin and end in approximately the same way. But at the same time, each story carries its own message and is designed for every taste of the reader.
Fashion changes, restrained style and content are replaced by frank "guidance" in comprehending love through books. But there are "legends" that have entered people's heads forever. They endured a lot: they were banned from publishing, selling, subjected to severe criticism. Readers in the restrooms surreptitiously reveled in the Kama Sutra. Creativity: Leon von Sacher-Masoch, Emmanuelle will never leave the store shelves.
Pain and pleasure - was called masochism, even during the life of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. This theme formed the basis of this erotic work.The power of a woman and a man - a subordinate who enjoys it - personifies the life of the author himself and his wife, Aurora von Rümslin, who loved fur outfits and masochism so much. The woman who carved the hero with rods is the prototype of Leopold's paternal aunt.
The reader fell in love with the theme of "dominant" love, thanks to the poet, who so not vulgarly conveyed the idea - the relationship between the sexes.
Nabokov is known for Lolita. The work was a stunning success in 1955, immediately after the appearance to the reader. The gossip about the writer, the discussion of the characters has long subsided, and the novel is still also popular. Love for a young girl swept through the life of an adult man. Survived the disease and time.
Initially, the novel was published in English, after 60 years it was translated into Russian.
A vulgar book, without a single swear word - this was considered until the 60s. D. Cleland used many turns and explanations when telling the story of a courtesan. The book was banned in the US for a long time.
About a girl who came "from the outback" to London, who tasted life in an expensive brothel. As a result, bright true love happens to her, which she fully accepts.
The work of David Herbert Lawrence was repeatedly filmed by the best directors of the early twentieth century. The love triangle captivates the reader and viewer. Candid scenes and dramatic episodes fill the picture from the very beginning to the end. It was also admitted to mass viewing only in 1960.
The erotic thriller is put by critics on the same level as The Silence of the Lambs. And yet it has the status of a sexual work. The scenes are filled with naked bodies, it could not be otherwise. After all, the main character literally collected the smells of his victims. He was born in a remote quarter, under a market shop, a beggarly life awaited him. But the guy showed an excellent sense of smell, which he disposed of how scary, so unusual. From his victims, Grenouille received an incomparable brand of perfume. Which he breaks in front of an angry crowd of onlookers who want to hang him up. The last scene of the serial killer story ends with an orgy.
It will not be possible to describe in one article even a hundredth of all published works of a sexual nature.However, after looking at the lists, the reader can determine for himself the style of his favorite genre. To understand from a brief description, the pen and ideas of which author is closer to him.