
  1. How epilators work
  2. Device types
  3. How to choose the most effective epilator
  4. Leading companies in the epilator market
  5. Rating of the best epilators for 2025
  6. Which epilator to choose

Ranking of the best epilators for women for 2025

Ranking of the best epilators for women for 2025

Removing unwanted hair on a woman's body is a hell of a procedure. Using the traditional method with a razor is a painless process, but the next day the skin is teeming with so-called "stumps". But beauty requires sacrifice, right? But now there is such a thing as epilation. After it, the skin remains smooth and velvety for more than one week, which attracts not only others, but also gives pleasure to the owner. However, not all epilators will be able to do their job well. The ratio of price and quality should be optimal, and for this you should refer to a number of factors when choosing.

How epilators work

In addition to epilation, there is also a similar concept of "depilation". However, they should be distinguished. If the first denotes a procedure where the hairs are pulled out with roots, then the second implies the usual removal of them from the surface of the skin. Epilation is a rather unpleasant process, but the result is worth it.

The design of the epilator contains a rotating drum with a large number of movable sponges, tweezers or discs. Their close location in relation to each other makes it possible to cleanse the skin of each hair. The pulling out of the bulbs occurs due to the metal parts closing together, which each time open by about a millimeter, catching a new rod.

All actions are carried out very quickly, due to the high frequency of full revolutions. This allows you to clean a very large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin without much time. A motor built into the body is responsible for the movement. Naturally, there is an on / off button, as well as a speed and capture density control.

Device types

Now the epilator market offers an increasing number of models, which makes it difficult to choose.


This option is the most popular. The drum is equipped with tweezers, which are placed in a checkerboard pattern. Everyone is able to remove a small amount of hairs in an accessible radius. Accordingly, the more tweezers, the more efficient the work will be. It is considered normal if their number is more than 20.Of course, the more tweezers, the more painful the procedure will be, but the faster it will end.

The use of this type of device helps to reduce the likelihood of breaking hairs. Also, the drum of the device is equipped with additional massage elements and works great on small areas of the skin.

Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that the procedure is not one of the fastest, besides, the cost of such an epilator is quite high. The acquisition of a tweezer epilator is rational only in cases where you need to clean the bikini or armpit area.


This option is quite old, but still popular. The same cleaning principle is used here as with tweezers, only the tweezers are replaced with figured metal or ceramic discs, the rotation of which is imparted by a common shaft. The ability to grip several rods at once makes them effective in the processing of hands and feet.

After using disc epilators, there is no irritation on the skin, and epilation is cleaner than, for example, after a procedure using a tweezer device. The speed of work is also much higher. The reliability of the design and reasonable price make them enjoy the same popularity as before.

However, the main disadvantage is the fact that the sensations from this method are the most painful, which not everyone can stand.


The design of such products does not stand out against the background of the two previous types. Nevertheless, the package includes an additional nozzle, which makes them such a “torture tool” as a safety electric razor. This method is suitable for those who are too sensitive to pain in intimate areas.

The versatility and speed of the process make this type of epilator the most common.However, the painlessness of the process is achieved by the fact that the hairs are simply cut off, and not removed from the root, which forces the procedure to be carried out regularly. In addition, the cost is not suitable for everyone.

In addition to standard epilators, photoepilators and laser devices are widely used. But the aggressiveness of their effects on the skin makes it very unsafe to use. Therefore, when choosing one of these methods, it is better to first consult a doctor and follow a number of requirements both before and after the procedure.

How to choose the most effective epilator

Several criteria should be referred to when selecting a device.
The number of tweezers (discs) on the head and the material from which they are made

The working elements are directly responsible for the efficiency of the entire epilator and the time that will be spent on the procedure.

  • The most productive work will be distinguished by a multi-tweezer device with forty paired grips;
  • Disc models are also very effective, because one revolution of the drum allows you to get rid of 21-32 hairs;
  • Tweezer epilators with 20 pairs of grips are considered the least effective.

If we talk about the material from which the working parts are made, then it is either metal or ceramics.

  • A metal machine is cheaper, but hair breaking will become more frequent, and soon the device will skip some areas altogether.
  • Ceramic products are more expensive, but their work is of high quality.

Therefore, it is better to give preference to ceramic models.

Possibility of adjustment

Most models are equipped with several speed modes (two or three). The most accelerated rotation makes it possible to deal with long and hard hairs.Although the sensations are not pleasant, the procedure will end much faster. The main thing here is patience.

Low speed allows you to interact with fine hair and small stubble. The tweezers do an excellent job of extracting each stem from the bulb rather than breaking it off in the middle.

More expensive options are equipped with grip adjustment, which allows you to independently determine the density of closure of working elements. There are two modes here: for removing thin and weak hairs and for more complex areas.

Source of power

Epilators are divided into:

  • Working from the network;
  • Battery operated;
  • Works both from a network, and from the accumulator.

The choice should be based on your own lifestyle.

  • For those who are rarely at home, a model with a battery is perfect. Often they are able to hold a charge for 30-40 minutes. The maximum figure in this area reaches 2 hours.
  • The standard mains-powered model is suitable for girls looking after themselves in the bathrooms of their own home.
  • Mixed nutrition allows you to use epilators regardless of location.

The only nuance that can significantly stop the choice is the ability of the device to charge and use at the same time.

The presence of moisture protection

As you know, it is very unsafe to work with any electrician in wet places. Now the majority of models have a case that does not allow moisture to pass through. Of course, use under a stream of water in the shower will not work, however, epilators are equipped with good protection against splashes and accidental ingress of a small amount of water under the body.

The hermetic design of the body makes it possible to carry out the procedure on steamed skin, which will significantly reduce discomfort. The epilator itself can then be rinsed under running water (without removing the head).

How to anesthetize

The question of anesthesia worries the owners of thin and delicate skin. For women who do not tolerate pain, special models will be required that reduce pain to a minimum. Of course, making the procedure pleasant will not work, but there are several ways that partially solve this problem:

  1. Vibration. This helps to divert the receptors under the skin from pain, making it less noticeable.
  2. The cooling block is an additional nozzle that should be kept in the freezer for some time before use. Due to the close interaction of cold with the skin, the pain is noticeably dulled.
  3. Cold blast has a similar effect to a chiller and also requires being in the freezer before use.
  4. The precision nozzle is a more complex device. The principle of operation is to stretch the skin and at the same time "hold" a certain number of tweezers, which reduces the number of tweezers.

In the configurations of more expensive models, the presence of a gel glove is provided. It is used in the same way as a cooling container, ie. requires prior freezing before use.

What's Included

The extensiveness of the configuration is directly responsible for the functionality of the device. Mandatory accessories are: charger, protective cover, transport bag. There are other little things that complement the configuration of various models in varying quantities.

An epilator with complete peeling rollers is considered a particularly useful addition. Using this accessory will make the skin absolutely smooth.

Each addition increases the cost of the device itself, but not all of them are used in the end. This suggests that you should initially select the scope, and then make a choice.

Leading companies in the epilator market

The quality of most of any type of equipment depends on the manufacturer. The more famous the brand, the greater the effectiveness of its products. The range of companies producing this type of product is quite narrow, and there are even fewer worthy ones among them. Nevertheless, some popular brands still manage to please their consumers:

  • Philips;
  • Brown;
  • Rowenta;
  • Panasonic;
  • BaByliss.

The rest of the firms either do not stand out with their ideas against the general background, or have reduced the cost by reducing the functionality of the device, from which it can be concluded that such devices are unlikely to be of high quality and efficient. That is why it is recommended to stop searching on one of the proposed companies and not to experiment with unknown brands.

Rating of the best epilators for 2025

Braun 9-700 Silk-epil SensoSmart

The device fits perfectly in the palm of your hand, which makes its use as comfortable as possible. The presence of a massage brush makes the process more painless, and the interaction of the skin with water completely reduces pain to a minimum. Hair is removed with the roots, but the rate of their re-growth depends on the individual hormonal background.

Braun 9-700 Silk-epil SensoSmart
  • The backlight is very bright;
  • The epilator works in water;
  • Design versatility;
  • The process is greatly facilitated by a well-thought-out design;
  • The head is wide enough, which makes the work more productive;
  • Even the shortest hairs can be removed.
  • Not detected.

Braun 5-541 Silk-epil 5 Wet & Dry

The epilator can be used in both wet and dry conditions. It has a nice design and does an excellent job of making the skin very smooth. The case has a special shape that allows you to comfortably place it in your hand. The kit includes several types of nozzles. There is no backlight, which is slightly inconvenient in low light. Works from the accumulator.

Braun 5-541 Silk-epil 5 Wet & Dry
  • The special shape of the case allows you to securely place the device in your hand;
  • Moisture protection;
  • High charging speed;
  • Variety of functions;
  • Allows for wet epilation;
  • Battery operation.
  • There is no carry bag.

Braun 5-500 Silk-epil SensoSmart

Promotes the removal of hairs along with the root, smoothness is provided for more than 2 weeks. The presence of a special indicator allows you to maintain the integrity of the skin in case of any carelessness.

Model name
  • Ease of use and originality of the case;
  • High speed of work;
  • Cleaning is no problem;
  • Possibility of use in the shower;
  • Delivers minimal discomfort.
  • The backlight is not the best.

Braun 9-521 Silk epil 9

The model has an affordable price and excellent quality. The need for epilation will be fully satisfied without the need to purchase supplements.

Braun 9-521 Silk epil 9
  • Maximum ease of use;
  • The lightness of the device, which makes it more maneuverable;
  • High quality backlight;
  • Noise suppression;
  • High autonomy;
  • The presence of a massage nozzle.
  • Not detected.

Philips BRE275 Satinelle Essential

The orientation of the model is on the ratio of price and quality. The light weight makes the device small, which, in turn, makes it convenient to use. Judging by customer reviews, the epilator copes with even the smallest hairs, and good lighting allows you not to miss a single area. The complete set of the model is very extensive.

Philips BRE275 Satinelle Essential
  • Lightness and compactness;
  • Noise suppression;
  • Does not require much effort when cleaning;
  • Fashion design;
  • Extensive set of accessories;
  • Good backlight.
  • Not detected.

Which epilator to choose

The choice should be based on the individual needs of the body.

  • For girls with a high pain threshold and not dense vegetation, standard disc epilators without frills are suitable. However, you can purchase models equipped with brushes that will lift the hairs for easier removal.
  • For those with sensitive skin who are intolerant of pain, an epilator with a concave working head, vibration effect, cold air mode or other useful features that reduce pain in the process is perfect.
  • The hybrid device will be an excellent assistant in the fight against vegetation throughout the body. It will be possible to use the standard method on less sensitive areas of the body, and use a razor head on more delicate areas. The result, of course, will not differ in duration, but it will also reduce suffering to a minimum.
  • For those who are rarely at home, an epilator with a battery is well suited, where there is high autonomy.
  • The backlight function will not be superfluous, because it will highlight the hairs in poor lighting, which will make it easy to detect them.

Referring to this information, you can choose the most productive device without extra spending.

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