
  1. What types are
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. Where to buy
  4. Rating of the most inexpensive jigger models
  5. Rating of the best measuring cups in the average price range
  6. Rating of the most expensive jiggers

Rating of the best jiggers for 2025

Rating of the best jiggers for 2025

A jigger is a glass with measured divisions, which is a mandatory attribute of a bartender. With it, the required amount of alcohol or other liquid is measured to create a cocktail. Outwardly, the product looks like an hourglass, as it consists of two containers connected at the base. The volume of these bowls is always different, measured in milliliters or ounces.

But if the bar does not have such a simple glass, then the owners of the establishment can even be fined. Therefore, its presence is mandatory, as well as the ability to use it to create drinks.

Before rating the most popular, according to buyers, models, you should consider what types of measuring cups are divided into, as well as important points in purchasing a product.

What types are

Varieties of bar accessories can be divided into two categories: according to the material of their manufacture and the style of occurrence. Consider the types of jiggers in more detail.

Measuring cup style

  • Classic (American) style

Before studying the existing varieties of measuring cups, it is advisable to familiarize yourself a little with the history of their appearance. Jiggers were originally invented in America. The volume of the larger container was always 44 ml or 1.5 oz, and the smaller one was 22 ml. At that time, these indicators were the standard value. Equipment for a bar with such a volume is called classic or American style. In modern times, these indicators have changed a bit and now American jigger bowls have sizes of 40 and 20 ml.

  • European style

But over time, both in America and in other countries, cocktail recipes began to change, new options for creating delicious drinks appeared. Accordingly, the volumes of glasses also changed. In European countries, a jigger is now considered more popular and in demand, which has a volume of 25 and 50 ml.also on sale you can find bar stock with other sizes of bowls: for example, 30 and 50 ml, 30 and 60 ml, as well as 30 and 45 ml. In addition to volume, the products also have a distinctive design.

According to the material of manufacture

In addition to the difference in the size of the bowl, jiggers can also be divided according to the material from which they are made. Consider what is used for the production of measuring cups and which of the materials takes the lead.

  • Silver

At the moment, silver items are rarely found on sale because of their high cost. But with a strong desire to purchase them, you can use the services of online stores. The silver jigger requires some maintenance, but it will last a long time and will delight the eye with its antique appearance.

  • Plastic

A plastic measuring cup is best purchased by novice bartenders for self-study, use at home or at a party.

The cost of them is low, but the service life of bar equipment is negligible. Plastic products are often subject to cracks even with careful use. They also look very cheap on the outside.

  • Stainless steel

This material of manufacture is the most demanded of all those listed. Firstly, it is considered environmentally friendly and does not react with fruits, ordinary or alcoholic liquids when interacting with them. Secondly, there is a wide range of different shapes, volumes and sizes on sale. Also, stainless steel jiggers have a long service life and do not require special care.

  • Glass

Glass products look very stylish and beautiful, through them you can watch the work of the bartender.

On sale are less common than, for example, made of stainless steel. This is due to the inflated price of such a product and the fragility of the material.

Criterias of choice

Before buying this product, it is better to understand some important nuances of the purchase. This is necessary in order to ultimately acquire high-quality bar equipment that will last as long as possible without compromising its appearance.

It is better for both a novice and an experienced bartender to choose a set of jiggers than a single product. With a higher turnover of customers in a bar establishment, there is no time to wash the jigger with high quality. Moreover, the set includes not only glasses of different volumes (to prepare alcoholic cocktails or coffee, different volumes of liquids are often needed), but also other important devices for the bartender. Moreover, jiggers from one set look more beautiful than several options from different manufacturers and different designs.

As for the material from which the measuring devices for alcohol are made, it is better to consider stainless steel products. This material usually does not contain various impurities in its composition. When working with different liquids, the material should not enter into a chemical reaction with them. For example, an attribute made of plastic may have the smell and taste of plastic, so the final taste of a drink prepared in it may differ significantly from what was intended.

If the jigger is purchased for a public institution, then in order to comply with GOST, it is necessary to purchase a glass measuring cup. For his absence, the bar owner will have to pay a fine, since it is glass products that fully comply with the requirements.

For ease of use, you should pay attention to the edges of the measuring cup - it is desirable that they be rounded. Too sharp edges can damage the skin a little when washing the glass.

Dimensional divisions also deserve some attention. They can be located both outside the measuring cup and inside it. You need to choose from which side it is more convenient for the user or bartender to measure. Another important point: divisions can be not only in millimeters and centimeters, but also in ounces.

The cost of an attribute for a measure of liquids can vary from 200 to almost 5000 rubles. You should not choose among the most inexpensive options, as usually a low price affects the quality of the product. It is better to consider jiggers that cost from 1000 rubles or more. The final cost is affected not only by the design of the inventory, but also by the material of manufacture, the volume of measuring cups, and the brand produced.

From manufacturers it is better to choose time-tested ones that produce quality products. The most expensive and best brand in the production of jiggers is the Italian company Ilsa - their products have a stylish design and high quality goods, but their cost is quite high.

The measuring cups of the German company Leopold are more affordable than those of the previous manufacturer, but they do not lose in quality at all.

Of the budget options that are more suitable for home rather than professional use, MGSteel and ProHotel should be considered.

Given the above recommendations and tips, the user will be able to purchase a high-quality jigger and avoid the most popular mistakes when choosing.

Where to buy

Not all shops that sell tableware stock bar supplies. Therefore, when buying this inventory, it is better to contact the online store for help. They have a much wider assortment, a more detailed description and prices that are pleasant for the buyer.

If the user has not yet decided on the final product, but is only considering several options, then you should pay attention to the novelties in this section of bar accessories.

You can consider the offers of sellers both by price (from budget to the most expensive models), and by manufacturers, material of manufacture, volume and other criteria that are important for the buyer.

Under the photo of the product, the user will find a description of the characteristics that the bar inventory has. It is also worth reading the reviews of other buyers or bartenders who have already used a particular jigger and can give it a correct assessment after direct use.

Having chosen a specific product and making sure that it is in stock, the buyer places an online order. Payment is made upon receipt or by preliminary transfer of material resources to the seller's card. Also on the site you can find the terms and cost of delivery of goods. Usually delivery occurs in a fairly short time - in a couple of days you can get the purchased product.

Rating of the most inexpensive jigger models

Consider budget models of measuring cups, the cost of which starts from 200 and does not exceed 1000 rubles.

ProHotel 2040116 silver

The product is made of stainless steel, the diameter of the product is 4 cm and the height is 9 cm. Available only in silver color.

The attribute for creating alcoholic drinks can be washed in the dishwasher. The product is made in India.

The cost of this accessory is within 200 rubles.

jigger ProHotel 2040116 silver
  • Performs its functions;
  • The material of manufacture does not give off foreign odors.
  • Very sharp edges.

Wilmax WL‑552105\6

The manufacturing material is stainless steel. This model is produced in several colors: silver, copper and gold. The volume of its bowl is 50 ml.

Before buying, it is worth considering that the jigger is not intended for use in the microwave oven and washing in the dishwasher.

The price per unit of goods is about 600 rubles.

jigger Wilmax WL‑552105\6
  • Available in multiple colors;
  • Interesting, attractive design.
  • Cannot be washed in a dishwasher.

30/50 graduated Lind 2040102 519901-03

This jigger model is available in two colors: silver and black. The volume of cups is 30 and 50 ml. Produced by the popular Swedish company Lind.

The material of manufacture is stainless steel, the bottom diameter is 4.2 cm, the width of the neck of the glass is 5.5 cm, the height of the product is 8.5 cm. The total weight, including its packaging, is 35 grams.

You can buy a jigger from the manufacturer Lind for 850 rubles.

jigger 30/50 with divisions Lind 2040102 519901-03
  • Light weight of the product;
  • High quality material.
  • Not detected.

Rating of the best measuring cups in the average price range

Let's review the most popular jigger models, the cost of which varies from 1000 to 2000 rubles.

ILSA 2040114 silver

The volumes of containers for creating cocktails are 20 and 40 ml. made of stainless steel.

The product has the following dimensions: height 8.2 cm, diameter of the smaller container - 3.5 cm, and diameter of the larger one - 4.5 cm. Available in silver color. Production - Italy.

The cost is from 1500 rubles.

jigger ILSA 2040114 silver
  • Stylish design;
  • High quality manufacturing material.
  • Not detected.

Leopold LV00334 black

Shown in black. The volumes of the cups correspond to 30 and 45 ml, there are also measured divisions on the product. The manufacturing material is plastic.

The height of the bar attribute is 11.4 cm, and the bottom diameter is 4 cm. The cost is from 1200 rubles.

jigger Leopold LV00334 black
  • Interesting design;
  • Measured divisions;
  • High quality product.
  • The unit of measure is ounces.

Zone Denmark Rocks, 25-50 ml, ZD332096

Made from 18/9 steel. Bar stock for making cocktails has the following dimensions: height is 8.6 cm, length and width are 4.15 cm each. Available in silver. The volume of the smaller container for the liquid corresponds to 25 ml, and the larger glass - 50 ml.

The product can be washed in the dishwasher, it can also be used for other food products. The country of manufacture of the glass is China.

The cost is from 1700 rubles.

jigger Zone Denmark Rocks, 25-50 ml, ZD332096
  • Can be washed in a dishwasher;
  • Can be used for more than just alcoholic beverages;
  • High quality goods.
  • Not detected.

Rating of the most expensive jiggers

Consider which models of bar equipment worth more than 2000 rubles are most in demand among buyers.

30/60 ml gold stainless Lumian, RIC-3020668

You can buy this bar equipment in several colors: the manufacturer offers gold, copper, bronze and black colors of the attribute for creating cocktails.

The Italian manufacturer makes a stainless steel jigger. The height of the product is 12 cm, the volume of containers is 30 and 60 ml. The weight of this model is only 54 grams.

To prevent cuts when using or washing, the product has rounded edges. You can buy it for about 2500 rubles.

jigger 30/60 ml gold stainless Lumian, RIC-3020668
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Availability of several color options for sale;
  • Rounded edges.
  • Not detected.

Lumian Giove Bronze

It has an interesting conical shape. The size of the containers is 30 and 60 ml. Country of origin - Italy.

On a product measured divisions are applied, it is made of stainless steel. In addition to the bronze version, you can find a similar inventory in silver or black.

Corresponds to the following dimensions: height - 8.7 cm, bottom diameter - 5 cm, total weight - 115 grams.

The price per unit of goods is from 2100 rubles.

jigger Lumian Giove bronze
  • Stylish design;
  • Measured divisions;
  • High quality.
  • Not detected.

Bar set "bartender", 8 items

This set includes the following items: a muddler (a tool for squeezing fruit juice), an opener, a dispenser (bar geyser) in the amount of 2 pieces, ice tongs, a bar spoon, a shaker and, of course, a measuring cup.

The volume of jigger containers is 25 and 50 ml. The main parts are made of stainless steel with plastic elements. On sale in black. The volume of the shaker is 600 ml.

This set is perfect as a gift for both experienced and novice bartenders. Its cost starts from 2700 rubles.

jigger Bar set "bartender", 8 items
  • Stylish design;
  • There are all the necessary items for creating drinks;
  • High quality.
  • Not detected.

A review of jiggers in different price categories showed which models are most in demand among users. The opinion of other buyers should be treated with increased attention, because this is the only way to be sure of the quality of the product before buying it.

The considered models differ from each other not only in the volume of containers and design, but also in units of liquid measurement. Most of the provided measuring cups do not have significant drawbacks. They are also great for both those who are just learning how to create cocktails and professional bartenders. Which product to buy depends entirely on the personal preferences of the buyer.

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