
  1. What is choline for?
  2. How to choose
  3. Review of the Best Choline Supplements
  4. Conclusion

Ranking the Best Choline Supplements for 2025

Ranking the Best Choline Supplements for 2025

The changing level of stress due to the instability of the situation on the planet, additional burdens in the form of environmentally unfavorable effects on the body, as well as metabolic disorders due to chronic diseases form a deficiency and excess of certain substances that negatively affect the general state of human health. Let's talk about choline below.

What is choline for?

Vitamin B4 or choline performs a number of important vital functions:

  1. participates in the metabolism of nerve tissues;
  2. maintains the necessary composition of bile and prevents the formation of stones in the bile ducts;
  3. controls the formation of fats with the exception of the possibility of overweight;
  4. prevents sclerotic formations as a result of changes in cholesterol levels;
  5. maintains the necessary composition of cell membranes for the full function of conducting and intracellular processes;
  6. contributes to the maintenance of stable nootropic activity;
  7. suppresses sources of depressive influences.

The lack of choline entails a number of irreversible changes in the body and threatens health.

Back in the thirties of the last century, the substance B4 was obtained in its pure form, and today the production of vitamin as a biological additive has been put on stream.

The best choline supplements in the categories of complex preparations, natural preparations with recommendations for use and a list of positive effects will be discussed below.

How to choose

Modern classification does not include choline in the group of vitamins. The reason for this is the ability of the human body to reproduce it on its own. The problem is that, depending on the balance of nutrition, the substance may be formed in insufficient quantities.

The need for daily volume varies and is directly dependent on the general health of a person, his age and stress.

For nursing mothers and pregnant women, as well as adult active men, 450 to 550 mg are required. For children from 1 year to 13 years old, the rate increases gradually in the range of 200 ÷ 375 mg. For women without increased loads, 400 mg per day is enough.

What forms does

Vitamin B4 is of several types:

  • Choline bitartrate belongs to the category of amino acid substances and is particularly cheap, popular, dosage 500÷1000 mg;
  • Citrate is a citric acid species with increased absorption, it is effective in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and in building muscle mass in the legs, due to its sour taste, it is recommended to add it to sweet food dishes;
  • Choline chloride is characterized by a rapid capture of water, so it is difficult to work with it;
  • Lipotropic factor - synthesized from the amino acid meteonine, but in insufficient quantities, therefore, it must be supplied with food in a daily dose of up to 1 gram, the structure of Lecithin consists of a choline residue, therefore it is often used in the form of supplements that inhibit neurodegenerative diseases, it has a positive effect on cognitive functions ;
  • Alpha GFA is the most scientifically developed aspect with high bioavailability, the source is purified soy lecithin, it affects the synthesis of acetylcholine and improves memory, the recommended dosage is 200÷600 mg;
  • The cytocoline form with a pronounced nootropic manifestation, especially in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, requires 250÷500 mg per day.

Choline deficiency reduces the synthesis of carnitine, which is necessary for the proper utilization of fats, heart function, and muscles.

Choline is a stable compound, it does not oxidize very quickly, which compares favorably with other vitamins.

Indications for use

The list of diseases in which it is recommended to take drugs with choline is quite large.
First of all, this is a group of metabolic disorders and concomitant chronic diseases:

  • excess body weight;
  • allergic rhinitis and neurodermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma.
  • Category of gastrointestinal dysfunctions:
  • steatosis - fatty liver;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • gastrointestinal motility disorder.

Group of disorders of the nervous system and mental processes:

  • Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's;
  • decrease in the level of cognitive abilities, memory;
  • depressive states;
  • psychoses;
  • injuries of the craniocerebral center;
  • anemia;
  • nootropic disorders.

A group of cardiovascular disorders - from pathologies to arterial hypertension, atherosclerotic manifestations.

The individuality of each organism does not allow for a clear gradation according to the identified spectrum of effects of choline-containing drugs.

The general list of healing processes triggered by the beneficial properties of choline can also be divided into several categories:

  • in the field of the cardiovascular system - stabilization of cardiac activity, strengthening of the heart muscle, normalization of the rhythm, purification of blood vessels, lowering cholesterol levels;
  • psychosomatic processes and higher nervous activity - reducing irritability and apathy, anxiety, activating the brain, restoring the functions of the central nervous system, preventing neurological disorders, improving sleep, increasing concentration, restoring memory and activating thought processes in childhood, protecting against damage to nerve cells ;
  • liver function, gastrointestinal function and metabolic processes - this is a reduction in the risk of cirrhosis and hepatitis, removal of intoxication of the body when exposed to harmful substances, such as alcohol, drugs, with a viral infection and taking a large amount of medications,
  • as well as - restoration of liver cells, removing the risk of its obesity and the formation of stones, as a result of proper breakdown of fats, blocking the destruction of liver cell membranes with stimulation of hepatocyte regeneration;
  • regulation of blood sugar levels;
  • increased immunity;
  • restoration of prostate function.

Release form

Choline supplements can be in the form of tablets, capsules or solutions, drops, teas, oils.
Individual selection with the aim of maximum effect and a sufficient daily amount of organic matter is very important. In the case of complex additives, the composition may vary, as well as the amount of choline content in a particular product.

Dosage and regimen

The amount needed to take the drug can only be determined by the doctor based on the results of the examination. Each remedy has its own schedule of taking, as a rule, it is 2 or 3 times a day during or before meals.

What you need to know about the content of choline in natural products

A balanced diet in the absence of chronic metabolic disorders and the absorption of food can fully satisfy the body's need for vitamin B4.
Most of all it is found in chicken yolk and quail eggs at 802/506 mg per 100 grams of product, (egg yolk is also a source of lecithin), followed by beef and chicken liver at 416/291 mg per 100 grams, and poultry meat 117-138 mg.

Leading plant foods are:

  1. Sprouted wheat - 155 mg;
  2. Mustard seeds 123 mg;
  3. Soybeans 116 mg.

Cereals, vegetables, nuts contain from 30 to 60 mg of choline per 100 grams of product, the same percentage in dairy products. In shrimp and salmon, the content of B4 reaches 72/66 mg, respectively.

It is important to remember that an increase in physical, intellectual load is associated with a large expenditure of organic substances and their replenishment should also be carried out in an increased volume.

Top Producers

Among the numerous companies involved in the production of natural supplements, the following brands can be distinguished:

  • NOW Foods;
  • Advance Physician Formulas;
  • Solgar;
  • nature's way;
  • country life;
  • California Gold Nutrition;
  • life extension.

Errors when choosing

Complex additives have a large list of components, it is important to remember the possible individual intolerance of individual natural elements. The volume of vitamin B4 contained in each individual complex composition of the drug may differ, therefore, when changing complex agents, it is important to consult a specialist.

When using active supplements by athletes and people with active sports loads in a short period, it is important to take it under the supervision of a trainer.

Review of the Best Choline Supplements

Ranking the Best Choline Supplements

NaturalSupp Choline

The brand of the Russian company NaturalSupp is known as a manufacturer of dietary supplements and food complex formulations. All products are certified and consist of selected natural ingredients.

NaturalSupp Choline
  • in the form of capsules, 500 mg each;
  • in a gelatinous shell;
  • for the formation of nerve mediators;
  • active participation in fat metabolism and the process of formation of the valuable phospholipid lecithin, which has a positive effect on cholesterol balance with a decrease in the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • regulation of hematopoiesis;
  • protection of the liver from alcohol damage, acute intoxication;
  • activates mental activity;
  • eliminates emotional instability;
  • affects the formation of acetylcholine, which is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • stimulates growth processes and restoration of tissue structures;
  • increases liver protection when working in hazardous chemical industries.
  • not detected.

Choline Silica Complex California GOLD Nutrition

The drug is available in the form of drops, the complex also includes silicon, l-carotene, which is a bioavailable support for the body.

Choline Silica Complex California GOLD Nutrition
  • to restore the hardness of nails;
  • to increase the density of hair;
  • promotes elasticity, softness of the skin;
  • restores brain activity;
  • restores the water-lipid composition of the skin;
  • for cell regeneration;
  • enough capacity for 2 months;
  • allowed for use in childhood;
  • safe dosage.
  • high price.

Choline Country Life

An effective complex with components of phospholipids, which are important components of cell membranes.

Choline Country Life
  • liver recovery;
  • indicated for dysfunctions of the central nervous system;
  • reduced anxiety;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • recommended for recovery after removal of the gallbladder;
  • one tablet is enough for several doses;
  • without side effects.
  • admission to children under the age of 7 years is prohibited.

Advance Physician Formulas Forskolin

The product is an extract of the root of forskolia koleus - a well-known Ayurvedic herb.

Advance Physician Formulas Forskolin
  • the composition includes rice flour;
  • capsule made from natural components of modified cellulose;
  • without use in the production of gluten, animal food, eggs and milk;
  • with choline bitartrate base;
  • quick result;
  • easy absorption;
  • an increased concentration per 1 capsule requires prior consultation with a specialist.
  • individual intolerance is possible;
  • only for adults.

Choline Nature's Way

The company has been producing natural nutritional supplements since 1969. In the production of the drug, gluten, ingredients derived from dairy products and soy, wheat are not used, and there are no flavorings, preservatives.

Choline Nature's Way
  • for the synthesis of neurotransmitters in order to maintain healthy brain function;
  • providing functions at the cellular level;
  • with magnesium stearate in the composition;
  • suitable for vegetarians;
  • take 1 tablet with food;
  • with a complex effect;
  • no significant side effects were identified.
  • Before starting the reception, a mandatory consultation of a medical worker is required.

Choline & Inositol NOW Foods

To replenish the organic substances of metabolism at the risk of disorders and malfunctions of organs and systems, the use of drugs containing inositol and choline is indicated.

Choline & Inositol NOW Foods
  • prevention of malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevention of stressful complications in the form of depression and sleep disturbances;
  • lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • slowing down the formation of fatty plaques in the vessels;
  • quality and safety;
  • inositol as a component responsible for increased absorption;
  • stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • without harmful impurities and additives;
  • in violation of the motility of the stomach;
  • with dyskinesia of the bile ducts.
  • increased dosage.

Choline & Inositol Solgar

The active supplement serves as a reliable natural source of choline with a fast-absorbing inosole component.

Choline & Inositol Solgar
  • world brand with the best recommendations;
  • effect guarantee;
  • excellent bioprotector;
  • to maintain blood sugar levels;
  • lowering cholesterol to normal levels;
  • to maintain liver health;
  • stabilization of fat formation;
  • improvement of cognitive function;
  • positive effect on cell growth.
  • prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • only from the age of 18.

TOP vitamin complexes

Hepato Pro

The class of a highly effective substance as a dietary supplement is represented by a drug that improves and preserves the cognitive functions of the body. The dosage is selected individually, in the standard form it is 3 capsules per day with meals or before meals.

Hepato Pro
  • significantly improves memory;
  • without age restrictions;
  • compliance with the world quality level from the American manufacturer;
  • convenient packaging in the form of capsules and the number of 60 pieces;
  • with the content of phosphatidylcholine, necessary for stable work at the cellular level;
  • indicated for women during pregnancy and lactation, to improve secretory functions;
  • recommended by experts to restore and improve memory and concentration;
  • improves liver function;
  • contributes to the stabilization of the endocrine systems and the relief of the course of chronic eczema.
  • only for adults.

NT Factor (Energy Lipids chewables)

Chewable energy lipids are presented as an auxiliary supplement of a non-therapeutic nature in the form of tablets.

NT Factor (Energy Lipids chewables)
  • with a high absorption coefficient;
  • to increase internal functions at the cellular level through phosphatidylcholine;
  • improves brain function;
  • the best reviews of endocrinologists, leading pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • to stabilize the function of the central nervous system;
  • memory improvement;
  • to restore motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • analogues of the composition is used in the manufacture of anti-aging agents in cosmetology;
  • economical consumption of 2 tablets per day.
  • not intended for use with children and adolescents.

Mega liposomal Glutathione

The tool belongs to the class of fortified tea and contains 32 bags in one package.

Mega liposomal Glutathione
  • high quality balanced composition;
  • to nourish all systems and organs of the body at the cellular level;
  • to maintain and stabilize human brain activity;
    improves memory and sleep;
  • favorably affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • affects the reduction of anemia levels;
  • with a pleasant mild aroma;
  • has a beneficial effect on processes that require concentration;
  • contributes to the active formation of new neural connections during the assimilation of information;
  • reduces anxiety, a sense of uncertainty in stressful situations;
  • shown by experts for lactating and pregnant women;
  • restores liver cells;
  • actively participates in metabolic processes;
  • reduces the level of exacerbations in chronic eczema;
  • positively affects the elasticity of the skin; strengthens the nail plates and smoothes them.
  • are not allowed to be taken by children and adolescents.

Phosphatidylcholine (Phosphatidyl Choline)

The drug is made on the basis of fatty acids and phospholipids.

Phosphatidylcholine is an organic part of the cell membrane and plays a leading role in intercellular metabolism, therefore, in the stable operation of all body functions.

Phosphatidylcholine (Phosphatidyl Choline)
  • the agent belongs to the class of lecithins;
    for the full replenishment of organic metabolic components at the cellular level;
  • improves motor activity;
  • reduces the level of intoxication and load on the liver with aggressive external influences;
  • cleansing the skin from rashes with eczema and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of metabolic disorders;
  • to restore the structure of the hairline and nail plates;
  • beneficial effect on concentration, memorization, formation of associative images;
  • starts the memory recovery process;
  • democratic price;
  • no data on overdoses.
  • admission is allowed from the age of 12.

Vitamin B4 for children

Since in childhood we can talk about chronic intoxication, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract as an exception due to gene breaks or birth injuries, most often drugs are used to improve brain activity and concentration in hyperactive children.

VITA STARS Citrus MIX multivitamin complex

The dietary supplement is available in the form of chewable lozenges, in a pack of 30 pieces.

VITA STARS Citrus MIX multivitamin complex
  • only natural ingredients;
  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • improves immunity;
  • strengthens memory;
  • promotes the assimilation of new information;
  • protects the liver in case of viral diseases and intoxications;
  • reduces the level of anxiety in impressionable children;
  • used only under the direction of the attending physician;
  • in the composition with a complex of vitamins;
  • moderate price 1300 rubles.
  • children from 3 years old.

Comparison Chart of the Best Choline Supplements     
1.Biological formulations for adults
NameRecommended dosage/dayQuantity in a package /volume, pcs/mlAverage price, rubles
Choline Silica Complex California GOLD Nutrition10 drops60 ml1200
NaturalSupp Choline1.260600
Choline Country Life11001700
Forskolin Advanced Physician Formulas1601600
Choline Nature's Way11003200
Choline & Inositol Solgar1005000
Choline & Inositol NOW Foods11002200
2.Vitamin complexes
Hepato Pro1603000
NT Factor (Energy Lipids chewables)2605000
Mega liposomal Glutathione1324700
Phosphatidylcholine (Phosphatidyl Choline)2602200


Aggressive ecology, stress and the accelerating rhythm of life contribute to the formation of chronic diseases, and not only in older and middle-aged people.An additional load on the body, in particular during pregnancy in women, in nursing mothers, in people involved in intensive sports, contributes to the formation of a deficiency of organic elements and vitamins in the body.

Choline or vitamin B4 plays an important role in the state of the cell membrane, that is, its ability to participate in the metabolic processes of the body and renew the organic composition in a timely manner, maintaining cholesterol levels, and balancing substances responsible for the absence of anxiety. In this regard, non-medical products are very popular, as complex supplements or teas to replenish the missing amount of choline. It is important to remember that the independent use of such drugs is not welcome, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required to determine the need for the use of such drugs and determine the required dose.

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