From the moment the thermos was invented by the German businessman R. Berger to the present day, this household item has been in constant demand. It is irreplaceable at departure on the nature, in travel. And, of course, it is very important to have a thermos with you when walking with a child. This will allow you to always have on hand food or drinks of the required temperature, which is very important for children, especially in the cold season.
A thermos is a metal, glass or plastic flask soldered into an outer casing, between which there is usually a deep vacuum. It is thanks to the vacuum that it is possible to maintain a stable temperature of the food placed in it.
Glass flasks are becoming obsolete over time, because, despite their excellent heat resistance characteristics, they are very fragile and can break even with a slight impact. Modern high-quality thermoses, as a rule, are equipped with metal flasks, but you can find quite worthy products equipped with a high-quality plastic flask.
To improve the thermal insulation properties, some manufacturers lay a space between the outer and inner parts with copper foil, which prevents the passage of thermal radiation, and also make a vacuum layer not only in the flask, but also in the valve cover.
When choosing a thermos, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer of the product. The market for children's thermoses is very large and replete with hundreds of different items, but most of them are companies that have relatively recently opened their production and do not have well-established and proven technologies for the production of functional, high-quality and attractively designed products.
According to customer reviews, the following four manufacturing companies are recognized as the best:
Now the production of all the listed leading companies has been relocated to China in order to reduce the cost of goods, but the quality requirements and unique developments proven over decades have remained at the same highest level.
Stanley has been on the market for over a hundred years. The company was originally American and is still headquartered in Seattle.
Tiger is a Japanese company that has been on the market for 97 years. Their product range includes not only thermoses and thermo mugs, but also a large selection of all kinds of kitchen utensils.
Zojirushi is also a Japanese company, but several years younger than Tiger. Their production opened in 1948.
And the fourth company in the list of leaders - Thermos - is also from Japan. She is the youngest of all, opened only in 1989, but quickly gained popularity, which was facilitated by contracts signed with the Nissan automaker. Thermoses of the Thermos Nissan brand were very popular not only in Japan, but also in other countries.
However, new items should not be discounted either. Sometimes they are also of high quality and at the same time are sold at a price much lower than the products of leading manufacturers. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to study customer reviews regarding a particular new model and follow their recommendations when buying.
When choosing a thermos for baby food, the main criterion should be its safety for the health of the child. Also important are its thermal insulation properties and the time for which it is able to maintain the temperature of food.
Design and decoration also have weight when choosing.It should be attractive to children, this will not only improve their appetite, but also help their overall development, if, for example, a thermos is made in the form of a fairy-tale character with whom you can play or invent stories with his participation.
Ergonomic design is also important. It should be comfortable, with ergonomic handles and a safe way to close the lid.
You can buy thermoses both in real and online stores, where they can be easily ordered online. As a rule, when selling via the Internet, sellers are interested in delivering the goods safe and sound and package them very carefully before shipping, while in ordinary stores the quality of the goods may suffer if it is dropped when unloading a car or from a store shelf. . Damage may be invisible to the eye, but if they cause depressurization of the thermos, it will no longer be able to retain heat. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to try to disassemble it. The loss of the vacuum layer will destroy its heat-saving properties.
A typical mistake when choosing is choosing the wrong type of thermos. They can be divided into three types: for food with a wide neck (up to 115 mm), for drinks with a narrow neck (about 50 mm) or universal (70-75 mm). The liquid poured into a thermos for food will cool faster, and it will be inconvenient to get food from a thermos with a narrow neck.
The second common mistake is that the volume is chosen incorrectly, and this is especially true for a thermos for a child. Choose the volume based on how much your child actually eats or drinks, without excess stock.
The third mistake is buying products from an unverified manufacturer.The high price of products from leading companies is justified by the fact that the technology for creating a deep vacuum is very complex and accounts for about 60% of the cost of goods, but it is this technology that is responsible for heat resistance.
The review of children's thermoses in 2025 is based on customer reviews on the Yandex.Market trading platform, starting from the most popular. The first rating includes thermoses for drinks, the second - for food. There are expensive models, and budget ones. The volume of thermoses also varies: from 0.26 to 1 liter.
Price - 1540 rubles.
Despite the fact that Miniland is not one of the leading manufacturers of thermoses, its products are in high demand in the market. Both the outside and the inside of the thermos are made of stainless steel, making it drop-resistant and durable to use. A characteristic feature is the presence of a button-valve, which is tightly twisted, like a lid, and makes the use of a thermos safe for children.
Price - 2899 rubles.
Goods from Thermos, made in their best traditions. The metal case and a flask with vacuum between them guarantee reliability and durability of use. External attractiveness and ergonomics are also the distinctive qualities of this product.
Price - 1590 rubles.
Goods from another leading company - Zojirushi. It is also one of the most popular on the market, according to customer reviews, and is of high quality and ergonomic design.
Price - 1992 rubles.
Unlike previous children's thermoses, in this GIPFEL product, only the flask is made of steel, and the body is made of impact-resistant plastic. This makes it lightweight and expands the design possibilities, but it is less durable than competitors' products.
Price - 933 rubles.
A product of the Russian company Arktika, which, in addition to thermoses and thermo mugs, produces cooler bags, car refrigerators and a wide range of dishes.The company has extensive experience and its own unique developments in the field of heat preservation, which, at lower production costs, makes its products quite comparable in quality with foreign analogues, and in terms of price category it has a significant advantage.
The price for Yandex Market is 3899 rubles.
Another product for children from the world leader in a classic package: steel inside and outside with a vacuum between them, light, comfortable and shockproof.
Price - 768 rubles.
Unlike the Thermos products discussed above, the body of this product is not made of steel, but of impact-resistant plastic.
Price - 1043 rubles.
Fully steel vacuum thermos of the already mentioned company GIPFEL, which is distinguished by an interesting design and high popularity.
Price - 1140 rubles.
Traditional for the company Thermos complete set: two layers of steel with a layer of vacuum.
Price - 286 rubles.
The twelfth line of the rating is occupied by a thermos made entirely of plastic by Huangyan.
Price - 5694 rubles.
Another product of one of the leading manufacturing companies, which has the largest volume in this rating - 1 liter. The steel case and the flask with a vacuum between them make the thermos reliable and shockproof.
Price - 598 rubles.
The bottom position of the rating is occupied by the Fissman children's thermos, made in the form of a cat in several eye-pleasing colors, which ensures its high popularity among children. It is completely made of steel, has no external coating.
The following are the most popular children's thermoses for food, based on customer reviews on Yandex Market.
Price - 2967 rubles.
The leader of the rating is a product from one of the best manufacturers, which is in great demand in the market. Both the flask and the body are made of stainless steel.
Price - 3080 rubles.
It is made by analogy with the Miniland thermos for drinks, which occupies the second place in the rating: steel inside and out with a soft coating and a vacuum layer.
Price - 2999 rubles.
The classic for this company equipment of two layers of steel and vacuum, light weight and excellent quality are its distinguishing features.
If you focus on the most popular products listed in the rating, you can determine the average price, which is 1950 rubles for classic thermoses used for drinks, and 3040 rubles for a thermos for food.
Can storing food in a thermos harm the body? This question worries most parents. And the answer to it must first be sought in the material from which it is made.
Goods made of poor quality plastic can actually be dangerous. Exposure to high temperatures can cause the release of toxic and even carcinogenic substances, and the applied coating can crack and get into food or drinks, which is also highly undesirable.
In addition, such thermoses are characterized by very low thermal stability and, in fact, can only be used as tightly closed dishes for carrying food, because they do not perform the main function of a thermos - maintaining the temperature of food.
Even high quality steel thermoses are not suitable for all purposes. For example, it is not recommended to brew tea in it, because it quickly loses its aroma, becomes cloudy and tasteless. The same applies to herbal teas. This is due to the fact that the properties of a thermos provoke constant chemical reactions that change the taste of products for the worse.
Bacteria multiply faster in food that stays warm for a long time, which can also harm the body and cause various diseases.
Not all thermoses are suitable for washing in the dishwasher, so it is necessary to thoroughly wash the thermos by hand, preventing food residues from sticking to the walls of the flask.
Use high-quality thermoses, and let them help make your vacation or study, walk or travel even more comfortable!